
Tom Bentley is the Director of Demos, an independent think-tank. ([email protected])

Frans Berkhout is a Senior Fellow and leader of the Environment and Energy Programme at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex. ([email protected])

David Boyle is Senior Associate at the New Economics Foundation, and the author of Funny Money (HarperCollins, 1999) and The Tyranny of Numbers (HarperCollins, 2001). ([email protected])

John Browning is co-founder of First Tuesday, a global network dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve success. He is also co-editor of New Economy Watch and a contributing editor of Wired. ([email protected])

Madeleine Bunting is a columnist and leader writer for The Guardian. ([email protected])

Kevin Carey is the Founding Director of humanITy, the world's first digital charity, which focuses on IT and social exclusion. He is also an adviser to the Cabinet Office. ([email protected])

Ian Christie is an Associate Director of the Local Futures Group and a writer on sustainable development issues. He is the co-author of Managing Sustainable Development (Earthscan, 2000) and From Here to Sustainability (Earthscan, 2001). ([email protected])

Evan Davis is the Economics Editor of the BBC's Newsnight programme, and the author of Public Spending. (Penguin, 1998). ([email protected])

Malcolm Eames is a Fellow in the Environment and Energy Programme at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex. ([email protected])

Tara Garnett has worked on sustainable development issues for Sustain, the London School of Economics and, most recently, Transport 2000. ([email protected])

Andrew Gillespie is Professor of Communications Geography and Executive Director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies at the University of Newcastle. ([email protected])

Nick Green was previously Policy Officer at the Town and Country Planning Association, and now teaches at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. ([email protected])

Sir Peter Hall is Professor of Planning at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. From 1998–99, he was a member of the Deputy Prime Minister's Urban Task Force. ([email protected])

Richard Hawkins was a Senior Fellow at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex, and now works as a senior advisor at TNO in the Netherlands. ([email protected])

Mark Hepworth is Director of the Local Futures Group, and Visiting Professor of Economic Geography at Birkbeck College, University of London. ([email protected])

Julia Hertin is Research Officer in the Environment and Energy Programme at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex. ([email protected])

Peter Hopkinson is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management at the University of Bradford and course director of the university's MSc in Business Strategy and the Environment. ([email protected])

Peter James is part-time Professor of Environmental Management at the University of Bradford, and a senior research associate of UK CEED. His publications include Sustainable Measures (Greenleaf, 2001) and Driving Eco-innovation (Pitman, 1996). ([email protected])

Stephen Joseph is Executive Director of Transport 2000, and a member of the Commission for Integrated Transport. ([email protected])

Ben Jupp is a Research Associate of the think-tank Demos. ([email protected])

Charles Leadbeater is an independent writer, Demos Research Associate, and an adviser to Atlas Venture, the US–European venture capital fund. He is the author of Living on Thin Air: The New Economy (Viking, 1999). ([email protected])

Amory B Lovins is Chief Executive Officer (Research) at the Rocky Mountain Institute, Director of The Hypercar Centre, and co-author of Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution (Earthscan, 1999). ([email protected])

Alex MacGillivray is Deputy Director of the New Economics Foundation, and has researched and published widely on new technology, social inclusion and sustainable communities. ([email protected])

Gordon Mackerron was a Senior Fellow at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex, and now works for the energy consultancy NERA. ([email protected])

Simon Marvin is Professor of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development at Salford University and Co-director of the Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures. ([email protected])

Paul Miller is a researcher at Forum for the Future, where his work focuses on the sustainability of the new economy. ([email protected])

Professor Jim Norton is Head of e-Business Policy at the Institute of Directors. Prior to joining the IoD, he led the Cabinet Office team which produced the report [email protected]. ([email protected]).

Jonathon Porritt is a Programme Director of Forum for the Future and Chairman of the UK Sustainable Development Commission. ([email protected])

Rebecca Willis is Policy Coordinator at Green Alliance. ([email protected])

James Wilsdon is Senior Policy Adviser at Forum for the Future and coordinator of the Digital Futures project. ([email protected])

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