First and foremost this book would not even exist if it were not for Esther Derby. We have immense gratitude to her for connecting us to our editor, Charlotte Ashlock. To Charlotte, we’d like to say thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and patience over the past year and a half. To Valerie Caldwell, thank you so much for understanding our vision and ideas for this book. We’d also like to thank you for finding the perfect illustrator, Yvonne Chan, who captured the book cover so beautifully.

We’d like to thank our reviewers—Cara Turner, Dick Axelrod, and Douglas Hammer—for taking the time to give us honest and meaningful feedback. We learned something from each of you which we will take with us beyond the bounds of this book. An extra special thank-you to Cara for being one of the people who has shaped a lot of how we see facilitation and neuroscience applied to the workspace. We treasure you.

To Louise Perold and Kevin Trethaway, thank you for inspiring us to write a book independent of this opportunity. Your belief in us could not go unrecognized. You are two incredibly inspiring humans who have taught us so much from the examples that you lead.

We’d also like to thank Jo Perold, Antoinette Coetzee, Steve Holyer, Sam Laing, Karen Greaves, Austin Fagan, Justin Kotze, Kaluhi Anzigale, Bee Sharwood, Willy Bo- gonko, Aveshan Govender, Ted Pietrzak, and Mark Kilby for being wonderful support systems in our lives. You have each in your own way inspired us to continuously grow and been foundational in shaping how we approach facilitation and teams. It would be almost impossible to quantify the impact you have had on our lives.

We’d like to thank the SUGSA (Scrum User Group of South Africa) community and the Hacking Remote Facilitation group for allowing us to learn, experiment, grow, and receive feedback.

Thank you to the incredible teams who have walked this journey along the way. In particular, we’d like to thank Nin- jas, Team X, GoG, CD5, and WTF—you have had an impact on our lives for which we will forever be grateful.

We’d especially like to thank our families who love us despite the messy bits they get to see.

From Kirsten: Thank you to Anita, Shaun, and Shannon. Your unconditional love and support gives me the courage to take on crazy things like writing a book. I would not be who I am without you.

From Jay-Allen: Thank you to Jacqui, Ashley, Roxanne, Caleb, and Granny B for providing the space for me to chase whatever challenges I face. I love you all and you are such special humans.

Lastly, a huge thank-you to our partners Nelson Nogueira and Wesley De Wet. We thank you for your love and unwavering belief that we can do anything, and your patience when we had lots of work (not to mention your cooking and cleaning skills when our noses were in research papers). We are incredibly lucky and we love you.

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