Virtualization and isolation

To understand how Docker hosts can be secured, we must first understand how the Docker host is set up and what items are contained in the Docker host. Again, like VM hosts, they contain the operating system that the underlying service operates on. With VMs, you are creating a whole new operating system on top of this VM host operating system. However, on Docker, you are not doing that and are sharing the Linux Kernel that the Docker host is using. Let's take a look at the following diagram to help us represent this:

Virtualization and isolation

As we can see from the preceding image, there is a distinct difference between how items are set up on a VM host and on a Docker host. On a VM host, each virtual machine has all of its own items inclusive to itself. Each containerized application brings its own set of libraries, whether it is Windows or Linux. Now, on the Docker host, we don't see that. We see that they share the Linux Kernel version that is being used on the Docker host. That being said, there are some security aspects that need to be addressed on the Docker host side of things. Now, on the VM host side, if someone does compromise a virtual machine, the operating system is isolated to just that one virtual machine. Back on the Docker host side of things, if the kernel is compromised on the Docker host, then all the containers running on that host are now at high risk as well.

So, now you should see how important it is that we focus on security when it comes to Docker hosts. Docker hosts do use some isolation techniques that will help protect against kernel or container compromises in a few ways. Two of these ways are by implementing namespaces and cgroups. Before we can discuss how they help, let's first give a definition for each of them.

Kernel namespaces, as they are commonly known as, provide a form of isolation for the containers that will be running on your hosts. What does this mean? This means that each container that you run on top of your Docker hosts will be given its own network stack so that it doesn't get privileged access to another container's socket or interfaces. However, by default, all Docker containers are sitting on the bridged interface so that they can communicate with each other easily. Think of the bridged interface as a network switch that all the containers are connected to.

Namespaces also provide isolation for processes and mount isolation. Processes running in one container can't affect or even see processes running in another Docker container. Isolation for mount points is also on a container by container basis. This means that mount points on one container can't see or interact with mount points on another container.

On the other hand, control groups are what control and limit resources for containers that will be running on top of your Docker hosts. What does this boil down to, meaning how will it benefit you? It means that cgroups, as they will be called going forward, help each container get its fair share of memory disk I/O, CPU, and much more. So, a container cannot bring down an entire host by exhausting all the resources available on it. This will help to ensure that even if an application is misbehaving that the other containers won't be affected by this application and your other applications can be assured uptime.

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