25. Access Control Design
Chapter objectives
1. Learn the Basics in the Chapter Overview
2. Understand the Different Types of Knowledge Necessary for Design versus Installation versus Maintenance
3. Understand All about Design Elements
4. Learn How to Design Robust Portals — How Criminals Defeat Common Locks, Doors, and Frames
5. Learn Access Control System Application Concepts
6. Learn How to Implement Design Ideas to Paper
7. Understanding Design Elements of System Installation
8. Learn to Get Commissioning Right — In the Specifications
9. Learn to Avoid Long-Term Problems by Structuring the System Acceptance Correctly
10. Take a Short Test on Access Control System Design
This chapter on Alarm/Access Control System Design draws significantly from my book Integrated Security Systems Design published in 2007.
In this chapter, we will begin by discussing the difference in skills necessary for Design versus Installation versus Maintenance, and how being skilled in one discipline does not qualify a person in other disciplines.
The importance of designing to risk instead of to only a set of directions from the system Owner will be discussed. The importance of designing not only for the problems faced today, but how to design to protect out to the future will be reviewed.
Each of the design elements will be discussed in detail including Drawings, Specifications, Interdiscipline Coordination, Product Selection, Project Management, and Client Management.
How criminals defeat common locks, doors, and frames and how to design robust portals will be reviewed. Also reviewed will be the various Application Concepts necessary to understand to create a system that is robust, reliable, redundant, expandable and flexible, easy to use, and sustainable.
How to implement design ideas to paper and how to carry the installation to completion will be discussed at the end of this chapter.
This chapter begins by discussing the difference in skills necessary for Design versus Installation versus Maintenance, and how being skilled in one discipline does not qualify a person to be skilled in the others.
The importance of designing to risk instead of to only a set of directions from the system Owner is also discussed. Also reviewed is the importance of designing not only for the problems faced today, but how to design to protect out to the future.
Each of the design elements are discussed in detail including Drawings, Specifications, Interdiscipline Coordination, Product Selection, Project Management, and Client Management.
How criminals defeat common locks, doors, and frames and how to design robust portals are reviewed. Also presented are various Application Concepts necessary to understand to create a system that is robust, reliable, redundant, expandable and flexible, easy to use, and sustainable.
Keywords: Coordination, Design, Drawing, Future, Installation, Maintenance, Management, Risk, Skills, Specification
Author Information:
Thomas L. Norman, CPP, PSP, CSC, Executive Vice President, Protection Partners International

Design versus Installation versus Maintenance (The Knowledge Gap)

There are different Common Bodies of Knowledge (CBKs) required for Security System Design, Installation, and Maintenance. The skills are similar but they are not duplicates. Few Security System Designers have also worked as both an Installer and as a Maintenance Technician. Having worked at all three, I know that the skills necessary to be a great Designer are completely different than the skills necessary to be a great Installer, and those skills are different than those required to be a great Maintenance Technician.
It is a shame that more Designers do not realize this. I have found that many Designers completely underestimate the value of Installation and Maintenance skills. It works the other way too. From my experience, Installers and Maintenance Technicians vastly underestimate the requirements of Security System Design. In fact, Installers and Maintenance Technicians are Security System Designers in the same way that Auto Mechanics are Automobile Designers.
This is not to denigrate Installers and Maintenance Technicians. I have the highest respect for them. But in the same way that many Designers do not understand the complexities of Installation and Maintenance, most Installers and Technicians rarely respect the complexities of Security System Design.
In this chapter, we will review some of those special skills.

The Importance of Designing to Risk

The first thing to understand about Security System Design is that good Designers design to Risk. Security System Design is not about electronic equipment. It is not about cameras, card readers, biometrics, locks, and alarms. It is not about gates and doors. It is only about reducing risk. It is that simple.
The vast majority of security systems that I have reviewed were not designed to risk. I know that because when I look at them I see blatant vulnerabilities that went completely unnoticed and, therefore, unaddressed by the designer. I know that because when I am called to review the facility, it is because of continuing security problems that went unaddressed by the first Designer.
Good designs are predictable. You can trend-line the vulnerabilities to security events and you can trend-line security events back to vulnerabilities.
Risk comprises Vulnerabilities, Probability, and Consequences. Any Security System designed without a proper Risk Analysis will be wrong. I have talked to some designers who think that if they simply do a Vulnerability Assessment, they can design a good system. That is also wrong. Without understanding the entire Risk equation for the facility you cannot perform a proper Vulnerability Assessment because you do not know what type of threat action it is vulnerable to.
A good Risk Analysis will tell the Designer exactly what threat actions to be concerned about, what the potential consequences of the Design Basis Threat are, and which vulnerabilities to be aware of.
Then, let the designing begin!

The Importance of Designing for the Future

After designing for Risk, the most obvious difference between the way Security Consultants design and the way Security Integrators design is that Security Integrators usually design to solve today's problems.
The second important element of Security System Design is to understand that today is only a snapshot. Today is only one frame in a long movie. Designers who design the Security System to solve today's problems are not solving anything but the problems on one frame in a movie.
The problems will return tomorrow … with a vengeance. Nothing is more disappointing to clients than to spend literally hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars to solve security problems only to find that new problems arise quickly. I have seen cases where a new department was formed before the security system was complete only to find that the system does not address any of the security issues of the new department. This is poor planning.
A good designer asks a stream of questions of management all pointed toward where the organization has been and where it is going. He asks where it is going organizationally, structurally, geographically, and financially (new markets, etc.). A good designer implements all of this information into the design. Typically, there is no added project cost to do this. In its simplest form, you can design for the future by selecting a digital architecture that has capacity and redundancy by designing systems that are expandable and flexible in operations and by designing around operational procedures that are designed for growth and flexibility.
However, you can do a much better job after interviewing Management about their growth plans over the next five years.
Anyone designing security systems should Design to Risk and Design for Tomorrow.

Design Elements

The elements of a security system design include:
• Drawings
• Specifications
• Interdiscipline Coordination
• Product Selection
• Project Management
• Client Management


Drawings are the heart of the design. They illustrate the designer's concepts about how the system should relate to the building, and they illustrate the relationship of devices to
• Their physical environment (plans, elevations, and physical details)
• The conduit system and to power (plans and risers)
• Each other (single line diagrams)
• The user (programming schedules)
Drawings must serve five distinct types of users:
The Bid Estimator: The Bid Estimator must determine what materials are needed. Helpful drawing tools include device schedules (spreadsheets, listing devices, and their attributes) and plans showing device locations and conduit lengths and sized and wire fills. Other drawings useful to the bid estimator include single-line diagrams, riser diagrams, and system interfacing diagrams.
The Installers: The installers need drawings that show both the big picture and the smallest details. Therefore, it is helpful if the drawings are formatted in a hierarchical fashion. Single-line Diagrams show the big picture. Plans show device locations and their relationship to the building and conduit system, and Physical Details and Interface Details show the smaller details.
The Installation Project Manager: The Project Manager needs to manage the progress of the installation, including coordinating the ordering and arrival of parts and supplies and coordinating manpower to the project at the correct time, in the correct place, and in coordination with other trades to get all devices mounted and all connections made. He/she will primarily rely on schedules for provisioning logistics, plans to measure installation progress, and single-line diagrams to gauge how close the system is to start-up.
The Maintenance Technician: After the system is installed, it is up to the Maintenance Technician to keep it running well. He/she will need single-line diagrams to determine how the system interconnects, plans to determine where devices are located and how they connect in the physical space, and risers and power schedules to know where to go from floor to floor and the source of power for each device. Drawings that illustrate how the equipment of that assembly interconnects with other equipment in the system and how the entire system operates should be located in a pocket in the door of each rack, console element, and panel.
The next Engineer Expanding the System: Virtually every system will be expanded in scope and/or function. This may happen a few months to many years after the original installation. The next Engineer needs access to the original drawings to understand the context for his work.


If drawings are the heart of the design, specifications are its head. Specifications generally take precedence in legal disputes. Drawings are there to illustrate the standards and practices that are required in the specifications. If you have been in your career for a long time, then you have seen some pretty bad specifications. We used to joke in our office about someday seeing a set of specifications that simply say: “Make it work real good.” Some come pretty close to that. We have seen security system specifications that are only 5 pages long. There is a lot of room there for serious mistakes by a well-meaning contractor. Many security contracting problems are the result of incomplete or wrong specifications.
With very few exceptions, most integrators I have met sincerely want to do well for their clients. It is the designer's job to provide the integrator with enough information to do well. To the extent that drawings and specifications are incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading, the contractor can make unintended errors that will be costly and aggravating to the installer, the integrator for whom he/she works, and most certainly the system's owner.
Specifications should include a description of what the project entails; descriptions of the whole integrated system and each subsystem, a description of the services the contractor will provide; and a list of acceptable products and acceptable installation, testing, acceptance, training, and warranty practices. Different specification formats prevail in different areas of the world, and occasionally these may change as building code authorities evolve in their preferences.

Interdiscipline Coordination

Security systems are unique in that they relate to more building systems than any other building system. Security systems routinely relate to
• Electrical
• Door and Gate Hardware
• Structural
• Elevators
• Parking
• Landscape
• Building Automation Systems
• Signage
• Concrete
• Lighting
• Traffic Control Systems
• Irrigation Systems
Interdiscipline Coordination makes or breaks the installation. It often determines whether a project works as intended or not, and whether the integrator makes a profit or a loss. There are many other trades working on a new construction project and the Project Manager must outline, communicate, and maintain coordination with all of these and with the main contractor at all times. Interdiscipline Coordination will generally determine whether the integrator is on time or late. Every day an integrator spends on the jobsite after his designated completion date is money removed from his profit and irretrievable respect lost from his client.

Product Selection

Specifying the correct products for the job can result in a wonderful system that can easily exceed the owner's expectations. The wrong products can leave the owner upset with the installer, the manufacturer, and the designer.
This is where the designer has free reign to do what is in the best interest of his client. If the designer is placed under pressure to specify one brand or another purely due to market forces, the owner will suffer. If the owner suffers, everyone suffers — the operator suffers, the maintenance tech suffers, and the integrator who has to listen to an unhappy client suffers.
Many designers express their product selection not only in their specification but also with a Bill of Quantities (BOQ). A BOQ is a spreadsheet listing all products to be used in the installation. At a minimum, the integrator's Project Manager should put together a BOQ and submit it to the designer for approval. This helps ensure that all necessary parts are included for the work.

Project Management

The designer has to manage the design portion of the project. Design project management is all about delivering a design that meets the needs of the client, the integrator, and the client's project manager. The designer must do all this while working on other projects; he/she must provide the project deliverables on time and complete, and keep all parties happy. Design Project Management has four phases:
• Initiating the Project
• Planning the Project
• Executing the Project
• Controlling and Closing the Project
A number of things in each project need to be managed. The Project Management Institute (PMI) certifies project managers with both the Project Management Professional (PMP) and PMI certifications. The PMP certification is highly prized by everyone who knows anything much about project management. Get a PMP certification and your career as a Project Manager is assured. I highly recommend getting a PMP certification if you intend to have a career managing security projects. It will put you well out in front of others and help ensure that all your projects go well.
The PMP certification process includes the following:
• Establishing the framework for project management
• Managing the scope of the project
• Managing time
• Managing cost
• Managing quality
• Managing people
• Managing communications
• Managing risk
• Managing procurement
• Managing the project's integration aspects
• Maintaining a high level of professionalism throughout the project
Each project has three main aspects:
• The Project Scope of Work
• The Project Schedule
• The Project Cost
Although it is beyond the scope of this book to teach project management, I will state that it is an essential skill for any engineer or designer and certainly for both Design Project Managers and Installation Project Managers. I strongly recommend that the reader should invest in several books on project management and spend several weeks getting familiar with the principles. Project management is all about providing structure and planning to what seems to many to be an intuitive process. However, without the necessary structure, project management can quickly descend into crisis management, and then further simply into project chaos and damage control. Hundreds of millions of dollars are lost each year by firms that entrust large projects to unqualified project managers. Your career will flourish if you have the requisite project management skills.

Client Management

Client Management is the process of managing the relationship between the firm you represent and the client's representative. The most important aspect of good client management is to keep the project on scope, on schedule, and on budget. Truly, whatever else you do is of no consequence if you do not do those three things.
Managing the relationship is about understanding who are the decision makers, the influencers, and simply the opinionated. Focus on decision makers; in particular, focus on those individuals who have the authority to approve work and issue checks. Spend some personal time before or after each meeting getting to know their interests, their personality, and their character. Find out what motivates them. Find out what they do not like. Use terminology they understand and resonate with. Be short in communications, be sincere, and always end with a “cookie” — a piece of good news that indicates the project is moving forward in a manner he/she can accept.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, brings three agendas to the project:
• Their role in the project: The interior architect has a different agenda than the shell and core architect, and the General Contractor has a different agenda than the electrical contractor. The information technology contractor does not care about the agenda of the landscape contractor.
• Employer plans: The employer may have a technology bias or a business culture that is aggressive or conservative.
• Individual plans: He/she may be humble or pompous, technically competent, or covering up a feeling of inadequacy. He/she may be right- or left-brained, and may be kind or rude.
Besides the decision makers, others on the project also have particular interests and some of those may be influencers. Get on their wrong side of an influencer and you can have someone whispering bad things about your firm into the ear of the decision makers. This can make coordination very difficult. People who dislike you on a project routinely exhibit this by introducing delays, complications, and obstacles in the way of Interdiscipline Coordination.
Client Management is by far the most complicated aspect of good Project Management, but it is far less important than managing scope, schedule, and budget. It does not matter how good you are at managing personal relationships if the project is wrong, late, and over budget. There is much more to good Client Management, but those are the basics.

Designing Robust Portals — How Criminals Defeat Common Locks, Doors, and Frames

I once wrote a popular article for a major Security Industry magazine titled “How to Plan, Design, and Install a Bad CCTV System.” It outlined many things that can go wrong on an installation and provided a road map on how to avoid the most common pitfalls.
Understanding how to make systems fail is as equally important as understanding how to make systems work. If you do not understand how systems fail you cannot design or install a system that is robust against failure. Let's take a look at common methods used to defeat locks, doors, and frames.

Unlocking the Door from the Outside

I advanced the idea in the security industry of using what I call Microcontrollers. These are small, single-door controllers located above the door on the secure side to which all the devices at the door connect. The Microcontroller then connects by Ethernet to its Host Server. This approach has many advantages:
• Vastly reduces project wiring costs
• Increases system reliability because if a controller fails, it fails on only one door
• Microcontrollers can be configured with an integral digital switch to connect:
• A local digital video camera
• A local Intercom at the door
• Another Microcontroller down the hall
After my 2007 book Integrated Security Systems Design, Microcontrollers began to be introduced more widely into the market. (So far none have an integral digital switch.) However, there is one version of the Microcontroller that should be used carefully — the type that combines a microcontroller with a card reader all in one package. This type of product further simplifies the installation and reduces product costs, but it should only be used in relatively secure areas where users have already passed through at least one or two layers of access control. This is because if it is used on the exterior of a building (as I have seen it done), an intruder can simply smash the card reader and gain direct access to the lock power where they can open the circuit and simply enter the building. This will set off an alarm (usually only a communications alarm), but the intruder is now inside the building.
Lesson: Don't use these on exterior doors.

Double Glass Door Exploit

Frameless glass doors are beautiful, especially when used in pairs on the front of a building. But because of settling foundations, they must be installed with a small opening between the doors through which an intruder can pass a yellow notepad, warmed by placing the notepad under his arm against his chest. The pad fits easily between the doors and its warmth and movement are seen by an infrared Request-to-Exit detector above the door. When this happens, the Exit Detectors interpret this as a legitimate request to exit and signals the access control panel to unlock the door, which it does, allowing the intruder to enter.
Lesson: Use a Request-to-Exit Sensor that is adjusted to look out away from the door and place a plastic lip on one leaf of the doors to prevent insertion of a notepad.

Defeating Electrified Panic Hardware

I was once called to evaluate how a burglar had gained entry to a gold and coin dealer's shop over a weekend. The burglar had disabled the alarm system from inside the store and made off with hundreds of thousands in gold and coins. Oh, and there was no evidence of forced entry. I got the call the Monday morning after the burglary. The shop was privately owned and the intruder used an access control system to enter through the back door. No one had access cards except the owner. There were no extra cards or keys out at all. So how did he get in?
Looking around, I noticed a bathroom next to the back door. I noticed that the access panel and alarm panel were inside the bathroom and the back door was equipped with Electrified Panic Hardware. Outside the back door was a dumpster containing a small amount of trash and a broken umbrella. The inside ribs of the umbrella were all bent upward toward the top. Looking again at the back door I noticed some metal shavings on the ground just inside and outside of the door. Most uniquely, there were round metal plugs (in the form of large flat washers) in the door just below the panic bar on both the inside and outside of the door, held in place by a screw and nut.
I asked the owner when the plugs were installed and what it was for. He didn't remember ever seeing them before. As the Police were there I directed the Investigator to the umbrella and suggested he fingerprint the umbrella and the plugs, which they did. I suggested that the owner look through his video archive and look for anyone asking to use the bathroom in the last month. That is how they found the intruder, but how did he enter?
He drilled a 2" diameter hole through the door from the outside just below the panic bar. He inserted the umbrella through the hole and pressed its button, opening the umbrella. Then he pulled the umbrella back through the door which depressed the panic bar, opening the door and bypassing the security alarm. As there was no motion alarm at the back door on the inside and all the video was on the front of the building and in the shop and not in the back room or outside the back door, it was a simple effort to bypass the alarm from inside the bathroom and take all day Sunday to pilfer the store. He thought he had covered his tracks by plugging the hole. He had figured out this attack plan while using the bathroom at the shop and noticing all the details about how the physical and electronic security worked.
Lesson: Place a schedule operated motion detector focused on all exterior perimeter doors, and have a camera both inside and outside each exterior perimeter door.

Defeating Door Frames

Several criminal gangs have been using a device called a “frame spreader” for several years throughout the United States. I suspect this has happened in other countries as well. A frame spreader is a hydraulic ram that is inserted mid-height on the frame of a steel door (or pair of doors). The hydraulic ram is actuated and it expands by about 4 to 6 inches jamming the door frame into the adjacent walls. It achieves enough spread to release the door lock mechanism, allowing the damaged doors to be opened. This attack scenario is most common at remote warehouses with high-value assets such as computer CPU and memory chips, but it could be used on any facility.
Lesson: On high-value facilities, use multiple dead-bolt-equipped panic hardware (such as Securitech™ locks). This type of lock fits dead bolts into multiple points in the top, bottom, and sides of the frames, defeating this attack.
These are only a few innovative methods B&E (breaking and entering) criminals use to defeat security door hardware. Get together with local law enforcement and find out what has been used in your area. Be aware of the possibility of hard physical attacks on security systems. They happen all the time.

Application Concepts

Alarm/Access Control Systems use Access Control Readers, Electrified Locks, Request-to-Exit Sensors, door alarms, and volumetric and point alarms to defend facilities against inappropriate access by unauthorized users.
Use a layered security approach. This is a combination of detection and access layers placed over each other at geographical progression toward the most valuable assets (see Figure 25.1).
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Figure 25.1
Layered security.
The basic goals of electronic security countermeasures include:
• Access Control
• Deterrence
• Detection
• Assessment
• Coordinating Response
• Evidence Gathering
It is essential that all these goals should be met in the design of a comprehensive coordinated security program.
Security System Designs should also be robust and redundant, expandable, flexible, and easy to use. And they should be sustainable.

Robust Design

The quality of design and the quality of the installation work both have a strong bearing on how robust a system is. Poorly designed and installed systems have exposed wiring, exposed plug-in power supplies, fragile mounting of equipment, little or no shrouding of cameras, and exposed door position switches with loose wiring. The use of conduit alone instead of loose wiring creates a much more robust system. When you open an equipment cabinet, wiring should be neatly organized and well marked. There should be drawings in each cabinet to help the maintenance technician, or else he has to probe around in the wiring to figure out which wire goes to what equipment. All that probing can pull cables loose, creating another service call. All of these things create an unreliable system. If it doesn't look robust, trust me, it isn't.


The system should have redundancy such that if one component fails, another is there to take its place functionally. There are two ways to do this. First, use systems that have internal redundancy such as using equipment with redundant power supplies, redundant Ethernet connections, and redundant processing. Secondly, use the layered security approach so that if one component fails, detection occurs through another component. Remember the earlier umbrella intrusion example? A second motion detector facing the rear door inside the back room would have caught the intrusion the second the umbrella was inserted. A video camera on that area and on the outside of the back door might have helped identify the offender. This shop owner actually turned off his Digital Recorder after hours to preserve memory. He was using it to record activities in his customer area during open hours only, which was a very foolish procedure.

Expandable and Flexible

A good designer designs systems so they are expandable and flexible. Even when everything about the project reeks of “this is a fixed design with no chance of ever changing,” it is still best to incorporate expansion and flexibility into the design. For example, when designing a security system for my own home, I was certain of the design requirements, and those requirements could be filled by a very economical alarm system. I designed one with double that capacity. The alarm installer tried to sell me another alarm panel having just the needed capacity, which I declined. I wanted double. Within one year, things changed and I needed about half the available capacity for some unexpected changes. If I can't be sure about the future in my own home, how can any designer ever be certain about the future needs of a client. The short answer is you can't. Always design spare capacity and flexibility into the design. In almost every case, it can be done for little to nothing extra.

Easy to Use

Please, please do not skip this section. I continue, after 35 years in this business, to find security systems that either require a PhD to operate or that are so confusingly configured that virtually no one knows what is going on in the system.
Please, do not get creative in system operation. Keep it simple. I actually have a design goal of 5 minutes of training to learn how to monitor a security console. I achieve that goal, and you can too. Still, there is plenty happening deeper in the system that you could find and operate, it is just that with only 5 minutes of training you can operate the basic monitoring functions. It is doable.
I witnessed part of the commissioning of a security system in Algeria where not a single one of the operators could read English, and the system was programmed entirely in English. That is just inexcusable. The contractor's excuse was that they should use operators that could read and speak English. Lots of luck on that in Algeria!


The idea of sustainability is relatively new to security system designers, but it should have been a primary part of design a very long time ago. All systems have a finite operating life, but you can extend that substantially through good design and good maintenance.
• Good Design: First, understand that all devices have market life cycles.
• Design Idea
• Prototype
• Early Market Product used by Early Adopters
• Commodity Market (make lots of them and sell as many as you can)
• Late Market (old ho-hum technology)
• End of Life (sorry, we do not support that line anymore)
It is better never to design or install a system that is Late Market technology. I have sat in a conference room with product representatives who told me straight-faced that I should hurry to specify their old product line because it was going to be replaced very soon by a new line and then it would not be available anymore. Somehow they thought that was a selling point. Specify and install products that have considerable life left. Additionally, designing a robust system also helps make it sustainable.
• Good Maintenance: Many systems die an early death due to poor maintenance.
You can sustain a system for many years by conducting good scheduled maintenance. I recommend daily checks of all field equipment. This can be done while on rounds by opening every access control door triggering every alarm and appearing on every camera. By conducting a routine guard tour and coupling it with a system operation checklist, you kill two birds with one stone. Reports each day result in either emergency maintenance needs or a device or two that must be put into the scheduled maintenance bucket. Have a certified maintenance technician visit the site at least once every month to take care of the scheduled maintenance work. Use only technicians certified by the manufacturer of the equipment so they know what they are doing.

Implementing Design Ideas to Paper

Designs should, oddly enough, start with a design concept. Surprisingly, very few designers seem to understand this. The first stage of the design is to write what I call a “Basis for Design” paper. This explains in simple language the goals and objectives of the design and how the designer plans to achieve those goals using an electronic security system.
The second step is to begin drawing the plan. But before that can be done, you need some information from the system Owner. First, you need to understand how the access control systems will be zoned.

Creating Access Control Zones

Every access control system uses card readers and electrified door locks to create access control zones. Users need an access card to enter a zone. Each zone may have one-to-many entries and an access control zone can include one or more other access control zones. For example, the perimeter of the building may comprise a “building zone,” which encloses separate zones for each department within the building.
Most designers start by drawing card readers next to doors, but this approach almost certainly ensures the creating of “sneak paths” into access control zones. The better way is to use a colored pencil or pen and draw the boundary lines of each access area zone onto each drawing, starting with the overall site and going into each building and each floor and department. List each access area within its boundary. I like to use AutoCAD and create color-coded blocks corresponding to the access area zones. For nested zones, you can use an overall border around a group of individual access area zones.
Once you have all of the access control zones identified, then you can begin drawing locations for access control portals (access controlled doors and gates). Each access control zone may also have some doors or gates that could be used for exit, but not for entry, such as a rear fire stairwell door. Such doors may be equipped with only a door position switch and no card reader.

Door Types

As you mark up doors with card reader symbols, you should also note the type of door and frame and the number of leaves. From this information you can develop a list of Door Types. When I mark up drawings, I use only two symbols: The Door Type symbol and a Card Reader. The Door Type symbol comprises one or two characters in a box next to the door and the Card Reader symbol shows where I want the card reader to be mounted (on the wall to the right or left, on the door mullion, etc.) You can do this in any way that makes sense to you. For consistency I use the following symbology (Figure 25.2):
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Figure 25.2
Door type symbol.
• Each Door Type Symbol uses one or two characters, a number, and an optional letter.
• Odd numbers are used for single-leaf doors and even numbers are used for double-leaf doors.
• Door Type 1 is a single-leaf door with a surface-mounted door position switch.
• Door Type 2 is a double-leaf door with surface-mounted door position switches.
• Door Type 1A is a single-leaf door with a concealed door position switch.
• Door Type 2A is a double-leaf door with concealed door position switches.
• Door Type 3 is a single-leaf door with a card reader.
• Door Type 4 is a double-leaf door with a card reader.
• Door Type 3A/3B/3C, and so forth, is a single-leaf door with card reader where the letter designates the type of door, frame, swing, and lock combination.
• Door Type 4A/4B/4C, and so forth, is a double-leaf door with card reader where the letter designates the type of door, frame, swing, and lock combination.
• And so forth …
Each door type symbol is illustrated in the physical details by its own detail (Figure 25.3) comprising, for example:
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Figure 25.3
Door type detail.
• Detail 3B — A — A Plan View
• Detail 3B — B — An Elevation View
• Detail 3B — C — A Schematic View showing devices at the door and the wiring to the Access Control Panel

Alarm Devices

The next pass over the drawings will place alarm devices onto the drawings. Use a separate symbol for each type of alarm device and show its location on the drawing, including where it attaches to a wall or ceiling, under a desk, or other placement. I use a circle with a letter or letters within and a tag with a dot such that the dot shows the location on the plan where the device will attach to the wall. For my own symbols, ceiling-mounted devices have no tag (Figure 25.4).
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Figure 25.4
Alarm device symbol.

Racks, Consoles, and Panels

Next, show locations for equipment racks, security consoles, and equipment panels. Devise a symbol for each and show the location of each on the plan. I use a separate symbol for junction boxes, terminal boxes, and equipment panels so that the installer can tell which are used where (Figure 25.5).
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Figure 25.5
Equipment panel.

Conduits and Boxes

Finally, connect all of the devices on the drawings with conduit and boxes. Use a “tree” approach so that conduits collect into ever larger boxes as they get closer to their “home” equipment cabinet, rack, or console. Show a conduit size next to each conduit (Figure 25.6).
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Figure 25.6
Observe National Electrical Code (NEC) rules on conduit fill so that you show the correct size for each conduit according to the type and quantity of cables within. Conduits can become progressively larger as they collect more and more device cables on their way to the equipment cabinet. Observe NEC rules on the maximum size of conduits for each junction or pull box. You will have to show larger pull boxes as more conduits collect and as the conduits become larger.
Finally, show power connections for powered devices. You should include a Power Schedule that lists all powered devices and for each, the electrical panel and circuit breaker that they are powered from.
Do not mix power classes within the same conduit. Show Class 1 power cables in Class 1 conduits and Class 2/3 cables within Class 2/3 conduits.

Physical Details

For each security device it is best to draw a physical detail that shows how you expect the installer to mount and configure the device in the field. If you want dome or enclosed cameras used, show that. If you want motion detectors to be either surface or flush wall-mounted, show that. Whatever you don't show, the installer may decide on his own what is best and neither you nor the Owner may like that. Physical details should also have notes describing required dimensions, mounting methods, and so forth.

Riser Diagrams

Many designers, myself included, like to show a drawing with all of the conduits and power points in the system. This is called a Riser Diagram. For a multi-story building a Riser Diagram is normally divided into floors and on each floor is shown a main riser box and riser conduit (connecting the floors together), and from the main riser box conduits extend to the equipment panels and other terminal and junction boxes.
The Riser Diagram is also usually divided vertically to show the relationship between buildings on a campus or building zones within a building.
Finally, the Riser Diagram will show power drops, which are power connection points. All powered assemblies should be illustrated here. This is also a good place to show the panel and breaker to which each powered device connects.

Single-line Diagrams

Single-line Diagrams (Figure 25.7) show all of the security equipment and their circuit relationships. Show a Single-line Diagram for each system.
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Figure 25.7
Simple single-line diagram.
When you complete the Single-line Diagrams for each system you have a “biddable” set of drawings. The only additional type of drawing the installers need is Wiring Diagrams, which are not required for bidding.

Wiring Diagrams

Wiring Diagrams show the connections of each individual wire of each cable onto each terminal of each device. Many Wiring Diagrams can be typical; for example, all RS-485 connections are wired the same throughout the project, so you only have to show that once, not once for every panel. Similarly, you only need one Wiring Diagram for Card Readers, Door Position Switches, Motion Detectors (of a given type), and so forth.
You will need individual Wiring Diagrams for each Access Control Panel, Alarm Panel, Output Control Panel, Digital Switch, and so forth.


In lieu of Wiring Diagrams, you may want to show those relationships in Circuit or Equipment Schedules. This is a large spreadsheet that lists every field device and every attribute of that circuit. For example, an Access Control Schedule (Figure 25.8) may include the Card Reader Number, Door Type, Frame Type, Door Handing, Fire Rating, Type of Door Position Switch, Type of Exit Sensor, Type of Lock, What Access Control Panel (and port) it wires to, What Lock Power Supply, and so forth.
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Figure 25.8
Access control schedule.

System Installation

Project Planning

It sounds obvious, but the success or failure of the project largely depends on the quality of Project Planning, which should include:
• Project Schedule Development
• Shop and Field Drawings
• Product Acquisition and Staging
• Permits
• Coordination with other Trades
• Coordination for access to work areas
• Manpower Planning
Each of these elements either fits into a well laid out plan or becomes a crisis to be solved. Every crisis delays the project and destroys the reputation and relationship with the Owner, General Contractor, and other trades on the project. Equally important, every day you spend on the project beyond the scheduled completion date is a day of labor costs removed from the project's bottom line. Planning is everything.

Project Schedule

The project schedule is the single most important document in Project Planning. Simply put, any task conducted without being on the schedule is most likely to be late. The schedule should be built from the key milestone points and then down into greater and greater detail.
The most popular type of schedule format is the Gantt Chart (Figure 25.9). A Gantt Chart shows the relationship between all the tasks, task groups and their durations, their start/finish dates, precursor tasks, and resources needed.
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Figure 25.9
Gantt Chart.
Start the schedule with the major task groups. Don't worry about dates just yet. The first step is just to get all the major task groups listed. Major task groups include all the points covered in this section.
After that, add a task line for each individual task under each task group. For example, the Installation task group might include a task for installing devices on each floor. You can also develop sub-task groups, for example, under the Installation task group for a small project, subgroups might include:
• Install conduit
• Install cabling
• Install devices
• Install servers and workstations
• Test Devices
• Commission System
• Acceptance Testing
Each of these would then have a number of individual tasks within each subgroup.
After listing all of the tasks you can think of, go back to each task and list the time duration in hours or days that each task will take. Then list the order of precedence for the tasks. This is done by identifying for each individual task what other tasks must be completed before this task can begin. Finally, go to the top of the task list and list the start date. All the rest of the tasks will fill out their dates automatically from that based on their duration and order of sequence.

Shop and Field Drawings

Installers need a set of Shop and Field Drawings to build from, and the Integrator needs Shop and Field Drawings on new construction projects to receive authorization from the Consultant to begin the work. Shop and Field Drawings are also often required for building permits. They also show the Consultant that the Integrator understands the project and that the Integrator is providing the necessary equipment to complete the work. For a complete list of drawings and how to put them together, read the section Implementing Design Ideas to Paper.

Product Acquisition

It seems pretty obvious that you cannot install what you have not purchased, but a surprising number of installers don't seem to place much importance on product acquisition … until they actually need the product on the jobsite. The development of Shop and Field Drawings will help you identify every single product needed for each installation.
Early identification of products and their schedule of installation is important because some products take minutes or days to acquire while some take weeks and even months. Invariably, it seems that the product with the greatest lead time for purchase is the one that is identified last.
Most of the big-ticket items will already have been identified by the Installer's sales department during bidding. But there are many products that must be identified down to their last detail after the award. After identifying the products, the next step is to identify the suppliers and place orders.


In most municipalities, permits are required for installation of electronic security systems. Permits may be required by the building department and the fire department. It is usually the responsibility of the Integrator to obtain permits. Typically, these departments want to see a set of drawings and a work plan. Be sure to allow sufficient time in the schedule between the development of Shop and Field Drawings and the beginning of construction work to obtain permits.

Coordination with Other Trades

Your installation can be stopped dead in its tracks over and over again by other trades that you must coordinate with if you do not get well out in front of the coordination needs and deadlines early in the project. I suggest having a meeting with each or all of the other trades with which you will coordinate. Go to the meeting prepared with a folder on each trade listing what the coordination will entail, what you need from them (schedule and resources), and what you will give to them (resources). Discuss any modifications that may be required to your procurement list and theirs. Discuss schedules so that the work of both trades goes smoothly. Record any decisions reached and action items for ether trade into a set of meeting minutes. Distribute the meeting minutes to everyone at the meeting.
Follow through on the discussion to ensure that all decision points are acted upon by you and the trades (let them know that you have fulfilled your list and ask about theirs). Then give them a heads-up before any work that requires the presence of both trades together on the jobsite is done, just to be sure that they “got the memo.”

Access Coordination

Many project delays are caused due to a jobsite that is unavailable to the installer when he is scheduled to be there. I strongly encourage each Project Manager to send out an e-mail two weeks ahead of schedule identifying the work to be accomplished in the next two weeks (day by day list) and the areas needing clearance for the installers. You should request written clearance for the next two weeks for all of the days and items on the list for the following reasons.
• List two weeks out because an e-mail on Friday may not be enough time to schedule installers for the following Monday or Tuesday. (So you are giving them an extra week.)
• List next week as a confirmation of work already scheduled and as a reminder.
• Get confirmation and have the installers carry that confirmation with them when they go to the area to show it to anyone who tries to deny them access.
Certain areas, such as bank vault areas and prison areas require accompaniment by authorized users for retrofit projects. So be certain to ask in all weekly coordination request e-mails if any escort is required, and ask that the escort be introduced to you ahead of time.

Preliminary Checks and Testing

Once conduits, cabling, and devices are installed and the servers and workstations, operating systems, and programs are installed, you can begin Preliminary Checks and Testing.
Steps in Preliminary Checks and Testing include:
• Test to verify that all devices are connected and show basic operation
• Test each device to show that all aspects of its operation are correct (doors unlock, alarms signal, in all four alarm states, etc.)
• Verify that all basic functions of the server and workstations, operating system, and security system programs are working
You are now ready to begin the Final Works.

Final Works

Final Works include System Commissioning, completing Punch List Items, and System Acceptance.

System Commissioning

System Commissioning programs the security system servers and workstations with the software configurations necessary to carry out the planned tasks of the system. These include:
• Setting access control readers into access zones
• Setting alarm devices into alarm zones
• Setting system security schedules
• Setting users into access control groups
• Programming Graphical User Interface (GUI) maps
• Programming automated actions and events

Completing Punch List Items

Following completion of all of the work and system commissioning, you will find a number of items that sort of “fell through the cracks” in the installation. These may include:
• A few items that arrived late and are left to be installed
• Replacing ceiling tiles and access panels
• Closing junction boxes
• Final Wire and Cable Dressing and Wire Numbering
• Camera positioning
• Patching and Painting
• Jobsite clean-up
• Repairing anything that does not work correctly
Before presenting the project for System Acceptance, you should conduct your own Punch List first. Walk the entire project and look for any remedial work items that need to be addressed before the Owner's Representative finds them. Complete all of these items. Let the Owner and General Contractor know in a memo that you are addressing preliminary Punch List Items before they see them. This will lay the groundwork for confidence in your work before they arrive for Acceptance Testing. It is better to hold up Acceptance Testing while you are finishing these items rather than to present a project that is not complete.

System Acceptance

System Acceptance is the time every Integrator, Project Manager, and Installer likes best, because the project is almost complete. For the system to be accepted, the Project Manager must show the Owner that the project is complete in accordance with the project requirements.
The Project Manager should conduct a project tour to include the Owner's Representative, Consultant, and others as required. The tour should include viewing of every equipment control panel, power supply, equipment rack, server rack, console, and workstation. It should also include a floor-by-floor tour of all installed devices. Finally, show all of the functions on the workstations so that they can see that everything works.
The Owner's Representative or Consultant should note any discrepancies or remedial work items that still need attention. This will be issued by the Owner's Representative or Consultant as an official Punch List. Take your own notes of the Punch List items they intend to list.
Begin working on the Punch List immediately, even before receiving the official copy. Complete the Punch List and resubmit for final acceptance. Don't submit bits and pieces; finish the whole Punch List and then resubmit. This will finish the project much faster.
When the Punch List is complete, submit a System Acceptance form to include the Warranty Statement. Also include As-Built Drawings, Manuals, cabinet/rack keys, and any Portable Items or Spare Parts called for in the contract. Receive a signature for all items. Have an initial beside each item delivered with the date of acceptance. You will need this in case there is a dispute over what has and has not been delivered.
Congratulations! Your project is complete!

Chapter Summary

1. In the same way that many Designers do not understand the complexities of Installation and Maintenance, most Installers and Technicians rarely respect the complexities of Security System Design.
2. Security System Design is not about electronic equipment. It is not about cameras, card readers, biometrics, locks, and alarms. It is not about gates and doors. It is only about reducing risk.
3. Good Designers design systems to address the problems of today and the problems of the future.
4. The elements of a security system design include:
• Drawings
• Specifications
• Interdiscipline Coordination
• Product Selection
• Project Management
• Client Management
5. Drawings are needed to illustrate the relationship of devices to
• Their physical environment (plans, elevations, and physical details)
• The conduit system and to power (plans and risers)
• Each other (single line diagrams)
• The user (programming schedules)
6. Drawings must serve five distinct types of users:
• The Bid Estimator
• Installers
• The Installation Project Manager
• Maintenance Technicians
• The next Engineer expanding the System
7. Specifications should include a description of what the project entails, descriptions of the whole integrated system and each subsystem, a description of the services the contractor will provide; and a list of acceptable products and acceptable installation, testing, acceptance, training, and warranty practices.
8. Security systems are unique in that they relate to more building systems than any other building system. Security systems routinely relate to
• Electrical
• Door and Gate Hardware
• Structural
• Elevators
• Parking
• Landscape
• Building Automation Systems
• Signage
• Concrete
• Lighting
• Traffic Control Systems
• Irrigation Systems
9. Interdiscipline Coordination makes or breaks the installation.
10. Many designers express their product selection not only in their specifications but also with a Bill of Quantities (BOQ).
11. Project Management has four phases:
• Initiating the Project
• Planning the Project
• Executing the Project
• Controlling and Closing the Project
12. Each project has three main aspects:
• The Project Scope of Work
• The Project Schedule
• The Project Cost
13. Client Management is the process of managing the relationship between the firm you represent and the client's representative.
14. If you do not understand how systems fail you cannot design or install a system that is robust against failure.
15. Design using a layered security approach.
16. The basic goals of electronic security countermeasures include:
• Access Control
• Deterrence
• Detection
• Assessment
• Coordinating Response
• Evidence Gathering
17. Security System Designs should also be robust and redundant, expandable, flexible, and easy to use. And they should be sustainable.
18. The first stage of the design is to write a “Basis for Design” paper.
19. First, create Access Control Zones.
20. Identify portals into each Access Control Zone.
21. As you mark up doors with card reader symbols, you should also note the type of door and frame and the number of leaves. From this information you can develop a list of Door Types.
22. Each door type symbol is illustrated in the physical details by its own detail comprising, for example:
• Detail 3B — A — A Plan View
• Detail 3B — B — An Elevation View
• Detail 3B — C — A Schematic View showing devices at the door and the wiring to the Access Control Panel
23. The next pass over the drawings will place alarm devices onto the drawings.
24. Next, show locations for equipment racks, security consoles, and equipment panels.
25. Finally, connect all the devices on the drawings with conduit and boxes. Use different line types of conduits in floors, walls and above ceilings so the installer knows where the conduits should be located.
26. For each security device it is best to draw a physical detail that shows how you expect the installer to mount and configure the device in the field.
27. Many designers like to show a drawing with all of the conduits and power points in the system. This is called a Riser Diagram.
28. Single-line Diagrams show all of the security equipment and their circuit relationships. Show a Single-line Diagram for each system.
29. Wiring Diagrams show the connections of each individual wire of each cable onto each terminal of each device.
30. In lieu of Wiring Diagrams, you may want to show those relationships in Circuit or Equipment Schedules.
31. Project Planning should include:
• Project Schedule Development
• Shop and Field Drawings
• Product Acquisition and Staging
• Permits
• Coordination with other Trades
• Coordination for access to work areas
• Manpower Planning
32. The Project Schedule is the single most important document in Project Planning.
33. Shop and Field Drawings show the Consultant that the Integrator understands the project and that the Integrator is providing the necessary equipment to complete the work.
34. Early identification of products and their schedule of installation is important because some products take minutes or days to acquire, whereas some take weeks and even months.
35. In most municipalities, permits are required for installation of electronic security systems.
36. Your installation can be stopped dead in its tracks over and over again by other trades that you must coordinate with if you do not get well out in front of the coordination needs and deadlines early in the project.
37. Many project delays are caused because the jobsite is unavailable for the installer when he is scheduled to be there.
38. There are just a few steps in Preliminary Checks and Testing:
• Test to verify that all devices are connected and show basic operation
• Test each device to show that all aspects of its operation are correct (doors unlock, alarms signal in all four alarm states, etc.)
• Verify that all basic functions of the server and workstations and operating system and security system programs are working.
39. Final Works include System Commissioning, completing Punch List Items, and System Acceptance.
1) Security System Design is only about
a. Locks, cameras, and card readers
b. Alarms and output controls
c. Cardholders
d. Reducing risk
2) Risk comprises
a. Vulnerabilities
b. Probability
c. Consequences
d. All of the above
3) Any Security System designed without a proper Risk Analysis
a. Will be more expensive
b. Will be less expensive
c. Will be wrong
d. None of the above
4) After designing for Risk, the most obvious difference between the way Security Consultants design and the way Security Integrators design is that Security Integrators most commonly design
a. To solve today's problems
b. To solve tomorrow's problems
c. To solve today's and tomorrow's problems
d. None of the above
5) The elements of a security system design include:
a. Drawings and Specifications
b. Interdiscipline Coordination and Product Selection
c. Project Management and Client Management
d. All of the above
6) Drawings illustrate the designer's concepts on how the system
a. Should relate to the building
b. Should relate to the conduits
c. Should relate to the user
d. None of the above
7) Which of the following is not interested in the drawings?
a. The Bid Estimator
b. The Installers
c. The Maintenance Technician
d. The Accounting Department
8) Most integrators I have met
a. Sincerely want to do well for their clients
b. Are only interested in profits
c. Are interested in profits more than the Owner's goals
d. None of the above
9) Security systems are unique in that they relate to
a. Lighting and elevators
b. Stairwells and elevators
c. Doors and windows
d. More building systems than any other building system
10) Which of the following do security systems not routinely relate to?
a. Door and Gate Hardware
b. Elevators
c. Irrigation Systems
d. Escalators
11) Interdiscipline Coordination
a. Makes systems more difficult to use
b. Makes or breaks the installation
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
12) Specifying the wrong products can
a. Result in more irrigation
b. Result in less options for installation
c. Leave the owner upset with the installer, the manufacturer, and the designer
d. None of the above
13) Each project comprises:
a. The Project Scope of Work
b. The Project Schedule
c. The Project Cost
d. All of the above
14) Understanding how to make systems fail is
a. Unnecessary
b. Equally important as understanding how to make systems work
c. Neither a nor b
d. This is a trick question
15) The Layered Security Approach is a combination of detection and access layers
a. Placed over each other at geographical progression toward the most valuable assets
b. Placed together to ensure that all fences are protected
c. Placed together to ensure that all gates are guarded by guards and dogs
d. None of the above
16) The system should have redundancy such that if one component fails
a. Another will shift from its normal duties to cover
b. Another is there to take its place functionally
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
17) All systems have a finite operating life.
a. But you can extend that substantially if the system is operated properly.
b. But you can extend that substantially through good design and good maintenance.
c. But you can extend that substantially if the system is installed using high-quality cable.
d. None of the above
18) As you mark up doors with card reader symbols, you should also note the type of door and frame and the number of leaves.
a. From this information you can develop a list of Door Types
b. From this information, you can develop a list of cameras
c. From this information, you can develop a list of users
d. None of the above
19) When marking up conduits and boxes
a. Use a “ring” approach so that all conduits connect together
b. Use a “tree” approach so that conduits collect into ever larger boxes as they get closer to their “home” equipment cabinet, rack, or console
c. Use a “loop” approach so that all conduits connect together into a loop
d. None of the above
20) For each security device it is best to
a. Draw a physical detail that shows how you expect the installer to mount and configure the device in the field
b. Draw a schedule so that you know all devices are listed on a spreadsheet
c. Draw a picture of the device from several angles
d. None of the above
21) Single-line Diagrams show all of the security equipment
a. And their circuit relationships
b. And their conduit relationships
c. And their electrical power supply relationships
d. None of the above
22) Wiring Diagrams show
a. The relationship between devices and their conduits
b. The relationship between devices and the floor plan
c. The connections of each individual wire of each cable onto each terminal of each device
d. None of the above
23) The _____________is the single most important document in Project Planning.
a. Project Schedule
b. Project Manager's Report
c. Project Agenda
d. Project Autopsy
24) Shop and Field Drawings show the Consultant that the Integrator
a. Understands what steps are in which order
b. Understands that he can do what he wants
c. Understands the project and that the Integrator is providing the necessary equipment to complete the work
d. None of the above
25) Early identification of products and their schedule of installation is important because
a. Some products have to be ordered twice
b. Some products are not received correctly the first time
c. Some products take minutes or days to acquire while some take weeks and even months
d. None of the above
26) Permits may be required
a. By the building department
b. By the fire department
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
Answers: 1) d, 2) d, 3) c, 4) a, 5) d, 6) a, 7) d, 8) a, 9) d, 10) d, 11) b, 12) c, 13) d, 14) b, 15) a, 16) b, 17) b, 18) a, 19) b, 20) a, 21) a, 22) c, 23) a, 24) c, 25) c, 26) c
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