Inverse kinematics

Using forward kinematics, we can determine the position of the gripper at any time. The inverse kinematic problem is to place the gripper at a desired location and orientation. This requires the calculation of the joint angles then sending Baxter the seven joint angles and commanding the arm to move.

Rethink Robotics provides an Inverse Kinematic (IK) example that sets a specific endpoint position and orientation and solves for the required joint angles. The example and the Python script are described in these websites:

To run the example to find the joint angles of the left limb (arm) for the fixed position and orientation in the Python script, type:

$ rosrun baxter_examples -l left

The endpoint position and orientation of the right arm can be found using the same command but with the option right. See the code to find the specific pose assigned for these examples.

To demonstrate the IK service example using the real Baxter's left arm, we will perform the following steps:

  1. Power up Baxter and untuck both arms.
  2. Record the endpoint state in position and orientation of the left arm.
  3. Move Baxter's left arm to an arbitrary position.
  4. Modify the script by entering the position and orientation from the untucked left arm position and save the file under a different name. This is the home position for Baxter's left arm.
  5. Execute the script to get the joint angles of the left arm.
  6. Type the angles into a modified script and execute it.
  7. Record the new endpoint positions and orientations and compare to the original values recorded in step 2.

First, execute the script to move Baxter's arms to the untucked position:

$ cd baxter_ws
$ ./
$ rosrun baxter_tools -u

Then, display left arm endpoint pose positions and orientation and record the values:

$ rostopic echo /robot/limb/left/endpoint_state

Our output is as follows:

    x: 0.584753440252
    y: 0.195382237943
    z: 0.101405569316
    x: 0.131891460542
    y: 0.990928450502
    z: 0.0117922898402
    w: 0.0229432020794

The gripper of Baxter should be out about 0.6 meters in x, 0.19 meters to the left of the vertical centerline in y, and about 0.1 meters up from the base in z. Next, by hand move Baxter's arms arbitrarily so that you can test the IK server routine.

To use the IK service with the endpoints of the untucked position and get angles for endpoints of the left limb, put the x, y, z values and the Quaternion into the script by editing the script with the values shown here or use the values you obtained:

poses = {
  'left': PoseStamped(
        x: 0.584753440252,
        y: 0.195382237943,
        z: 0.101405569316,

        x: 0.131891460542,
        y: 0.990928450502,
        z: 0.0117922898402,
        w: 0.0229432020794,


After editing, you should rename the file. Our new file was named To made it executable, type:

$ chmod +x

To run the example to find the joint angles of the left arm that would move Baxter's arm to the untucked position, type:

$ python -l left

The output should be similar to the following:

SUCCESS - Valid Joint Solution Found from Seed Type: Current Joint Angles

IK Joint Solution:

{'left_w0': 0.59208994893573, 'left_w1': 0.991464695921505, 'left_w2': -0.44186139221262843, 'left_e0': -1.09990187443917, 'left_e1': 1.9511256097791254, 'left_s0': -0.12534096010690407, 'left_s1': -1.063859702348023}



Your results will probably be different but the end position of Baxter's arm should be the same as in this Python example that moves the arm to the home (untucked) position.

Use the resulting angles to move Baxter arms using the edited Python script Change the values of the left arm joints and save the file with a new name. We used the filename Make the file executable using the command:

$ chmod +x

Execute the new script and watch Baxter's left arm return to the untucked position, if all goes well:

$ python -l left

Finally, display left arm endpoint pose positions and orientation and record the values to compare to the original values in position and orientation:

$ rostopic echo /robot/limb/left/endpoint_state

After Baxter's arm moved, our values were fairly close to the originals:

  seq: 405035
    secs: 1459992006
    nsecs: 87484528
  frame_id: ''
    x: 0.581561073269
    y: 0.192636180771
    z: 0.10043051263
    x: 0.134391972572
    y: 0.990591354182
    z: 0.0121901390617
    w: 0.0227808524492
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