Feature Toggles – Deploying Partially Done Features to Production

"Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances."
– Jackie Chan

We have seen so far how TDD makes the development process easier and decreases the amount of time spent on writing quality code. But there's another particular benefit to this. As code is being tested and its correctness is proven, we can go a step further and assume that our code is production-ready once all tests have passed.

There are some software life cycle approaches based on this idea. Some extreme programming (XP) practices such as continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CD) will be introduced. The code examples can be found at https://bitbucket.org/alexgarcia/packt-tdd-java/src/, in the folder 10-feature-toggles.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment
  • Testing the application in production
  • Feature Toggles
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