Using QueryOver projections and aggregates

In some cases, we only need specific properties of an entity. In other cases, we may need the results of an aggregate function, such as average or count. In this recipe, I'll show you how to write QueryOver queries with projections and aggregates.

How to do it...

  1. Complete the setup steps in the introduction at the beginning of this chapter.
  2. Add the following method to the Queries class.
    public IEnumerable<NameAndPrice> GetMoviePriceList()
      return _session.QueryOver<Movie>()
        .Select(m => m.Name, m => m.UnitPrice)
        .Select(props =>
          new NameAndPrice()
            Name = (string)props[0],
            Price = (decimal)props[1]
  3. Add the following method to Queries to fetch a simple average movie price:
    public decimal GetAverageMoviePrice()
      var result = _session.QueryOver<Movie>()
        .Select(Projections.Avg<Movie>(m => m.UnitPrice))
      return Convert.ToDecimal(result);
  4. To get a list of directors and the average price of their movies, add the following method:
    public IEnumerable<NameAndPrice> GetAvgDirectorPrice()
      return _session.QueryOver<Movie>()
        .Select(list => list
          .SelectGroup(m => m.Director)
          .SelectAvg(m => m.UnitPrice)
        .Select(props =>
          new NameAndPrice()
            Name = (string)props[0],
            Price = Convert.ToDecimal(props[1])
  5. In Program.cs, use the following code in the RunQueries method:
    static void RunQueries(ISession session)
      var queries = new Queries(session);
      Show("Movie Price List:",
      Show("Average Movie Price:",
      Show("Average Price by Director:",
  6. Build and run your application. You should see the following output:
    How to do it...

How it works...

Again, we'll discuss each query separately. The queries are as follows:

  • GetMoviePriceList query

    Here's the code we used for our movie price list query:

    .Select(m => m.Name, m => m.UnitPrice)
    .Select(props =>
      new NameAndPrice()
        Name = (string)props[0],
        Price = (decimal)props[1]

    In this query, we want to return a list containing only movie names and their prices. To accomplish this, we project two properties from our Movie object: Name and UnitPrice. We do this using QueryOver's Select method. Our QueryOver ends with a call to List. Because we are returning the values of individual properties instead of entire Movie objects, our generic argument specifies that we'll return a list of object arrays. Each element in the list represents a row in our query results. The first element of each of those object arrays is the movie's Name. The second is the movie's UnitPrice.

    The resulting SQL query for Microsoft SQL Server is as follows:

    SELECT this_.Name      as y0_,
           this_.UnitPrice as y1_
    FROM   Product this_
    WHERE  this_.ProductType = 'Eg.Core.Movie'

    To return a list of strongly typed objects instead of these object arrays, we use a standard LINQ to Objects Select from System.Linq to put our query results into neat NameAndPrice objects.

  • GetAverageMoviePrice query
    .Select(Projections.Avg<Movie>(m => m.UnitPrice))

    In the previous code, we query for the average price of all movies in the database. We call our aggregate function through Projections.Avg, and then project the result.

    Because we have projected a single aggregate result, we execute the query and get the result with a call to .SingleOrDefault<double>(). We expect a double to be returned by the average aggregate function. However, because we're dealing with money, we'll convert it to a decimal before returning it to our application.

    This QueryOver results in the following SQL Query:

    SELECT avg(cast(this_.UnitPrice as DOUBLE PRECISION)) as y0_
    FROM   Product this_
    WHERE  this_.ProductType = 'Eg.Core.Movie'
  • GetAvgDirectorPrice query

    With the following code, we query for a list of movie directors and the average price of their movies.

    .Select(list => list
      .SelectGroup(m => m.Director)
      .SelectAvg(m => m.UnitPrice)
    .Select(props =>
      new NameAndPrice()
        Name = (string)props[0],
        Price = Convert.ToDecimal(props[1])

    In this case, we will group by and project the Director property and project the average UnitPrice, using this syntax:

    .Select(list => list
      .SelectGroup(m => m.Director)
      .SelectAvg(m => m.UnitPrice)

    Just as we did in our first query, we return a list of object arrays, and then transform them into a list of NameAndPrice objects with LINQ to Objects.

    Here is the resulting SQL query:

    SELECT   this_.Director                                as y0_,
             avg(cast(this_.UnitPrice as DOUBLE PRECISION)) as y1_
    FROM     Product this_
    WHERE    this_.ProductType = 'Eg.Core.Movie'
    GROUP BY this_.Director

See also

  • Using Criteria Queries
  • Using QueryOver
  • Using MultiCriteria
  • Using Named Queries
  • Using Detached Queries
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