Deployment tools

Once you have zeroed in on your hosting solution, there could be several steps in your deployment process, from running regression tests to spawning background services.

The key to a successful deployment process is automation. Since deploying applications involve a series of well-defined steps, it can be rightly approached as a programming problem. Once you have an automated deployment in place, you do not have to worry about deployments for fear of missing a step.

In fact, deployments should be painless and as frequent as required. For example, the Facebook team can release code to production up to twice a day. Considering Facebook's enormous user base and code base, this is an impressive feat, yet, it becomes necessary as emergency bug fixes and patches need to be deployed as soon as possible.

A good deployment process is also idempotent. In other words, even if you accidentally run the deployment tool twice, the actions should not be executed twice (or rather it should leave it in the same state).

Let's take a look at some of the popular tools for deploying Django applications.


Fabric is favored among Python web developers for its simplicity and ease of use. It expects a file named that defines all the actions (for deployment or otherwise) in your project. Each of these actions can be a local or remote shell command. The remote host is connected via SSH.

The key strength of Fabric is its ability to run commands on a set of remote hosts. For instance, you can define a web group that contains the hostnames of all web servers in production. You can run a Fabric action only against these web servers by specifying the web group name on the command line.

To illustrate the tasks involved in deploying a site using Fabric, let's take a look at a typical deployment scenario.

Typical deployment steps

Imagine that you have a medium-sized web application deployed on a single web server. Git has been chosen as the version control and collaboration tool. A central repository that is shared with all users has been created in the form of a bare Git tree.

Let's assume that your production server has been fully set up. When you run your Fabric deployment command, say, fab deploy, the following scripted sequence of actions take place:

  1. Run all tests locally.
  2. Commit all local changes to Git.
  3. Push to a remote central Git repository.
  4. Resolve merge conflicts, if any.
  5. Collect the static files (CSS, images).
  6. Copy the static files to the static file server.
  7. At remote host, pull changes from a central Git repository.
  8. At remote host, run (database) migrations.
  9. At remote host, touch app.wsgi to restart WSGI server.

The entire process is automatic and should be completed in a few seconds. By default, if any step fails, then the deployment gets aborted. Though not explicitly mentioned, there would be checks to ensure that the process is idempotent.

Note that Fabric is not yet compatible with Python 3, though the developers are in the process of porting it. In the meantime, you can run Fabric in a Python 2.x virtual environment or check out similar tools, such as PyInvoke.

Configuration management

Managing multiple servers in different states can be hard with Fabric. Configuration management tools such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible try to bring a server to a certain desired state.

Unlike Fabric, which requires the deployment process to be specified in an imperative manner, these configuration-management tools are declarative. You just need to define the final state you want the server to be in, and it will figure out how to get there.

For example, if you want to ensure that the Nginx service is running at startup on all your web servers, then you need to define a server state having the Nginx service both running and starting on boot. On the other hand, with Fabric, you need to specify the exact steps to install and configure Nginx to reach such a state.

One of the most important advantages of configuration-management tools is that they are idempotent by default. Your servers can go from an unknown state to a known state, resulting in easier server configuration management and reliable deployment.

Among configuration-management tools, Chef and Puppet enjoy wide popularity since they were one of the earliest tools in this category. However, their roots in Ruby can make them look a bit unfamiliar to the Python programmer. For such folks, we have Salt and Ansible as excellent alternatives.

Configuration-management tools have a considerable learning curve compared to simpler tools, such as Fabric. However, they are essential tools for creating reliable production environments and are certainly worth learning.

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