
360-degree feedback, 134


air pollution, breaking down with building tiles, 34. See also emissions.

Airbnb, 56–57

Allfarveg, 113

Ambrocio, Eduardo, 68

Android tablets, credit for trade-in, 53


innovation, 97–99

iPhone differentiation strategy, 26

Ariely, Dan, 133

articles. See books and publications.

Asnæs Power Station, 58

automobile industry. See also specific topics.

car-parking service, 21

car-sharing service, 20–21, 56–57

diesel passenger cars, manufacturing, 104–108

electric vehicles, 22, 148

hybrid motorbikes, 106–108

Nissan Leaf, 148

Toyota Production System, 115–117


Bangalore, 16

Benyus, Janine M., 63

biodegradable confetti, 34

nutrients for industry, 49–50

biological nutrients for industry, 50

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, 63

biomimicry movement, 63. See also metabolism, metaphor for industry.

Blank, Steve, 116, 119

Blue Economy, 62–63

The Blue Economy: 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million

Jobs, 52

Blue Ocean Strategy, 35

BMW case study, 20–22

bolt-on sustainability vs. embedded, 147–149

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 87

Bonanni, Leonardo, 76–77

books and publications

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, 63

The Blue Economy: 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100

Million Jobs, 52

Blue Ocean Strategy, 35

Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, 118

Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation, 137

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, 49, 62

Drive, 132

The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth, 48

“The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning”, 120

Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, 80

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, 81

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, 137

Future Work Skills 2020, 137

Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius, 86

“How to Think About Turning Your Products into Services,” 100

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, 137

Leading Change, 160

The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, 118

Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, 81

Open Series Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era, 81

“Our Loss of Wisdom,” 125

The Performance Economy, 49, 52

“The Performance Frontier: Innovating for a Sustainable Strategy,” 80

Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development, 48–49

Resource Revolution, 9

The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, 119

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, 137

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, 97

Towards the Circular Economy, 52

“Triumph of the Lean Production System,” 115

A Whole New Mind, 17–18

“Why the Lean Start-up Changes Everything,” 119

Boulding, Kenneth, 48

Bradfield, Steve, 46–47

Braungart, Michael, 49–50, 62

Brennan, Geraldine, 55

Briol, Patrice, 131–132, 134

Brown, Mike, 91

Brown, Tim, 136–137

Bulcke, Paul, 13

bureaucracies, history of, 124–125

Business Model Canvas, 111, 118

Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, 118

business modeling. See also plan-to-model principle. Business Model Canvas, 111, 118

case studies, 111–114

scenario planning, 168–169

vs. strategic planning, 109–113, 119–120


car-parking service, 21

car-sharing service, 20–21, 56–57

carpet, recycling, 44–47

case studies

Airbnb, 56–57

Allfarveg, 113

Apple, 97–99

Asnæs Power Station, 58

biodegradable confetti, 34

BMW, 20–22

breaking down pollution with building tiles, 34

business modeling, 111–114

car-parking service, 21

car-sharing service, 20–21

cars and drivers, sharing, 56–57

chemical leasing, 112–113

clean fuel alternatives, 34–35

cloud computing, 59

Coca-Cola, recycling plastic bottles, 61

cod fisherman, 8

coffee industry, 67–70

Colgate, 79

data servers as furnaces, 59

DBFO (design-build-finance-operate) model, 113

Dell, 99

department-to-mind-set principle, 130–134

Design Hotels, 34–35

disruptive innovation, 28–29

Dow Chemical, 112–113

drinkable water from billboards, 34

Eco-Superior products, 34–35

EcoWorx carpet backing, 45–47

electric vehicles, 22, 148

Fairmount Minerals, 73–75

Farm Friendly Direct, 71

floor-cleaning equipment, 153–154

FLOOW2, 54–56

Ford Motor Company, roof redesign, 50–52

GameStop, 52–54

Gateway, 99

Gloucester fisherman, 8

Green Mountain Coffee

Roasters, 69–70

green products, 144

growth-to-growth principle, 89–99

Gyproc (plasterboard manufacturer), 58

health care, 111–112

health insurance, 155

Hidria Corporation, 104–108

how, what, and why, 97–99

IKEA, 77

industrial symbiosis, 58

insurance for insurers, 22–23

Knauf Insulation, 130–134

lean manufacturing, 115–117

line-to-circle principle, 44–48, 50–57

living space, sharing, 56–57

Lush Fresh Handmade

Cosmetics, 30–32

Massachusetts public utilities, 144

mini steel mills, 28–29

moss, as roofing material, 51–52

natural fertilizer, 19

Nissan Leaf, 148

OMV (oil and gas company), 33–34

OneWorld Health, 111–112

ParkatmyHouse, 21

Patagonia, 91

pharmaceutical company, 111–112

plan-to-model principle, 111–114

Portland Roasting Company, 70–71

Power-by-the-Hour, 89–90

Puma, 151–153

rebar market, 28–29

road construction, 113

rocking glass, 94–95

Rolls-Royce, 89–90

Rouge River facility, roof redesign, 50–52

S Project, 92–96

Safechem, 112–113

Sandi Cesko, 17–18

scale of the whole, 73–75

SeeChange Health, 155

selling the story, 92–96

servitization, 89–92

sharing overcapacity goods and services, 54–57

Shaw Industries, 44–47

shift from products to services. See servitization.

shoe packaging, 151–153

solid shampoo, 30–32

Speak glass, 94–95

Starbucks, 67–68

storm water management, 51–52

Studio Moderna, 92–96

supply chain analysis, 77–78

Swiss Re, 22–23

Tennant Company, 153–154

TerraCycle, 19, 60

Throw & Grow confetti, 34

Toyota Production System, 115–117

Uber, 56–57

vertical to horizontal principle, 67–79

Volvo Aero, 90

wind energy, 21–22

Worm Poop, 19, 60

zero waste to landfill, 130–134

case studies, recycling

carpet, 44–47

electronic waste, 52–54

plastic bottles, 61

products from garbage, 19

spent sand, 73–75

video game refurbishment, 52–54

Case Western Reserve University, 79

Cattone, Al, 8

cell phones

Huawei Y-300, 27

iPhone, differentiation strategy, 26

Vertu, differentiation strategy, 26–27

Center for Resilience, 63

Cesko, Sandi, 17–18, 92, 94–95

Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation, 137

change management

definition, 125

getting started, 160–169

success rate, 160

chemical leasing, 112–113

Chesbrough, Henry William, 81

Chesky, Brian, 57

China, rice production, 11

Christensen, Clayton, 28, 29

Cialdini, Robert B., 137

circular economy, 47–48

clean fuel alternatives, 34–35

Clever Little Bag, 152–153

climate change, effects on insurance industry annual weather-related losses, 23

insurance for insurers, 22–23

long-term effects, 14–15

cloud computing, 59

Coca-Cola, recycling plastic bottles, 61

cod fisherman, 8

coffee industry, 67–70

Colgate, 79

collaborative consumption, 54–57. See also sharing economy.

combustion engine manufacturing, vs. electrical engines, 22

computers. See desktop computers.

connected economy. See collaborative consumption; sharing economy.

construction industry

road construction, 113

sustainability, 107–108

contingent motivators, 132

continuous business modeling. See plan-to-model principle.

Conway, Bill, 75

Cooperrider, David, 74, 79

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, 49, 62

Cradle to Cradle approach, 49

crowdsourcing, 76–78. See also open innovation.


data servers as furnaces, 59

DBFO (design-build-finance-operate) model, 113

Deckard, Jenniffer, 73, 75

Dell, 99

department-to-mind-set principle

360-degree feedback, 134

bending the rules, 126

bureaucracies, history of, 124–125

case study, 130–134

change management, 125

competencies and skills, 135–136

contingent motivators, 132

departments, history of, 124

design thinking, 135–136, 137

extrinsic motivators, 132–134

human motivation, 132–134

intrinsic motivators, 132–134

overview, 40–41

psychology and economics, 125–126

scapegoating, 127–129

stakeholder management, 135, 136–137

systems thinking, 135

tools for, 136–137

transdisciplinarity, 135

wisdom, 125–126

departments, history of, 124

Design Hotels, 34–35

design thinking, 135–136, 137

desktop computers, manufacturing waste, 15–16

diesel passenger cars, manufacturing, 104–108

differentiation vs. price, 26–27

Dimon, Jamie, 161

disruptive innovation

definition, 29

rebar market, 28–29

division of labor. See department-to-mind-set principle.

Dow Chemical, 112–113

drinking water, scarcity of, 13–14

Drive, 132

Dubai, landfill space limitations, 16


ec-H2O technology, 153

Eccles, Robert G., 80

Eco-Superior products, 34–35


externality, 88

role of psychology, 125–126

scientific underpinnings, 87–89

theory of growth, 88–89

utility, 88

The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth, 48

ECOSE Technology, 130–131

EcoWorx carpet backing, 45–47

Edgeworth, Maria, 87

Einstein, Albert, 160

Eldridge, Rob, 167

electric vehicles, 22, 148. See also hybrid motorbikes.

electrical engine manufacturing, emissions, 22

electronic devices, refurbishing, 52–54, 60–61

electronic waste, recycling, 52–54

Ellen Macarthur Foundation, 47–48, 62

embedded business model innovation, 106

embedded sustainability, 147–149

emissions. See also air pollution.

EU standards for diesel passenger cars, 105

manufacturing electrical engines vs. combustion, 22

energy resources. See also specific resources.

crude oil price trends, 11

oil and fossil fuel reserves, 10

oil wells, average cost of new, 10

usage trends, 10

experience economy, 100–101

externality, economic, 88

extrinsic motivators, 132–134


Fairmount Minerals, 73–75

“The Fall and Rise of Strategic

Planning”, 120

Farm Friendly Direct, 71

feedback loops, 80–81

Feniks consortium, 107–108

fertilizer, case study, 19

Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, 80

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, 81

Finding Infinity, 34–35

fisherman, case study, 8

fishing industry, 8

Fishman, Charles, 91

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, 137

floor-cleaning equipment, 153–154

FLOOW2, 54–56

food resources, 12. See also specific resources.

Ford, Bill, 51

Ford Motor Company, roof redesign, 50–52

fossil fuels. See oil and fossil fuels.

Fowler, Chuck, 73–75

Frost and Sullivan, 61

Fry, Ron, 79

Future Work Skills 2020, 137


Galloway, Jeff, 46–47

GameStop, 52–54

garbage. See waste.

gas. See oil and fossil fuels.

Gateway, 99

Gloucester fisherman, 8

Grand Pursuit: The Story of

Economic Genius, 86

Green Economy 2.0, 62–63

Green Gauge Survey, 145–146

Green Mountain Coffee

Roasters, 69–70

green products. See also sustainability.

case study, 144

death of, 143–147

description, 142–143

as factor in brand loyalty, 143

greenwashing, 145–146

new trends, 151–155

spinning the data, 145–146

willingness to pay for, 143–145

greenwashing, 145–146

growth-to-growth principle

case studies, 89–99

economics, scientific underpinnings, 86–89

how, what, and why, 97–99

overview, 38–39

selling the story, 92–96

shift from products to services, 89–92

tools for, 99–101

Gyproc (plasterboard manufacturer), 58


Hale, Victoria, 112

Harding, Ross, 35

Harrison, Lindsay, 57

health care. See also pharmaceutical industry.

case studies, 111–112

orphan diseases, 111–112

health insurance, 155

Helmholtz, Hermann von, 87

Herskowitz, Ahvie, 112

Hidria Corporation, 104–108

home heating, with data servers, 59

how, what, and why, 97–99

“How to Think About Turning

Your Products into Services,” 100

HP (Hewlett Packard), refurbishing electronics, 60–61

Hrastnik, Steklarna, 93

Huawei Y-300 cell phone, 27

human motivation, 132–134

hybrid motorbikes, 106–108. See also electric vehicles.


IDEO, 136

IFTF (Institute for the Future), 137

IKEA, 77

India, rice production, 12

industrial nutrients, 50

industrial symbiosis, 58

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, 137

insurance industry

annual weather-related losses, 23

effects of climate change, 14–15, 22–23

insurance for insurers, 22–23

intrinsic motivators, 132–134

iPhone, differentiation strategy, 26


Japan, fishing industry, 8

Jarrett, James, 45

Jevons, William Stanley, 87

JPMorgan Chase, 161


Kaplan, Soren, 100

Keynes, John Maynard, 87

Killingstad, Chris, 153

Kim, W. Chan, 35

Kleiner, Art, 81

Knauf Insulation, 130–134

Kotter, John P., 160

Krafcik, John, 115

Krysztal, Stan, 31


landfills. See also waste. space limitations, 16

zero waste to, 130–134

Laszlo, Chris, 147

Leading Change, 160

lean, definition, 115

lean manufacturing

case studies, 115–117

plan-to-model principle, 114–117

lean start-up, 116–119

The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, 118

Lencioni, Patrick, 137

LG Optimus smartphone, cost strategy, 27

line-to-circle principle

case studies, 44–48, 50–57

collaborative consumption, 54–57

history of, 48–50

overview, 37

owner-less consumption, 55

practical options. See recycling; refurbishing; reuse.

regenerative design, 48–49

tools for, 62–63

living space, sharing, 56–57

Lush Fresh Handmade

Cosmetics, 30–32

Lyle, John, 48


Malthus, Thomas, 9

Martin, Roger, 162

Massachusetts public utilities, 144

Materiality Maps, 80

Mauborgne, Renée, 35

Maxwell, James, 87

McDonough, William

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, 62

Cradle to Cradle approach, 49

industrial nutrients, 50

roof redesign, 50–52

technical metabolism of industrial materials, 50

“Waste equals food.,” 17

McKinsey and Company

on oil prices, 109

tools for the line-to-circle principle, 62

McQuaid, Michele, 74

meaning, selling, 17

metabolism, metaphor for industry, 49–50. See also biomimicry movement.

mineral wool, 130–131

mini steel mills, 28–29

Mintzberg, Henry, 119–120, 162–164

Moore, Karl, 162–163

moss, as roofing material, 51–52

motivation, 132–134

motorbikes, hybrid, 106–108

multi-stakeholder whole-system approach, 74–75


Nadeau, Robert, 87

Naples, garbage crisis, 16

Nasar, Sylvia, 86

Nestlé, 13

Nissan Leaf, 148


oceans (of ideas), drying up, 17–18

oceans (of water), floating waste, 16

oil and fossil fuels

clean fuel alternatives, 34–35

crude oil price trends, 11

oil prices and global economic growth, 109

oil wells, average cost of new, 10

reserves, 10

usage trends, 10

OMV (oil and gas company), 33–34

OneWorld Health, 111–112

open innovation, 81. See also crowdsourcing.

Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, 81

Open Series Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era, 81

O’Reilly, Tim, 119

orphan diseases, 111–112

Osterwalder, Alexander, 110, 118

“Our Loss of Wisdom,” 125

Overfished Ocean Strategy

definition, 35

examples of. See case studies.

getting started, 160–169. See also tools for.

principles of, 36. See also specific principles.

owner-less consumption, 55


Pareto, Vilfredo, 87

ParkatmyHouse, 21

Patagonia, 91

Pauli, Gunter, 52

The Performance Economy, 49, 52

“The Performance Frontier: Innovating for a Sustainable Strategy,” 80

pharmaceutical industry, 111–112. See also health care.

Pigneur, Yves, 110, 118

Pink, Daniel H., 17–18, 132–133, 137

plan-to-model principle

adapting businesses to, 109–113

case studies, 104–108, 111–117

DBFO (design-build-finance-operate) model, 113

embedded business model innovation, 106

overview, 39–40

tools for, 117–120

plan-to-model principle, business modeling

Business Model Canvas, 111, 118

case studies, 111–114

scenario planning, 168–169

vs. strategic planning, 109–113, 119–120

plant food. See fertilizer.

plastic bottles, recycling, 61


on division of labor, 124

on resource decline, 9

Porter, Michael, 26, 35, 162–163

Portland Roasting Company, 70–71

Power-by-the-Hour, 89–90

price vs. differentiation, 26–27

products, converting to services.

See servitization. psychology and economics, 125–126

publications. See books and publications.

Puma, 151–153


Raines, Paul, 52–53

rebar market, 28–29

recycling. See also line to circle principle; refurbishing; reuse.

carpet, 44–47

circular economy, 47–48

Coca-Cola bottles, 61

electronic waste, 52–54

overview, 61

plastic bottles, 61

projected growth, 61

refurbishing. See also line to circle principle; recycling; reuse.

electronic devices, 52–54, 60–61

overview, 60–61

regenerative design, 48–49

Regenerative Design for

Sustainable Development, 48–49

Renew program, 60–61

reports. See books and publications.

resilience movement, 63

resource decline, 9–10. See also specific resources.

Resource Revolution, 9

resourcefulness, 33–34

reuse, 58. See also line to circle principle; recycling; refurbishing.

rewards. See human motivation. rice production, 12

Richardson, Jay, 51

Ries, Eric, 118

The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, 119

risk management, supply chains, 80

road construction, 113

Robben, Will, 55

Roberts, Charlotte, 81

rocking glass, 94–95

Rolls-Royce, 89–90

roof redesign, 50–52

Ross, Richard B., 81

Rouge River facility, roof redesign, 50–52

rules, bending, 126


S Project, 92–96

Safechem, 112–113

sand, recycling, 73–75

scale of the whole

Appreciative Inquiry, 79

case study, 73–75

scapegoating, 127–129

scenario planning, 168–169. See also business modeling.

Schwartz, Barry, 125

Schwartz, Nelson D., 23

scissors, 165

SeeChange Health, 155

Seljak, Iztok, 104, 106

selling the story, 92–96

Senge, Peter M., 80, 81

Serafeim, George, 80

services, converting products to. See servitization.

servitization case studies, 89–92, 112–113

chemical leasing, 112–113

definition, 100

shampoo, solid, 30–32

sharing economy. See also collaborative consumption.

cars and drivers, 56–57

living space, 56–57

overcapacity goods and services, 54–57

parking space, 21

Shaw Industries, 44–47

shoe packaging, 151–153

SiEVA partnership, 107

Sinek, Simon, 97

Slokar, Matevz, 92–93

Smith, Bryan J., 81

Smith, J. Eric, 14

solid shampoo, 30–32, 78

Speak glass, 94–95

Spiegel, Andreas, 23

Srivastva, Suresh, 79

Stahel, Walter, 49, 52

stakeholder management, 135, 136–137

stakeholder mapping, 81–82

Starbucks, 67–68

Start with Why: How Great

Leaders Inspire Everyone

to Take Action, 97

steel production

mini mills, 27–29

rebar market, 28–29

storm water management, 51–52

strategic planning vs. business modeling, 109–113, 119–120

Studio Moderna, 92–96

supply chains

analyzing, 77–78

collapse of, 19

environmental impact of, 77–78

linear, 19

Materiality Maps, 80

risk management, 80

throwaway, 19

sustainability. See also green products.

bolt-on vs. embedded, 147–149

construction industry, 107–108

failure to inspire, 150–151

“The Performance Frontier:

Innovating for a Sustainable Strategy,” 80

Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development, 48–49

Walmart’s commitment, 166–167

Swiss Re, 14–15, 22–23

system archetypes, 80–81

systems thinking, 80–81, 135

Szaky, Tom, 19


Taylor, Frederick, 119

technical metabolism of industrial materials, 50

technical nutrients for industry, 50

Tennant Company, 153–154

TerraCycle, 19, 60

360-degree feedback, 134

Throw & Grow confetti, 34

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, 137

tools for

department-to-mind-set principle, 136–137

growth-to-growth principle, 99–101

line-to-circle principle, 62–63

plan-to-model principle, 117–120

vertical-to-horizontal principle, 79–82

Towards the Circular Economy, 52

Toyota Production System, 115–117

transdisciplinarity, 135

description, 100

Eco-Superior products, 34

green consumption, 155

“Triumph of the Lean Production System,” 115

tsunami, effect on Japanese fishing industry, 8

Tyson, Mike, 116


Uber, 56–57

Unruh, Gregory, 144

UTEC (University of Technology and Engineering), 34

utility, economic, 88


vertical-to-horizontal principle

case studies, 67–79

crowdsourcing, 76–78

feedback loops, 80–81

open innovation, 81. See also crowdsourcing. overview, 37–38, 66–67

stakeholder mapping, 81–82

supply chain risk management, 80

system archetypes, 80–81

systems thinking, 80–81

tools for, 79–82

Vertu cell phone, differentiation strategy, 26–27

video game refurbishment, 52–54

Volvo Aero, 90

von Helmholtz, Hermann, 87


Walker, Rob, 19


commitment to sustainability, 166–167

right-sizing packaging, 167

Walras, Léon, 87

waste. See also landfills; recycling; refurbishing; reuse.

floating in the oceans, 16

manufacturing desktop computers, 15–16

manufacturing products from, 19

throwaway economy, 16

zero waste to landfill, 130–134

“Waste equals food.,” 17

water, drinkable

from billboards, 34

scarcity of, 13–14

water resources. See also specific resources.

average daily consumption in the U.S., 13

savings, producing solid shampoo, 32

scarcity, 13–14

storm water management, 51–52

Weber, Max, 124

A Whole New Mind, 17–18

why, what, and how, 97–99

“Why the Lean Start-up Changes Everything,” 119

willingness to pay for green products, 143–145

wind energy, 21–22

wisdom, 125–126

Worm Poop, 19, 60

Wright, Jeff, 44


zero waste to landfill, 130–134

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