Cloud Providers

In the Cloud Providers section, you will get a list of cloud services that you can link to. Again, we are going to use AWS. But you could use DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure, SoftLayer, or Packet. We will click on the + Add credentials button for AWS:

Cloud Providers

Here we would provide our AWS Access Key ID as well as our Secret Access Key:

Cloud Providers

AWS uses your access key ID as well as your secret access key to authenticate against AWS. You can enter these details and then click on the Save credentials button.

You will then see that you have linked your AWS account, can modify the credentials if they ever change, or unlink the account all together if you need to.

Cloud Providers

Now that we have a cloud provider to run our service on, we can launch our first node on the cloud now by clicking on the Launch your first node button:

Cloud Providers

We will navigate back to the Nodes screen.

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