Foreword by Troels Oerting

It is a pleasure for me, as the head of the newly established European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), to introduce this important book. During my seat in the Board of the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance I have met Raj Samani together with many other important and influential Cyber Protection and Security experts and stakeholders. Raj has a long track record of documented results in influencing the debate and work in the cyber security environment, and he is a forward-looking professional with an impressive insight in this complex topic.

Cyber protection is being hyped these years, for good and bad reasons. And that is also why it is important not to lose focus and get distracted. The development in our shared cyberspace will lead to huge achievements for humanity: more growth, transparency, sharing, innovation, development, and prosperity. Not just for a selected part of the world but eventually for the whole world. But as always, there is no such thing as only good things. The flip-side of the medal is the dark side of humanity: the criminals, the terrorists, the dictators. And they have already exploited the weaker spots in this developing new cyber world. Just like in the real off-line world we need to have rules, regulations, guidelines, and enforcement in the on-line world.

And with the rapid development of cybercrime and the speed of the development of new threats, we need to share good, solid, and well-documented knowledge and best practice. Mr. Samani and Eric Knapp, his co-writer, know what they are writing on. They are truly professionals in this challenging field.

It is easy for me to recommend this well-written and forward-looking book, and I am really looking forward to see more outcomes from the hands of these two excellent professionals—which indirectly help me in assisting EU Member States in maintaining a safe, free, open, and transparent Internet!

Troels Oerting,

Head of European Cybercrime Centre (EC3)

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