Chapter 7
Charter Context to Influence Work

In the previous two chapters, you facilitated the first two elements of agile team chartering: purpose and alignment. The team understands its purpose and the nature of the work. The team members have aligned on the approach they’ll use and their agreements about working together. They’ve begun culture-building. The team is ready to see itself as a complex adaptive system, as described in Setting Conditions for Optimal Team Learning.

Like other complex adaptive systems, a team is composed of parts (team members, information flows, work resources), a whole (the team), and a greater whole (the program, department, organization). How members think about how their work fits into the greater whole depends on the scale of the work.

In this chapter, you’ll read about the benefits a team gains from understanding the context of its work. You’ll learn how to facilitate an awareness of context by looking at the team’s boundaries and interactions, identifying the nonhuman resources committed to the work, and looking ahead with a prospective analysis.

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