Chapter 7

Securing the Supply Chain

Information in this chapter:

• Smart Grid supply chain

• The chain in the supply chain

“Security is only as strong as its weakest link.” This simple statement is a fundamental foundation of the information security industry. Simply put, the use of compromised hardware or software undoes any efforts to deliver a safe and secure system. One of the biggest challenges with the supply chain, is that these vulnerabilities are invariably outside the control of the grid operator, and most certainly the end consumer. Although this may be seen as an unlikely event, there has been recognition by the Department of Homeland Security that there have been instances where electronics sold in the United States have been preloaded with malicious programs by unknown foreign parties.

In testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, acting deputy undersecretary of the DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate Greg Schaffer told Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) that both Homeland Security and the White House have been aware of the threat for quite some time.1

Indeed the recognition that the White House is concerned about supply chain attacks, and the difficulty in addressing the threat was recognized in the US Cyberspace Policy Review2;

The challenge with supply chain attacks is that a sophisticated adversary might narrowly focus on particular systems and make manipulation virtually impossible to discover.

Although the cyber security concerns related to the supply chain do not apply solely to the Smart Grid, this threat is recognized by numerous sources including the UK Cabinet Office, in the Cyber Security Strategy of the United Kingdom3:

“Cyber attacks can be carried out in a number of ways:

subversion of the supply chain, where the technology supplied to an organization or individual is subtly altered (for example by implanting malicious programs) in order to make network attacks easier, or to interfere with services.”

The United Kingdom and the United States are only two examples of major governments recognizing the cyber security-related threats associated with the supply chain, with many other countries implementing measures such as product certification(s) schemes, recognition within formal strategies. And quite rightly so, some examples of Cyber Supply Chain Risks were presented in the Cyber Supply Chain Risks, Strategies, and Best Practices, produced by the US Resilience Project (see Table below)4:

Table 7.1

Examples of Supply Chain risks

Date Example
September 2006 A small number of Apple Video iPods left the contract manufacturer carrying the Windows RavMonE.exe virus
October 2006 TomTom admits that a batch of devices were shipped with malware installed
September 2007 Seagate’s Maxtor Basics personal storage drives were installed with a virus that hunts for gaming passwords. Drives were built under contract
July 2008 Email sent to US government employees: “Please be advised that two USB thumb drives were discovered on the 9th Floor of the Bicentennial Building. One was discovered in the men’s restroom yesterday afternoon. Another was found this morning on a facsimile machine. The drives contain malicious code that automatically and silently executes when the drive is plugged into a system. The code captures certain system information and transmits it out of DOJ”
May 2009 A factory-sealed M&A Companion Touch netbook contained three pieces of malware, including a worm that spreads to USB devices and steals the online passwords of gamers. In the case of the M&A Companion Touch netbook, the malware was likely introduced when an infected USB drive was plugged into a computer at a manufacturing facility where technicians were installing drivers for the machine
March 2010 Energizer Duo USB Battery Charger software automatically downloads contaminated files from the manufacturer’s website during the installation process. The malware was developed in 2007 and is suspected to have always been part of the software
May 2010 IBM hands out free USB storage devices with autorun worm malware at the Australian Computer Emergency Response Team Conference
July 2010 Replacement parts for the Dell PowerEdge servers were shipped already infected with malware that was embedded in the server management firmware
July 2011 Aldi ships an external hard drive which installs the Conficker virus when plugged into a computer
January 2012 Apple approves a fake new iPhone app, Camera+ v.4.0, which includes malware not created by the original application maker. The app was quickly pulled from the store when the verified developer confirmed they had only released v.2.4

More recently,5 Microsoft discovered under the project name “Operation b70” that a number of new computers in China had been embedded with malware. By purchasing ten new desktop computers, and ten new laptop systems, the investigators discovered that four of these systems were infected with malware. This included the Nitol botnet that allowed cyber criminals to steal from online bank accounts, as well as take control of them.

When the compromised system was switched on, the Nitol botnet would attempt to connect to a command and control system operated by the attackers. This would allow the attackers the ability to operate the microphone or cameras of the computer; moreover, it included key loggers that would track every key the user would type.

These examples are of course, very concerning but do not appear to be directly related to the Smart Grid. A debatable point, because there may be scenarios where a grid operator employee brings a consumer device onto corporate premises that then inadvertently infect corporate systems. These scenarios are better covered in texts discussing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and consumerization phenomenon. Equally, the use of brand new laptop computers and desktop computers into the organization could also introduce malware into the organization. Perhaps more disconcerting is that while the example identified by Microsoft demonstrates how the attackers utilized known malware, it would appear that this was a non-targeted attack. In other words, the intention was to infect as many systems as possible, but the relative ease in which 20% of systems were infected would infer that a targeted attack on the supply chain of a grid operator could be relatively straightforward to carry out. Also, if the attack is very targeted, then one would assume that malware which is likely to be covered by signature-based controls (e.g. anti-virus) would not be used. After all, why would so much effort be taken to attack the supply chain, when a simple AV scan can pick up the malware!

Such an example clearly demonstrates the implicit trust placed on the provision of new products, and this of course applies to not only hardware but also software. Many vendors provide the capability for customers to update the software/firmware of their purchased products but not all provide the capability to check the integrity of the software. This particular vulnerability has been recognized within the ISA 99 Standard, and this standard is focused on Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, and under Draft 1 Edit 4, it is advises to determine the authenticity of the patch.

“Once a patch has been evaluated and before proceeding with testing and installation, the authenticity of the patch files must be authenticated to ensure they are from a trusted source. Although rare, there still exists the risk that a patch may be obtained from an untrusted source or may have an integrity error.”6

Smart Grid supply chain

Earlier in the book, the concept of the 3 × 3 model was presented. This of course is a very valuable graphical representation to explain a simplified view of the zones within an operator’s environment. However, it does not explain the whole story.

In particular, it is quite likely for the composition of these zones to be reliant on third parties. For example, the management of the zone may be entirely outsourced to a third party, or parts of the zone may be. Equally, many of the components are likely to be from third-party providers, even the technical architecture of the zone is probably designed by a third party.

In order to consider the scale of the issue, we firstly need to consider the third parties in this ecosystem and build out the various dependencies. One point of note, is that initially we will consider the primary contractors, in other words those organizations with some formal, direct relationship with the operator. Later in the chapter, we will look into the subcontractor issues (and of course the subcontractor, of the subcontractor, of the primary contractor, and so on).

High transparency

This category refers to those stakeholders within the ecosystem in which the grid operator has the highest degree of transparency. In other words, all operations and all activities are completely visible to the operator. Somewhat unsurprisingly, this particular category only has one stakeholder, and this of course is the operator themselves!

Stakeholder: Grid operator

Description: When referring to the grid operator within the Smart Grid ecosystem, this could refer to a transmission system operator (TSO) or the distribution system operator (DSO). The transmission system operator (TSO) is the entity that according to the Article 2.4 of the Electricity Directive 2009/72/EC (Directive)7:

a natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the transmission system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity.

The distribution system operator (DSO): According to the Article 2.6 of the Directive:

a natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the distribution system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity.

Potential Issues: Although it is worth noting that while the operator does have the remit to review all processes and procedures, the mechanisms to review all controls may not actually exist. A recent example of this was realized at the California Water Service Company in San Jose. It was reported that

an insider at the California Water Service Company in San Jose broke into the company’s computer system and transferred $9 million into offshore bank accounts and fled the country.

Abdirahman Ismail Abdi, 32, was an auditor for the water company, which delivers drinking water throughout the state and is located in San Jose, Calif. Abdi resigned from his position on April 27. Allegedly, that night he went back to work and made three wire transfers totaling more than $9 million from the company’s accounts to an account in Qatar.8

What this example demonstrates is that despite having the remit to conduct all manner of assessments against the employee, for example background checks, as well as technical controls to reduce the risk of misuse, this theft still occurred. Without forming an opinion about this specific case, it does show that without appropriate controls to monitor misuse, the threat still exists regardless of the transparency afforded to the operator.

Medium transparency

In this particular category are those stakeholders that the operator has a direct, formal relationship through the provision of products or services. The level of transparency is not as high as the internal operations, but a degree of oversight is available. Note: An assumption is made here, in that the operator has placed the appropriate legal provisions to allow oversight into the activities of the third party. There is the risk that certain provisions, or required oversight is not included into formal legal contracts between the third party and the operator. In such circumstances, it is not uncommon for a contract change notification (CCN), in which the initial contract between the two parties undergoes changes. Of course, this activity is likely to incur a financial commitment on the part of the operator.

Stakeholder: End customer

Description: The consumer of the power, this includes the residential customer and business customer.

Potential Threats: The Smart Grid will allow the customer to sell energy back to the operator, and some components within the Smart Grid are likely to be owned by the customer. For example the electric vehicle. This of course does represent potential risks, with a clear financial motivation for end customers to affect the integrity of reported readings back to the operator from their equipment.

There have been numerous examples of customer tampering with electricity meters in order to modify meter readings. For example, a recent report9 suggested that by simply using a magnet, end customers were able to tamper with smart meters deployed in Malta. The result of this simple “hack” was the opportunity to reduce energy bills by up to 75%. This particular risk has indeed been realized, where there were reports of significant revenue loss for the operator.

Stakeholder: Communications providers

Description: The communications providers are those organizations responsible for maintaining grid communications. This includes intersystem communications (for example, between meters and the collector) that are critical toward maintaining stability of the grid.

Potential Issues: The operator in this instance will likely have certain cyber security requirements when contracting the communication provider, obviously availability being one of them. The grid will need a reliable communication network, so naturally the availability of the link will need to be monitored, as well as defined within contracts under Service Level Agreement (SLA) clauses. Another requirement is for the network to remain secure, in other words one that not only scans for and filters malicious traffic, but also has the capability of isolating areas of the grid that may be infected with malware for example.

Stakeholder: Installation companies

Description: Third-party organizations are likely to be responsible for the installation and potential management of those systems within the grid. These systems may include the “core” components of the grid, but likely include those supporting facilities. Examples include, physical security equipment, fire detection and prevention equipment, heating/ventilation/air-conditioning (HVAC), and so forth.

Potential threats: Engaging third parties for installation services does potentially generate risks, for example, utilizing third parties for the implementation of those systems within the grid demands assurance that installation engineers are not implementing mechanisms that could introduce vulnerabilities into the system. Of course with a level of transparency afforded with the legal contracts between the two parties, there exists the opportunity to demand vetting procedures are applied to all installation engineers. However, without some form of independent audit, the operator will be reliant on assurances by the installation companies that all necessary procedures are adhered to.

It is inevitable that the utilization of third parties to install supporting facilities will generate some degree of risk (however unlikely this may be). For example, there have been cases where fire alarm installation organizations have been sued because their work was deemed as substandard. This has led to the insurance industry in creating alarm liability insurance. The impact of such a risk being realized is the loss of availability for sites, where a fire alarm may not have alerted authorities of a potential issue, or the sprinkler system failed to work. Equally, the installation of faulty security equipment may result in the operator not being alerted over a break-in (and again there have been court cases where security alarm companies have been sued for allegedly installing faulty equipment).

Stakeholder: Retail

Description: Organization that sells energy to the end customer.

Potential issues: The relationship between the grid operator and retailer will rely upon information, and this is imperative to transfer, for example, details of energy usage between customers for billing purposes. There will exist the risk of this data being compromised, or not being available. Such risks may manifest themselves through deliberate actions, or even unintentional actions.

Stakeholder: Information & Communication Technology (ICT) provider

Description: Organizations that provide technology for the Smart Grid, however, it is worth noting that there will be numerous subcategories associated with this list:

Grid ICT: There are those organizations that produce ICT solutions for the grid infrastructure.

Consumer ICT: There will be organizations that provide products that will be owned by the end customer. For example, consider new home appliances, and these will be purchased by the consumer, but will clearly integrate with the grid, as will electric vehicles also.

Potential Issues: Earlier in the chapter, examples were provided for products that were compromised, resulting in unintended consequences. These examples provide a small insight into some of the risks associated with the ICT providers, and there is of course the risk of intentional acts of sabotage. As highlighted earlier, there is significant concern that the integrity of the grid may be compromised with equipment being intentionally sabotaged. One such (alleged) example of this was documented in efforts to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program:

The US-Israeli collaboration was intended to slow Iran’s nuclear program, reduce the pressure for a conventional military attack and extend the timetable for diplomacy and sanctions. The cyberattacks augmented conventional sabotage efforts by both countries, including inserting flawed centrifuge parts and other components into Iran’s nuclear supply chain.10

These are of course a small insight into some of those stakeholders that are likely to provide a degree of transparency to the grid operator. Beyond this list, there are many more stakeholders in the Smart Grid that either will provide less or no transparency whatsoever. Moreover, some of the risks they represent to the operator may not be technical (cyber related) in nature, but, in fact, financial and reputational (e.g. data protection authority). Some of these additional stakeholders are listed below:

Standardization bodies

Energy Regulator: An independent body that regulates energy networks, with a view of ultimately protecting end customers through the promotion of competition. In the United Kingdom, the regulator Ofgem (Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets) cite their priorities and influences as follows:

• “helping to secure Britain’s energy supplies by promoting competitive gas and electricity markets—and regulating them so that there is adequate investment in the networks, and

• contributing to the drive to curb climate change and other work aimed at sustainable development by, for example:

• helping the gas and electricity industries to achieve environmental improvements as efficiently as possible; and

• taking account of the needs of vulnerable customers, particularly older people, those with disabilities and those on low income.”11

In the United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) defined regulations that nuclear facilities have to adhere to regarding cyber security. For example, in 2009, the NRC defined regulations regarding cyber security for reactors. Moreover, in the case of the nuclear industry, there are additional regulators to the NRC, and these include the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).

At the time of writing, there has been considerable debate regarding the government oversight into US critical infrastructure providers through the US CyberSecurity Act with numerous attempts to establish some form of legislation. Regardless of the outcome of a possible bill, the impact that a regulator can have on the operator can be particularly significant. If we take the case of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) requirements, simply reviewing the list of enforcements (e.g. those authorities that had a violation to the standard), the financial penalties were relatively large, but perhaps more concerning is that they are public. The NERC fines for May 2011 (based on adherence to version 3 of the CIP standard) clearly demonstrate the impact a regulator can have in the field of cyber security with 71.6% of all financial penalties CIP related. Other examples include the US Department of Energy issuing a call for electric power companies to make cyber security a top priority, with the explicit action of establishing a “cyber security governance board” whose purpose is “to oversee an internal cyber security program for protection and share information with the DoE.”12 In India, there has been significant concern about cyber threats affecting the energy infrastructure; a series of nationwide power blackouts highlighted the importance of information security controls. It is worth noting however, that the blackouts were not as a result of cyber attacks, but the event did result in a series of assessments. Subsequently, the Indian government declared their intention to align the cyber security of the energy sector with the National Critical Information infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIPC), which in addition to energy will also have oversight with other sectors. What these actions clearly demonstrate is that the regulator does have the authority to greatly impact the cyber security controls of operators, and failure to adopt the regulations can have significant financial penalties for non-compliance.

Standardization bodies: The role of standardization bodies within the information security industry is of paramount importance, particularly with the role of third parties. In particular, their prominence has risen with the advent of cloud computing, where the third-party cloud provider deals with an enormous volume of customers and cannot afford to provide clauses that support the “right to audit.” This has led to the rise in third parties utilizing compliance against a myriad of standards as an attempt to assure customers that appropriate information security controls are implemented to protect valuable customer data. In terms of standards, there are many available that can be somewhat confusing, and equally their scope and impact for non-compliance does vary. In terms of applicable standards for the Smart Grid, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), advised the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of five standards13 relevant for Smart Grid interoperability and cyber security. These are as follows:

• IEC 61970 and IEC 61968: Providing a common information model (CIM) necessary for exchanges of data between devices and networks, primarily in the transmission (IEC 61970) and distribution (IEC 61968) domains.

• IEC 61850: Facilitating substation automation and communication as well as interoperability through a common data format.

• IEC 60870-6: Facilitating exchanges of information between control centers.

IEC 62351: Addressing the cyber security of the communication protocols defined by the preceding IEC standards.

Of course, the applicable standards may well differ depending on the specific application, for example if the operator is utilizing a third party for “cloud based” services, then interoperability standards may not be appropriate. A common standard for attestation of third parties was the SAS 70 Type II audit, which in June 2011 was replaced by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). In its place are three new Service Organization Control (SOC) attestation standards, SOC 1 and the associated SSAE 16, SOC 2, and SOC 3. Other common standards/guidelines in use include ISO27001/2, NIST SP 800-53, and so on (although technically of course NIST SP 800-53 is a special publication). A detailed evaluation of the various information security-related standards is out of scope for this chapter, and indeed, the book however the reader may wish to review the library maintained by our technical editor which is available at It is however worth considering the role of standards within the Smart Grid; we can consider the following broad categories:

• Mandatory standards: Used by regulators and governing bodies to explicitly enforce information security controls onto operators. Examples of these particular standards include NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) that is intended to “improve physical and cybersecurity for the bulk power system of North America as it relates to reliability.”14

• Contractually explicit: When working with third parties, the contracting organization is likely to utilize standards as a means for enforcing security controls within third-party systems. Defining such standards within contracts places the explicit obligation on the contracting party to adhere to the controls within the standards. For further reading, please refer to the Department of Homeland Security, “Cyber Security Procurement Language for Control Systems.”15

• Guidance: These standards are not mandatory either by the regulator/governing body or obligated by legal contracts. This of course does beg the question, why adopt such standards at all? Typically, such standards are adopted as a means for business development, for example, consider the cloud provider that wishes to entice new customers that may be worried about security. What better way to publicize to such individuals that their data will be safe than announcing compliance against well known, and universally accepted cyber security standards. Some good examples include NIST SP 800, and the Department of Homeland Security “Catalog of Control Systems Security.”

Legislation authorities: This stakeholder was briefly discussed in earlier sections, with multiple authorities both national and those covering multiple national boundaries (e.g. the European Union) that are defining (or may) cyber security requirements for the grid.

The above-listed stakeholders are only a short sample of the potential organizations that may operate within the grid. One thing that is particularly clear is that the ecosystem is very complex; to illustrate this point, Figure 1.0 graphically depicts a high-level overview for identifying actors and possible communication paths in the Smart Grid based upon NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, release 1.016 (see Figure 7.1).


Figure 7.1 NIST conceptual reference diagram for Smart Grid information networks.

The standard also includes a series of graphical diagrams outlining a more detailed graphical representation of the various domains listed above that in some way begin to articulate the complexity of the Smart Grid.

The chain, in the supply chain

When we discuss the concept of the supply chain, this does infer that there are more than simply primary contractors involved in the process of managing data or systems. An example of the potential impact a subcontractor can have on the contracting organization of the primary supplier is demonstrated with Zurich Insurance. It was reported in 201017 that the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) had fined Zurich Insurance a total of £2,275,000 when a back-up tape containing unencrypted personal details on 46,000 policy holders went missing in transit. What is particularly relevant in the case of the supply chain is that Zurich UK had outsourced the processing to Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited (Zurich SA). In August 2008, the FSA reported that an unencrypted back-up tape was lost during a routine transfer from a data center in South Africa to a third-party data storage facility. This tape however was lost by a subcontractor engaged by Zurich SA, who in this case was the primary contractor and had engaged without Zurich UK’s written consent.

The FSA found that Zurich UK

“had failed to take reasonable care to ensure it had effective systems and controls to manage the risks relating to the security of customer data resulting from the outsourcing arrangement.”

This may seem a little unfair, whereby the contracting organization would appear to have outsourced the risk, but we need to consider that while it is possible to outsource the work, outsourcing risk is not really possible. Indeed, when discussing the concept of personal data, data protection legislation generally dictates that the data controller (who is likely to be the grid operator) has the obligation to ensure that the data processor has the appropriate controls in place. What this means is that it is up to the operator to ensure that the third party has the appropriate security in place and should there be a breach, then they will need to demonstrate that they have undertaken the appropriate due diligence or face the penalties.

So, regardless of what happens, whether the impact of third-party failure to implement appropriate security is financial loss-or reputational loss. The contracting organization will still experience the impact, so the topic of the supply chain and need for assurance are of paramount importance. This has been recognized globally; more recently, the United States introduced the General Services Administration rule18 that adds cyber security obligations for all contractors and subcontractors providing federal agencies with IT-based services. The requirement mandates that such contractors and subcontractors submit a cyber security plan that not only matches government regulations, but also allows inspectors to access the resources to ensure that they are in compliance. Moreover, the new rule requires contractors to submit such plans within 30 days of winning the contract, provide written proof that plans have been implemented within six months of winning the contract, and finally prove each year that measures remain in place. In the United Kingdom, guidance on managing information assurance within supply chains for government departments has been provided through the Supplier Information Assurance Toolset.19 The SIAT assessment was designed to “enable Government Departments to gain a level of assurance from their major ICT suppliers with regard to securing information and particularly, personal data.” The process itself utilizes a series of questions for supplier organizations that handle personal data, and this effectively becomes part of the government department’s information risk management processes that they are required to review by the Cabinet Office to conduct annually.

Although such actions are useful to demonstrate the focus that organizations are placing on the security risks associated with the supply chain, one element that probably needs to be highlighted is the sheer difficulty of the overall task.

Let us consider the resource and cost associated with assessing one single supplier (of course making the assumption that the appropriate level of access necessary is indeed allowed). Multiplying this figure by the number of suppliers will undoubtedly place a burden on the internal resources of the operator. Conversely for the supplier, the challenge is supporting the multiple assessments from (potentially) every customer. This of course does not even consider the subcontractor of the primary contractor, or equally the subcontractor of the subcontractor of the primary contractor! Equally, the limitation with this approach is that any such assessment is only a point in time assessment, which is usually conducted annually. Therefore, from the minute the auditor walks out of the building, and when they return a year later, there is the potential for unsafe security practices to be adopted in the intervening 11 months and 2 weeks. Despite such limitations, such an approach is one of the most common approaches to managing security in third parties. In the future, there are initiatives to provide a more real-time, continuous assessment for technology services. Equally, the role of standards and certifications should not be underestimated. Many organizations both in the public and in the private sector are demanding for technology solutions to be accredited and certified against specific industry and/or national standards.

Every organization utilizes third parties, and this can range from everything such as simply providing cleaning services to managing every device on the network and almost everything else in between. Furthermore, the risk is not solely related to those third parties with whom the end customer is contracted to, but also the subcontractors also.

This represents a significant risk, as stated earlier, while the work can be outsourced the risk rarely is. This may seem somewhat against the foundations of risk management where there exists the opportunity to transfer risk, and we have to consider, for example, recent high-profile data losses involving third parties. Where the publicity and financial impact (through customer loss) was bore by the end customer.

It is very clear that the supply chain represents one of the biggest challenges not only the Grid, and not only to critical infrastructure, but possibly to every organization that operates in the cyber world today.


1. Neal Ungerleider. Fast Company. DHS: imported consumer tech contains hidden hacker attack tools [available on the Internet]; July 2011. <> [cited August 2012].

2. US Cyberspace Policy Review: assuring a trusted and resilient information and communications infrastructure [available on the Internet]. <> [cited August 2012].

3. Cabinet Office. Cyber security strategy of the united kingdom [available on the Internet]; June 2009. <> [cited August 2012].

4. US Resilience Project. Cyber supply chain risks, strategies and best practices [available on the Internet]. <> [cited August 2012].

5. TechWeek Europe. Microsoft finds Nitol Botnet malware on PCs in chinese supply chain [available on the Internet]; September 14 2012. <> [cited September 2012].

6. IEC/TR62443-2-3. Security for industrial automation and control systems [available on the Internet]; June 2012. <> [cited November 2012].

7. Official Journal of the European Union. Directive 2009/72/ec of the European parliament and of the council of 13 July 2009 [available on the Internet]; July 2009. <> [cited August 2012].

8. SC Magazine. California water company insider steals $9 million, flees country [available on the Internet]; May 2009. <> [cited August 2012].

9. Tampering with smart meters to pay 75% less [available on the Internet]; April 2012. <> [cited August 2012].

10. Washington Post. US, Israel developed flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say [available on the Internet]; June 2012. <> [cited August 2012].

11. Ofgem. About us [available on the Internet]. <> [cited August 2012].

12. Dept. of energy wants electric utilities to create “cybersecurity governance board” [available on the Internet]; August 2012. <> [cited August 2012].

13. NIST identifies five “Foundational” Smart Grid standards [available on the Internet]; October 2010. <> [cited August 2012].

14. North American Reliability Corporation (NERC). Critical infrastructure protection [available on the Internet]. <> [cited August 2012].

15. Department of Homeland Security. Cyber security procurement language for control systems [available on the Internet]; August 2008. <> [cited November 2012].

16. NIST framework and roadmap for Smart Grid interoperability standards, release 1.0 [available on the Internet]; January 2010. <> [cited August 2012].

17. Zurich fined £2.3m by FSA over loss of back-up tape [available on the Internet]; August 2010. <> [cited August 2012].

18. Homeland Security News Wire. Government contractors now required to have cybersecurity plans [available on the Internet]; January 2012. <> [cited August 2012].

19. National Technical Authority for Information Assurance. Supplier information assurance assessment framework and guidance [available on the Internet]; January 2011. <> [cited August 2012].

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