The road thus far…

So far in this chapter, we have looked at the differences between structured and unstructured data as well as between qualitative and quantitative characteristics. These two simple distinctions can have drastic effects on the analysis that is performed. Allow me to summarize before moving on the second half of the chapter.

Data as a whole can either be structured or unstructured, meaning that the data can either take on an organized row/column structure with distinct features that describe each row of the dataset, or exist in a free-form state that usually must be preprocessed into a form that is easily digestible.

If data is structured, we can look at each column (feature) of the dataset as being either quantitative or qualitative. Basically, can the column be described using mathematics and numbers or not? The next part of this chapter will break down data into four very specific and detailed levels. At each order, we will apply more complicated rules of mathematics, and in turn, we can gain a more intuitive and quantifiable understanding of the data.

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