In order to operate a device properly, it needs to be supplied with the right voltage level. Converters and inverters are needed to achieve this. The main difference between converters and inverters is what they do to the voltage. An inverter changes DC voltage into AC voltage and either increases or decreases it into the appropriate level. A converter changes the voltage level but does not change its type; so an AC voltage would still be AC and a DC voltage would still be DC. Many appliances are designed to work with AC, while small-scale power generators often produce DC.


A DC–DC converter is an electronic circuitry that converts DC from one power level to another. It is widely used in regulated, switch-mode DC power supplies and in DC motor drive applications, Figure 12.1.


Figure 12.1 A DC–DC converter system.

Typically, the input to these converters is an unregulated DC voltage, which is obtained by rectifying the line voltage. Therefore, it will fluctuate due to changes in the line-voltage magnitude. Switch-mode DC–DC converters are used to convert the unregulated DC input into a controlled DC output at a desired voltage level.

DC–AC converters are known as inverters. The function of an inverter is to change a DC input voltage to a symmetrical AC output voltage of desired magnitude and frequency. A variable output voltage can be obtained by varying the input DC voltage and the gain of the inverter, which is normally accomplished by pulse-width modulation control within the inverter. Inverters are widely used in industrial applications (e.g., variable-speed AC motor drives, induction heating, standby power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies).

An AC–DC converter (also called a rectifier) is an electrical device that converts AC, which periodically reverses direction, to DC, which flows in only one direction. The process is known as rectification.


Consider the basic DC–DC converter shown in Figure 12.2(a). The average value of the output voltage Vo depends on ton and toff. The output voltage is controlled by controlling the switch on-and-off durations ton and toff. One method of controlling the output voltage is to employ switching at a constant frequency (hence a constant switching time period Ts = ton + toff.) and adjusting the on duration of the switch to control the average output voltage. The other control method is where both the switching frequency and hence the time period and the on duration of the switch are varied. This method is used only in DC–DC converters utilizing force commutated thyristors.


Figure 12.2 Basic DC–DC conversion.

DC–DC converters can be classified as

  • non-isolated DC–DC converters
  • isolated DC–DC converters

The main difference is that isolated DC–DC converters incorporate electrical isolation achieved by their in-built transformers. Transformer design helps with noise filtering and converting high-ratio voltage efficiently (e.g., very high/low voltage to very low/high voltage). However, the structures of an isolated DC–DC converter are more complicated and have more components.

The topologies of non-isolated DC–DC converters are as follows:

  • buck converter (step-down voltage only)
  • boost converter (step-up voltage only)
  • buck–boost converter (inverse voltage, and step-up/step-down voltage)
  • Ćuk converter (inverse voltage, and step-up/step-down voltage)

12.3.1 Modeling and Analysis of Buck, Boost, Buck/Boost, and Ćuk Converters

Step-Down (Buck) Converter

The buck converter produces a lower average output voltage than the DC input voltage VS.

Its main application is in regulated DC power supplies and motor speed control. The basic circuit shown in Figure 12.3 constitutes a step-down converter for a purely resistive load, instantaneous input voltage VS, and a purely resistive load. The average output voltage can be calculated in terms of the switch-duty ratio:


Figure 12.3 Step-down DC–DC converter.

The switch-duty ratio is defined as the ratio of the on duration to the switching time period, be expressed as  

(12.2)numbered Display Equation

where Ts is the constant switching time period, equal to ton + toff.

Substituting for D in Equation 12.1 gives

(12.3)numbered Display Equation


(12.4)numbered Display Equation

By varying the duty ratio of the switch, the output voltage can be controlled. It is important to note that the average output voltage VO varies linearly with the control voltage, as is the case in linear amplifiers. In actual practice, the circuit in Figure 12.3 has two drawbacks:

  • In practice, the load would be inductive. Even with a resistive load, there would always be certain associated stray inductance. This means that the switch has to absorb or dissipate the inductive energy and therefore it may be destroyed.
  • The output voltage fluctuates between zero and VS, which is not acceptable in most applications.

The problem of stored inductive energy is overcome by using a diode, as shown in Figure 12.3, and the output voltage fluctuations are very much diminished by using a low-pass filter, consisting of an inductor and capacitor.

During the interval when the switch is on, the diode becomes reverse biased and the input provides energy to the load as well as to the inductor. During the interval when the switch is off, the inductor current flows through the diode, transferring some of its stored energy to the load.

In steady state, the integral of the inductor voltage over one time period must be zero. In the diode-inductor-capacitor loop of Figure 12.3

(12.5)numbered Display Equation

This implies that

(12.6)numbered Display Equation

In the continuous-conduction mode, the voltage output varies linearly with the duty ratio of the switch for the given input voltage. It does not depend on any circuit parameter.

Neglecting power losses associated with all circuit elements, the input power PS equals the output power PO.

(12.7)numbered Display Equation

(12.8)numbered Display Equation

Therefore, in the continuous-conduction mode, the step-down converter is equivalent to a DC transformer, where the turns ratio of this equivalent transformer can be continuously controlled electronically in Equation 12.9.

Step-Up (Boost) Converter

Figure 12.4 [2] shows a step-up converter configuration. Its main application is in regulated DC power supplies and the regenerative braking of DC motors. As the name implies, the output voltage is always greater than the input voltage. When the switch is on, the diode is reverse biased, thus isolating the output stage. The input supplies energy to the inductor. When the switch is off, the output stage receives energy from the inductor as well as from the input. In the steady-state analysis presented here, the output filter capacitor is assumed to be very large to ensure a constant output voltage.


Figure 12.4 Step-up DC–DC converter.

In steady state, the time integral of the inductor voltage over one time period must be zero, so that

(12.10)numbered Display Equation

Dividing both sides by TS and rearranging terms yields

(12.11)numbered Display Equation

Assuming a lossless circuit,

(12.12)numbered Display Equation

(12.13)numbered Display Equation


(12.14)numbered Display Equation

Buck–Boost Converter

A buck–boost converter can be obtained by the cascade connection of the two basic converters: the step-down converter and step-up converter. The main application of a step-down/step-up or buck–boost converter is in regulated DC power supplies, where a negative polarity output may be desired with respect to the common terminal of the input voltage and the output voltage can either be higher or lower than the input voltage.

In steady state, the output-to-input voltage conversion ratio is the product of the conversion ratios of the two converters in cascade, assuming that switches in both converters have the same duty ratio.

(12.15)numbered Display Equation

Assuming PS = PO, then

(12.16)numbered Display Equation

Finally, the output voltage is higher or lower than the input voltage, based on the duty ratio D. The connection of the step-down and step-up converter can be combined into the single buck–boost converter shown in Figure 12.5 [2]. When the switch is open, the energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output. No energy is supplied by the input during this interval.


Figure 12.5 Buck–boost converter.

Example 1

In a buck–boost converter operating at 20 kHz, L = 0.05 mH. The output capacitor C is sufficiently large and VS = 15 V. The output is to be regulated at 10 V and the converter is supplying a load of 10 W. Calculate the duty ratio.


numbered Display Equation

Assuming continuous conduction, from Equation 11.15

numbered Display Equation

Therefore, the initial estimate duty ratio, D = 0.4.

Now we know that

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

Since the output current is less than IoB, the current conduction is discontinuous, therefore

numbered Display Equation

Ćuk DC–DC Converter

This Ćuk DC–DC converter is obtained by using the duality principle on the circuit of a buck–boost converter. The Ćuk converter (see Figure 12.6 [2]) provides a negative-polarity, regulated-output voltage with respect to the common terminal of the input voltage. Here the capacitor acts as the primary means of storage and transfer of energy from input to output.


Figure 12.6 Ćuk DC–DC converter.

  In steady state, the average inductor voltages are zero. Therefore, by inspection

numbered Display Equation

When the switch is off, the inductor currents flow through the diode. Capacitor C is charged through the diode by energy from both the input and L2. Current iS decreases, because VC1 is larger than VS. Energy stored in L1 feeds the output. Therefore, decreases.

When the switch is on, VC reverse biases the diode. The inductor currents iL2 and flow through the switch. Since VC  >  VO, C1 discharges through the switch, transferring energy to the output and L1. Therefore iL2 increases. The input feeds energy to L2 causing iL2 to increase.

The inductor currents are assumed to be continuous. If we assume capacitor voltage VC1 to be constant, then equating the integral of the voltages across L2 and L1 over one time period to zero yields

(12.17)numbered Display Equation


(12.18)numbered Display Equation

From Equations 12.26 and 12.27

(12.19)numbered Display Equation

Assuming PS = PO then

(12.20)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

Therefore, the main benefit of the Ćuk converter is that you can control the continuous current at both in the input and output of the converter as it is based on the capacitor energy transfer. It has a low-switching loss making it more highly efficient. The downside of this converter is that it includes a high number of reactive components (L and C) and heavy current stresses on the components. And since the capacitor C provides a transfer of energy, ripples in the capacitor (CO) current are high.


Inverters are broadly classified into two types;

  • single-phase inverters
  • three-phase inverters

These inverters generally use pulse-width modulation (PWM) control signals for producing AC output voltage. An inverter is called a voltage-fed inverter (VFI) if the input voltage remains constant, a current-fed inverter (CFI) if the input current remains constant, and a variable DC-link inverter if the input voltage is controllable.

12.4.1 Modeling and Analysis of Inverter Technology

The single-phase inverter consists of two choppers. Q1 and Q2 are insulated gate bipolar transistors. When only Q1 is turned on for a time TO/2, the instantaneous voltage across the load Vo is VS/2. If the transistor Q2 only is turned on for a time TO/2, -VS/2 appears across the load. The logic circuit is designed so that Q1 and Q2 are not turned on at the same time. Figure 12.7 [1] shows the waveforms for the output voltage and transistor currents with a resistive load. This inverter requires a three-wire DC source and when a transistor is off, its reverse voltage is VS instead of VS/2. This is the half-bridge inverter.


Figure 12.7 Single-phase half-bridge inverter. (a) Circuit. (b) Waveforms with resistive load. (c) Load current with highly inductive load.

The rms output voltage is calculated from

(12.21)numbered Display Equation

The rms value of the fundamental component of the instantaneous output voltage is expressed as

(12.22)numbered Display Equation

If the load is inductive, load current cannot change immediately with the output voltage. If the transistor Q1 is turned off for a time TO/2, load current continues to flow through D2, load, and lower half of DC source until the current falls to zero. Similarly, when Q2 is turned off at time TO, load current flows through D1 load and the upper half of the DC source. When any of the diodes conducts, energy is fed back to the DC source. These diodes are called feedback diodes.

If I01 is the rms fundamental load current, the fundamental output power (for n = 1) is

(12.23)numbered Display Equation

The single-phase bridge inverter is shown in Figure 12.8 [1]. It consists of four choppers. When transistors Q1 and Q2 are turned on simultaneously, the output voltage VS appears across the load. If transistors Q3 and Q4 are turned on at the same time, the voltage across the load is reversed and is -VS.


Figure 12.8 Single-phase full-bridge inverter.

The rms output voltage is calculated from

(12.24)numbered Display Equation

The rms value of the fundamental component of the instantaneous output voltage is expressed as

(12.25)numbered Display Equation

When diodes D1 and D2 conduct, the energy is fed back to the DC source. These are the feedback diodes.

Three-Phase Inverters

Three-phase inverters are normally used for high-power applications. Three single-phase half- or full-bridge inverters can be connected in parallel to form a configuration of a three-phase inverter. The gating signals of single-phase inverters should be advanced or delayed by 120° with respect to each other to obtain three-phase, balanced fundamental voltages.

The transformer primary windings must be isolated from each other, while the secondary windings may be Y connected or delta connected. The Y connection is usually to eliminate triple harmonics (n = 3, 6, 9, …) appearing on the output voltages and the circuit arrangement. This arrangement requires three single-phase transformers, twelve transistors, and twelve diodes. If the output voltages of single-phase inverters are not perfectly balanced in magnitudes and phases, the three-phase output voltages will be unbalanced. A three-phase output can be obtained from a configuration of six transistors and six diodes.

In this setup, two control signals can be applied to the transistors: 180° conduction and 120° conduction.

180° Conduction

Each transistor conducts for 180°. Three transistors remain on at any instant of time. When transistor Q1 is switched on, terminal a is connected to the negative terminal of the DC input voltage. When transistor Q4 is switched on, terminal a is brought to the negative terminal of the DC source. There are six modes of operation in a cycle and the duration of each mode is 60°.

The load may be Y connected or delta connected. Figure 12.9 shows a Y-connected load. For a Y connection, the line-to-neutral voltages must be determined to find the line (or phase currents). For the delta-connected load, the phase currents can be obtained directly from the line-to-line voltages. Once phase currents are known, the line currents can be determined.


Figure 12.9 Three-phase bridge inverter with Y-connected load.

In the Y-connection configuration, there are three modes of operation in a half cycle.

  1. Mode 1: 0 ≤ ωt < π/3
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Mode 2: π/3 ≤ ωt < 2π/3
    numbered Display Equation
  3. Mode 3: 2π/3 ≤ ωt < π
    numbered Display Equation
    (12.28)numbered Display Equation

The line-to-line rms voltage can be found from

(12.29)numbered Display Equation

(12.30)numbered Display Equation

The line-to-neutral voltages can be found from the line voltage

(12.31)numbered Display Equation

12.4.2 Performance Analysis in Terms of Quality

The output of practical inverters contains harmonics and the quality of an inverter is normally evaluated in terms of the following performance parameters.

  • Quality 1: Harmonic factor of nth harmonic, HFn, a measure of individual harmonic contribution defined as
    (12.32)numbered Display Equation
  • Quality 2: Total harmonic distortion, THD, a measure of closeness in shape between a waveform and its fundamental component:
    (12.33)numbered Display Equation
  • Quality 3: Distortion factor, DF. THD gives the total harmonic content, but it does not indicate the level of each harmonic component. DF indicates the amount of harmonic distortion that remains in a particular waveform after the harmonics of that waveform have been subjected to a second-order attenuation (i.e., divided by n2)
    (12.34)numbered Display Equation

The DF of an individual harmonic component is defined as

(12.35)numbered Display Equation



Physically, rectifiers take a number of forms, including vacuum tube diodes, mercury-arc valves, copper and selenium oxide rectifiers, semiconductor diodes, silicon-controlled rectifiers, and other silicon-based semiconductor switches. Historically, even synchronous electromechanical switches and motors have been used. Early radio receivers, called crystal radios, used a “cat's whisker” of fine wire pressing on a crystal of galena (lead sulfide) to serve as a point-contact rectifier or “crystal detector”. Because of the alternating nature of the input AC sine wave, the process of rectification alone produces a DC current that, though unidirectional, consists of pulses of current. Many applications of rectifiers, such as power supplies for radio, television, and computer equipment, require a steady, constant DC current (as would be produced by a battery). In these applications, the output of the rectifier is smoothed by an electronic filter (usually a capacitor) to produce a steady current. There are different configurations of rectifiers:

  1. Single-Phase Rectifiers
    • In a half-wave rectifier, a single-phase supply, either the positive or negative half of the AC wave is passed, while the other half is blocked. Because only half of the input waveform reaches the output, mean voltage is lower. Half-wave rectification requires a single diode in a single-phase supply, or three in a three-phase supply, Figure 12.10. Rectifiers yield a unidirectional but pulsating DC; half-wave rectifiers produce far more ripple than full-wave rectifiers, and much more filtering is needed to eliminate harmonics of the AC frequency from the output.
    • A full-wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one of constant polarity (positive or negative) at its output. Full-wave rectification converts both polarities of the input waveform to pulsating DC, and yields a higher-average output voltage. Two diodes and a center-tapped transformer, or four diodes in a bridge configuration and any AC source (including a transformer without center tap), are needed [3]. Single semiconductor diodes, double diodes with common cathode or common anode, and four-diode bridges are manufactured as single components. A full-wave rectifier using four diodes is shown in Figure 12.11 [2]

      For single-phase AC, if the transformer is center tapped, then two diodes back to back (cathode to cathode or anode to anode, depending upon output polarity required) can form a full-wave rectifier Figure 12.12. Twice as many turns are required on the transformer secondary to obtain the same output voltage than for a bridge rectifier, but the power rating is unchanged.

  2. Three-Phase Rectifiers

    Single-phase rectifiers are commonly used for power supplies for domestic equipment. However, for most industrial and high-power applications, three-phase rectifier circuits are the norm. As with single-phase rectifiers, three-phase rectifiers can take the form of a half-wave circuit, a full-wave circuit using a center-tapped transformer, or a full-wave bridge circuit.

    Thyristors are commonly used in place of diodes to create a circuit that can regulate the output voltage. Many devices that provide DC actually generate three-phase AC. For example, an automobile alternator contains six diodes, which function as a full-wave rectifier for battery charging.

    • An uncontrolled three-phase, half-wave circuit requires three diodes, one connected to each phase as shown on Figure 12.13. This is the simplest type of three-phase rectifier but suffers from relatively high harmonic distortion on both the AC and DC connections. This type of rectifier is said to have a pulse number of three, since the output voltage on the DC side contains three distinct pulses per cycle of the grid frequency.
    • In a three-phase, full-wave circuit using center-tapped transformer, if the AC supply is fed via a transformer with a center tap, a rectifier circuit with improved harmonic performance can be obtained. This rectifier now requires six diodes, one connected to each end of each transformer secondary winding. This circuit has a pulse number of six, and in effect can be thought of as a six-phase, half-wave circuit.

Figure 12.10 Half-wave rectifier.


Figure 12.11 Graetz bridge rectifier: a full-wave rectifier using four diodes.


Figure 12.12 Full-wave rectifier using a center tap transformer and 2 diodes.


Figure 12.13 Three-phase, half-wave rectifier circuit using thyristors as the switching elements, ignoring supply inductance.

Before solid-state devices became available, the half-wave circuit and the full-wave circuit using a center-tapped transformer were commonly used in industrial rectifiers using mercury-arc valves [4]. This was because the three or six AC-supply inputs could be fed to a corresponding number of anode electrodes on a single tank, sharing a common cathode.

With the advent of diodes and thyristors, these circuits have become less popular and the three-phase bridge circuit has become the most common circuit. Figure 12.14 [2] shows the schematic diagram of a three-phase, full-wave rectifier circuit using a thyristor as a switching circuit.


Figure 12.14 Three-phase, full-wave rectifier circuit using thyristors as the switching elements, with a center-tapped transformer, ignoring supply inductance.

Voltage-Multiplying Rectifier

The simple half-wave rectifier can be built in two electrical configurations, with the diode pointing in opposite directions. One version connects the negative terminal of the output directly to the AC supply and the other connects the positive terminal of the output directly to the AC supply. By combining both of these with separate output smoothing, it is possible to get an output voltage of nearly double the peak AC-input voltage. This also provides a tap in the middle, which allows use of such a circuit as a split-rail power supply.

A variant of this is to use two capacitors in series for the output smoothing on a bridge rectifier then place a switch between the midpoint of those capacitors and one of the AC-input terminals. With the switch open, this circuit acts like a normal bridge rectifier. With the switch closed, it acts like a voltage-doubling rectifier. In other words, this makes it easy to derive a voltage of roughly 320 V ( ± 15 percent) DC from any 120 V or 230 V mains supply in the world; this can then be fed into a relatively simple switched-mode power supply. However, for a given desired ripple, the value of both capacitors must be twice the value of the single one required for a normal bridge rectifier; when the switch is closed each one must filter the output of a half-wave rectifier, and when the switch is open the two capacitors are connected in series with an equivalent value of half of one of them. A switchable full-bridge circuit is shown in Figure 12.15 [2].


Figure 12.15 Switchable full-bridge/voltage doubler.

Example 1

A three-phase inverter has a Y-connected resistive load of R = 5 Ω and L = 23 mH. The inverter frequency is f = 60 Hz and the DC input voltage is Vs = 220 V. Determine:

  1. the rms line voltage VL
  2. rms line voltage VL1 at the fundamental frequency
  3. rms phase voltage Vp
  4. total harmonic distortion
  5. distortion factor


  1. The rms line voltage VL1 at the fundamental frequency
    numbered Display Equation
  2. rms phase voltage is given by
    numbered Display Equation
  3. We know the fundamental value of the rms line voltage is given by
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation

Example 2

A single-phase, half-bridge inverter has a resistive load of R = 2.4 Ω and the DC input voltage is VS = 48 V. Determine:

  1. rms output voltage at the fundamental frequency V1
  2. output power PO
  3. average and peak current of each transistor
  4. total harmonic distortion (THD)
  5. distortion factor (DF)


  1. The rms output voltage at the fundamental frequency is given as
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation
  3. The peak transistor current
    numbered Display Equation

    Since each transistor conducts for 50 percent duty cycle, the average current of each transistor is ID = 0.5 × 10 = 5 A.

  4. The rms harmonic voltage is given as
    numbered Display Equation

    Therefore, the THD is

    numbered Display Equation
  5. We can find.
    numbered Display Equation

    Therefore, DF is

    numbered Display Equation

Example 3

Consider the single-phase, full-bridge inverter shown in Figure Q12.5.3 is operated in the quasi-square-wave mode at the frequency f = 100 Hz with a phase-shift of β between the half-bridge outputs vao and vbo.


Figure Q12.5.3 Single phase full bridge inverter.

  1. With a purely resistive load R = 10 Ω, find β so that the average power supplied to the load is Po,av = 2 kW.
  2. With a purely inductive load L = 20 mH and β = 2π/3, find the peak-to-peak value (Ipp) of the load current io and find the amplitude of the fundamental component (Io1) of io.


  1. With a purely resistive load,

    Instantaneous power

    Average Power supplied to the load

    numbered Display Equation
  2. With a purely inductive load, the peak-to-peak value of the load current is given by
    numbered Display Equation

    The amplitude of the fundamental component is given by

    numbered Display Equation

Example 4

The three-phase, half-bridge inverter shown in Figure Q12.5.4 feeds a balanced, Δ-connected resistive load, and is operated in the square-wave mode (pole voltages are square waves) at frequency fs.


Figure Q12.5.4 Three-phase half-bridge inverter.

  1. Sketch line current ia (show all important current and time values) and find its rms value.
  2. Find the total average power supplied to the load (take R = 10 Ω).


    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Instantaneous power in phase A:

    Average power in phase A:


    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

Example 5

A single-phase, fully controlled bridge converter supplies power to a highly inductive load with resistance R = 10 Ω from a 240 V, rms 50 Hz, AC source, as shown on Figure Q12.5.5.


Figure Q12.5.5 Single-phase fully-controlled bridge converter.

  1. Find the firing angle α so that the average power supplied to the load is Pav = 1,200 W.
  2. For α = π/6 find the input power factor of the rectifier.


  1. The average power supplied to the load
    numbered Display Equation
  2. For α = π/6 the source current is a square wave as shown:

The input power factor is given by

numbered Display Equation

Example 6

The three-phase, half-bridge inverter, Q12.5.1 feeds a balanced, Y-connected resistive-inductive load with R = 10 Ω and L = 10 mH, and is operated in the square-wave mode (pole voltages are square waves) at frequency f s = 200 Hz.


Figure Q12.5.1 Three-phase half-bridge inverter.

  1. Sketch phase a voltage van (show all important voltage and time values) and find its rms value.
  2. Find the amplitude of the fundamental component of the line current ia.

Example 7

The three-phase, half-bridge inverter shown in Figure Q12.5.2 feeds a balanced, Y-connected, purely inductive load having inductance L per phase, and is operated in the square-wave mode (pole voltages are square waves) at the frequency fs.


Figure Q12.5.2 Three-phase half-bridge inverter with Purely inductive load.

  1. Sketch phase-to-neutral voltage van (show all important voltage and time values) and find its rms value Van,rms
  2. Find the peak-to-peak value (Ipp) of the line current ia in terms of L and fs.



Application of DC–DC Converters

The most typical example of application of DC–DC converters is DC power supplies. However, in most cases, in commercial fields and industries, the power source is AC. In this case, DC–DC converters cannot operate stand-alone. Operating together with other circuits such as rectifiers (Figure 12.16), DC–DC converters are useful in many applications.


Figure 12.16 Block diagram of DC–DC converter with a rectifier.

Examples of applications of DC–DC converters include:

  • DC power supplies for DC or AC input, usually called switched-mode power supplies (SMPS)
  • battery chargers
  • power-factor correction converters (PFCCs)
  • motor drives, such as DC drives, brushless DC drives, and switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drives
  • electric brakes
  • electric vehicles
  • most mobile devices (such as cell phones) to maintain voltage at a fixed value whatever the voltage level of the battery
  • electronic isolation.
  • microgrids, where a power optimizer, is a type of DC–DC converter, maximizes the energy harvest from solar photovoltaic or wind-turbine systems

Application of AC–DC Converters

AC–DC converters (rectifiers) are used every time an electronic device is connected to the mains (computer, television, etc.). These may simply change AC to DC or can change the voltage level as part of their operation.

Rectifiers have many uses, but are often found serving as components of DC power supplies and high-voltage DC power transmission systems. Rectification may serve in roles other than to generate DC for use as a source of power. As noted, detectors of radio signals serve as rectifiers. In gas-heating systems, flame rectification is used to detect presence of a flame.

Rectifier circuits may be single phase or multi-phase (three being the most common number of phases). Most low-power rectifiers for domestic equipment are single phase, but three-phase rectification is important for industrial applications and for transmission of energy as DC (high-voltage DC or HVDC).

The primary application of rectifiers is to derive DC power from an AC supply (AC-to-DC converter). Virtually all electronic devices require DC, so rectifiers are used inside the power supplies of virtually all electronic equipment.

Rectifiers are also used for detection of amplitude-modulated radio signals. The signal may be amplified before detection. If not, a very low-voltage drop diode or a diode biased with a fixed voltage must be used. When using a rectifier for demodulation the capacitor and load resistance must be carefully matched: too low a capacitance makes the high-frequency carrier pass to the output, and too high makes the capacitor just charge and stay charged.

Rectifiers supply polarized voltage for welding. In such circuits control of the output current is required; this is sometimes achieved by replacing some of the diodes in a bridge rectifier with thyristors, effectively diodes whose voltage output can be regulated by switching on and off with phase-fired controllers.

Thyristors are used in various classes of railway rolling stock systems so that fine control of the traction motors can be achieved. Gate turn-off thyristors are used to produce AC from a DC supply, for example on Eurostar trains to power the three-phase traction motors.

Application of DC–AC Converters

DC–AC converters (inverters) are used primarily in uninterruptible power supply (UPS), renewable-energy systems, or emergency lighting systems. Mains power charges the DC battery. If the mains fail, an inverter produces AC electricity at mains voltage from the DC battery. Solar inverters, both smaller string and larger central inverters, as well as solar microinverters, are used in photovoltaics.

  1. DC power source usage: An inverter converts DC electricity from sources such as batteries or fuel cells to AC electricity. The electricity can be at any required voltage; in particular, it can operate AC equipment designed for mains operation, or rectified to produce DC at any desired voltage.
  2. UPS: A UPS uses batteries and an inverter to supply AC power when mains power is not available. When mains power is restored, a rectifier supplies DC power to recharge the batteries. In facilities that require energy at all times, such as hospitals and airports, UPS systems are utilized. In a standby system, an inverter is brought online when the normally supplying grid is interrupted. Power is instantaneously drawn from onsite batteries and converted into usable AC voltage by a voltage-source inverter (VSI) until grid power is restored, or until backup generators are brought online. In an online UPS system, a rectifier DC-link inverter is used to protect the load from transients and harmonic content. A battery in parallel with the DC link is kept fully charged by the output in case the grid power is interrupted, while the output of the inverter is fed through a low-pass filter to the load. High power quality and independence from disturbances is achieved [8].
  3. Harmonic compensation: In power systems, it is often desirable to eliminate harmonic content found in line currents. VSIs can be used as active power filters to provide this compensation. Based on measured line currents and voltages, a control system determines reference current signals for each phase. This is fed back through an outer loop and subtracted from actual current signals to create current signals for an inner loop to the inverter. These signals then cause the inverter to generate output currents that compensate for the harmonic content. This configuration requires no real power consumption, as it is fully fed by the line; the DC link is simply a capacitor that is kept at a constant voltage by the control system [8]. In this configuration, output currents are in phase with line voltages to produce a unity power factor. Conversely, var compensation is possible in a similar configuration where output currents lead line voltages to improve the overall power factor [9].
  4. Electric motor speed control: Inverter circuits designed to produce a variable output voltage range are often used within motor speed controllers. The DC power for the inverter section can be derived from a normal AC wall outlet or some other source. Control and feedback circuitry is used to adjust the final output of the inverter section, which will ultimately determine the speed of the motor operating under its mechanical load. Motor speed-control needs are numerous and include things like industrial motor-driven equipment, electric vehicles, rail transport systems, and power tools.
  5. Power grid: Grid-tied inverters are designed to feed into the electric power distribution system. They transfer synchronously with the line and have as little harmonic content as possible. They also need a means of detecting the presence of utility power for safety reasons, so as not to continue to dangerously feed power to the grid during a power outage.
  6. Solar: A solar inverter is a balance of system (BOS) component of a photovoltaic system and can be used for both grid-connected and off-grid systems. Solar inverters have special functions adapted for use with photovoltaic arrays, including maximum power-point tracking and anti-islanding protection. Solar microinverters differ from conventional converters, as an individual microconverter is attached to each solar panel. This can improve the overall efficiency of the system. The output from several microinverters is then combined and often fed to the electrical grid.
  7. Induction heating: Inverters convert low-frequency main AC power to higher frequency for use in induction heating. To do this, AC power is first rectified to provide DC power. The inverter then changes the DC power to high-frequency AC power. Due to the reduction in the number of DC sources employed, the structure becomes more reliable and the output voltage has higher resolution due to an increase in the number of steps so that the reference sinusoidal voltage can be better achieved. This configuration has recently become very popular in AC power supply and adjustable speed drive applications. This new inverter can avoid extra clamping diodes or voltage-balancing capacitors.
  8. HVDC power transmission: With HVDC power transmission, AC power is rectified and high-voltage DC power is transmitted to another location. At the receiving location, an inverter in a static inverter plant converts the power back to AC. The inverter must be synchronized with grid frequency and phase and minimize harmonic generation. The HVDC transmission method can be useful for things like solar power since solar power is natively DC.
  9. Electroshock weapons: Electroshock weapons and tasers have a DC–AC inverter to generate several tens of thousands of V AC out of a small 9 V DC battery. First the 9 V DC is converted to 400–2,000 V AC with a compact, high-frequency transformer, which is then rectified and temporarily stored in a high-voltage capacitor until a preset threshold voltage is reached. When the threshold (set by way of an air gap or TRIAC) is reached, the capacitor dumps its entire load into a pulse transformer, which then steps it up to its final output voltage of 20–60 kV. A variant of the principle is also used in electronic flashes and insect zappers, though they rely on a capacitor-based voltage multiplier to achieve their high voltage.
  10. Renewable-energy applications: For photovoltaic purposes, the inverter, which is usually a PWM VSI, gets fed by the DC electrical-energy output of a photovoltaic module or array. The inverter then converts this into an AC voltage to be interfaced with either a load or the utility grid. Inverters may also be employed in other renewable systems, such as wind turbines. In these applications, the turbine speed usually varies, causing changes in voltage frequency and sometimes in the magnitude. In this case, the generated voltage can be rectified and then inverted to stabilize frequency and magnitude [8]. Classes of converters are summarized in comparison in Table 12.1.

TABLE 12.1 Comparison of Classes of Converters

Conversion from/to Description Device(s) Schematic Symbol Applications
DC to DC Convert from one DC power level to another DC power level
  • buck converter
  • boost converter
  • buck–boost converter,
  • Ćuk converter
  • flyback converter
  • forward converter
  • DC power supplies
  • battery chargers
  • motor drives
  • electric brakes
  • microgrids as a power optimizer
DC to AC Electronic device or circuitry that changes DC to AC
  • inverter
  • UPS
  • harmonic compensation,
  • electric motor speed control
  • induction heating
  • electroshock weapons
  • renewable-energy applications
AC to DC Converts AC to DC
  • rectifier
  • detection of amplitude-modulated radio signals
  • supply of polarized voltage for welding
AC to AC Converts AC waveforms of specific magnitude and specific frequency into AC waveforms with different magnitude and different frequency
  • cycloconverter
  • matrix converter
  • exchange power between power grids of different utility frequencies

Illustrative Problems and Examples

  1. A three-phase full converter controls the speed of a 150HP, 650 V, 1,750 rpm, and separately excited DC motor. The converter is operating from a three-phase, 460 V, 50 Hz supply. The rated armature current of the motor is 170 A. The motor parameters are Ra = 0.0099 ohms, La = 0.73 mH, and Ka = 0.33 V/rpm. Neglect the losses in the converter system. Determine:

    1. no-load speed of firing angle alpha = 0 degrees, 30 degrees; assume that at no load the armature current is 10 percent of rated current and is continuous
    2. firing angle to obtain rated speed of 1,750 rpm at rated motor current; also compute the supply power factor
    3. speed regulation for firing angle obtained in (b)


    1. α = 30° at no load Ia = 10% × 170 = 17A
      numbered Display Equation

      No-load speed = 1,630 rpm

      numbered Display Equation

      For the supply power factor

      numbered Display Equation

      Assume no loss in converter

      numbered Display Equation

      Supply pf = P/S = 98,460.6 / 110.591 = 0.89

    3. Speed regulation
      numbered Display Equation


  2. A single-phase full converter is used to control the speed of a 5 hp, 110 V, 1,200 rpm, separately excited DC motor. The converter is connected to a single-phase 120 V, 60 Hz supply. The armature resistance is Ra = 0.4 ohm and armature circuit inductance La = 5 mH. The motor voltage constant is K = 0.09 V/rpm.

    1. Assuming the DC machine operates as a motor, runs at 1,000 rpm, and carries an armature current of 30A, and the motor current is ripple free, determine:
      1. firing angle α
      2. power to the motor
      3. supply power factor
    2. In inverter operation, the polarity of the motor back emf Ea is reversed, say by reversing the field excitation. Determine:
      1. firing angle to keep the motor current at 30 A when the speed is 1,000 rpm
      2. power fed back to the supply at 1,000 rpm
        numbered Display Equation
      1. numbered Display Equation


        numbered Display Equation

        The firing angle is 19.2°.

      2. numbered Display Equation
      3. numbered Display Equation
      1. Inverter operation Ie Ea is reversed
        numbered Display Equation
      2. numbered Display Equation


This chapter treated the classical and new aspects of inverters and converters. It covered the definition, descriptions, configurations, and performance of the various types of converters: as DC–DC, AC–DC, DC–AC, and AC–AC. Converters function as an interface in the integration of microgrids and traditional grids. A converter interface for DG functions in such a way that it accepts power from the distributed energy source and converts it to power at the required voltage and frequency. The modeling, characteristics, configuration, and application were given. Case studies and exercises using inverters and converters in typical electronic systems were given.


  1. Explain the operation of a fully controlled thyristor bridge converter. Derive the expression for average load voltage and input power factor.

  2. A flyback converter is shown in Figure Q12.6.1. The input voltage Vd may vary and the output voltage V0 should be kept constant by adapting the duty ratio D. Given is:


    Figure Q12.6.1 Fly back converter.

    numbered Display Equation
    1. Derive the voltage-transfer function V0/Vd in continuous conduction mode (incomplete demagnetization mode) as a function of the duty ratio D and calculate the duty ratio for V= 12 V.
    2. Calculate the minimum value of the transformer inductance Lm required to obtain continuous-conduction mode for all values of Vd in the range 12 to 14 V.
    3. Calculate the maximum voltage across the switch.
    4. Sketch id, i2, vx, and vs as a function of time for Vd = 12 V.
  3. Given is a single-phase rectifier that is connected to a supply voltage vs and a battery as shown in Figure Q12.6.2. The battery is represented by a DC load voltage Vd.


    Figure Q12.6.2 Single phase rectifier.

    The voltage Vs has a block-like shape (Figure Q12.6.2(b)) that is produced by a high-frequency inverter (not shown). The rectifier is intended to charge the battery. Depending on the charging state of the battery, the voltage Vd may vary.

    Given is Vd, nom = 240 V (nominal voltage of Vd)

    V= 300 V (amplitude of vs as shown in Figure Q12.6.2(b))

    T= 30μs (period of voltage vs)

    f= 1/Ts = 33.3 kHz (frequency of vs)

    L= 20μH

    1. Sketch VL and is as a function of time and indicate relevant values for Vd = Vd, nom.
    2. Calculate the peak value of is, the average current Id, and the average output power Pd for V= Vd, nom.
    3. What is the range of Vd for discontinuous conduction of id in a steady state?
    4. What will happen if Vd is decreased below the lower limit of this range?
  4. At the terminals of a converter, the current and voltage are as shown in Figure Q12.6.3(a) and (b) respectively.


    Figure Q12.6.3 Voltage and Current waveform.

    The amplitude of the voltage is 230√2 V.

    1. Calculate the power at the terminals.
    2. Calculate the rms value of the current i.
    3. Define and calculate the power factor.
    4. Define and calculate the distortion power factor.
  5. Given is a switch-mode, DC power supply, where the output voltage Vo should be regulated close to its nominal value. For that purpose, a negative-feedback control system is used to reduce the effect of variations in the input voltage Vd and the load.

    1. Sketch a block diagram of the system, and briefly describe the function of the blocks. Indicate all relevant variables in the diagram.
    2. Briefly describe the steps needed to obtain the small-signal transfer function of the system. Here V0 is the output voltage and d is the duty ratio. Note that you are not expected to calculate the transfer function.
    3. Obtain an averaged state-space description of an up-converter (the result of part (b)).
  6. For a full-bridge inverter, the DC source is 24 V, the load is a series RL connection with R = 10 Ω and L = 35 mH, and the switching frequency is 60 Hz. Using the switching scheme shown in Figure Q12.6.4 [5], determine the value of the firing angle α to produce an output at 15 V rms.


    Figure Q12.6.4 Switching scheme for full bridge inverter.


  1. N. Mohan, T. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
  2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits, and Applications, Academic Press, Burlington, MA, 2007.
  3. Wikitronics, “Rectifier,”
  4. J. A. Momoh, Exams for Electronic Power Conversion (ET4119), Howard University, February 2000–January 2007.
  5. D. W. Hart, Power Electronics, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, 2010, 343, Figure 8-5a.
  6. N. Mohan, T. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
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