Italic numbers indicate figures or tables.


absence, state of, 40

adversaries, 96–98

affirmations, 38, 41

The Age of Ananda (Sharma), 118

aging of societies, xii

Akash-Ganga, 38

Alexander the Great, 20

ambitious energy, 6, 115, 128–129

ananda (bliss), 34, 115, 118, 129, 149

anima/animus, 25, 71, 75

Antar-Ganga, 38

anticipating change, 51

Appell, Elizabeth, 14

apprentice piece, 25

archetypes, xii, 57, 60, 75, 128, 135–136

complementary and dominant, 92–93, 93, 107–108

encountered on journey, 13, 47, 95–102

four-fold self and, 83–84

of mature leader, 144, 144–145

minor characters, 99–100

simplified, 102–103

ardhanarishwar (Shiva-Shakti), 70, 78

Arjuna, 101

The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 20

artha (prosperity), 118, 118

asuras (demons), 94–95

The Athena Doctrine (Gerzema and D’Antonio), 10, 114

atma (soul), 25

Atma Shakti, xxi

Aurobindo, Sri, xv, 54, 78, 131, 136


Barletta, Marti, 138

Barrett, Colleen, 10

Beautiful, 116

behavioral models, xix, 22

behavioral patterns, 75, 89

beliefs, coming to grips with, 61

Bend, Not Break (Ping Fu), 30–31

Berry, Thomas, 11

Bhagavad Gita, 151–152

Bhat, Nilima, 78–79, 116, 142, 151

Bhat, Vijay, 14–16, 36

Bhishma (patriarch), 20

The Big Leap (Hendricks), 120

bird wing metaphor, 147–148

birth and rebirth, 13, 14, 55, 62

blended capacities, 8–10, 70, 71

bliss (ananda), 34, 115, 118, 129, 149

blockage of life force, 63

body, relaxed, 36–37

boundaries, 43–44

breath, 37

Brown, Judy Sorum, 10, 26

Buchanan, Leigh, 21

burnout, 117

business, purpose of, xvii

“business as usual,” xviii, 6


call to adventure, 13, 14, 15

calmness, 37, 39

Campbell, Joseph, xix, 12, 14, 17, 34, 47, 50, 58, 118, 136

“master of two worlds” concept, 128

“mono-myth,” 146

caring, 30–31

cave, entering, 13, 14

center, 85

CEOs, 70

men, 4

women, 3, 6, 8, 10

chakras (yogic energy centers), 140

challenger, 105, 106

change, xiii–xvi, xxiii, 8, 15, 31–32

childhood, death of, 63, 63–64

child-self (inner child), 75–77, 77, 101, 122–123

healing, 80–81

Chinese/Taoist wisdom, xvii, 25, 70, 72–73

Chitta Shakti, xxi

ChittaSangha (Consciousness Collaborative), 23

choices, 87–88

coach, 105, 106

compassion, 143

conditioning, 51, 128, 133, 156

congruence, 27–28, 113–129

dialogue with higher self, 122–127

purpose, 27, 115–119

purpose, manifesting higher, 119–121, 120

toward self-mastery and selfless service, 127, 127–129

Conscious Business: How to Build Value Through Values (Kofman), 30

Conscious Capitalism, xvii–xx, 117

Conscious Leadership, 23, 36, 92, 121, 126, 135. See also Shakti Leadership

conscious roles, 105, 105–106

consciousness, xiii–xiv, 23–24

Shiva represents, xxi, 1–2

testing of, 64–65

context awareness, 39, 136

creative energy, 2, 6, 114

creator, 105, 105–106

crisis, 49–50, 61

crisis-trauma-transformation-gift, 48, 49

cross, 85

culture, corporate, 57, 129

cultures, nurturing and life-enhancing, xvii


D’Antonio, Michael, 10


of childhood, 63, 64

of old ways, 51, 54–55

of old ways, women and, 62, 63

defense systems, 81–82

Descent to the Goddess (Perera), 58

devas (angels), 94–95

dharma (righteous action), 45, 105–106, 114, 117

Dhumavati (the great widow), 62

dilemmas, 87

discomfort, comfort with, 42

discovery, 61

disappointment, loss, 62, 63

dissolution, 51, 53–54

dissonance, 53, 57, 103

divine beings, 24, 71

divine self, 71–72

DNA newspaper, 151

drama triangle, 103–107, 104

Draupadi (goddess), 159

drawing, 125

drives, as power bases, 144–145

Drucker, Peter, 19

Durga (goddess), 79


ecological wholeness, 25

ecosystem, 72

ego, 33, 41, 80

ego-based power, xxii, 3–4

ego-self, 24–25, 122

ego-shadow, 73–75

elephants, 44, 131, 133

elixir, 13, 14, 16

Emerald, David, 105

emotional heart, 40

employee engagement levels, xvi

energy, 25, 140

complementary, 98–99

corporate, 57

creative, 2, 6, 114

inductive, 39–40

qi (life energy), 72

Shakti as, xxi, 1–2, 25

energy fields, 103

Enneagram, 115–117

eros (kama), 65, 83, 84, 144, 144

Ensler, Eve, 152

Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, 58, 64

everything journeys, 135–137

evolution, 51, 54

purpose of, 51–53

trajectory of, xix, xxii, 50–51, 136–137

evolutionary impulse, 50–53, 51, 63, 63–64

executive presence, 35–36

exercises, 36–38

existential concerns, 113


false signals, 52

fear, 38, 40

feminine principle, xviii–xix, 5–9, 25

denial of, xi, 61, 61, 131–132

polarity mapping, 91–94, 92

Fieger, Hank, 36

fight-or-flight survival mode, 40

Firms of Endearment (Sisodia), 117

five elements, 56–58, 140

flexibility, 27, 87–112

archetypes encountered on journey, 95–102

archetypes simplified, 102–103

drama triangle, 103–107, 104

polarities and paradoxes, 87–89

polarity mapping, 89, 89–91

Flynn, James, xiii

“Fool” archetype, 101

Fortune 500 companies, 8

four-fold self, 82–85, 83, 95–96, 144

Frankl, Viktor, 34

freedom/belonging, 61

Freeman, Ed, 29

future-tripping, 40


Gandhi, Mahatma, 1, 20, 91

Gelb, Michael, 73, 88

gender identities, xxiii, 138

gender relations, 143

Gerzema, John, 10, 114

gift, 48, 48, 49, 51, 61

girls, influences on, 7–8

“Gita for Women,” 151

global economic crisis, 6–7, 28

goddess, 101

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 21, 116

gravitas, 35

Gray, John, 70

greatness, discovering, 48, 49


harmony, 144, 144

Harry Potter (Rowling), 14

Harvey, Andrew, 118–119

Hendricks, Gay, 44, 105, 120

Hendricks, Katie, 105

Henry VIII, 20

herald, 99–100

The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 12, 17

heroic journey, xix, xxiii, 12–17, 33, 47–68

archetypes encountered, 95–102

consciousness during, 50–55

dissolution, 51, 53–54

of everything, 135–137

evolution, 51, 54

five elements, dance of, 56–58

gender differences, 58–60

hero’s journey, 58–59, 59

only way out is in, 55–56

only way out is through, 49, 67

purpose of evolution, 51–53

reconciliation within, 65–66

resolution, 51, 54–55

of Shakti, 134–135

stages, 13, 13–16

summarized, 48–50

heroine’s journey, 59–64

The Heroine’s Journey (Murdock), 58

hero’s journey, 58–59, 59

heterarchies, 22

hierarchical leadership, 21

higher-self dialogue, 122–127

holy family reunion, 24, 63, 75–79

hospicing, 11–12

How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci (Gelb), 73

“Human Cycle,” 136

human resources, 117


I AM – I CAN – I WILL, 113, 126

ideal action, 116

imaginal cells, 64–65

inclusion, 63, 66

Indian yogic tradition. See yogic tradition

individuation, 25, 74–75, 77, 82

inferiority, slaying dragon of, 61

information access, 22

initiation, 13

inner child, 75, 80–81, 122–123

inner journey, 127, 127–128

inside-out, consciousness-based approach, xx

integrity, 27

intelligence, xiii, 50, 92, 135

interference, 103

inter-independence, 107

intuition, 125

invisibility of women, 161–163

IQ tests, xiii


Jaworski, Joseph, xxi–xxii, 14

Johnson, Barry, 89

journey. See heroic journey

joy, 142

Julius Caesar, 20

Jung, Carl, 24–25, 73–75, 82, 147


Kali (goddess), 79, 101

kama (relationships), 118, 118

karma, 56

Karpman, Stephen, 103, 104

Kempton, Sally, 2, 3, 9, 49–50

Kilbourne, Jean, 7–8

King, Martin Luther, Jr., xvi, 20, 91

Kofman, Fred, 30

kshetras (domains or fields of action), 58


Lakshmana, 100–101

Laybourne, Gerry, 115

Lazarus, Shelly, 133–134


capacity for congruence, 27–28

capacity for flexibility, 27

capacity for wholeness, 24–26

change agents, xxiii, 3

crisis of, xvi–xvii

as purposeful exercise of power, 3

reinventing, xx–xxiii

roots of modern, 20–22

source, getting at, 22–23

style, assessing, 107–112

three essential capacities, 24

traditional models, 21–22. See also congruence; flexibility; wholeness

libido, 65

Life, xx

Lincoln, Abraham, xv, 20, 21, 95

logos (vidya), 47, 66, 83, 84, 144, 144

longing, 151, 164–165

Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 14, 100


heroine’s journey, 59–60

manifesting at work, 28–30

Lover, 144, 144


Mackey, John, 30

Maddox, Chris, 135

Magician, 144, 144

Mahabharata, 20, 101, 159

Mahishasura (yogic demon), xii, 79, 148

mandala (geometric figure), 140

Mandela, Nelson, 20–21

martial arts, 27

masculine principle, xviii–xix, 8–9

masculine wound, 81–82, 143

masterpiece, 25

maternal principle, xxi

McIntosh, Steve, 51–52

media portrayals, 7–8

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (Gray), 70

mental confines, 44

mentor, 13, 14, 15, 96

metta (loving kindness), 123

midlife crisis, xii–xiii

midwifing, 11–12

militaristic thinking, xx, 20, 21, 132

mini-self, 66

misogyny, 65

Miss Representation (Newsom), 7, 8

mistakes, 45

moksha (liberation and self-realization), 118, 118

money, 2–3

Morissette, Alanis, 138–139

mother and beloved, 63

motherhood, 151, 152–155

The Mother (Aurobindo), 144

multiple selves, 24

Murdock, Maureen, 58, 61–62

Myss, Caroline, 135

mythology, new, 145–146

for business, 146–147

mythos (maya), 83, 84, 144, 144

myths, 2–3, 47


9/11 attacks, 84

1989, xii–xiii

nemesis, 96

new equilibrium, 13

Newsom, Jennifer Siebel, 7, 8

nonhuman elements, 139

normalcy, shaken out of, 48


one-sided notion of leadership, xi

only way out is in, 55–56

only way out is through, 49, 67

ordinary world, 13, 13, 49

organizational higher-self dialogue, 126–127

outer journey, 127, 127–128

outside-in, competency-based approach, xx


Pachamama Alliance, 11

panchamahabhuta (five elements), 56–58, 140

paramatma (supreme soul), 25

parent-self, 75–77, 77

Parvati (Gauri) (goddess), 79

paternal principle, xxi

peer-to-peer networks, 21–22

Perera, Sylvia Brinton, 58

perfection, 144, 144

persecutor, 104, 104

planetary change, 138–139

Platonic ideals, 116

polarities, 87–89

polarity mapping, 89, 89–91

masculine and feminine, 91–94, 92

political candidates, 7–8

Popcorn, Faith, 138

position/point of view, 90–91

power, xvii

drives as power bases, 144–145

ego-based, xxii, 3–4

hero’s journey and, 58–59, 59

true vs. false, 2–5

power with, xvii, 3

prakriti (intelligence), 50

Prana Shakti, xxi

presence, 27, 32, 33–45, 125

centered, 85

cultivating, 36–40

definitions, 34–36

discomfort, comfort with, 42

even breath, clear mind, and open heart, 37–38

executive, 35–36

five-elements cycle and, 57–58

healthy boundaries, 43–44

losing and regaining, 40–42

mental confines, 44

relaxed body, 36–37

sensitive sonar and energetic induction, 39–40

shame/grief/rage, 63, 63–64

tapping into greater, 44–45

pro-activists, 11

psyche, 82–83

psychology, 24–25, 47, 73–75

purpose, xvii, 3, 6–7, 14, 22, 27

of evolution, 51–53

manifesting higher, 119–121, 120

swadharma, 27, 114–119, 118

purushartha (object of human pursuit), 117, 118


qi (life energy), 72

Qi-gong, 27, 73


Ram (character), 100–101

Ramayana, the, 100–101, 145–146

ratnas (jewels), 94

rebirth, 13, 14

reconciliation within, 65–66

refusal and acceptance, 13

relationships, 59–60

rescuer, 104, 104

resolution, 51, 54–55

resurrection, 63

return, 13, 14, 16

reward, 13

ritual, 139–140

road back, the, 13

romantic entanglements, 101–102

Rosin, Hanna, xxiii

Rumi (poet), 164, 165


Sadhana (Everywoman), 151–152

sadhana (spiritual or self-mastery practice), 34

sagar manthan (the churning of the ocean), myth of, 94–95

Saxena, Neela Bhattacharya, 148

scarcity myths, 2–3

seed and soil image, 19


accessing higher, 124

accessing inner child, 123–124

dialogue with higher, 122–127

ego, 122

four-fold, 82–85, 83, 95–96, 144

organizational higher-self dialogue, 126–127

selfless service, 127–129

self-mastery, 127–129

self-promotion, 38, 40

self-transcendence, 25

separation, 13

shadow work, 74, 82

shadow-self, 24–25

Shaich, Ron, 28

Shakti, xii, xv

definitions, 1

denial of, 131–132

as Divine Mother, 5–6

as energy, xxi, 1–2, 25

four bases, 144–145

as infinite source, xviii

as intelligent and conscious, xviii

journey of, 134–135

as power base for conscious capitalism, xvii–xx

primer on, xx–xxi

Shakti’s own journey, 68

Shakti Circles, 151

Shakti Dialogues—Everywoman in Conversation with Her Eternal Self, 151–152

Shakti Leadership, xii, 23–28

engaging unrealized potential, 51

getting at source, 22–23

as heroic journey, 47–48

leading from Shakti, 30–32

manifesting love at work, 28–30. See also Conscious Leadership

Shakti Speaks, 151

shape-shifter, 101

sharing the elixir, 13, 48, 48, 49

Sharma, Kumar, 118

Sharma, Robin, 49

shava (corpse), 1, 79

Sheahan, Casey, 6, 28–29, 70, 114, 121, 128–129

Sheahan, Tara, 28–29

shifting roles, 102

Shiva, xviii, 79, 84, 141, 165

as consciousness, xxi, 1–2

Shurpanakha, 100–101

Simon the Magus, xxi

Sisodia, Raj, 117

Sivananda, Swami, 55

Skea, Brian, 83

social dominance theory, 162

soma, 82–83

sonar, sensitive, 39–40

Sophia Century, 147–148

soul, 25

The Soul of Money (Twist), 2–3

Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation (Jaworski), xxii

Sovereign, 144, 144

space-time dimension, 41

special world, 13, 14, 15–16

spiritual and mythical teachings, xii

spiritual wholeness, 25

stakeholder integration, xvii

stakeholder theory, 29

Star Wars series, 12

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, 49

Stern, Caryl, 3, 43

strength, 144, 144

subsystems, 72

supreme ordeal, 13, 14, 15–16

swabhav (innate nature), 114, 116

swadharma (purpose), 27, 114–119, 118. See also purpose

symbolic (mythos) realm, 47

symbols, 47

Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership (Jaworski), xxi–xxii


Tai Chi, 27, 73

taking a stand, 91

Tao, xvii, 25, 70, 72–73

temptress, 101–102

Terror, Violence, and the Impulse to Destroy (Beebe), 84

testers, 100–101

thanatos (mara, the death drive), 54, 65, 83, 84, 144, 144

third person story, 126

threshold, crossing, 13, 14

threshold guardians, 100

Tibetan Buddhism, 100

timeless wisdom, xii

Transactional Analysis, 75

transformation, 48, 49, 51, 61

transitioning from old to new, 11–12

trauma, 48, 61

tricksters, 100–101

True, 116

truth-object/touchstone, 141, 142

turning point, 49

Twist, Lynne, 2–3, 11–12, 23, 90–91, 147


Uloopi (character), 101

unconscious roles, 104

unfamiliar world, coming to grips with, 48

uniqueness, 35

upper limit problem, 44

US Senate, 8


“Vagina Monologues” (Ensler), 152

values, xvii, 30–31

vesica piscis symbol, 69

victim, 104, 104

victimhood, 104, 104

violation, 60–61, 61, 162

vision, 91

Vogler, Christopher, 13

vulnerability, 60, 151, 156–159


Wall Street, 6–7

Warrior, 144, 144

wedding, inner, 76–79, 77

Western view of wholeness, 73–75

“Whole Man – Whole Woman” circles, 143

wholeness, 24–26, 68, 69–85

Taoist view, 72–73

three views, 71–75

wedding, inner, 76–79, 77

Western view, 73–75

yogic view, 71–72

The Wild Woman Project, 135

win-lose dualities, 3–4, 132

wisdom, 144, 144

The Wisdom of the Enneagram, 115–116

womb, collective, 140


approach to leadership, xxii

CEOs, 3, 6, 8, 10

college degrees, xiii

falsehoods about, 61

invisibility of, 161–163

media portrayals, 7–8

true power and, 4

vs. women, 151, 159–161

Women Who Run with the Wolves (Estes), 58

Women’s Circle, 151

women’s circles, 139–143, 161–162

worst fear/shadow, facing, 48


yin and yang, 25, 70, 71, 72–73

yogic tradition, xviii, xx–xxi, 54–55

wholeness, view of, 71–72


Zone of Genius, 120

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