
Performance is a feature. Studies show how slow sites have an adverse effect on users, and therefore, revenue. For instance, tests at Amazon in 2007 revealed that for every 100 ms increase in load time of, the sales decreased by 1 percent.

Reassuringly, several high-performance web applications such as Disqus and Instagram have been built on Django. At Disqus, in 2013, they could handle 1.5 million concurrently connected users, 45,000 new connections per second, 165,000 messages/second, with less than 0.2 seconds latency end-to-end.

The key to improving performance is finding where the bottlenecks are. Rather than relying on guesswork, it is always recommended that you measure and profile your application to identify these performance bottlenecks. As Lord Kelvin would say:

If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.

In most web applications, the bottlenecks are likely to be at the browser or the database end rather than within Django. However, to the user, the entire application needs to be responsive.

Let's take a look at some of the ways to improve the performance of a Django application. Due to widely differing techniques, the tips are split into two parts: frontend and backend.

Frontend performance

Django programmers might quickly overlook frontend performance because it deals with understanding how the client-side, usually a browser, works. However, to quote Steve Souders' study of Alexa-ranked top 10 websites:

80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend. Start there.

A good starting point for frontend optimization would be to check your site with Google Page Speed or Yahoo! YSlow (commonly used as browser plugins). These tools will rate your site and recommend various best practices, such as minimizing the number of HTTP requests or gzipping the content.

As a best practice, your static assets, such as images, style sheets, and JavaScript files must not be served through Django. Rather a static file server, cloud storages such as Amazon S3 or a content delivery network (CDN) should serve them for better performance.

Even then, Django can help you improve frontend performance in a number of ways:

  • Cache infinitely with CachedStaticFilesStorage: The fastest way to load static assets is to leverage the browser cache. By setting a long caching time, you can avoid re-downloading the same asset again and again. However, the challenge is to know when not to use the cache when the content changes.

    CachedStaticFilesStorage solves this elegantly by appending the asset's MD5 hash to its filename. This way, you can extend the TTL of the cache for these files infinitely.

    To use this, set the STATICFILES_STORAGE to CachedStaticFilesStorage or, if you have a custom storage, inherit from CachedFilesMixin. Also, it is best to configure your caches to use the local memory cache backend to perform the static filename to its hashed name lookup.

  • Use a static asset manager: An asset manager can preprocess your static assets to minify, compress, or concatenate them, thereby reducing their size and minimizing requests. It can also preprocess them enabling you to write them in other languages, such as CoffeeScript and Syntactically awesome stylesheets (Sass). There are several Django packages that offer static asset management such as django-pipeline or webassets.

Backend performance

The scope of backend performance improvements covers your entire server-side web stack, including database queries, template rendering, caching, and background jobs. You will want to extract the highest performance from them, since it is entirely within your control.

For quick and easy profiling needs, django-debug-toolbar is quite handy. We can also use Python profiling tools, such as the hotshot module for detailed analysis. In Django, you can use one of the several profiling middleware snippets to display the output of hotshot in the browser.

A recent live-profiling solution is django-silk. It stores all the requests and responses in the configured database, allowing aggregated analysis over an entire user session, say, to find the worst-performing views. It can also profile any piece of Python code by adding a decorator.

As before, we will take a look at some of the ways to improve backend performance. However, considering they are vast topics in themselves, they have been grouped into sections. Many of these have already been covered in the previous chapters but have been summarized here for easy reference.


As the documentation suggests, you should enable the cached template loader in production. This avoids the overhead of reparsing and recompiling the templates each time it needs to be rendered. The cached template is compiled the first time it is needed and then stored in memory. Subsequent requests for the same template are served from memory.

If you find that another templating language such as Jinja2 renders your page significantly faster, then it is quite easy to replace the built-in Django template language. There are several libraries that can integrate Django and Jinja2, such as django-jinja. Django 1.8 is expected to support multiple templating engines out of the box.


Sometimes, the Django ORM can generate inefficient SQL code. There are several optimization patterns to improve this:

  • Reduce database hits with select_related: If you are using a OneToOneField or a Foreign Key relationship, in forward direction, for a large number of objects, then select_related() can perform a SQL join and reduce the number of database hits.
  • Reduce database hits with prefetch_related: For accessing a ManyToManyField method or, a Foreign Key relation, in reverse direction, or a Foreign Key relation in a large number of objects, consider using prefetch_related to reduce the number of database hits.
  • Fetch only needed fields with values or values_list: You can save time and memory usage by limiting queries to return only the needed fields and skip model instantiation using values() or values_list().
  • Denormalize models: Selective denormalization improves performance by reducing joins at the cost of data consistency. It can also be used for precomputing values, such as the sum of fields or the active status report into an extra column. Compared to using annotated values in queries, denormalized fields are often simpler and faster.
  • Add an Index: If a non-primary key gets searched a lot in your queries, consider setting that field's db_index to True in your model definition.
  • Create, update, and delete multiple rows at once: Multiple objects can be operated upon in a single database query with the bulk_create(), update(), and delete() methods. However, they come with several important caveats such as skipping the save() method on that model. So, read the documentation carefully before using them.

As a last resort, you can always fine-tune the raw SQL statements using proven database performance expertise. However, maintaining the SQL code can be painful over time.


Any computation that takes time can take advantage of caching and return precomputed results faster. However, the problem is stale data or, often, quoted as one of the hardest things in computer science, cache invalidation. This is commonly spotted when, despite refreshing the page, a YouTube video's view count doesn't change.

Django has a flexible cache system that allows you to cache anything from a template fragment to an entire site. It allows a variety of pluggable backends such as file-based or data-based backed storage.

Most production systems use a memory-based caching system such as Redis or Memcached. This is purely because volatile memory is many orders of magnitude faster than disk-based storage.

Such cache stores are ideal for storing frequently used but ephemeral data, like user sessions.

Cached session backend

By default, Django stores its user session in the database. This usually gets retrieved for every request. To improve performance, the session data can be stored in memory by changing the SESSION_ENGINE setting. For instance, add the following in to store the session data in your cache:

SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache"

Since some cache storages can evict stale data leading to the loss of session data, it is preferable to use Redis or Memcached as the session store, with memory limits high enough to support the maximum number of active user sessions.

Caching frameworks

For basic caching strategies, it might be easier to use a caching framework. Two popular ones are django-cache-machine and django-cachalot. They can handle common scenarios, such as automatically caching results of queries to avoid database hits every time you perform a read.

The simplest of these is Django-cachalot, a successor of Johnny Cache. It requires very little configuration. It is ideal for sites that have multiple reads and infrequent writes (that is, the vast majority of applications), it caches all Django ORM read queries in a consistent manner.

Caching patterns

Once your site starts getting heavy traffic, you will need to start exploring several caching strategies throughout your stack. Using Varnish, a caching server that sits between your users and Django, many of your requests might not even hit the Django server.

Varnish can make pages load extremely fast (sometimes, hundreds of times faster than normal). However, if used improperly, it might serve static pages to your users. Varnish can be easily configured to recognize dynamic pages or dynamic parts of a page such as a shopping cart.

Russian doll caching, popular in the Rails community, is an interesting template cache-invalidation pattern. Imagine a user's timeline page with a series of posts each containing a nested list of comments. In fact, the entire page can be considered as several nested lists of content. At each level, the rendered template fragment gets cached.

So, if a new comment gets added to a post, only the associated post and timeline caches get invalidated. Notice that we first invalidate the cache content directly outside the changed content and move progressively until at the outermost content. The dependencies between models need to be tracked for this pattern to work.

Another common caching pattern is to cache forever. Even after the content changes, the user might get served stale data from the cache. However, an asynchronous job, such as, a Celery job, also gets triggered to update the cache. You can also periodically warm the cache at a certain interval to refresh the content.

Essentially, a successful caching strategy identifies the static and dynamic parts of a site. For many sites, the dynamic parts are the user-specific data when you are logged in. If this is separated from the generally available public content, then implementing caching becomes easier.

Don't treat caching as integral to the working of your site. The site must fall back to a slower but working state even if the caching system breaks down.



It was six in the morning and the S.H.I.M. building was surrounded by a grey fog. Somewhere inside, a small conference room had been designated the "War Room." For the last three hours, the SuperBook team had been holed up here diligently executing their pre-go-live plan.

More than 30 users had logged on the IRC chat room #superbookgolive from various parts of the world. The chat log was projected on a giant whiteboard. When the last item was struck off, Evan glanced at Steve. Then, he pressed a key triggering the deployment process.

The room fell silent as the script output kept scrolling off the wall. One error, Steve thought—just one error can potentially set them back by hours. Several seconds later, the command prompt reappeared. It was live! The team erupted in joy. Leaping from their chairs they gave high-fives to each other. Some were crying tears of happiness. After weeks of uncertainty and hard work, it all seemed surreal.

However, the celebrations were short-lived. A loud explosion from above shook the entire building. Steve knew the second breach had begun. He shouted to Evan, "Don't turn on the beacon until you get my message," and sprinted out of the room.

As Steve hurried up the stairway to the rooftop, he heard the sound of footsteps above him. It was Madam O. She opened the door and flung herself in. He could hear her screaming "No!" and a deafening blast shortly after that.

By the time he reached the rooftop, he saw Madam O sitting with her back against the wall. She clutched her left arm and was wincing in pain. Steve slowly peered around the wall. At a distance, a tall bald man seemed to be working on something with the help of two robots.

"He looks like…." Steve broke off, unsure of himself.

"Yes, it is Hart. Rather I should say he is Cranos now."


"Yes, a split personality. A monster that laid hidden in Hart's mind for years. I tried to help him control it. Many years back, I thought I had stopped it from ever coming back. However, all this stress took a toll on him. Poor thing, if only I could get near him."

Poor thing indeed—he nearly tried to kill her. Steve took out his mobile and sent out a message to turn on the beacon. He had to improvise.

With his hands high in the air and fingers crossed, he stepped out. The two robots immediately aimed directly at him. Cranos motioned them to stop.

"Well, who do we have here? Mr. SuperBook himself. Did I crash into your launch party, Steve?"

"It was our launch, Hart."

"Don't call me that," growled Cranos. "That guy was a fool. He wrote the Sentinel code but he never understood its potential. I mean, just look at what Sentinels can do—unravel every cryptographic algorithm known to man. What happens when it enters an intergalactic network?"

The hint was not lost on Steve. "SuperBook?" he asked slowly.

Cranos let out a malicious grin. Behind him, the robots were busy wiring into S.H.I.M.'s core network. "While your SuperBook users will be busy playing SuperVille, the tentacles of Sentinel will spread into new unsuspecting worlds. Critical systems of every intelligent species will be sabotaged. The Supers will have to bow to a new intergalactic supervillain—Cranos."

As Cranos was delivering this extended monologue, Steve noticed a movement in the corner of his eyes. It was Acorn, the super-intelligent squirrel, scurrying along the right edge of the rooftop. He also spotted Hexa hovering strategically on the other side. He nodded at them.

Hexa levitated a garbage bin and flung it towards the robots. Acorn distracted them with high-pitched whistles. "Kill them all!" Cranos said irritably. As he turned to watch his intruders, Steve fished out his phone, dialed into FaceTime and held it towards Cranos.

"Say hello to your old friend, Cranos," said Steve.

Cranos turned to face the phone and the screen revealed Madam O's face. With a smile, she muttered under her breath, "Taradiddle Bumfuzzle!"

The expression on Cranos' face changed instantly. The seething anger disappeared. He now looked like a man they had once known.

"What happened?" asked Hart confused.

"We thought we had lost you," said Madam O over the phone. "I had to use hypnotic trigger words to bring you back."

Hart took a moment to survey the scene around him. Then, he slowly smiled and nodded at her.


One Year Later

Who would have guessed Acorn would turn into an intergalactic singing sensation in less than a year? His latest album "Acorn Unplugged" debuted at the top of Billboard's Top 20 chart. He had thrown a grand party in his new white mansion overlooking a lake. The guest list included superheroes, pop stars, actors, and celebrities of all sorts.

"So, there was a singer in you after all," said Captain Obvious holding a martini.

"I guess there was," replied Acorn. He looked dazzling in a golden tuxedo with all sorts of bling-bling.

Steve appeared with Hexa in tow—who looked ravishing in a flowing silver gown.

"Hey Steve, Hexa.... It has been a while. Is SuperBook still keeping you late at work, Steve?"

"Not so much these days. Knock on wood," replied Hexa with a smile.

"Ah, you guys did a fantastic job. I owe a lot to SuperBook. My first single, 'Warning: Contains Nuts', was a huge hit in the Tucana galaxy. They watched the video on SuperBook more than a billion times!"

"I am sure every other superhero has a good thing to say about SuperBook too. Take Blitz. His AskMeAnything interview won back the hearts of his fans. They were thinking that he was on experimental drugs all this time. It was only when he revealed that his father was Hurricane that his powers made sense."

"By the way, how is Hart doing these days?"

"Much better," said Steve. "He got professional help. The sentinels were handed back to S.H.I.M. They are developing a new quantum cryptographic algorithm that will be much more secure."

"So, I guess we are safe until the next supervillain shows up," said Captain Obvious hesitantly.

"Hey, at least the beacon works," said Steve, and the crowd burst into laughter.

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