What is a Pattern?

What is common between the words "Blueprint," "Scaffolding," and "Maintenance"? These software development terms have been borrowed from the world of building construction and architecture. However, one of the most influential terms comes from a treatise on architecture and urban planning written in 1977 by the leading Austrian architect Christopher Alexander and his team consisting of Murray Silverstein, Sara Ishikawa, and several others.

The term "Pattern" came in vogue after their seminal work, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (volume 2 in a five-book series) based on the astonishing insight that users know about their buildings more than any architect ever could. A pattern refers to an everyday problem and its proposed but time-tested solution.

In the book, Christopher Alexander states that "Each pattern describes a problem, which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice."

For example, the Wings Of Light pattern describes how people prefer buildings with more natural lighting and suggests arranging the building so that it is composed of wings. These wings should be long and narrow, never more than 25 feet wide. Next time you enjoy a stroll through the long well-lit corridors of an old university, be grateful to this pattern.

Their book contained 253 such practical patterns, from the design of a room to the design of entire cities. Most importantly, each of these patterns gave a name to an abstract problem and together formed a pattern language.

Remember when you first came across the word déjà vu? You probably thought "Wow, I never knew that there was a word for that experience." Similarly, architects were not only able to identify patterns in their environment but could also, finally, name them in a way that their peers could understand.

In the world of software, the term design pattern refers to a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. It is a formalization of best practices that a developer can use. Like in the world of architecture, the pattern language has proven to be extremely helpful to communicate a certain way of solving a design problem to other programmers.

There are several collections of design patterns but some have been considerably more influential than the others.

Gang of Four Patterns

One of the earliest efforts to study and document design patterns was a book titled Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, who later became known as the Gang of Four (GoF). This book is so influential that many consider the 23 design patterns in the book as fundamental to software engineering itself.

In reality, the patterns were written primarily for object-oriented programming languages, and it had code examples in C++ and Smalltalk. As we will see shortly, many of these patterns might not be even required in other programming languages with better higher-order abstractions such as Python.

The 23 patterns have been broadly classified by their type as follows:

  • Creational Patterns: These include Abstract Factory, Builder Pattern, Factory Method, Prototype Pattern, and Singleton Pattern
  • Structural Patterns: These include Adapter Pattern, Bridge Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern, Flyweight Pattern, and Proxy Pattern
  • Behavioral Patterns: These include Chain of Responsibility, Command Pattern, Interpreter Pattern, Iterator Pattern, Mediator Pattern, Memento Pattern, Observer Pattern, State Pattern, Strategy Pattern, Template Pattern, and Visitor Pattern

While a detailed explanation of each pattern would be beyond the scope of this book, it would be interesting to identify some of these patterns in Django itself:

GoF Pattern

Django Component


Command Pattern


This encapsulates a request in an object

Observer pattern


When one object changes state, all its listeners are notified and updated automatically

Template Method

Class-based generic views

Steps of an algorithm can be redefined by subclassing without changing the algorithm's structure

While these patterns are mostly of interest to those studying the internals of Django, the pattern under which Django itself can be classified under—is a common question.

Is Django MVC?

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern invented by Xerox PARC in the 70s. Being the framework used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk, it gets an early mention in the GoF book.

Today, MVC is a very popular pattern in web application frameworks. Beginners often ask the question—is Django an MVC framework?

The answer is both yes and no. The MVC pattern advocates the decoupling of the presentation layer from the application logic. For instance, while designing an online game website API, you might present a game's high scores table as an HTML, XML, or comma-separated (CSV) file. However, its underlying model class would be designed independent of how the data would be finally presented.

MVC is very rigid about what models, views, and controllers do. However, Django takes a much more practical view to web applications. Due to the nature of the HTTP protocol, each request for a web page is independent of any other request. Django's framework is designed like a pipeline to process each request and prepare a response.

Django calls this the Model-Template-View (MTV) architecture. There is separation of concerns between the database interfacing classes (Model), request-processing classes (View), and a templating language for the final presentation (Template).

If you compare this with the classic MVC—"Model" is comparable to Django's Models, "View" is usually Django's Templates, and "Controller" is the framework itself that processes an incoming HTTP request and routes it to the correct view function.

If this has not confused you enough, Django prefers to name the callback function to handle each URL a "view" function. This is, unfortunately, not related to the MVC pattern's idea of a View.

Fowler's Patterns

In 2002, Martin Fowler wrote Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, which described 40 or so patterns he often encountered while building enterprise applications.

Unlike the GoF book, which described design patterns, Fowler's book was about architectural patterns. Hence, they describe patterns at a much higher level of abstraction and are largely programming language agnostic.

Fowler's patterns are organized as follows:

  • Domain Logic Patterns: These include Domain Model, Transaction Script, Service Layer , and Table Module
  • Data Source Architectural Patterns: These include Row Data Gateway, Table Data Gateway, Data Mapper, and Active Record
  • Object-Relational Behavioral Patterns: These include Identity Map, Unit of Work, and Lazy Load
  • Object-Relational Structural Patterns: These include Foreign Key Mapping, Mapping, Dependent Mapping, Association Table Mapping, Identity Field, Serialized LOB, Embedded Value, Inheritance Mappers, Single Table Inheritance, Concrete Table Inheritance, and Class Table Inheritance
  • Object-Relational Metadata Mapping Patterns: These include Query Object, Metadata Mapping, and Repository
  • Web Presentation Patterns: These include Page Controller, Front Controller, Model View Controller, Transform View, Template View, Application Controller, and Two-Step View
  • Distribution Patterns: These include Data Transfer Object and Remote Facade
  • Offline Concurrency Patterns: These include Coarse Grained Lock, Implicit Lock, Optimistic Offline Lock, and Pessimistic Offline Lock
  • Session State Patterns: These include Database Session State, Client Session State, and Server Session State
  • Base Patterns: These include Mapper, Gateway, Layer Supertype, Registry, Value Object, Separated Interface, Money, Plugin, Special Case, Service Stub, and Record Set

Almost all of these patterns would be useful to know while architecting a Django application. In fact, Fowler's website at http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/ has an excellent catalog of these patterns. I highly recommend that you check them out.

Django also implements a number of these patterns. The following table lists a few of them:

Fowler Pattern

Django Component


Active Record

Django Models

Encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data

Class Table Inheritance

Model Inheritance

Each entity in the hierarchy is mapped to a separate table

Identity Field

Id Field

Saves a database ID field in an object to maintain identity

Template View

Django Templates

Renders into HTML by embedding markers in HTML

Are there more patterns?

Yes, of course. Patterns are discovered all the time. Like living beings, some mutate and form new patterns: take, for instance, MVC variants such as Model–view–presenter (MVP), Hierarchical model–view–controller (HMVC), or Model View ViewModel (MVVM).

Patterns also evolve with time as better solutions to known problems are identified. For example, Singleton pattern was once considered to be a design pattern but now is considered to be an Anti-pattern due to the shared state it introduces, similar to using global variables. An Anti-pattern can be defined as commonly reinvented but a bad solution to a problem.

Some of the other well-known books which catalog patterns are Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (known as POSA) by Buschmann, Meunier, Rohnert, Sommerlad, and Sta; Enterprise Integration Patterns by Hohpe and Woolf; and The Design of Sites: Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience by Duyne, Landay, and Hong.

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