Adding a time component

Adding a time component is every bit as easy, and powerful, as a date component.

How to do it...

Let's add a component enabling our form users to submit a time.

  1. Add a new component name Arrival time, select Time from the component type list, mark it as Mandatory and click on Add.
  2. We enter now as the Default value for our time component and select Website timezone under Default value timezone.
  3. Let's click on Save component and also add this component to the Arrival details fieldset, just as we did with the date component.
How to do it...

How it works...

Time components render with two selection lists, one for hour and one for minute, to enable our form users to specify a particular time.

There's more...

On the time component edit page, we can optionally specify whether the time should be expressed in the form of a twelve-hour clock (that is, using A.M. and P.M., for example, 8:55 P.M.) or in the form of a twenty-four hour clock (for example, 20:55).

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