
I once worked with a client who had a “Basic Tactics for…” class that he knew—from both experience and research—his trainees needed. Very few people signed up for it. After scratching our heads and doing more research, we figured out that while trainees needed it and—even better—they knew they needed it, they didn’t want their boss to know that they needed it, because they were already supposed to know that material. It was assumed that they knew it.

Before I share what we did to transform results, let me tell you why I think you’re smarter than the trainees in this story. One, unlike the employees in the story I just shared, I’ve never met a trainer who wasn’t hungry to be a learner themselves. Two, unlike the 100-year-old industry in the story, virtual classroom technology is relatively young historically speaking. It’s OK to be learning the basics right here and now. For real trainers, learning the basics is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of wisdom and strength.

I’ve known Cindy Huggett a long time because we’re both old pros when it comes to the conferencing technology that powers virtual classrooms. You’re in good hands. Virtual Training Basics is brilliantly put together. You’ll learn more stuff than you even knew to ask about; plus, the book’s organization itself reveals a lot about how virtual training works, and how to navigate the choices in front of you. Best of all, for a seriously scant amount of money, you’ll grow your mastery and add a new modality to your repertoire.

Oh, and the magic fix for the low response rate of the course in my story? Changing the title—and only the title—of the class to “Advanced Tactics for….” The content didn’t change, but both attendance and smile-sheet ratings for the course increased.

You can add that one to your bag of tricks, too. Because if you’re smart enough to buy this book, you’re smart enough to beg, borrow, or steal a good idea anywhere on your own journey to mastery.


Roger Courville
Chief Content Officer, EventBuilder
April 2018

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