Chapter 1. Models and Mappings

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Mapping a class with XML
  • Creating class hierarchy mappings
  • Mapping a one-to-many relationship
  • Setting up a base entity class
  • Bidirectional one-to-many class relationships
  • Handling versioning and concurrency
  • Creating mappings fluently
  • Mapping with ConfORM


NHibernate is a popular, mature, open source object / relational mapper (ORM) based on Java's Hibernate project. ORMs, such as LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, and NHibernate, translate between the database's relational model of tables, columns, and keys to the application's object model of classes and properties.

The NHibernate homepage,, contains blog posts, a wiki, the complete reference documentation, and a bug tracker. Support is available through the very active nhusers Google group at The NHibernate source code is hosted on SourceForge at Precompiled binaries of NHibernate releases are also available on SourceForge.

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