
I am a part of all I’ve met, and my contributions to this book represent an aggregate of 40 years of work experiences rubbing elbows with, and learning from, many, many excellent professionals; far too many for individual acknowledgment here. I must recognize, however, our initial editor, and my better half, Gail Walraven (an accomplished author in her own right) for her tireless support, many creative insights, and multiple improvements to our original manuscript. Thank you again Gail for all you do, and for being my best friend. I must also recognize my brother Keith Griffiths, a successful journalist and publisher, for his initial reading of the manuscript and for his several insightful suggestions that greatly improved the final product. I also want to acknowledge and thank my coauthor, colleague, and comrade Enrique Washington for his contributions and for his warm and generous spirit. Enrique you are the exemplar for the competency Relationship Building and it’s a pleasure to know and work with you.

Bruce Griffiths

I have been blessed with experiences that have offered me amazing opportunities to learn and grow as a person and a professional. These experiences have made this achievement possible. I would like to acknowledge my coauthor, Bruce Griffiths; you have broadened my knowledge of evidence-based talent practices for my professional growth. You are a true mentor, friend, and colleague. I thank Gail Walraven, you went above and beyond to read and edit our manuscript. Because of your hard work and commitment to excellence, we were able to present a quality product. A big thank you to HMH for helping us with our graphics. Your work is amazing and you have been a great strategic partner. I am indebted to my friends and colleagues; you have been invaluable and gracious of your time, counsel, and support. There are so many of you that it would take more than a page to list you all. Thank you!

Thanks got to my amazing siblings, Stephanie, Erica, Monica, Euna, and Christa; you have always provided me with love and support. Thank you family! My deepest thanks to my wife Gretchen; you have been an amazing supporter and allowed me to live out my dreams of being an author. Without you and your unconditional love this book would not be possible. I would like to thank my children, Leo and Jill, you remind me each day of my blessings.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge my Mom and Dad, who provided me with the foundation of patience, faith, and belief in myself. Your presence and sprit has been with me during every step of writing this book. Above all, you have taught me that with God all things are possible.

Enrique Washington

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