

digital divides 6, 118, 1202, 1489

e-commerce scenarios 46, 50, 534, 57

forecasts 120, 121

government target 118139, 120, 149, 1634

limitations 1634

quality 1489

resistance to internet 1201

accounting 213, 33

advertising 1001

air-freight 1679, 186 70, 723, 124, 174

Angell Town, Brixton 119

assets, intangible 213, 33

auction sites 83

B2B see business-to-business

B2C see business-to-consumer

bank access, e-commerce 122

banking industry, changes 25

barter currencies 1312

benchmarks, e-regions 161, 164

biological insights, application to economy 1920

book distribution 70, 723, 124

borrowing, change from ownership 312

business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce

cybersociety scenario 52

cyberspace scenario 44

digital islands scenario 48

efficiency 8

ethical trading 889

increasing supplier bases 1878

network communities scenario 56

regulation 194

reputations 1011

transport and distribution 169, 1734

business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce

cybersociety scenario 52

cyberspace scenario 44

digital islands scenario 48

effects on highstreet 20810

network communities scenario 56

transport and distribution 1656, 1703, 1835

buying power 9, 10, 28

Cambridge, Silicon Fen 140, 144

Camden paradox, social exclusion 1534

capital, changing values 213

cars see transport

Cenargo e-logistics centre 176

Center for energy and Climate Solutions 203

centres of excellence, environmental technology 34

certification, suppliers 188

charitable activities 7980, 108

chat rooms 1001

children 116, 122

cities 20020

citizenship 60

civic institutions

e-commerce effects 99100

encouraging cooperation 98

grant funding 110, 112

The Cluetrain Manifesto 85, 86, 87, 90

clustering 1434, 154


see also e-commerce

social network dependency 7


e-commerce effects 99, 1003

e-commerce scenarios 412, 504, 548

enterprise 11011

group websites 1067

information networks 125, 126

neighbourhood contacts 102

virtual 7, 878, 1003


physical 151, 154

virtual 141, 143, 154, 205

competition 45, 49, 53, 567

competitiveness, regional development 1478

consumer protection 5960, 66, 70

consumerism, ethical 867, 95

consumerist values 43, 47


creating demand 27, 38

dematerialization 256, 67, 70, 834, 143

economic indicators 65

patterns 62

rebound effects 11, 26

service economy 235

values 278

virtualization 810, 1617, 27, 834, 171, 2023

control, local environment 110

Craigmillar Community Information Service 126

credit access 122, 1634

credit facilities 122, 1634

cultural shifts 201

currency, national rates 1778

currency systems 119, 12834

cybersociety, e-commerce scenario 42, 504, 21415

cyberspace, e-commerce scenario 42, 437, 213

cycles of change, timescales 14

data exchange, supply chains 1756

data protection, privacy 105

de-voicing, internet effects 104

dematerialization 256, 67, 70, 834, 143

Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) 167, 18990, 1934

deregulation 45

developing world 80, 112, 183

digital divide

e-commerce scenarios 46, 50, 589

internet access 6, 118, 1201

internet use 1212, 1489

mapping 147

digital economy

cybersociety scenario 512

cyberspace scenario 44

digital islands scenario 48

mapping 1504

need for planning 56

network communities scenario 55

social inclusion 67

Digital Futures project

aims 2

partnerships 45, 1314

think tanks 45

digital islands, e-commerce scenario 4750, 21314

digital TV (DTV) 7, 101, 129

disabled people 1212, 139, 194


B2B 169, 1734

B2C 1656, 1703, 1835

books 70, 723, 124

civic organisation 112

e-commerce 16599

food 1712, 173, 175, 178, 180

international 169, 172, 1867, 194

local/regional centres 165, 168, 173, 1846, 191, 193

shared facilities 169, 1778, 1845, 1934

documents, logistics 178, 179

dot-civics 10713

dot-com companies

environmental policies and systems 789

ethical 81

locations 140, 1434, 1505

management attitudes 778

market events 2000 1

partnerships 1314

stakeholder importance 856

dot-orgs, partnerships 1314

DoubleClick 105

drop-off boxes, internet shopping 173, 184


environmental policies and systems 789

management attitudes 778

stakeholder importance 856

sustainable logistics 1912

trust 1045


bank/credit access 122, 1634

civic responsibilities 11213

consumer protection and security 5960

currency systems 119

definition 3

economic indicators 65

energy consumption 25, 26, 82

environmental policies and systems 789

ethics 7296, 28

first and second order effects 188, 1901

forecast value 170

fulfilment 176, 177

home delivery 125

logistics assumptions 1823

low-income market 67, 118, 123

management attitudes 778

market events 2000 1

myths 74

post offices 1256

scenarios approach 3971, 21516, 220

social capital effects 97119

social impacts 5861

speed 767, 79

stakeholders 859

sustainability principles 315

threats 75

transport and distribution 16599

urban sustainability 20020

virtualization 810, 1617, 27, 834, 171, 2023

worldwide value potential 5

e-inclusion initiative, Hewlett-Packard 80, 112

e-marketplaces, B2B 1734

e-materialization see virtualization

e-regions, sustainable regional development 14064

e-Tropolis, city project 130, 131


charitable foundation 79

on-line auctions 83

eco-labelling, consumer choice 27 ecobots, green search engines 84

economic, e-commerce 65

economic strategies, UK regions 14750


cybersociety scenario 51

cyberspace scenario 434

digital islands scenario 478

network communities scenario 55

EDI see electronic data interchange

education, literacy 122, 1389

efficiency, environmental benefits 89

elderly people, home shopping 194

electricity consumption

internet 26

US economy 2034

electronic communication

limitations 11516

wisdom 11617

electronic currency 119, 7

electronic data interchange (EDI) 170

electronic delivery see virtualization

electronic money 12932


e-businesses 87

importance 95

power 10

empowerment, IT effects 10, 70

encription, privacy 70

Encyclopaedia Britannica 27

energy consumption

internet 26, 6970

US economy 2034

energy systems, need for investment 67

entertainment industry 1617, 27

entrepreneurs 3D 7681 767

social responsibility 7981


entertainment industry 1617

environmental xxi, 34

social interests 13


accounting 223

company attitudes 678, 789, 160

regulation 12, 63

sustainability 56, 1427, 14950

tourism impact 245

The Environmental Defence Fund ( 109

environmental movement 201, 1314

ethical commerce

consumerism 867, 95

e-commerce 7296

internet portals 28

potential 9

top 10 dot-com companies 81

EU monetary union 52

Evanston, Illinois, e-Tropolis 130, 131

evolutionary theory, application to economy 1920

exclusivity, virtual communities 103

experience industry 245

face to face relationships 104

Fanning, Shawn, Napster 1617

financial accounting 223

First Tuesday entrepreneurs’ network 80

flows, urban planning 2012, 207

food distribution, logistics 1712, 173, 175, 178, 180

forecasting, technological effects 1

forth party logistics 176

Forum for the Future

2000 survey 779

2001 survey 20

working with industry 23

fraud, e-commerce scenarios 5960

GDP see gross domestic product

GEM see guaranteed electronic markets

geography, information economy 14064

glass pipelines, supply chain management 1756

global activists, net use 115


cybersociety scenario 504

cyberspace scenario 437

e-commerce scenarios 412

virtual organisation 176, 198

Gnutella 111

governance, e-commerce scenarios 412, 45, 489, 523, 567


environmental attitudes 21

institutional change 1213

limitations 956

partnerships 1314, 901, 94

regional economic development 142, 1457, 149, 156, 159, 164

government policy

information simplification 1389

innovation 33, 34

internet access 118139, 120, 149, 1634

internet protection 66

network diversity 66

social inclusion 118, 120, 122, 1345

sustainability 84

transport and distribution 1924

virtualization 334

government services, e-commerce scenarios 445, 52, 56

grant funding, civic groups 110, 112

green consumerism

see also ethical commerce

e-certificates 188

‘green delivery’ option 83

industrial ecology 160

internet culture 34

potential 9

transparency 678

gross domestic product (GDP), limitations 22

guaranteed electronic markets (GEM), trust 12930

Hadrian Farm Meats, website 129

heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) 168

Hewlett-Packard, e-inclusion initiative 80, 112

HGVs see heavy goods vehicles

home shopping

drop-off boxes 173, 184

environmental impact 823

groceries 1713

local distribution centres 165, 173, 1846, 191, 193

packaging 73, 1745

returns 173, 184

transport effects xx, 910, 723, 1835

individualism 412, 437, 4750

industrial ecology 160

industrial revolution 1819


internet services 1011, 104

simplification 1389

virtualization 27

innovation xxi, 5, 1719, 34

institutions 1213, 106

intangible assets 223, 33

intelligent production, efficiency 29

international distribution 169, 172, 1867, 194

internet energy use 26, 6970

internet shopping see business-to-consumer (B2C); e-commerce; home shopping

‘IT for All’ initiative 149, 1634

IT skills 126, 154, 159, time banking 1334

Jacobs, Jane 1920

Joy, Bill 75

Jubilee 2000 115

‘just in time’ deliveries 169, 175, 220

Kyoto Protocol 26 1, 5

LCA see life cycle assessment

leasing, change from ownership 312

LETS see local exchange and trading schemes

life-cycle assessment (LCA) 1989

light goods vehicles (LGVs) (`white vans’) 1656, 168, 171, 193

Linux operating system 111

literacy, IT exclusion 122, 1389

local communities

e-commerce 78, 119

marketplace networks 198

money flows 124

online organizations 107, 10910

retailing 122, 1234, 127

small businesses 1228

Toby Peter directory 127

local distribution centres 165, 173, 1846, 191, 193

local exchange and trading schemes (LETS) 7, 132

Local Internet Futures programme 153

localization 412, 4750, 548

logistics 16599

London, information society 1535

London Time Bank 134

low-income communities 11839

credit access 122, 1634

internet access 120, 121, 1489

market 67, 118, 123

Mallet, Jeff 1001

manufacturing industry 234

mapping, information economy 140, 1434, 1456, 1504

market access 183

measurement, intangibles 213, 33

media industry, virtualization 17

Mills, Mark 26

Moore's law 14, 69

music industry 1617

mutual exchange 111

myths, e-commerce 74

Napster 16, 111

National Transportation Exchange 29

natural capital, accountancy 223

natural world, economic models 1920

network communities, e-commerce scenario 548, 215

networks 78, 66

non-government organizations (NGOs) 901, 1067

not-for-profit websites 1078 28

online relationships 78, 1045

open markets 437

order picking, internet shopping 1712

out-of-town developments 1689, 185, 208, 219

outsourcing, power needs 32

ownership, changing attitudes 302

packaging 73, 1745


between sectors 901

environmental movement 21

importance 1314

regional development 161

patterns, e-commerce 12

peer-to-peer commerce 111

Peter, Toby 127

petroleum supply chain 177, 178, 181


incorporating sustainability factors 56

need for xxi

regional guidance 21012

towns and cities 20510

policy strategies 63, 658

political innovation 1819, 21, 335

political sites 107

political values 412

pollution 30, 109

post office 12566, 186

predictions 1, 3940

pressure groups, use of technology 1067


data protection 105

e-commerce scenarios 59

encription 70

Proddow, Louise 767

production 2830

public services 60

public transport information systems 29

rail freight 169, 1867, 194

RDAs see regional development agencies; regional development authorities

RDCs see regional distribution centres

rebound effects, consumerism 11, 26


computers 127

e-commerce potential 89

water pollution control 30

referendums, local community 110

regional development

e-commerce scenarios 601

regeneration projects 160

strategies 15861

sustainability 1427

regional development agencies (RDAs) 142, 1456, 149, 156, 159, 164

regional development authorities (RDAs) 6

regional distribution centres (RDCs) 168

regional divide, IT companies 6, 1434, 154

regional inequalities 183

regional planning guidance (RPG) 21012


consumer protection 66

e-commerce scenarios 412, 45, 489, 523, 567

sustainability 84

transport and distribution 1934


e-commerce stakeholders 859

e-commerce/governments/NGOs 901

renewable energy 26

reputations, e-commerce 1011, 84

resource efficiency 61

responsibility, e-commerce 74, 84, 7981


effect of online shopping 20810

logistics 16870

roads see transport

Romm, Joseph 82, 203

rural communities

information society strategies 160

retail outlets 103, 20910

socially inclusive e-commerce 119

tele-commuting 141

scenarios approach 3971, 21516, 220

scorecard, The Environmental Defence Fund 109


regional development 142, 146

Silicon Glen 140, 144

Scottish Organizational Currency System (SOCS) 1312

search engines, ecobots 84

self-help networks 102

service economy 235

service obligations 667

shared distribution facilities 169, 1778, 1845, 1934

sharing, change from ownership 312

shipping 169, 1867, 194

Silicon Glen/Fen, UK 140, 144

Silicon Valley 144

sink estates 119

skills 126, 154, 159

small businesses 1228

small towns 209, 220

smart cards, electronic cash 129

SmartCity, electronic money 130

SMEs, business facilitators 164

social capital 97117

social exclusion 11839

see also digital divide

Camden paradox 1534

literacy 122, 1389

mapping 1534

RDA policies 149

social impacts, e-commerce 5861

social inclusion

digital economy benefits 67

internet access 118, 1202, 149, 1634

regional development 147

social networks, e-commerce effects 78, 97, 98, 1012

social responsibility 7981, 74, 84

social values 412

socio-economic context

cybersociety scenario 54

cyberspace scenario 467

digital islands scenario 50

network communities scenario 578

SOCS see Scottish Organizational Currency System

spatial restructuring, cities 207, 21112

stakeholders 859

stealth assets 22


environmental and social performance 192

ethical considerations 889

increasing numbers 1878

supply chains 165, 1708, 1823


calculating costs 23

DETR sustainable distribution criteria 167, 18990

incentives 11

intervention importance 1112

logistics 1668, 1828, 1904

ten principles 315

sustainable development, definition 3

T-commerce 119, 1324


e-commerce 44, 48

transportation 193, 197

techno-determinism 745


accelerating progress 69

cars 18, 37

cybersociety scenario 53

cyberspace scenario 456

digital islands scenario 4950

environmental 34

MP3 334, 834

network communities scenario 57

pressure groups 1067


synergy with transport 143

travel substitution 2045

telecommuting 141, 143, 154, 205


attitudes 14

e-commerce speed 767, 79, 912

internet currency 119, 1324

TimeBank 133

tourism, environmental impact 245

trade unions 89

transparency, environmental information 678

Transport 2000 1979


car leasing 31

car technology 18, 37

car use 18, 1656, 1689, 198

commuting 144, 151, 154

cybersociety scenario 51, 54

cyberspace scenario 43, 46

digital islands scenario 47, 50

e-commerce effects xx, 910, 82, 16599

fuel demand 378

home deliveries xx, 910, 723, 1835

information systems 29

international 245, 169, 172, 1867, 194

mapping 155

need for investment 67

network communities scenario 57

public 29

rail freight 169, 1867, 194

regional planning guidance 21112

road use 144, 155, 168

shipping 169, 1867, 194

strategies 160

substituting telecommunication 2045

supply chains 165, 1708

sustainable logistics 1668, 18294

telecommunications 14950, 143

urban planning 208


company reputations 1011

e-commerce effects 989

encouraging cooperation 978

guaranteed electronic markets 12930

online communication 1045 131, 132

UK Online initiative 118, 120, 149, 1634

UPS, e-fulfilment 177

urban dissolution 2001, 206

urban sustainability

cyber society 21415

cyberspace 213

digital islands 21314

e-commerce effects 20020

networked communities 215

planning 20510, 20512


intangible assets 213, 33

social/political 412

Varian, Hal 19

virtual communities 7, 878, 98, 1003

virtual commuting 141, 143, 154, 205

virtual organisation 1768

virtuality, physical impact myth 74, 79


e-commerce scenarios 61

environmental impact 8, 1617, 27

government policy 334

logistics impact 171

MP3 technology 334, 834

transport effects 910

urban sustainability 2023

voluntary organizations 121, 135, 108

vulnerable supply chains 175, 177

Wales, regional development 142, 146

warehousing 169, 172, 174, 1778, 193

‘white vans’ see light goods vehicles

whole-system innovation 1819

wisdom, electronic communication 11617

women 116

work patterns, telecommuting 141, 143, 154, 205

world internet access 120

Yahoo, virtual communities 1001

young people 122

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