History of RL

The first mathematical foundation of RL was built during the 1960s and 1970s in the field of optimal control. This solved the problem of minimizing a behavior's measure of a dynamic system over time. The method involved solving a set of equations with the known dynamics of the system. During this time, the key concept of a Markov decision process (MDP) was introduced. This provides a general framework for modeling decision-making in stochastic situations. During these years, a solution method for optimal control called dynamic programming (DP) was introduced. DP is a method that breaks down a complex problem into a collection of simpler subproblems for solving an MDP.

Note that DP only provides an easier way to solve optimal control for systems with known dynamics; there is no learning involved. It also suffers from the problem of the curse of dimensionality because the computational requirements grow exponentially with the number of states.

Even if these methods don't involve learning, as noted by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, we must consider the solution methods of optimal control, such as DP, to also be RL methods.

In the 1980s, the concept of learning by temporally successive predictions—the so-called temporal difference learning (TD learning) method—was finally introduced. TD learning introduced a new family of powerful algorithms that will be explained in this book.

The first problems solved with TD learning are small enough to be represented in tables or arrays. These methods are called tabular methods, which are often found as an optimal solution but are not scalable. In fact, many RL tasks involve huge state spaces, making tabular methods impossible to adopt. In these problems, function approximations are used to find a good approximate solution with less computational resources.

The adoption of function approximations and, in particular, of artificial neural networks (and deep neural networks) in RL is not trivial; however, as shown on many occasions, they are able to achieve amazing results. The use of deep learning in RL is called deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) and it has achieved great popularity ever since a deep RL algorithm named deep q network (DQN) displayed a superhuman ability to play Atari games from raw images in 2015. Another striking achievement of deep RL was with AlphaGo in 2017, which became the first program to beat Lee Sedol, a human professional Go player, and 18-time world champion. These breakthroughs not only showed that machines can perform better than humans in high-dimensional spaces (using the same perception as humans with respect to images), but also that they can behave in interesting ways. An example of this is the creative shortcut found by a deep RL system while playing Breakout, an Atari arcade game in which the player has to destroy all the bricks, as shown in the following image. The agent found that just by creating a tunnel on the left-hand side of the bricks and by putting the ball in that direction, it could destroy much more bricks and thus increase its overall score with just one move. 

There are many other interesting cases where the agents exhibit superb behavior or strategies that weren't known to humans, like a move performed by AlphaGo while playing Go against Lee Sedol. From a human perspective, that move seemed nonsense but ultimately allowed AlphaGo to win the game (the move is called move 37).

Nowadays, when dealing with high-dimensional state or action spaces, the use of deep neural networks as function approximations becomes almost a default choice. Deep RL has been applied to more challenging problems, such as data center energy optimization, self-driving cars, multi-period portfolio optimization, and robotics, just to name a few. 

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