Chapter 19

Optimum Countermeasure Portfolio Selection

A Knapsack Approach

Maryam Shahpasand and Sayed Alireza Hashemi Golpayegani,    Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran

Deploying an appropriate collection of information security countermeasures in an organization should result in high-level blocking power against existing threats. In this chapter, a new knapsack-based approach is proposed for finding out which subset of countermeasures is the best at preventing probable security attacks. In this regard, an effectiveness score is defined for each countermeasure based on its mitigation level against all threats. Organizations are always looking for more effective low-cost solutions, so another consideration is that the implementation cost of the selected countermeasure portfolio should not exceed the allocated budget. Following the knapsack idea, the implementation cost of each countermeasure and its effectiveness, defined as inputs and the best subset, are chosen with respect to budget limits. Our results are compared with similar research and recommend the same countermeasure portfolio.


information security countermeasures; resident threats; countermeasure effectiveness

Information in this chapter

• Knapsack problem

• Optimal security countermeasure selection issues

• A binary knapsack approach using dynamic programming

• Application in a practical case


As a result of the extension of information technology into all aspects of business, information security became one of the most important issues in all types of organizations. The vast usage of information systems and computer networks in organizations has provided them with immense benefit. Yet alongside the benefits they offer, these systems can be faced with many new threats that can interrupt, spy upon, or take personal advantage of them. Even the best systems are not completely impervious, since there are always a way to target and penetrate the system’s weaknesses. These weaknesses are known as vulnerabilities. “How to find these vulnerabilities?” “How to identify the threats that could exploit these vulnerabilities?” and “How to formulate the best plan to confront the threats and not to let them become serious attacks?” are the questions for which organizations seek answers.

All of these questions can be answered through the task of risk management [1]. This task includes several subtasks and concepts like risk assessment, which tries to answer the first two questions, and risk mitigation, which is looking for the answer to the last question. In risk assessment, organizations look at threat list and the probability and severity of occurrences and related costs if these threats lead to attacks. Risk mitigation implements the appropriate countermeasure for each asset the organization owns to save them from probable loss. How are these tasks accomplished? For organizations with lots of information assets, such as personal computers, network components, data bases, and so on, these tasks become very complicated.

To face this issue appropriately, major organizations like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (INST) [2],, the International Organization for Standards (ISO) [3], and the Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 4360) [4] have defined systematic frameworks as standards, in which they classify most of the information attacks that have occurred and introduce best plans and related technologies in order to prevent probable loss. Each plan and its related technology are defined as a countermeasure. However, considering and implementing all proposed countermeasures defined by these standards is not feasible for business in all types and sizes.

In this regard, many researchers have proposed frameworks and tools to simplify this task. In order to assess the information risk and decide on mitigation strategies with respect to the afore-mentioned standards, [5] proposed a system called OCTAVE, which utilizes qualitative information to assess risk. CRAMM (CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method), an ISO-based method, was established in 1985 by the Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) of the United Kingdom, tried to manage information risk in three stages as detailed in [6]. The European Union conducted an information security project in 2001 that led to CORAS, an approach that utilizes UML and XML technologies and combinations of standards and best practices to provide a complete and reliable tool for risk management [7]. However, these approaches are still complicated and general, so there remains a need for more agile frameworks. Moreover, how to answer the third question above and choose the optimal countermeasure portfolio should be the primary focus.

Getting serious about developing a best countermeasure portfolio, GAO/AMID [8] proposed a risk assessment matrix that represents risk level by assessing a threat’s severity and the probability of occurrence in a qualitative way. [9] tried to develop a checklist in table form that enables IT experts to plan a coverage strategy. [10] used defense trees and conditional preference networks (CP-nets) to select sets of countermeasures. [11] applied a Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) algorithm to find the best solution for choosing a countermeasure portfolio on a limited budget. Following [12], a paper on mitigating information security risks within the available budget, [13] tried to develop a knapsack-based algorithm to get to the best subset of countermeasures. However, the author defined control groups and a scoring system in order to calculate countermeasure effectiveness that does not fit all organizations. As a result, IT experts have to decide whether to use this grouping and scoring system as well. [14] conducted a quantitative data set based on the threat set reported on the IT security forum [15], and proposed a model to find the optimal solution out of all the possible countermeasure options, with respect to a given limited budget. [16] proposed a mixed-integer programming model, similar to Rakes et al.’s, taking advantage of two popular concepts, Value at Risk and Conditional Value at Risk, to make the expert decisions more risk-aversive.

The present research was inspired by [14]’s work. Following their risk modeling approach, I propose a knapsack-based approach that tries to solve a similar model and results in the same optimal solution, which is discussed in the following sections.

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: The knapsack problem as a NP-hard problem and the best solution for small search spaces is discussed in the next section. In the section after that, a description of a countermeasure selection problem in IT security planning is presented. The subsequent section describes the simple knapsack-based solution and the pseudo code. Numerical examples and some computational results are illustrated in the final section, which is followed by a conclusion.

The Knapsack problem and a dynamic programming solution

The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsack and must fill it with the most valuable items [17]. The most famous knapsack problem is the binary (0–1) knapsack problem, where the decision maker is allowed to pick (1) or not to pick (0) the item, in other words, the items are not dividable.

The problem can be formulated as follows:

Let there be image items, image to image where image has the image value and weight image. The maximum weight the knapsack can carry is image. It is common to assume that all values and weights are non-negative. To simplify the representation, it is also assumed that the items are listed in increasing order of weight.

image (1)

image (2)

Many algorithms have been proposed to arrive at the optimal subset of items [18]. A simple dynamic programming algorithm with polynomial time complexity for a small search space was proposed in [19]. Dynamic programming algorithms try to solve complex problems by dividing them into smaller sub-problems. A matrix is used to store the answers to sub problems, and the final answer is found after the matrix is filled.

To illustrate, assume image are strictly positive integers. Define image to be the maximum value that can be attained when the weight is less than or equal to image using items up to image The definition of image is then as follows:

• image if image (the new item is more than the current weight limit)

• image

The solution can then be found by calculating image The pseudo code is shown in Figure 19.1


Figure 19.1 Dynamic programming solution pseudo code for the binary knapsack problem.

The algorithm takes value and weight arrays, number of items, and knapsack capacity as inputs. From line 6 to line 8, the first row of image matrix is set with value “0,” which means that when no items are picked, no value is gained. Lines 9 to 17 repeat for all items (filling image matrix rows, with index image in each iteration) so that at the last cell (image) will get the maximum value. Following iterations for the loop that starts at line 10, the algorithm considers the situation that we have image unit(s) capacity in our knapsack and will return the maximum value that can be taken. This solution will therefore run in image time and image space. Additionally, if we use only a 1-dimensional array image to store the current optimal values and pass over this array image times, rewriting from image to image every time, we get the same result for only image space.

There are many practical applications for the binary knapsack theory. For example, assume that image projects are available to an investor; each one will cause a specific profit and will cost image money unit to invest in image project. The investor has limited capital for this investment. The optimal investment plane would result by mapping this problem as a binary knapsack problem and solving it [20]. Another common application is for cutting stock problems. For example, paper factories produce huge rolls of paper that are not fit to customer order at the first place, so they have to slice these rolls into smaller rolls. The value of the smaller rolls depends on the selling price. Fiber optic cable manufacturers are faced with a similar problem; they must decide how to cut lengths of cable to satisfy customer orders while extracting the greatest value from each length of cable. The knapsack idea also applies to solving problems that warehouses or distribution centers (DC) have with space. The main concern among DCs is filling customer orders as fast as possible. On the other hand, they have limited warehouse space for holding their inventories [21]. All of the above problems can be modeled as knapsack problems and solved by the dynamic programming algorithm in a reasonable time.

The dynamic programming algorithm discussed in this section, not only runs in polynomial time complexity but also provides a definite solution. For this reason, this theory is used in our proposed approach to get to the optimal solution for our problem, A described in next section.

Problem description

In this section, the algorithm and its inputs and variables are illustrated, using the notation shown in Table 19.1:

Table 19.1



Defined image the set of m threats and image the set of n countermeasures. Denote by image the proportion of threat image that will survive if countermeasure image is implemented and, respectively, image the proportion of this threat that will successfully be blocked. We are looking for maximum block by choosing the optimal countermeasure portfolio. This will cost equal to summation of countermeasures’ cost, which belong to this portfolio, which is denoted by image. By image, we mean the frequency of threat image that occurs each year and image, the financial cost imposed by each occurrence of threat image.

We now want to determine the optimal subset of possible solutions. For this purpose, an effectiveness score is assigned to each countermeasure. To describe the effectiveness of each countermeasure, we look for other countermeasures’ state of implementation and then calculate the following formula in algorithm:

Let image be the total blocked proportion of threat image if countermeasure image is implemented, considering other countermeasures’ state, calculate as:


image (3)

For countermeasure effectiveness we have:


image (4)

Our objective function to determine the maximum countermeasure effectiveness is as follows:

image (5)

image (6)

To illustrate how these variables work, assume we have the following data for image, image and image:


Calculating the blocked proportion of threats 1 and 2 for countermeasure (image) and its effectiveness, we have:


To illustrate the logic behind this formula, consider the above example, in case of implementation of first countermeasures, that the number of occurrences of first threat, if countermeasure # 3 is implemented, would not be image any more, since the first countermeasure blocked 198(0.99 * 200) of its occurrences. As a result, countermeasure # 3 will only block image of its occurrences. Having each countermeasure’s cost, it is feasible to find the optimal subset of countermeasures whose total cost does not exceed the budget limits.

As shown, in each step of making the decision about remained countermeasures, we must have the decision that was made about the previous countermeasures (image). This may seem like a limitation, but by applying the dynamic programming solution to resolve the binary knapsack problem, it becomes a less complex problem for which a definite solution can be found.

The proposed binary knapsack-based approach and its dynamic programming algorithm

In this section, we introduce our proposed binary knapsack–based approach and its dynamic programming algorithm. This approach begins with the first countermeasure and calculating its effectiveness, in case it is going to be implemented and no other countermeasures have been decided on (image). This action takes place at the first if condition (line 11 in Figure 19.1). In order to record the decision about the countermeasures, it’s enough to insert a matrix with image” rows and “number of items” columns. This is simple, as shown in Figure 19.2. The last row in this matrix shows the final decision, which corresponds to image, which contains the maximum effectiveness.


Figure 19.2 Pseudo code for using a matrix about decision for items.

The pseudo code for the proposed algorithm is shown in Figure 19.3. In this algorithm, the decision about implementing countermeasures is in image. As a result we can calculate current countermeasure effectiveness with respect to other chosen countermeasures’ state of selection. We discuss the logic behind the algorithm and its structure in the following.


Figure 19.3 Pseudo code for our proposed binary knapsack algorithm.

Assume image, are strictly positive integers corresponding to each countermeasure implementation cost. Define image, to be the maximum effectiveness that can be attained with cost less than or equal to money using countermeasures up to image This can be defined as follows:

• image if image (implementation cost of the new countermeasure is more than the current budget limit)

• image

If adding image countermeasure in this step would cause the maximum, change image form 0 to 1

The image can be calculated as described in previous section, and the maximum effectiveness can then be found in image. Countermeasures are selected where the corresponding indexes have the value “1” in the last row of image matrix.

The algorithm takes the number of countermeasures and their related cost of implementation, the number of threats and their cost of a successful attack, image matrix that contains the survival proportion of each attack episode for each countermeasure and available budget as inputs. image variable at line 10 is set with value “1” to prevent any wrong calculation in the equation in line 33. The for loop in lines 16 to 20 makes the image matrix with initial values “0”. From the 22nd line, the algorithm starts to make a decision about each countermeasure implementation. In lines 24 and 25, image matrix changes its upper half rows, which is about image status for each money(0 to budget), with its bottom half, which is about image status for each money (0 to budget), and puts “0” for all bottom half rows, in order to put the decision about image countermeasure in each step for money value (0 to budget) in the for loop that starts at line 27. This exchange happens for each iteration on image index. This is necessary, since we want to calculate the effectiveness of the image countermeasure, and this value is related to other countermeasures that are selected for implementation by this step. This value is calculated in lines 31 to 35, based on Eq. (3) and Eq. (4). The rest of for loop started at line 27 follows the simple steps in the algorithm in Figure 19.1.

To understand how this algorithm works, two shots of algorithm operations using a simple example are shown in Figure 19.4.


Figure 19.4 Snapshots of algorithm operations on Selection[] and m[] matrix transition from (money=8, j=2) to (money=0, j=3).

As can be seen in Figure 19.4, in each step in the image loop on index image, the image matrix changes to keep the last decision about countermeasure #1 to Countermeasure #j−1. A computational example with reliable and practical data is discussed in the next section.

Computational example and comparison

In this section, a computational example is presented to show the proposed binary knapsack–based approach and its related dynamic programming algorithm results. The parameters used for the example problem can be seen in Table 19.2.

Table 19.2

Quantitative Data About Current Risk and Countermeasures Effectiveness [14]


The above data set is the same one presented in [14], which was conducted based on a threat set reported on the IT security forum [15]. This 8*8 matrix is a tabulation representation of the survival proportion of each threat for each countermeasure. The diagonal cells where image, represent the primary relationship between threats and countermeasures, that is, the related countermeasure is specifically designed to prevent the related threat. However, other cells where image which is less than one, indicate countermeasures that prevent their primary threat as well as other threats.

Briefly describing the [14] model, we show that we can provide the same results in an algorithmic approach. The comparison is shown in Table 19.3. In [14], the authors defined the problem input parameters as we defined them in the preceding section. They defined their model as follows:

• image, the probability of threat image to occur:

image (7)

• Related Risk:

image (8)

• The objective function, whose minimum amount is desired:

image (9)

image (10)

Table 19.3

Comparison Between [14] and Our Results


*countermeasure #3 is as effective as countermeasure #4, as a result they can be in the optimal portfolio interchangeably, as the related Risk is the same.

This is almost the same model we have utilized in this paper, except that they tried to minimize the risk, while in contrast, we were looking for maximum effectiveness. In concept these are the same, but our definition of problem led us to knapsack problem modeling. In addition, the strength of our approach is that it takes advantage of a dynamic programming algorithm, which does not need any extra variables or linearization. For linearization and solving the non-linear formula in Eq. (7), [14] proposed an integer programming model that finds the optimum solution using multilevel variables in this order. As an example to support this claim, we have defined one level variable for our decision variable image, which gets 1 if the countermeasure j is in the optimum portfolio and 0 if it is not. However, in [14], a two-level variable yjl is presented as the decision variable. yjl is defined as binary variable that is 1 if the jth countermeasure is implemented in the lth level. There are two levels of implementation for each countermeasure: 1 if it is implemented, 0 if it is not. This means that countermeasure j is selected for implementation if yj1=1 and yj0=0, otherwise yj1=0 and yj0=1. Four multilevel variables are defined in [14] in order to solve the integer programming model. The authors state that without this added level, the linearity of the formulation would not be possible.

As shown in Table 19.3, the proposed binary knapsack–based approach results in the same portfolio as in [14], by using an algorithmic solution in dynamic programming. In other words, using a dynamic programming method that breaks the problem into sub-problems yielded a systematic process for decision-making and arriving at a reliable solution.

This approach is being pursued in a software development company categorized as an SME (small or medium-sized enterprise). Pre-conditions for establishing the proposed model are as follows, according to priority:

1. Identifying a list of all information assets in place (in digital and physical form)

2. Gathering a list of threats against information assets (using standards guidelines)

3. Estimating the frequency of each threat’s occurrence per year (image), the cost (loss) of each successful attack episode on each asset (image) (following [22] guidelines)

4. Gathering a list of advised countermeasures against threats (using standards guidelines)

5. Estimating each countermeasure’s power of blocking probable attacks and normalizing them between 0 and 1 (image), and estimating the cost of implementation for each one (image)

Having these inputs and the Budget for firming up security as desired by the organization’s leaders, the proposed approach can be followed to arrive at the best decision. One important feature of this approach is that as the dynamic programming algorithm runs, the most effective solution it comes up with may even be under budget. For example, the budget may be $1,000 but the most effective portfolio costs $800.


Making a risk-based decision about a collection of countermeasures having various degrees of effectiveness is a complicated task that affects the continuity of business in organizations. As a result, IT security planners are always looking for a way to conduct a systematic analysis in order to make sure their final decision is the best one.

Despite the many existing frameworks and models in this regard, decision-making in this area remains confusing and complicated. All the countermeasures presented in standards or guidelines are not always effective for a given organization. Some security controls even cost more than the loss they are supposed to prevent. In this chapter, we propose a binary knapsack–based approach for choosing the best countermeasures for IT security, following recent research by [14]. Inspired by their reasoning and risk-based model to find the optimal countermeasure portfolio, a new approach is proposed that results in the same solution in different situations, using their input parameters.

A brief road map for employing the proposed algorithm is explained in the previous section. After assessing the resident risk on assets and estimating security control effectiveness, the most preventive portfolio of countermeasures can be chosen for implementation.


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