Back to Nodes

After clicking on Launch your first node, we will need to provide some additional information such as what region we want to deploy our node to, if we have a custom VPC we have created that we want to deploy our node to, what size we want the node to be, any IAM roles we want to assign to the node, the number of nodes we want, and the disk size of each node.

Back to Nodes

For our example, we mainly kept the default, only lowering the disk size to the minimum size of 10 GB.

Back to Nodes

Once you have clicked on the Launch node cluster button, you will see the status of the node; in this case, it's Deploying. We also have some other items we can check out while it's deploying.

We can view the Monitoring tab and see information pertaining to the node such as CPU, Memory, Disk, and Bandwidth Out.

Back to Nodes

We can also view the timeline of our node. Now, at first, this will be very short as it's just showing us that we created the node and are deploying it.

Back to Nodes

Over time, this timeline will grow and show you the progress of your node.

Our node should be deployed by now. So, we can click back on the Nodes link and see that it has in fact been deployed and is running.

Back to Nodes

We can get some information on the left-hand side, such as it is running on AWS in the US West (Oregon) region, and is a t2.micro instance with 1 GB of memory and 10 GB of disk space. We can also see that it currently has no containers running on this particular node, what IP address has been assigned, and what version of Docker it is running. We can terminate our node as well when we no longer need it or scale the number of nodes with the slider at the top if we want to increase the number of nodes.

If we drill down into the node itself by clicking on its hostname, we can see some more information provided to us.

Back to Nodes

It includes what, if any, containers are running on this node, what endpoints or ports are exposed, the monitoring of the node (as we saw earlier), as well as the timeline that we saw before. Now, all of this pertains to the node itself, not the containers that will be running on the node.

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