

Accenture, 26
accurate self-assessment, 103
active people engagement, 103
adjustability, 10
Amazon, 131, 132
Andrea Adams Trust, 69–70
application service providers, 65
Ashford Borough Council, 35
assets, 19
attitudinal research, 89
Australia, 118


baby boomers, 111–19
vs Generation X, 111
balanced scorecard, 46–7
basic assets, 10
behaviour, 38, 42–5
behavioural modelling, 13–15
beliefs, 78–9
beliefs-directed leadership, 83
beliefs-directed mindsets, 79
beliefs-directed styles, 79
biology-based epistemology, 80, 83
‘bofs’ See Gen X
bootlicking See toadyism
‘bottom-up’ philosophy, 29
brain-based epistemology, 78
bullying, 68–9
business process outsourcing, 65
business/technical knowledge, 103
‘butterfly effect’, 123


capital, 50
career development, 98, 107
classifying frameworks, 46
coaching, 103
cognitive mapping technique, 64, 76, 100, 103
communication, 74–5
competence, 76–7, 89, 92–3, 95, 98
consciousness, 79–80, 83–4
control freakery, 68
corporate culture, 93
cost-based approach, 90
cost-control, 72
cost-value framework, 72, 73
Crisil, 26
‘crisis generation’, 111
Critical, Unwanted, Preferred, Irrelevant and Desirable framework, 3
culture, 24–5, 30, 63, 83, 89, 93, 133
CUPID benchmark, 76, 100–1
customer relationship management programme, 86
customer strategies, 42


deployment, 10
development orientation, 103
DISC, 73
discounted cash flow, 49
dissimulation, 69, 81–2
dissimulators, 69, 81
document code, 132
documentation functionality, 130–3


Economic Value Added, 51–2
economics, 50–3
education, 7
budget allocation, 12
quality and student population, 12
efficiency orientation, 103
Eli Lilly, 26
emotional engagement, 30–2
emotional intelligence, 103
emotional toxicity, 71
empathy, 77
employability, 8–15
approaches, 12–13
behavioural modelling for the talent market, 13–15
India, 10–12
skill-sets, 10
employee competence, 61, 95, 97, 98
employee current value, 130
‘employee engagement’, 27–32
employee motivation, 91
employee relationship management, 85–92
employee satisfaction, 88, 90
employee self-service, 34
employee sentiment, 37
employee skills, 95, 98
employee value, 2, 41, 47–8, 98
quantification, 128–9
employees, 124
as asset, 19–22, 47
concept of value, 127–9
employee lifetime value, 130
quantifying employee value, 128–9
engaged, 27–33
knowledge management, 130–3
documentation functionality, 130–3
finding information, 132
storing information, 131–2
transfer of information/experience, 133
self-questionnaire, 134–46
guidelines/diagram, 134–5
list of criteria, 134–5
ranking of criteria, 135–9
relationships between the criteria, 140–6
relationships between the criteria worksheet, 140–6
sorting a top list of criteria, 139–40
worksheet, 136
employee’s lifetime value, 130
engagement, 27–32
equilibrium, 51–2
equivocation, 69
ERM software, 66
experience/background factor, 103
explicit knowledge, 94
extrinsic rewards, 63


feelings-driven mindsets, 79
financial engagement, 32
flippancy, 69
‘forgotten generation’, 111
fundamental shift, 5–17
challenges, 15–17
employability, 8–15
employment opportunities, 5–8


Gallup survey, 29
game, 52
game theory, 52, 53
Gen X, 3, 23, 111–15
Gen Y, 3, 24, 54–5, 115–21
Generation BOF See Gen X
Generation X See Gen X
Generation Y See Gen Y
Global HR Transformation Study (2006), 58
Google, 132
grounded judgement, 103


habituation strategies, 42
hardworking, 103
higher-order consciousness, 79
HR LinkedIn, 34, 56–7
HR managers, 17, 22, 23, 24, 54–5, 56, 123, 124
HR professionals, 1–3, 84, 123, 125
HR transformation, 58–9
human brain, 70, 73–4, 79–82
human capital, 20, 21, 50, 52, 95
challenges, 15–17
changing nature, 1–3
defined, 39
definition, 59
development, 37, 40
measurement frameworks, 45, 108
human capital index, 53–4
human capital theory, 51, 52, 98
human resource accounting, 48, 49
Human Resource Management, 20
human resource outsourcing, 64–7


impossible generation, 112
income, 51
India, 3, 21, 22, 26, 29, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 55, 56, 72, 103
employability, 9–12
Generation X, 113–14
New Education Policy (1986), 39
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, 38, 39
Indian Institute of Management, 6
Indian Institute of Technology, 6
individual value, 60, 109
Information & Communication Technology, 9
Infosys, 12
Inktomi, 132
innovation, 72, 93
intangible value, 62
intangibles, 127
intellectual capital, 21, 39, 50, 51, 52
intellectual engagement, 29–30, 31, 32
interconnectivity, 123–5
Internet, 112, 117
intrinsic rewards, 63–4
irresponsible leadership, 78


John Lewis Partnership, 108–9
judgement integrity capacity factor, 103


Key Performance Indicators, 74, 106
know-how, 98
knowledge, 92–61
organisational knowledge
dynamic, 94
static, 94
types, 94–5
knowledge creation, 94
knowledge management, 92–6, 130–3
documentation functionality, 130–3
application, 133
finding information, 132
storing information, 131–2
transferring of information/experience, 133
knowledge management system, 94
knowledge mapping, 92–6
creation level, 96
knowledge flow level, 96
knowledge usage, 93


labour, 50
‘latchkey children’, 112
learning, 103
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, 112
Likert scales, 93


Machiavellian manipulators, 82
management self-service, 34
managing frameworks, 46, 47
manipulation, 69 See also dissimulation
‘market value’, 78
Matha Pitha Guru Deivam, 7
matrix string theory, 123
MBTI, 73
McKinsey report, 10
mission statement, 83
MSN messenger, 133
My Library, 131
Nash equilibrium, 52
National Knowledge Commission, 11
net present value, 49
method, 47
neuronal complexity, 79
neuroscience, 80


online performance appraisal system, 35
operations director, 123
Oracle, 131
organisation, 39, 44, 54
organisational culture, 63, 108
organisational knowledge, 93
organisation’s lifetime value, 127, 129
outsourcing, 64–7 See also human resource outsourcing
approaches, 65–6
evaluation, 66–7


pain, 71
perfectionism, 68
performance appraisal, 66, 105–6
performance appraisal software, 66
performance management system, 74–5
performance measurement system, 105
performance prism, 95
performance review, 90, 99
person-organisation fit, 90
personnel economics, 51
power play, 70
practical HR, 37–56, 57–84
agenda, 37–42
biology-based epistemology, 80, 83
brain-based epistemology, 78
earn respect, 54–6
everyone’s agenda, 45–54
ill-equipped or unprepared, 42–5
outsource or retain, 64–7
stress and toxic behaviours, 68–71
three-dimensional approach to measurement, 71–4
toxic behaviour matrix, 71
train, retrain, retain, 74–7
value addition and value protection, 59–64
presentation, 10
primary consciousness, 79
professional networking, 33
project problem-solving, 103
pseudo-toxic behaviours, 70


Ranbaxy Fine Chemicals Limited, 29
recognition, 104–9
recruitment, 54
Reliance, 72
replacement cost, 128
retention, 104–9
reward, 104–9
reward valence, 63
rewards, 63
rewards process, 90
rote learning, 7, 11
RPG, 56


SAP, 58
SAP B1, 58
SAP HR software, 66
satisfaction, loyalty, and commitment metrics, 88
‘Satyam’ scandal, 25
scorecard, 46
search criteria, 132, 133
self-categorisation theory, 89
self-perception inventory, 13
Self Q, 64, 77, 134–46
sense making and giving, 103
shared services, 65, 66
shareholder/stakeholder strategies, 42
signalling theory, 52
SKANDIA framework, 46
skill-sets, 10
‘slackers’ See Gen X
social citizenship, 62
social identity theory, 53
social networking, 33, 34
social value, 61, 109
societal value, 61–2, 109
‘soft skills’, 95
solutions-driven approach, 75
stakeholder perspective, 103
stamina and adaptability factor, 103
strategic leadership, 103
strategic partnering, 65
strategic perspective, 19–35
connected talent, 33–5
employees as assets, 19–22
engagement, 27–32
work-life balance, 22–6
strategy, 42–5, 52, 83–4
action aspect, 43
alignment aspect, 42
classification, 42–3
definition, 42
stress, 69–73
structural capital, 39, 45, 53


tacit knowledge, 54, 94, 95, 98
Talengene, 13, 35, 74, 100
talent benchmarking, 97–104
CUPID benchmark, 101
process, 104
talent management, 55, 123–5
assessment process and tools, 99
employee relationship management, 85–92
knowledge mapping, 92–6
recognition, retention and reward, 104–9
value of employees, 108
strategies, 85–109
talent benchmarking, 97–104
CUPID benchmark, 101
process, 104
talent pool, 111–21
Generation X, 111–15
Generation Y, 115–21
tangible value, 62
tangibles, 127
task style, 103
Taylorist Process-oriented approach, 17
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital – the Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages, 8
technology, 33, 34–5, 112, 117
technology convergence, 33–4
technology revolution, 8
The Knowledge-Creating Company, 94
The War For Talent, 99
The Wealth of Nations, 50
toadyism, 69
‘top-down’ philosophy, 29
total employee value, 130
toxic behaviour, 68–71
definition, 68
forms, 69
impact, 69–70
matrix, 71
symptoms, 68
toxic health check, 70
toxicity, 71 See also toxic behaviour
trade secrets See know-how
traditional metric systems, 29
Trainers’ forum, 34, 56
training, 74–7
training costs, 21
training intervention, 74–7
transactional activities, 67
transformational activities, 67
turnover, 38
two-by-two framework, 72–4


United Kingdom, 35, 40, 68, 70, 103, 106
Generation X, 113
Health and Safety Executive, 68
United States, 40


classification, 60
forms, 60–2, 109
and innovation, 72
value addition, 59–64
value protection, 59–64
value provider, 129
values-governed approach, 79
values-governed behaviour, 83
values-governed mindsets, 79
vision statement, 83


Wipro, 12
word-of-mouth communication, 33
work, 2
work-life balance, 22–6
Indians, 22–3
work life/loyalty balance, 103


Yahoo user groups, 133
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