Use DEVONthink To Go

If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you can take your DEVONthink data with you and work with it when you’re away from your Mac. For that matter, you can use the majority of DEVONthink’s features on the go even if you don’t have a Mac at all! To do this, you’ll need an iOS/iPadOS app called DEVONthink To Go, at version 3.5.4 as of publication time.

With DEVONthink To Go 3, following a one-month free trial, you have four options:

  • You can continue to use the app for free, but with limited functionality: you can have only one database; and syncing, PDF editing, OCR, and Shortcuts support are disabled.

  • You can pay a one-time fee of $39.99 to purchase DEVONthink To Go 3 outright.

  • You can subscribe to DEVONthink To Go for $1.99 per month or $14.99 per year.

  • If you were already using DEVONthink To Go 2.x, you’ll get a discount on the one-time purchase ($19.99 instead of $39.99) if you choose that route.

Of these, the one-time purchase (with or without the discount for being a user of the previous version) seems the most cost-effective to me.

When you install DEVONthink To Go 3 on a device that already has version 2 installed, it automatically migrates the data and settings from the old app on first launch. (If you really want to, you can run both versions side by side, but unless you’re just trying out version 3 while trying to decide if you want to purchase it, there’s no point in doing so.)

Although DEVONthink To Go 3 doesn’t have all the features that the desktop versions of DEVONthink do, it does have a surprisingly rich range of capabilities for viewing, creating, capturing, and managing information directly on your iOS or iPadOS device.

If you have no iOS or iPadOS device, or if you’re not interested in taking your DEVONthink data with you, there’s nothing to see here—move on to the next chapter, Get Information Out of DEVONthink. Otherwise, keep reading to learn about using this extremely handy tool.

Get to Know DEVONthink To Go

Just as DEVONthink for Mac is a complex product, DEVONthink To Go is quite deep, with a huge number of features that may not be obvious at first glance. Detailing all those features would require its own book, and I can offer only an overview in this chapter. I do, however, suggest you download the user handbook for DEVONthink To Go, which is available in PDF and EPUB formats.

So, what can DEVONthink To Go do? It appears to have, at a rough estimate, about 85% of the capabilities of the desktop versions of DEVONthink. For example, here’s a partial list of what you can do in DEVONthink To Go:

  • Sync data from DEVONthink for Mac (or DEVONthink To Go running on other iOS or iPadOS devices) via Dropbox, iCloud (CloudKit or Legacy), CloudMe, WebDAV, or a Bonjour connection over Wi-Fi

  • View any document type supported by iOS/iPadOS

  • Capture data from other apps (such as bookmarks, PDFs, text, and images) to a specific database or your global Inbox

  • Create new databases, groups, and tags

  • Create and edit documents in plain text, rich text (including RTFD), Markdown, and formatted note formats; rotate and apply filters to graphics; annotate PDFs; and convert (most) documents to other formats

  • Move, duplicate, replicate, group, tag, or delete items

  • Perform OCR on photos or scanned documents

  • Use complex search criteria to find your documents

  • Share documents using the share sheet

  • View and add to your Reading List (as a built-in smart group)

  • Starting with version 3.7, add and edit WikiLinks (enable this in Settings > WikiLinks Settings)

However, you should also be aware of some limitations compared to the desktop versions of DEVONthink. Among the features DEVONthink To Go does not include are the following:

  • Indexing documents stored elsewhere on your iOS/iPadOS device

  • Creating new smart groups, or using smart groups created on your Mac (but you can tap Edit on the home screen to use any of more than 20 built-in smart groups)

  • Splitting or merging documents

  • The Concordance feature

In short, DEVONthink To Go lets you view and manage your DEVONthink databases effectively with an iOS/iPadOS device, and can also function as a standalone tool for gathering and organizing information—but if you’re a power user, you’ll most likely find that it can’t replace the desktop versions of DEVONthink.

Configure and Sync DEVONthink To Go

Assuming you want to use DEVONthink To Go mainly to store copies of documents from your desktop version of DEVONthink, you should configure syncing, and perform your first sync, before doing anything else.

As in the desktop versions of DEVONthink (see Sync DEVONthink Databases), sync configuration involves three elements—first add a location, then select databases, and finally (or whenever you prefer) set syncing options.

Add a Location and Select Databases

To add a location and select databases to sync in that location:

  1. If you’re not already on the home screen (where the global Inbox, smart groups, and databases live), tap the arrow in the upper-left corner of the screen until you get there.

  2. Tap the Settings icon.

  3. In the Sync section, next to Locations, tap Edit Locations.

  4. Tap the green plus icon next to the location type you want to add. (If you already have a location specified, tap Edit to see the list of locations.) For Dropbox accounts, follow the prompts to authenticate; for direct connections, enter the password when prompted.

  5. For indirect connections such as Dropbox, iCloud (CloudKit or Legacy), and WebDAV, enter the requested information, which may include the sync store name and password; and, if applicable and desired, turn on Verify Uploaded Items. If you already set up a sync store on another device, use its name and encryption key. (Refer back to Add an Indirect Connection for details on these options.)

  6. Tap Always to download full copies of every document, or On Demand to sync only metadata (with full documents available at a tap).

  7. Select whether you want to sync “Labels and Colors” and/or “Reading positions” (both on by default; again, see Add an Indirect Connection).

  8. Tap Save.

At this point, your location has been created, and you need only select which databases to sync in that location:

  1. Tap the location name.

  2. Turn on the switch for each database in this location that you want to sync.

DEVONthink To Go starts syncing your data. While that’s happening, you can tap outside the location window to perform other activities in DEVONthink To Go. You can touch and hold the Cloud icon at any time to display the current sync progress.

Set Sync Options

Either before or after you set up locations and select databases, you can configure sync options, which are similar to those in the desktop versions of DEVONthink (refer back to Sync DEVONthink Databases):

  1. If you’re not already in the Settings window, go to the home screen of DEVONthink and then tap the Settings icon.

  2. Set the following options as you prefer:

    • Conflicts: Tap an option to choose what happens if a document changes both locally and remotely between syncs. If you select Newest, the more recently changed document overwrites the older one. If you select Duplicate, both copies sync in both directions—preventing data loss, but forcing you to manually sort out, later on, which version of each document you want.

    • Schedule: Tap Automatic (the default) to make DEVONthink watch for changes and upload or download new or changed documents automatically (which does not necessarily mean “instantly”). Or tap Manually to sync only when you tap the Cloud icon or swipe downward to initiate a sync.

    • Keep: This slider is applicable only in cases where you’ve selected On-Demand Syncing. If it’s set all the way to the right (“Keep all”), DEVONthink To Go keeps local copies of all downloaded files. If you want DEVONthink To Go to purge the contents of less-recently-used files (keeping only the metadata, so you can re-download the files as needed), move the slider to the left (to “Keep 100 items,” “Keep 250 items,” “Keep 500 items,” or “Keep 1000 items”). DEVONthink purges the contents of any older files over that number.

  3. Tap the close icon to close the Settings window.

Your new sync options apply immediately.

Find Your Way Around

Like most iOS/iPadOS apps, DEVONthink To Go has a predictable, hierarchical interface, which reconfigures itself depending on the size and orientation of your device’s screen. You should be able to navigate it without much difficulty. However, I would like to bring a few less-than-obvious things to your attention.

The Home Screen and Sidebar

On an iPhone, the home screen (the top level of DEVONthink To Go) is special—that’s where you find your inboxes, tags, Trash, smart groups, and databases; and it’s also where you see the Settings icon. If that’s where you want to be, tap whatever text is in the upper-left corner of the screen until you get there.

On iPads, DEVONthink To Go uses a three-column view, similar to the one in Apple Mail. The sidebar—the leftmost column—contains the controls that are on DEVONthink To Go’s home screen in iOS, including Settings . Next to that is a folder list, and to its right is a portion of a selected document. However, when you tap a document, the sidebar slides out of view. To bring it back, tap DEVONthink in the upper-left corner.

On the home screen (or, on an iPad, the in the sidebar), tap Edit in the upper-right corner to display additional smart groups, reorder smart groups, or delete databases.

List Views

In other list views (that is, the top level of a database, or the contents of any group), tap the View Options icon to display options for sorting the list (by name, kind, date, URL, rating, label, or size—ascending or descending), filtering it (displaying only items with certain metadata characteristics), displaying summaries in various formats, and toggling the display of thumbnails, details, and hidden items.

Tap Edit to reveal controls you can use to select one or more items. (You can also tap Select All at the top to select everything, or Deselect All to deselect everything.) Having selected them, you can tap the Organize icon to move, replicate, duplicate, convert, group/ungroup, or delete them; or, if a single item is selected, tap the Share icon to display the share sheet. (Note that the item(s) must be downloaded to your device before you can share it, duplicate it, or move it to another database.)

Multiple Windows on iPad

DEVONthink To Go 3 supports multiple windows on iPads (where a “window” is really an additional split-screen view of DEVONthink).

You can create a new window in either of these ways:

  • Touch and hold an item name, then tap Open in New Window on the context menu.

  • Select the item, tap the Share icon, and tap Open in New Window on the share sheet.

A split view appears with the selected item shown on the right. You can then drag the divider left or right to change the size of the split view, or drag it all the way to one side of the screen to remove the split.

If you have both DEVONthink To Go and the Files app showing on the screen at the same time, you can also (as of DEVONthink To Go 3.7.2) drag a group from DEVONthink To Go into the Files app to copy it as a folder.


To search for a document in DEVONthink To Go, look for the search field at the top, and if you don’t see it, swipe downward on the list to reveal it (just as in Mail for iOS/iPadOS). Enter the text you’re searching for. If you’re anywhere other than the home screen, you can tap “All databases,” “This database,” or “This group” to narrow your search to that location.

As you type, DEVONthink To Go immediately returns matches that appear in the titles of documents and groups; if you want to search contents as well, tap Search.

You can also search within the text of an open PDF document (sorry, other formats aren’t supported) by tapping the Search icon.

Context Menus

DEVONthink 3 adds contextual menus (or “context menus,” in DEVONthink’s terminology) to give you quick access to commonly used commands. To display one of these menus, touch and hold any document, group, database, or search result. As the name suggests, these menus have different contents depending on what is selected; Figure 88 shows an example with a PDF selected on an iPhone (iPad appearance is slightly different). Menu commands followed by an ellipsis (…) display submenus with additional commands.

Figure 88: A context menu as it appears with a PDF selected.
Figure 88: A context menu as it appears with a PDF selected.

Add Items to DEVONthink To Go

In addition to items you’ve synced from another device, you can add many kinds of items to DEVONthink To Go right on your iOS/iPadOS device. The two most common approaches are creating a new document (or group, or other item) within DEVONthink To Go (discussed next) and adding content from other apps using the Clip to DEVONthink extension (see Use Clip to DEVONthink).

Create and Edit Content

To create a new document or other item in DEVONthink To Go, navigate to the location where you want the document to be stored and tap the plus icon. A panel appears, which may show just a list of item types (on smaller screens) or item types plus an editing area (on larger screens). Select an item type from the list of choices, and then use the editing view to fill in the details. Your choices are:

  • Text from Clipboard: If you happen to have text on the clipboard, you can tap this to create a plain or rich text (as appropriate) document containing that text.

  • Text: Create a document in plain text, rich text, Markdown, or formatted note formats. Fill in the title and body of the document, and optionally apply metadata (see Apply Metadata, ahead, for details). Then click the tiny right arrow in the upper-right corner of the editing view, tap the name of the format you want to use, and tap Done.

  • Media: Tap New Photo (to take a photo), Existing Photo (to add a photo already in your Photos library), Photo from Clipboard (only if there already is a graphic on your clipboard), Last Photo Taken, Video Note (to record a new video), or Voice Note (to record audio).

  • Bookmark: Enter a name and URL for the bookmark, and optionally apply metadata.

  • Sheet: After tapping Sheet, tap the Add Heading icon and type a name. Press Return and repeat as needed. Then click the tiny right arrow in the upper-right corner of the editing view, enter a name for the sheet, and tap Done. DEVONthink To Go creates a new, empty sheet in that location; tap it to open it. To edit a table, tap Edit. You can then double-tap a cell to change its contents, or use the controls on the floating toolbar to select, add, and delete columns and rows, among other actions.

  • Tag: Type a tag name. (Normally, you create tags in the process of applying them to existing items, but if for some reason you need to create a standalone tag, this is how you do it.)

  • Group: Type a group name and optionally apply metadata.

  • Database: Type a database name. To protect the database data during syncing with a password, turn on Protect with Password, tap Proceed after reading the warning, enter a username, and enter and confirm a password. This does not encrypt or lock the database; it only encrypts data in transit during syncs.

  • From Template: DEVONthink To Go now offers templates for creating new PDF documents. (It’s not yet as fully featured as the Template feature in the Mac version, but it’s a start.) Tap From Template to see a selection of predefined templates for PDF documents. You have a choice of various combinations of page size (US Letter, US Legal, and A4), background (Blank, Lined, and Grid), and orientation (portrait or landscape).

After filling in the required information, tap Done.

You can also edit plain text, rich text, formatted note, and Markdown files, plus (to a limited extent) graphics—whether or not you created them in DEVONthink To Go. To do so, select the document and either tap in the document body or tap Edit at the top of the screen. When you’re finished making changes, tap Done. (Note that, for graphics, your only options are to rotate the image and apply filters using the icons at the bottom of the screen.)

Use Clip to DEVONthink

In iOS and iPadOS, Clip to DEVONthink is a system-wide extension that can add an icon to the share sheet in nearly any app. By tapping that icon, you can capture information from elsewhere on your device and add it to DEVONthink.

Before you use Clip to DEVONthink, you should make it more easily accessible—this step is optional (but a good idea):

  1. Open a document or webpage in any app that supports share sheets (such as Safari).

  2. Tap the Share icon, swipe the icons to the left, and tap More.

  3. Enable the extension: Tap Edit. Then scroll down until you find DEVONthink. Make sure its switch is turned on, and tap the plus icon to add it to the Favorites list at the top.

  4. Use the handle on the right to drag it closer to the top (which means it will appear closer to the left in the list of icons in the future).

  5. Tap Done.

Once you’ve done this, you can use almost the same procedure to capture information:

  1. While viewing content you want to capture in to DEVONthink To Go, tap the Share icon.

  2. Tap the DEVONthink (or Clip to DEVONthink) icon. (If you did not add DEVONthink to your Favorites list, you can instead swipe to the left, tap More, scroll in the list until you find DEVONthink, and tap it.)

  3. In the panel that appears, you can optionally edit the document’s name and metadata. The Database line indicates which database the item will be stored in; to pick a different one, tap the database name and then select a different database or Global Inbox.

  4. Tap the right arrow icon.

  5. Tap the format in which you want to capture the document—Bookmark, Web Archive, Web Archive (clutter-free), Markdown, Markdown (clutter-free), PDF, or PDF (clutter-free)—and tap Done.

The extension puts the document in the inbox of the selected database (or in your global Inbox).

Manage Documents

Once you have documents in DEVONthink To Go—whether you synced them from your Mac or added them manually on your iOS/iPadOS device—you can do quite a few things with them. Here are some of the most useful examples.

Organize Files and Groups

With a single document or group open—or with one or more items selected in a list view in Edit mode—tap the Organize icon to display a pop-up menu (Figure 89) with the organizational options and numerous other commands. (Not all options apply to every item.)

Figure 89: This pop-up menu displays whichever organizational commands are relevant to the selected item(s).
Figure 89: This pop-up menu displays whichever organizational commands are relevant to the selected item(s).

Your choices for organization are in the second group of commands:

  • Move: Navigate to the location where you want to move the item and tap Move.

  • Replicate: Navigate to the location where you want to create the replicant and tap Replicate.

  • Duplicate: Navigate to the location where you want to copy the item and tap Duplicate.

  • Group: Create a new group containing the selected item(s).

  • Convert: Tap Convert followed by the format you want to use. (The options are To Bookmark, To Formatted Note, To Searchable PDF, To PDF (One Page), To Markdown, To Plain Text, or To Rich Text—but not all formats apply to every source document.) DEVONthink To Go makes a copy of the document in the same location, but with the new format. (If you were editing the document, the original version remains open.)

  • Add to Favorites: Add this item to your Favorites list.

  • Add to Reading List: Add this item to your reading list.

  • Create Thumbnail or Remove Thumbnail: Create or remove a thumbnail for the selected item.

  • Download: For documents in groups, databases, or locations configured to use on-demand downloads, tap this to download the document.

  • Purge: Removes the local copy of the item to free up space; it remains in synced locations and can be re-downloaded.

  • Move to Trash: Move the item to the Trash.

Apply Metadata

Any document or group in DEVONthink To Go can have various kinds of metadata, just as in the desktop versions of DEVONthink. To apply this metadata to the currently open group or document, tap the Organize icon followed by Info, or press ⌘-Shift-I to open the Info popover (Figure 90).

Figure 90: Apply metadata such as tags and labels in this popover.
Figure 90: Apply metadata such as tags and labels in this popover.

You can then specify or edit the following:

  • Name: Tap to edit the document or group name.

  • Aliases: Type alternative names for your document, which can be used in searching and WikiLinks. (See Words You Should Know.)

  • URL: If the item is a URL, this field holds the bookmark’s location. For all other item types, you can optionally fill in any URL that’s relevant to it. Tap in the URL field to type or paste the URL. To open the URL in Safari, tap the Safari icon.

  • Tags: Tap the Tags icon, then type one or more tags. (After you type at least three characters, suggestions for matching tags may appear.) After typing a tag, tap Return; this turns it into a token .

  • Label: Tap the Label icon and then use the selector that appears to apply a predefined label (such as To Do, Done, or Important). The Label icon then assumes the color of the corresponding label: .

  • Flag: Tap the Flag icon to flag the item. The icon then turns orange: . Tap it again to remove the flag.

  • Unread: Tap the Read icon to mark the item as unread. The indicator then turns blue to show that it’s unread; tap it again to mark it as read.

  • Lock: To make the item read-only, tap the Lock icon, which then turns magenta: . Tap it again to unlock the item, making it editable. If you have a keyboard attached, you can also lock/unlock with ⌘-Control-K.

  • Rating: Tap a star to set a rating.

  • Comments: To add a comment, type in the Comments field.

Annotate PDFs in DEVONthink To Go

As in the Mac version, you can annotated PDFs in DEVONthink To Go.

With a PDF open in DEVONthink To Go, tap Edit. A narrow vertical toolbar appears at the left with icons for various types of annotation actions (much like those in the desktop versions of DEVONthink):

  • Text Highlights: Touch and hold Highlight and then tap an icon to select a tool with which you can add a background color, underline, wavy underline, or strikethrough to text that you drag over with your finger.

  • Annotations: Touch and hold Text and then tap an icon to select a tool with which you can add a text annotation, callout, or signature.

  • Note: Tap the Note icon and then tap in the document to add a note.

  • Pen: Tap the Pen icon to draw with a pen on the PDF.

  • Highlighter: Tap the Highlighter icon to draw with a highlighter on the PDF.

  • Shapes: Tap and hold Shapes and then tap an icon to select a tool with which you can draw arrows, lines, squares, circles, and other shapes.

  • Photo: Tap Photo and then tap either Camera or Photo Library to insert a graphic on top of the PDF. Or, tap and hold Photo and then tap an icon for media, stamp (like “Approved” or “Sign Here”), clipboard, link, or audio recording.

  • Erase: Tap Erase to activate the eraser tool, with which you can wipe away annotations you made with the pen or highlighter.

  • Select: Tap Select to draw a selection rectangle, which selects any existing annotations.

In addition to all these tools, you can select text in a PDF to display the standard iOS/iPadOS pop-up toolbar with additional options.

Configure DEVONthink To Go Settings

You can adjust the behavior of numerous DEVONthink To Go features. To do this, navigate to the home screen of DEVONthink To Go and tap the Settings icon. There, you can change the following:

  • Security: Optionally require a passcode (possibly along with Face ID or Touch ID) to access your DEVONthink To Go data, and configure how long the app should wait before requiring it.

  • Notifications: Select All to see all notifications, Warnings to see notifications of Warnings and Errors only, or Errors to see notifications of Errors only.

  • Sync: See Set Sync Options for a description of these settings.

  • Databases & Groups: Turn on or off these features:

    • Unify inboxes: Turn this on to show the inbox for each of your databases in the Inboxes section of the home screen. Turn it off to show each database’s inbox separately.

    • Unify tags: Turn this on to display a Tags section on the home screen, with subcategories for the tags in each of your databases. Turn it off to show each database’s tag group separately.

    • Keep groups on top: Turn this on to sort all groups above individual documents within each item list.

  • Documents: The following options are available:

    • Text: Tap Text Settings to reveal controls for plain text size, automatic caps, spelling correction, and data detectors.

    • PDF: Tap PDF Settings to reveal controls for Fit (tap Automatic to adjust document width dynamically; tap Width to fill the full width of your screen), Pages (tap Automatic to let DEVONthink To Go display two PDF pages side-by-side if space permits; tap Single to view only a single page at a time), “First page single” (turn on to show the first page of a PDF as a single page), Scrolling (tap an icon for left-right or up-down scrolling while in PDFs), Continuous (turn this on to scroll PDFs continuously; turn it off to scroll a full page at a time), “Show quick navigation” (turn on to show the quick navigation bar; turn off to hide it), and “Use dark background” (when off, DEVONthink leaves PDF backgrounds unchanged even when dark mode is enabled).

    • Markdown: Tap Markdown Settings to reveal controls to force line breaks in Markdown documents; to enable support for MathJAX, Mermaid, and Prism; and to enter custom CSS for control over how Markdown text is rendered in previews.

    • Web: Tap Web Settings to reveal three switches: “Use Safari view” provides an alternative way of viewing linked webpages within DEVONthink; and “Delete cookies on launch” and “Delete cache on launch” remove those items, respectively, from DEVONthink’s cache when you open the app.

    • WikiLinks: Tap WikiLinks Settings to show controls for creating WikiLinks. The settings closely resemble those for the Mac version, as described in Create a WikiLink, although there’s no “case insensitive” option.

    • Use dark background: Turn this on to display documents with a dark background when the system-wide dark mode is enabled. Turn it off to leave document backgrounds unchanged, regardless of dark mode setting.

    • Remote images in emails: Turn this on to automatically download any images that are stored on a server rather than embedded in the email message itself. Turn it off to leave those images out by default.

    • PDF attachments of RTFs: In the desktop version of DEVONthink, you can drag a PDF into a rich text document or formatted note as an attachment. Starting with DEVONthink To Go version 3.7, you can display these attachments by turning on this switch. You cannot, however, add PDF attachments to documents in DEVONthink To Go.

    • Automatically mark as read: When this is turned on, as it is by default, documents are marked as read as soon as you view them and move to a different document. When it’s off, you must manually mark documents as read.

  • OCR: Tap Settings next to “Text recognition” to display the following OCR settings:

    • Keep annotations: If you run OCR on a document that already has annotations, they’ll be preserved in the final file if this switch is on. Turn it off to discard any existing annotations.

    • Auto correct orientation: By default, DEVONthink tries to figure out the page orientation and adjust it so that text is readable without turning your device; turn this off to keep the original orientation.

    • Move original to the trash: If this is on when you use the Convert command to perform OCR on an image or PDF, the original file (without a text layer) is moved to the trash once the new version with searchable text is created.

    • Quality: Use this slider to set image quality in the final file. Higher quality also means larger file sizes.

    • Installed Languages: Turn on any language you want to consider when converting documents. For best results, enable only the languages you’re very likely to encounter in your files.

    • Available Languages: Tap the plus icon to add a language you may want to use for OCR.

  • Editing: Turn on or off the following text editing features:

    • Automatic caps: Capitalize the first letter typed after a period and a space.

    • Spelling correction: Use the iOS/iPadOS spelling correction feature as you type.

    • Data detectors: Look for, and highlight, text that might be dates, phone numbers, addresses, and so on (for ease of adding the information to Contacts, Calendar, and the like).

  • Previews & Spotlight: Set your preferences for these two items:

    • Create previews: Turn this on to cause DEVONthink to create thumbnails of each document automatically.

    • Spotlight: Turn this on to enable Spotlight to index and return results for your DEVONthink documents when performing system-wide searches in iOS/iPadOS.

  • Share & Integration:

    • Share: When sharing items from DEVONthink, choose which format to use: File, Link, or Markdown.

    • TextExpander: If TextExpander touch is installed, tap Update to make any recently added snippets available in DEVONthink To Go.

  • Backup: Enable “Backup data to iCloud” to make a backup of your database that’s accessible to the Files app.

  • Your Subscription: Tap Manage to add a subscription or upgrade, or switch between monthly and yearly subscription.

In addition, there are a few system-level settings you can adjust in Settings > DEVONthink; there may be more or fewer options depending on your device and how you’ve used DEVONthink To Go so far:

  • Location: To enable DEVONthink To Go to record the location where a document was created, make sure this is set to While Using the App. To keep DEVONthink To Go from knowing your location, set it to Never.

  • Local Network: If you plan to use Bonjour to sync your iOS/iPadOS device directly with another Mac on your network, turn this switch on to allow local network access.

  • Photos: Turn this on to give DEVONthink To Go access to your photos.

  • Siri & Search: Use these switches to specify in what ways, if any, Siri and the iOS/iPadOS system-wide search tools can interact with DEVONthink To Go and its data.

  • Notifications: Configure the ways in which you would like DEVONthink To Go to be able to get your attention.

  • Background App Refresh: Turn this on to enable DEVONthink To Go to perform certain tasks (such as syncing and indexing) even when the app isn’t open. This capability is entirely controlled by iOS/iPadOS, however—it’s not under DEVONthink’s control.

  • Cellular Data: For iPhones and iPads with cellular radios, turn this off if you want to prevent DEVONthink To Go from syncing over a cellular connection.

  • Language: Choose DEVONthink To Go’s default language here. Unless you specify otherwise, it uses the language set in Settings > General > Language & Region > Device Language.

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