
We would like to acknowledge those who helped us make Applied Cyber Security and the Smart Grid a reality. Foremost, our families, who put up with us during the extensive months of research and writing, late-night and early-morning phone calls across the ocean, and provided much-needed moral support along the way. Next come Ben Rearick, Chris Katsaropoulos, and the rest of the team at Syngress publishing for letting us write another book on Smart Grid cyber security; technical editor Joel Langill who went above and beyond the call of duty to keep us honest and technically accurate; and to Jennifer Byrne, who supported this effort above all else and provided valuable insight to the content.

We would also like to acknowledge and thank the SANS Institute, who were promoting SCADA and ICS security before it became popular; the ICSJWG for their continued efforts to educate the industry and improve industrial control system security; both NIST and the EU Smart Grids Coordination Group for helping to make sense of the spaghetti-mess that is the Smart Grid; and the various organizations who have made similar efforts to document best practices for Smart Grid cyber security and implement relevant standards—we owe a lot to all of the hard work that came before us, and we offer our utmost appreciation and respect in return.

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