
A, 16, 301
academic knowledge, 11
author-pays approach, 31–4
availability, 20–34
business of, 10
challenges in evaluating, once designed, 43–65
cost, 31–4
designing, 34–43
ecologies, 19
framing the future, 65–73
for free, 24–31
popularity measures of, 59–62
sale by content purchase, 20–4
use of metrics, 70–1, 73
academic libraries
electronic journals in, 318–19, 321–2, 324–7
expenditure, 319, 321
international perspectives on, 320–2
journal provision, 318–22
in New Zealand, 321–2
open access and, 323–4
researcher behaviours and use of, 324–6
serial titles, 320–2
in the United Kingdom, 317–19, 322–5
academic publishing
in Africa, 18
author-pays approach, 31–4
bundling, 142–4, 148
in China, 18, 255–6
copyright law, 250–7
costs of, 5, 31–2
geographic inequities and, 18
globalization, 18
interdisciplinarity, 18–19
knowledge-making, 19–20
knowledge politics, 16–17
open access and, 196–201
participatory cultures, 19–20
publishing economics, 15–16
publishing technologies, 13–15
‘review lite’ approach, 33
technological shift in, 14
academic repositories, 116
access provision, 180–1, 184
advertising, journal publishing and, 149–50
academic journals in
authors and editors, 411–13
business models, 418–20
current environment, 404–13
distribution, 410–11
funding, 407–10
future, 417–22
history, 401–3
impact factor, 420–1
initiatives supporting, 417–18
online publishing, 410
publishing, 413–16
repositories, 421–2
statistics, 403–4
university presses, 406–7
academic publishing in, 18
African Journals OnLine (AJOL), 403, 414–15, 417
Alberts, Bruce, 64–5
altmetrics, 71, 279
American Chemical Society, 89, 101, 209
application programming interfaces (APIs), 302
applications of content reuse, 128–30
archiving, 115, 117, 181, 203–6, 205, 303–5
Article of the Future project, 357–76
design, 359–61
three-pane-based content exploration, 361–6
traditional publications vs., 367–75
article processing charges (APCs), 17, 31–2, 224, 227, 241, 308
AuthorAID, 412


Bacon, Francis, 36
Bauwens, M., 28
Benkler, Yochai, 26–7
Bergstrom, Carl, 22, 198–9, 215–16
Bergstrom, Theodore, 16, 22, 154, 198–9, 215–16
Berne Convention, 252–4
bibliographic indexes and catalogues, 384–7
bibliometrics, 50, 52, 290–1
‘Big Deal’, 94, 142, 148
Bioline International, 344, 417
BioMed Central (BMC), 31, 98–9, 152, 210, 224–5, 231–2, 332
Björk, B., 168–9
BMJ, 214, 229
book citation index, 266
Brumback, R.A., 48
Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), 97, 214, 394
Burrows, Toby, 148
Bush, Vannevar, 43–4
business models in publishing, 139–50
advertising, 149–50
alternative, 149–50
author-pays, 151
characteristic, 140–1
cost structure, 146–7
future, 153–5
open access, 150–5
pay-per-view, 149
pricing, 143–5
society model, 150
sponsorship model, 152–3
subscription, 147–8


Campbell, Philip, 51, 276
Canadian Medical Association (CMA), 333–6, 339–40
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 332–6, 344–5
Carpenter, Philip, 2
cascade journal, 152, 230–4
Chemical Abstracts, 89
academic journals in
development, 427–32
future of, 432–6
geographical spread, 430–2
growth rate, 427–8
history, 426–7
industrialization, 432–3
internationalization, 433–4
open access, 435–6
percentage, 428–9
pricing, 429
academic publishing in, 18, 255–6
influence on future of copyright, 255–6
scientific, technical and medical journals, 426–30, 432–3
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 432–3
Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index, 262
impact factor and, 276
index, 261–4
network biases and positional power, 62–5
number of, 45–53, 63, 89
in open access journals, 60–1
popularity with, 60
review articles, 57
self-, 53–4, 278–9
cited half-life, 70, 269–70
CiteSeerX, 45, 70, 261–2, 264
CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales), 381, 387–8
Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI), 26
commercial journals, 30, 100–1
commercial publishers, 23–4, 88, 99, 200, 206, 210
conventional repositories, 301
copyright, 12–13, 181, 249–56
Copyright Directive, 2001, 252–3
copyright law, 250–7
‘core’ journals, 89, 91–2
cost structure, 146–7
COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources), 286–8, 319
coverage value, 263–6
Creative Commons licence, 66, 132, 236, 302, 340
Creative Commons licence (CC-BY), 5, 115, 236
Crow, Raym, 31–2, 199–200, 215


Davies, Gillian, 250
DeepDyve, 149
digital copyright, 251–2
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 250, 252
digital repositories, 116–18
digital technology, 14, 123
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), 25, 206, 224–5, 323, 381, 382
disciplinary repositories, 302
download statistics, 285–8


East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 418–19
East African Medical Journal (EAMJ), 408–9
editors, 411–13
Eigenfactor, 70, 281–4
electronic journals, 2, 100
in academic libraries, 318–19, 321–2, 324–7
access to external users, 325–6
developments in, 103–7
growth of, 173–4
HTML format, 94
non-commercial, 96–100
PDF format, 94, 106
XML format, 94, 107
Elsevier, 21–3, 70, 105, 176, 304–6, 307, 357–76
epistemic changes, 13–20
Esposito, Joseph J., 6
European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), 288–90
European Union, government intervention in, 236–7
Evans, James, 2–3, 64, 214
evolution before the Internet, 88–93
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), 291–2


Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), 17, 306–8
Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA), 234–5
Finch, Dame Janet, 17, 235, 256
Finch Report, 4, 17, 114–15, 151, 224, 235–6, 241, 243, 256, 299–300, 308
fixed costs, 146–7
FLOSS, 129–30
Forum for African Medical Editors, 412, 418
Fulltext Sources Online, 173, 175


Garfield, Eugene, 44–5, 57–8, 61–2, 89, 261, 268
Garfield’s Law of Concentration, 89–90, 92
Ginsparg, Paul, 36, 202
GNU General Public Licence, 129–30
gold open access, 4–5, 25, 114–15, 151–2, 155, 186–9, 223–4, 307–8
Google, 6, 15, 66, 106, 149, 281–2, 318
Google Books, 106
Google Scholar, 45, 70, 261–2
‘Great Conversation’ of science, 85–7, 89–92, 95–6, 99, 107–9
green open access, 4–5, 25, 114–15, 151–2, 154, 185–6, 303, 306, 308
growth of journals, 160–3, 168–71, 174–6
recent growth in number, 163–8


Harnad, Stevan, 24–5, 52
HighWire Press, 208–9, 341
Hindawi, 224–5
Hirsch, Jorge, 70
Hirsh’s h-index, 280
Hoey, John, 334–6
HTML, 94, 359, 370
humanities and social sciences (HSS)
Chinese, 428–30, 432
citations, 50, 263
online, 141
open access, 210, 224, 243
rejection rate, 151
review process, 342
subscription, 154
total number, 169
hybrid open access, 25, 32, 61, 99, 101, 238–41


immediacy index, 270
impact factor (IF), 44–55, 91–2, 267–8
author behaviour, 271–9
citations and, 276
definition, 268
higher-impact journals on, 276–7
journal citation reports and, 267–8
journal ranking and, 259–94
modifications, 281
network biases and positional power influencing, 63–5
popularity influencing, 60
reducing denominator for improving, 277
review articles and, 273–6
self-citation and, 278–9
strategies for improving, 273–9
ImpactStory, 71
INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications), 208, 418
independent journals, 199
Indian Citation Index, 262
Ingelfinger, Franz J., 132
‘Ingelfinger rule’, 122, 132
innovation in assembly, 126–32
Institute of Scientific Information (ISI)
citation index, 261, 263–5
cited half-life, 269–70
impact factor, 277
Thomson Reuters, 45–7, 49, 51, 54, 168–9, 390–1
Web of Knowledge, 45–6
Web of Science, 267
institutional repositories (IR), 6, 116, 118
intellectual property (IP) rights, 66–7, 252–5
International Association of STM Publishing, 200, 212
International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), 208, 408, 418
Ithaka report, 6–7


Jefferson, Thomas, 27
Journal Citation Reports (JCR), 48, 92, 197
cited half-life, 269–70
immediacy index, 270
impact factors and, 267–8, 278, 282–4
subject aggregated data, 270–1
total citations, 269
using metrics in promoting journals, 271
journal indicators, 281–2
journal start-up, 2
journals in science, 169


Kassirer, Jerry, 338–9
key benefits of journals, 7
King, D.W., 144, 163–4, 166, 169, 171, 196
academic. See academic knowledge
available designs of, 11–12
business of, 10–13
challenges of evaluation
citation number, 47–53, 58–9
network biases and positional power, 62–5
‘one citation does not equal one unit of’, 53–8
popularity metrics and, 59–62
designing, 12
network effects in, 42–3
peer review, 34–7
peer-review measures, 41
pre-publication accountability, 37–40
textual practices, 40–1
digital technology in, 14
ecologies, 55
evaluation of, once designed, 43–65
framing the future, 65–73
geographic inequities and, 18
globalization of, 18
politics, 16–17
Popperian model of, 124–6
Popper’s World, 3, 125–6
popularity measures of, 59–62
representation, 12
scholarly. See scholarly knowledge
use of metrics, 70–1, 73
Kroes, Neelie, 237
Kuhn, Thomas, 86


Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
academic journals in, 379–94
bibliographic indexes and catalogues, 384–7
financial sustainability, 391–3
free access, 383
growth of, 380–1
higher education expansion and, 381–3
language of publication, 389–90
national agencies and experiences, 388–9
open access and, 381
science, technology and innovation, 380–1
Latindex, 380–1, 384–8, 395
Lessig, Lawrence, 27–8, 66
Levine, Felice, 32, 50
life cycle of journals, 141–3
Li, Pengyi, 255–6
Lynch, Clifford, 106


Mabe, M., 163–6
Maxwell, Robert, 90, 215–16
medical journals
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 332–6
East African Medical Journal, 408–9
open access model, 340–1
Open Medicine, 332–4, 339–40, 344–6
Pan African Medical Journal, 409–10
mega journal, 152, 227–30, 232–4
Merton, Robert K., 131
MESUR (MEtrics from Scholarly Usage of Resources) project, 71, 293
Monbiot, George, 21–2
MUSE, 111, 408


National Institutes of Health (NIH), 25, 204–5, 234, 306–7
National Library of Medicine, 26, 347, 417
National Sciences Foundation (NSF) project, 169, 403
Nature Communications, 239
Nature Publishing Group, 49–51, 235, 239, 266, 276, 307, 434
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 57, 132, 197, 338
New Phytologist, 273, 275
New Zealand, 321–2
non-commercial electronic journals, 96–100


online journals, 2–3, 23, 172–3
open access (OA)
academic freedom and, 341–4
academic journal content, 15
academic library and, 323–4
‘access principle, ’, 24
advantages, 5
in Africa, 419–20
archiving, 205
article processing fee model, 210–12
author discretionary model, 32
author-pays model of, 5, 99, 101, 114, 151, 332
as a business model in publishing, 150–5
in China, 435–6
citations in, 60–1
commercial publishers and, 210
consolidation, 241
cost of, 98
deferred, 102
Finch Report, 4, 17, 114–15, 151, 299–300, 308
free access, 383
funders, 237–8, 306–8
and government intervention, 234–7
growth of, 224–6
higher education expansion and, 381–3
hybrid, 25, 32, 61, 99, 101, 238–41
independent origins, 201–3
institutional repositories, 116, 118, 306, 323
LAC and, 381
market value, 198
medical journals, 340–1
number of articles published, 152
Open Medicine, 339–40, 344–6
policies, 4, 304–6
present state of development, 100–2
publishing costs of, 31–2
Redalyc, 208
repositories, 302, 303–8
resourcing model, 31–2
SAGE Open, 229, 232–3
SciELO, 208
self-archiving, 115, 117, 203–6
Springer Open Choice, 32, 210
subject-based repositories, 116–18
use of computational dimension, 106–7
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), 107, 302
Open Choice, Springer, 32, 210
Open Journal System (OJS) software, 25, 102, 106, 207, 309, 345
Open Medicine, 207, 332–4, 339–40, 344–50
Open DOAR, 301–2
O’Reilly, Tim, 128–9
origin of journals, 87–8
Oxford Open, 32, 210, 217–18
Oxford University Press, 210, 215, 238–9, 434


PageRank, 45, 70, 281–2
Pan African Medical Journal (PAMJ), 409–10
pay-per-view (PPV), 149
PDF format, 14, 38, 94, 106, 186, 359, 360, 362, 370–3
peer review, 21, 117, 180, 182
cost of, 186, 188–9
decline of, 36–7
flaws in, 38–40
journal value, 139
measures, 41
multiple, 36
network effecting, 42–3
open, 39, 67–8
Open Medicine, 347
panel judgements in journal rankings, 288–90
pay-to-publish vs., 187–8
post-Gutenberg, 190
post-publication, commentary, 189
pre-publication, 36–9, 189
quantitative evaluation with, 290–3
PMC (PubMed Central), 5, 25–6, 204, 225–6, 306, 324, 341, 348
Popper, Karl, 124
Popperian model (of knowledge), 124–6
popularity measure of journals, 59–61
post-Gutenberg, 179, 190
Price, Derek de Solla, 161–3
pricing, 143–5
Public Knowledge Project (PKP), 25, 207–8, 217, 351
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
biology, 197, 341
medicine, 345
open access and, 97–9, 224–5, 332
PLOS ONE, 36, 197, 223–4, 311
business model, 32–3
growth of, 227–9
impact factor and, 228
mega journal, 227–30, 233–4
scope, 227
success of, 228–9
as super journal, 103–4
Public Sector Information (PSI), 130–1
Publindex, 384, 392
commercial, 23–4, 99, 200, 206
Elsevier, 21–3, 70, 105, 176, 304–7, 357–76
moral rights, 254–5
Nature Publishing Group, 49–51, 235, 239, 266, 276, 307, 434
policies, 304–6
revenues, 21, 32
SAGE, 32, 210, 229
society, 102
Springer, 21–2, 31, 101, 210, 216, 229, 239, 305, 332, 432
STM, 200, 210
subscription rates, 22
Wiley, 21–2, 210, 231, 239
academic. See academic publishing
authors’ rights, 254–5
biomedical, editorial interference in, 337–9
bundling, 142–4, 148
business models, 143–55
cascade, 231–2
Chinese, 255–6
copyright law, 250–7
digital, 118–20, 123
economics of, 15–16
editorial independence violation in, 334–7
editorial interference in, 337–9
first copy cost, 146–7
gold open access, 186–7
growth of, 160–3, 168–71, 174–6
income vs. impact, 181–2
library, 309–10
Morgan Stanley research report, 140
online only, 147, 150
open access, 196–201, 206–9
pay-to-publish vs. standards, 187–8
research impact and, 182–3
research information network report, 147
scholarly. See scholarly publishing
Submitted Manuscript under Review, 303–4
technologies, 13–15
trade, 182
Publishing and the Ecology of European Research (PEER), 236–7, 323


ranking, 259–60
alternative sources for, 279
citation distributions, 266
citation linkages, 261–3
combination peer review and quantitative evaluation, 290–3
combining usage and citation statistics, 292–3
conventional measurement types, 260–6
comparing different ranking systems, 282–5
impact factors and, 259–94
peer-review panel judgements, 288–90
subject-specific citation differences, 263–6
usage statistics in, 286–8
Redalyc, 111, 208, 381, 385–7
RedHUCyT, 387
refereed journals, 180–90
rejection rate, 61–2, 151
relative database citation potential (RDCP), 282
repositories, 299–312
academic, 116
COAR, 107
content within, 301–2
conventional, 301
current landscape of, 301–3
data and, 310–12
digital, 123–4
disciplinary, 302
funders, 310–12
impact of, 308–12
institutional, 6, 116, 118, 306, 323–4
Ithaka report, 6
OAI-PMH, 107
open access and, 302–8
Open DOAR, 301–2
PLOS ONE, 103–4, 108
PubMed Central, 25–6
self-archiving, 115
subject-based, 116–18
systematic development, 5–6
reprint requests and author give-aways, 183
Research Councils UK (RCUK), 236, 308
Research Data Alliance (RDA), 105
research data, repositories and, 310–12
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 91, 290–1
research impact, 182–3
Research Information Network (2008), 143, 147
Research Works Act (RWA), 23, 204–5, 234–5
Reviews of Modern Physics, 49
RICYT, 387–8


SAGE, 32, 210, 229, 232–3
scholarly communication, 7–8, 420–1
scholarly journals, 10–13, 33, 161, 173–4
scholarly knowledge, 10–14, 68, 73
scholarly publishing. See also academic publishing
geographic inequities and, 18
globalization, 18
interdisciplinarity, 18–19
knowledge-making, 19–20
open access, 340
Open Medicine, 332–4
openness in, 333–4
participatory cultures, 19–20
politics of knowledge, 16–17
publishing economics, 15–16
publishing technologies, 13–15
sustaining, 33–4, 65–6
scholarly society, 199, 208
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), 99, 104, 208, 381, 385–6, 417
Science 2.0, 129
Science Citation Index (SCI), 89–91, 95, 268
scientific market, 383
scientific reports, 104, 230
scientific, technical and medical (STM) journals
Chinese, 426–30, 432–3
commercial publishers of, 200, 210
online availability, 172
open access, 224
PLOS, 227–8
rejection rate, 151
subscriptions, 154
value, 10, 139
SciVal Spotlight, 263
SCONUL, 318–19, 322
Scopus, 45, 70, 261–2
self-archiving, 115, 203–6
self-citation, 53–4, 278–9
SHERPA RoMEO intiative, 25, 216, 303
SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) indicator, 281–5
SNIP (Source Normalized Impact Paper), 283–5
society journals, 21, 101–2, 208–9
South African Family Practice, 420
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP³), 211, 242–3
Springer, 21–2, 31, 101, 210, 216, 229, 239, 305, 332, 432
Study of Open Access Publishing (SOAP), 236–7, 242–3, 245
Suber, Peter, 115, 302
subject-based repositories (SR), 116–18
subscriptions, 5, 22–3, 32, 114, 147–8, 154, 188–9
super-journals, 103–4
Swartz, Aaron, 23–4


Taylor & Francis, 146, 149, 408
Taylor, Laurie, 3
Tenopir, Carol, 7, 144, 163–4, 166, 169, 171, 196
The Lancet, 48, 57, 339
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), 52–3, 64
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 86, 161
Thompson, John, 147
Thomson Reuters, 266, 268
essential science indicators, 279
impact factor, 52, 54, 420
indexes, 390–1, 415–16
Web of Knowledge, 70, 390
Todkill, Anne Marie, 334–6
trade publishing, 182
two-tier system of science, 95–6


UK Copyright Act, 252
UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), 290–1
Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, 10, 165–6, 168, 172, 180, 199, 259, 379–80
Ulrichsweb, 166, 173–4
United Kingdom (UK)
academic libraries, 317–19, 322–5
copyright law, 251–7
Finch Report, 235–6, 241, 243, 256, 299–300, 308
government intervention, 235–6
journal pricing in, 144
journal provision, 318–19, 322
open access policy, 4, 17, 114–15
Research Excellence Framework, 91, 290–1
United States (US)
FASTR Act, 306–8
government intervention, 234–5
growth of journals in, 164
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 25, 184, 204, 234, 306, 341
National Library of Medicine, 26, 347, 417
National Science Foundation (NSF), 169, 310, 403
open access policy, 4, 115
Research Works Act, 23
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, 16
usage factor, 287–8


Web 2.0, 68, 128–9
Web of Knowledge, 45–6
Web of Science, 89, 99, 261–2, 267, 276–7, 344
Wellcome Trust, 237–8, 306, 341
Wikipedia, 15, 27, 29, 34, 198
Wiley, 21–2, 210, 231, 239
Wiley Open Access, 231–2
Willetts, David, 235
Willinsky, John, 24, 27–8, 31, 102
World Wide Web, 43–5


XML, 94, 107, 349


YouTube, 34, 38
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