46. equals() and hashCode()

The equals() and hashCode() methods are defined in java.lang.Object. Since Object is the superclass of all Java objects, these two methods are available for all objects. Their main goal is to provide an easy, efficient, and robust solution for comparing objects, and to determine whether they are equal. Without these methods and their contracts, the solution relies on the big and cumbersome if statements meant to compare each field of an object.

When these methods are not overridden, Java will use their default implementations. Unfortunately, the default implementation is not really serving the goal of determining whether two objects have the same value. By default, equals() checks identity. In other words, it considers that two objects are equal if, and only if, they are represented by the same memory address (same object references), while hashCode() returns an integer representation of the object memory address. This is a native function known as the identity hash code.

For example, let's assume the following class:

public class Player {

private int id;
private String name;

public Player(int id, String name) {

this.id = id;
this.name = name;

Then, let's create two instances of this class containing the same information, and let's compare them for equality:

Player p1 = new Player(1, "Rafael Nadal");
Player p2 = new Player(1, "Rafael Nadal");

System.out.println(p1.equals(p2)); // false
System.out.println("p1 hash code: " + p1.hashCode()); // 1809787067
System.out.println("p2 hash code: " + p2.hashCode()); // 157627094
Do not use the == operator for testing the equality of objects (avoid if(p1 == p2)). The == operator compares whether the references of two objects are pointing to the same object, whereas equals() compares object values (as humans, this is what we care about).

As a rule of thumb, if two variables hold the same reference, they are identical, but if they reference the same value, they are equal. What the same value means is defined by equals().

For us, p1 and p2 are equal, but notice that equals() has returned false  (the p1 and p2 instances have exactly the same field values, but they are stored at different memory addresses). This means that relying on the default implementation of equals() is not acceptable. The solution is to override this method, and for this it is important to be aware of the equals() contract that imposes the following statements:

  • Reflexivity: An object is equal to itself, which means that p1.equals(p1) must return true.
  • Symmetry: p1.equals(p2) must return the same result (true/false) as p2.equals(p1).
  • Transitive: If p1.equals(p2) and p2.equals(p3), then also p1.equals(p3).
  • Consistent: Two equal objects must remain equal all the time unless one of them is changed.
  • Null returns false: All objects must be unequal to null.

So, in order to respect this contract, the equals() method of the Player class can be overridden as follows:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (this == obj) {
return true;

if (obj == null) {
return false;

if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;

final Player other = (Player) obj;

if (this.id != other.id) {
return false;

if (!Objects.equals(this.name, other.name)) {
return false;

return true;

Now, let's perform the equality test again (this time, p1 is equal to p2):

System.out.println(p1.equals(p2)); // true

OK, so far so good! Now, let's add these two Player instances to a collection. For example, let's add them to a HashSet (a Java collection that doesn't allow duplicates):

Set<Player> players = new HashSet<>();

Let's check the size of this HashSet and whether it contains p1:

System.out.println("p1 hash code: " + p1.hashCode()); // 1809787067
System.out.println("p2 hash code: " + p2.hashCode()); // 157627094
System.out.println("Set size: " + players.size()); // 2
System.out.println("Set contains Rafael Nadal: "
+ players.contains(new Player(1, "Rafael Nadal"))); // false

Conforming to the preceding implementation of equals()p1, and p2 are equal; therefore, the HashSet size should be 1, not 2. Moreover, it should contain Rafael Nadal. So, what happened?

Well, the general answer resides in how Java was created. It is easy to intuit that equals() is not a fast method; therefore, lookups will face performance penalties when a significant number of equality comparisons are needed. For example, this adds a serious drawback in the case of lookups by specific values in collections (for example, HashSet, HashMap, and HashTable), since it may require a large number of equality comparisons.

Based on this statement, Java tried to reduce equality comparisons by adding buckets. A bucket is a hash-based container that groups equal objects. This means that equal objects should return the same hash code, while unequal objects should return different hash codes (if two unequal objects have the same hash code, then this is a hash collision, and the objects will go in the same bucket). So, Java compares the hash codes, and only if these are the same for two different object references (not for the same object references) does it proceed further and call equals(). Basically, this accelerates the lookups in collections.

But what happened in our case? Let's see it step by step:

  • When p1 is created, Java will assign to it a hash code based on the p1 memory address.
  • When p1 is added to Set, Java will link a new bucket to the p1 hash code.
  • When p2 is created, Java will assign to it a hash code based on the p2 memory address.
  • When p2 is added to Set, Java will link a new bucket to the p2 hash code (when this happens, it looks like HashSet is not working as expected and it allows duplicates).
  • When players.contains(new Player(1, "Rafael Nadal")) is executed, a new player, p3, is created with a new hash code based on the p3 memory address.
  • So, in the frame of contains(), testing p1 and p3, respectively, p2 and p3 , for equality involves checking their hash codes, and since the p1 hash code is different from the p3 hash code, and the p2 hash code is different from the p3 hash code, the comparisons stop without evaluating equals() and this means that HashSet doesn't contain the object (p3)

In order to get back on track, the code must override the hashCode() method as well. The hashCode() contract imposes the following:

  • Two equal objects conforming to equals() must return the same hash code.
  • Two objects with the same hash code are not mandatory equals.
  • As long as the object remains unchanged, hashCode() must return the same value.

As a rule of thumb, in order to respect the equals() and hashCode() contracts, follow two golden rules:

  • When equals() is overridden, hashCode() must be overridden as well, and vice versa.
  • Use the same identifying attributes for both methods in the same order.

For the Player class, hashCode() can be overridden as follows:

public int hashCode() {

int hash = 7;
hash = 79 * hash + this.id;
hash = 79 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.name);

return hash;

Now, let's execute another test (this time, it works as expected):

System.out.println("p1 hash code: " + p1.hashCode()); // -322171805
System.out.println("p2 hash code: " + p2.hashCode()); // -322171805
System.out.println("Set size: " + players.size()); // 1
System.out.println("Set contains Rafael Nadal: "
+ players.contains(new Player(1, "Rafael Nadal"))); // true

Now, let's enumerate some of the common mistakes of working with equals() and hashCode():

  • You override equals() and forget to override hashCode() or vice versa (override both or none).
  • You use the == operator instead of equals() for comparing object values.
  • In equals(), you omit one or more of the following:
    • Start by adding the self-check (if (this == obj)...).
    • Since no instance should be equal to null, continue by adding null-check (if(obj == null)...).
    • Ensure that the instance is what we are expecting (use getClass() or instanceof).
    • Finally, after these corner-cases, add field comparisons.
  • You violate equals() symmetry via inheritance. Assume a class A and a class B extending A and adding a new field. The B class overrides the equals() implementation inherited from A, and this implementation is added to the new field. Relying on instanceof will reveal that b.equals(a) will return false (as expected), but a.equals(b) will return true (not expected), so therefore symmetry is broken. Relying on slice comparison will not work since this breaks transitivity and reflexivity. Fixing the problem means relying on getClass() instead of instanceof (via getClass(), instances of the type and its subtypes cannot be equal), or better relying on composition instead of inheritance as in the application bundled to this book (P46_ViolateEqualsViaSymmetry).
  • You return a constant from hashCode() instead of a unique hash code per object.

Since JDK 7, the Objects class has come with several helpers for dealing with object equality and hash codes, as follows:

  • Objects.equals(Object a, Object b): Tests whether the a object is equal to the b object.
  • Objects.deepEquals(Object a, Object b): Useful for testing whether two objects are equal (if they are arrays, the test is performed via Arrays.deepEquals()).
  • Objects.hash(Object ... values): Generates a hash code for a sequence of input values.
Ensure that equals() and hashCode() respect the Java SE contracts via the EqualsVerifier library (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/nl.jqno.equalsverifier/equalsverifier).

Rely on the Lombok library to generate hashCode() and equals() from the fields of your object (https://projectlombok.org/). But pay attention to the special case of combining Lombok with JPA entities.
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