Form Versus Function Trade-offs
Nonprofit For-profit
Governance Accountable to the community via a board of directors Accountable to ownership with an obligation of maximizing financial returns, unless special governance provisions are set
Transparency Financial records available for public review via IRS Form 990 Financial records available for public review only if publicly held
External support Some amount “built in” because of “community benefit” purpose Earned via brand stewardship and corporate responsibility record
Taxation None on mission-specific income; UBIT on unrelated income All income taxable at corporate rates
Access to debt capital Available; must be at commercially competitive rates Available with few restrictions
Access to invested capital Limited to donated capital, with no financial return expected Wide access to equity investment with expectation of financial return
Use of capital Often restricted to a donor-specified use Generally used at the discretion of management
Use of profit Stays within the enterprise’s fund balance; may be used as internally generated capital Available for distribution via dividends and profit-sharing in addition to use as internally generated capital
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