
This book has been a labor of love, and I want to thank Jeff Shelstad, President, Business Expert Press, and Rob Zwettler, Executive Acquisitions Editor, for their faith in this project. I also wish to express my appreciation to William “Bill” Denzel for his expert representation, continued encouragement, and editorial expertise. My thanks go out to Glenn Burris, Ivan Misner, Charles Lee, Jason Womack, Paul Robere, Kimberli Lewis, Rogers Hellman, Robert Mottice, Michael Louis, Ilene Bezjian, Craig Lawrence, Erin Mellinger, and Dan Lucero for their kind words and encouragement along the way. I also appreciate Jim and Lori Adams, Terry and Gayle Samples, and Pat and Mindy Crowder for being there when I just needed my best friends around me. To all my past MBA students, we traveled the world together, and the friendships we built will never be forgotten. To Mom and Dad, thanks for taking me in and giving me a life, and to Mom and Dad Thompson, thanks for your love and support. For Jamie and Lindsey, I hope you always go after your dreams and never settle for second best, and know that I’m your biggest fan. Finally, to my most vocal cheerleader, lifetime partner, and wonderful wife, Laurie, you have always been there for me, and I’m a better man because of you.

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