Aggregate items

The calculated items allowed us to write a specific formula, referencing exact individual items. This worked well for small-scale calculations, but the CPU Load item we created last would be very hard to create and maintain for dozens of hosts, and impossible for hundreds. If we want to calculate something for the same item key across many hosts, we would probably opt for aggregate items. They would allow us to find out the average load on a cluster or the total available disk space for a group of file servers, without naming each item individually. As with the calculated items, the result would be a normal item that could be used in triggers or graphs.

To find out what we can use in such a situation:

Go to Configuration | Hosts, select Linux servers in the Group drop-down menu and click on Items next to A test host, then click on Create item. Now, we have to figure out what item type to use. Expand the Type drop-down menu and look for an entry named Zabbix aggregate. That's the one we need, so choose it and click on Select next to the Key field. Currently, the key is listed as grpfunc, but that's just a placeholder; click on it. We have to replace it with the actual group key: one of grpsum, grpmin, grpmax, or grpavg. We'll calculate the average for several hosts, so change it to grpavg. This key, or group function, takes several parameters:

  • group: As the name suggests, the host group name goes here. Enter Linux servers for this parameter.
  • key: This is the key for the item to be used in calculations. Enter system.cpu.load here.
  • func: This is a function used to retrieve data from individual items on hosts. While multiple functions are available, in this case we'll want to find out what the latest load is. Enter last for this field.
  • param: This is a parameter for the previous function, following the same rules as normal function parameters (specifying either seconds or value count, prefixed with #). The function we used, last(), can be used without a parameter, so simply remove the last comma and the placeholder that follows it.

For individual item data, the following functions are supported:




Average value


Number of values


Last value


Maximum value


Minimum value


Sum of values


For aggregate items, two levels of functions are available. They're nestedfirst, the function specified as the func parameter gathers the required data from all hosts in the group. Then, grpfunc (grpavg in our case) calculates the final result from all the intermediate results retrieved by func.

All of the referenced items must exist. We can't enter keys here and have them gather data by extension from the aggregate item. Values to compute the calculated item are retrieved from the Zabbix server caches or the database; no connections are made to the monitored devices.

The final item key should be grpavg[Linux servers,system.cpu.load,last].

If the referenced item key had parameters, we would have to quote it.

To finish the item configuration, fill in the following:

  • Name: Average system load for Linux servers
  • Type of information: Numeric (float)

The final item configuration should look like this:

When done, click on the Add button at the bottom. Go to Monitoring | Latest data, make sure all hosts are shown, and look for the three values againCPU Load both for A test host and Another host, as well as Average system load for Linux servers:

You can filter by load in the item names again.

The computed average across both hosts doesn't match our result if we look at the values on individual hosts, and the reason is exactly the same as we mentioned with the calculated items.

As the key parameters indicate, an aggregate item can be calculated for a host groupthere's no way to pick individual hosts. Creating a new group is required if arbitrary hosts must have an aggregate item calculated for them. We discussed other benefits from careful host group planning in Chapter 5, Managing Hosts, Users, and Permissions.

We used the grpavg aggregate function to find out the average load for a group of servers, but there are other functions, as follows:




The maximum value is reported. We can find out what the maximum SQL queries per second are across a group of database servers.


The minimum value is reported. The minimum free space for a group of file servers could be determined.


Values for the whole group are summed. The total number of HTTP sessions could be calculated for a group of web servers.


This way, a limited set of functions can be applied across a large number of hosts. While less flexible than calculated items, it's much more practical in case we want to do such a calculation for a group that includes hundreds of hosts. Additionally, a calculated item has to be updated whenever a host or item is to be added or removed from the calculations. An aggregate item will automatically find all of the relevant hosts and items. Note that only enabled items on enabled hosts will be considered.

Nothing limits the use of aggregate items by servers. They can also be used on any other class of devices, such as calculating average CPU Load for a group of switches, monitored over SNMP.

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