Chapter 4. Views and URLs

In this chapter, we will discuss the following topics:

  • Class-based and function-based views
  • Mixins
  • Decorators
  • Common view patterns
  • Designing URLs

A view from the top

In Django, a view is defined as a callable that accepts a request and returns a response. It is usually a function or a class with a special class method such as as_view().

In both cases, we create a normal Python function that takes an HTTPRequest as the first argument and returns an HTTPResponse. A URLConf can also pass additional arguments to this function. These arguments can be captured from parts of the URL or set to default values.

Here is what a simple view looks like:

# In
from django.http import HttpResponse

def hello_fn(request, name="World"):
    return HttpResponse("Hello {}!".format(name))

Our two-line view function is quite simple to understand. We are currently not doing anything with the request argument. We can examine a request to better understand the context in which the view was called, for example by looking at the GET/POST parameters, URI path, or HTTP headers such as REMOTE_ADDR.

Its corresponding lines in URLConf would be as follows:

# In
    url(r'^hello-fn/(?P<name>w+)/$', views.hello_fn),
    url(r'^hello-fn/$', views.hello_fn),

We are reusing the same view function to support two URL patterns. The first pattern takes a name argument. The second pattern doesn't take any argument from the URL, and the view function will use the default name of World in this case.

Views got classier

Class-based views were introduced in Django 1.4. Here is how the previous view looks when rewritten to be a functionally equivalent class-based view:

from django.views.generic import View
class HelloView(View):
    def get(self, request, name="World"):
        return HttpResponse("Hello {}!".format(name))

Again, the corresponding URLConf would have two lines, as shown in the following commands:

# In
    url(r'^hello-cl/(?P<name>w+)/$', views.HelloView.as_view()),
    url(r'^hello-cl/$', views.HelloView.as_view()),

There are several interesting differences between this view class and our earlier view function. The most obvious one being that we need to define a class. Next, we explicitly define that we will handle only the GET requests. The previous view function gives the same response for GET, POST, or any other HTTP verb, as shown in the following commands using the test client in Django shell:

>>> from django.test import Client
>>> c = Client()

>>> c.get("").content
b'Hello World!'

b'Hello World!'

>>> c.get("").content
b'Hello World!'


Being explicit is good from a security and maintainability point of view.

The advantage of using a class will be clear when you need to customize your view. Say you need to change the greeting and the default name. Then, you can write a general view class for any kind of greeting and derive your specific greeting classes as follows:

class GreetView(View):
    greeting = "Hello {}!"
    default_name = "World"
    def get(self, request, **kwargs):
        name = kwargs.pop("name", self.default_name)
        return HttpResponse(self.greeting.format(name))

class SuperVillainView(GreetView):
    greeting = "We are the future, {}. Not them. "
    default_name = "my friend"

Now, the URLConf would refer to the derived class:

# In
    url(r'^hello-su/(?P<name>w+)/$', views.SuperVillainView.as_view()),
    url(r'^hello-su/$', views.SuperVillainView.as_view()),

While it is not impossible to customize the view function in a similar manner, you would need to add several keyword arguments with default values. This can quickly get unmanageable. This is exactly why generic views migrated from view functions to class-based views.


Django Unchained

After spending 2 weeks hunting for good Django developers, Steve started to think out of the box. Noticing the tremendous success of their recent hackathon, he and Hart organized a Django Unchained contest at S.H.I.M. The rules were simple—build one web application a day. It could be a simple one but you cannot skip a day or break the chain. Whoever creates the longest chain, wins.

The winner—Brad Zanni was a real surprise. Being a traditional designer with hardly any programming background, he had once attended week-long Django training just for kicks. He managed to create an unbroken chain of 21 Django sites, mostly from scratch.

The very next day, Steve scheduled a 10 o' clock meeting with him at his office. Though Brad didn't know it, it was going to be his recruitment interview. At the scheduled time, there was a soft knock and a lean bearded guy in his late twenties stepped in.

As they talked, Brad made no pretense of the fact that he was not a programmer. In fact, there was no pretense to him at all. Peering through his thick-rimmed glasses with calm blue eyes, he explained that his secret was quite simple—get inspired and then focus.

He used to start each day with a simple wireframe. He would then create an empty Django project with a Twitter bootstrap template. He found Django's generic class-based views a great way to create views with hardly any code. Sometimes, he would use a mixin or two from Django-braces. He also loved the admin interface for adding data on the go.

His favorite project was Labyrinth—a Honeypot disguised as a baseball forum. He even managed to trap a few surveillance bots hunting for vulnerable sites. When Steve explained about the SuperBook project, he was more than happy to accept the offer. The idea of creating an interstellar social network truly fascinated him.

With a little more digging around, Steve was able to find half a dozen more interesting profiles like Brad within S.H.I.M. He learnt that rather that looking outside he should have searched within the organization in the first place.

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