Chapter 5. Tweaking the Form Settings

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Confirming submissions
  • Limiting submissions
  • Closing and reopening forms
  • Limiting access to forms
  • Displaying Webform as block
  • Saving draft submissions
  • Warning about previous submissions
  • Customizing submit button text


Thanks to the power and convenience offered by the Webform components, we are able to create our forms in a fairly short space of time. Once we have all the necessary input fields in place, however, we discover that polishing the final product can take at least as long to accomplish.

As we work through the additional form settings in this chapter we will, unavoidably, be creating additional factors to take into account during the testing phase of our forms as discussed at the end of Chapter 2, Trying Out Webform, and we should take care to ensure that everything works as expected.

As we saw in Chapter 2, Trying Out Webform, and Chapter 4, Discovering More Components, there are several tweaks we can apply to the components themselves, such as hiding a field label or changing the display width of a text field for example. This first level of tweaking will probably require two or three iterations before all the stakeholders are happy to sign off on the way that the fields on our form render to the end user.

Having done what we can to ensure that our form fields are logically grouped and well presented, we can now turn our attention to other details that will enhance both the user experience of our forms and our ability to manage what occurs on our forms. The Form settings page shows several options affecting the way our completed forms behave.


The remainder of this chapter assumes that we are logged in to our website as a user with full administration access to Webforms and have clicked on the Form settings sub-tab of our form's Webform tab.

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