
Active listening competency, 4, 7, 12, 36, 6364, 72, 77

Adult learning, 2

Agenda, establishment of, 6566

American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), 34, 70

Andragogy, 2

Assertiveness competency, 19, 73

definition of, 20

development guide for

improving your capacity, 24

significance or degree of difficulty, 2224

start today, 2425

ways to develop competency, 24

effective performers, 20

on Job Assessment, 2021

need to develop degree of proficiency, 2122

reflections, 21

Assessment centers, 2, 3133

ASTD. See American Society of Training and Development (ASTD)

AT&T, 2

Avocation, 58

Badges, 73

Behaviors, 2, 1011, 14, 19, 25, 31, 39, 51, 54

definition of, 4

employee, 45

multi-faceted human, 8

skillful, 4, 11

Bell system, 2

Big Six (Plus-One), 49

communications skills, 6265

decision-making (see Decision-making)

drive and energy competency (see Drive and energy competency)

influence (see Influence)

organizing and planning competency (see organizing and planning competency)

problem solving (see Problem solving)

relationship building (see Relationship building)

technical and functional expertise, 6567

Business, 14, 17, 27, 4546, 65

acumen, 69

goals, 28, 38

needs, 28

strategy, 27

Career counselors, 2

Career planning, 3637

Change agility, 73

Chemical Bank competency model, 7376

Chief financial officer (CFO), 69

Chinese bureaucracy, 1

CIA, 2

Cognitive leadership, 2

Communication competencies, 6, 36

Communications cluster, 50

Communications skills or delegating competency, 3, 12

Communicativeness, 6364

Competence, 2, 4, 912, 14, 1920, 22, 2425, 30, 33, 35, 3739, 41, 46, 49, 51, 67, 71, 7477

communication, 62

technical, 1617

under-done and over-done, 21

Competency Assessment and Development Center, 72


appraisal, 39

curriculum, 7273

development process, 7376

interviews, 3031

leadership service profit link, 7677

performance management, 38

performance management system, 7779

president selection, 7981

survey-guided development, 3436

Competency integrity, 12

Competency(ies) model/modeling, concept of, 1, 4, 10, 49

across talent pipeline, 1617

building and customization of

competency validation, 14

high-performer interviews and focus groups, 13

internal document and literature review, 14

strategic fit and presentation, 1415

coaching, 37

as common language across talent management systems, 2729

common talent system applications for, 2941

definition of, 35

of employees in 20-year career trajectory, 4145

historical influences on current constructs of, 13

importance of, 37

integrating into talent acquisition process, 47

issues to consider in developing, 512

as learning criteria, 69

as learning objectives in workshops, 36

learning, success of, 71

and link to diversity, 4647

Complexity and need for context, 810

Conceptual competencies, 6

Conflict management, 73

Content validation, 14

Contextual competencies, 6

CORE. See customized, outcome based, and relevant evaluation (CORE)


building, 40

listening, 4

Customer orientation/service orientation, 12, 27

Customized, outcome based, and relevant evaluation (CORE), 7273

Decision-making, 10, 15, 31, 49, 5254, 69, 72

Delegation, 16, 39, 61, 69

Difficulty, significance or degree, 2224

Diverse talent acquisition, 4647

Drive and energy competency, 15, 49, 5759

Dysfunctional leaders, 59

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), 28

EBITDA. See earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)

Effective performers, 7

Emotional intelligence, 51

EQ, 5052

Executive Search Committee (ESC), 80

Finance, 28, 36, 39, 61, 69

Financial acumen, 36, 42

GAAP. See Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 28

General management competence, 56

Health, 59

Helicopter quality, 60

High performers, 3940, 5758

Hiring of good communicator, 64

Hudson Institute and International Coaching Federation, The, 37

Ideal employee, 1

Individual competency, 4, 19, 36

Influence, 49, 52, 62, 69, 73

situational leadership (see Situational leadership)

source of power for leaders, 5556

Informal communication, 63

Informal (verbal) communications skills, 12, 16

Initial talent integration, 34

Initiative, 12, 32, 41, 73, 75

Integration, 34

Interpersonal competencies, 6, 19

IQ, 5051

Job analysis, 10, 13

Job evaluation, 10

Job model, concept of, 89, 78

Job performance standards, 38

Kirkpatrick training evaluation model, 7071

Knowles, Malcolm, 23

KSAOs, 2, 4, 1011

Leaders, 1, 58

delegation, importance of, 61

dimensions to become effective, 15

hiring of organized, 62

hiring of true, 5859

time, importance of, 5961

Leadership, 50, 52, 5455, 59, 6166

behaviors, 10

cognitive, 2

communication, 63

competence, 16

competencies, 6

identity, 56

need for power, 57

situational (see situational leadership)

teaching, 3

Learning, 14, 29, 34, 3637, 3940, 54, 6667, 69

agendas, 23

agility, 17, 33

case studies, 6977

organizing and planning skills, 61

Life roles, 2

Lipscomb life skill competency, 7273

Listening skills, 12

Management competencies, 6

Materiality, 58

Matrix organization, 12, 41

Mentoring, 3637, 39

Motivations, 4, 1011, 27, 33, 42, 54, 5657

Motives, 2, 5, 1011, 5758

Myers–Briggs type indicator, 3, 53

Net profit, 28

Nonverbal message, 56

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 2

Onboarding, 34

Online assessments, 33

Organization development (OD), 40

Organizations, 12, 910, 12, 16, 2122, 2830, 3334, 3637, 40, 4950, 52, 5556, 6567

commercial, 14

competency models presented to, 15

engineering, 27

matrix (see matrix organization)

people’s failure in, 52

signs of, 62

single, 4

variation in missions, 61

Organizing and planning competency, 5962

Orientation, 3334, 42

Original worker competencies, 3

OSS. See Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Panel interview planning tool, 32

Pedagogy, 2

Performance appraisals, 38

Performance management, 3740. See also Talent performance

competencies in, 7779

Performance ratings, 38

Performance recognition system, 77

Personal competencies, 6

Personal development, 37

Personal leadership, 55

Positional management, 55

Presentation skills, 1112, 36, 63

PRI. See Promotion Readiness Index (PRI)

Problem solving, 13, 15, 33, 36, 49, 5254, 72

Promotion Readiness Index (PRI), 43

Relationship building, 3, 33, 4952, 62, 7273

Relationships, 21, 5052, 5759, 63, 77

Reliability, meaning of, 7

Report return on net assets (RONA), 28

Retention, 33, 45, 53

Return on invested capital (ROIC), 28

Return on investment (ROI), 71

ROIC. See return on invested capital (ROIC)

RONA. See report return on net assets (RONA)

SACSCOC. See Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

Sensitivity, 15, 33, 4952

Silicon Valley, 53

Situational leadership, 5455

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), 73

Spirituality, 59

Starwood service profit chain, 76

Strategic competencies, 69

Strategic thinking, 69

Success profile by company, 7879

Survey-guided leadership development process, 39, 7376

360° surveys, 36, 41, 7475

elements of, 35

meaning of, 34

Talent acquisition, 45

assessment centers, 3133

competency-based interviews, 3031

online assessments, 33

Talent assessment, 4546

Talent development, 3334, 45, 69

360° surveys, 3436

competencies as learning objectives in workshops, 36

competencies for career planning and mentoring, 3637

competency coaching, 37

orientation and integration, 34

Talent integration, 34, 45

Talent management system, 2729, 40

benefits of, 4547

definition of, 1

professionals, 2

Talent performance, 45

building models to drive high-performance culture, 3941

meaning of, 37

Talent selection, competencies in, 7981

Talent strategy, 27

Tape measure, 7

Teaching business competencies through simulation-based workshop, 6972

Teaching leadership, 3

Team management, 45, 69

Team player, 73

Technical competency, 6667

Time management, 5961

Training, 2, 1112, 34, 3637, 39

Universal competencies model, 3, 6, 15

Validity, meaning of, 7

Vocation, 58, 66

Watson–Glaser test, 3

Win with talent competency model, 7677

Worker competencies, 3

Written communication, 63

Written skills, 12

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