• access, designing talent systems for, 154
  • accusation of theft, conflict management, 51–52
  • adaptability, 24
  • adaptive mindset
    • among inclusive leaders, 11–12
    • Barilla, 108
    • benefits of, 72–73
    • cultivating innovation, 80–84
    • global perspective, 75–80
    • John Deere, 118
    • Marriott, 127–128
    • Microsoft, 71–72
    • Ravinia Festival, 131
    • role of empathy, 81
    • situational adaptability, 73–75
  • Adler, Nancy J., 7
  • African Americans. See also Blacks.
    • in executive director roles, xi
    • men, optimizing talent, 60
    • women in leadership, 175
    • women uplifting each other, 168–169
  • age
    • demographics at Barilla, 105
    • employees at John Deere, 117
  • age-related conflict management, 52
  • Al-Faris, Deena
    • balancing stakeholders, 45
    • conflict management, 49, 52
    • developing talent, 64
    • jobless rate in Saudi Arabia, 85–86
    • women’s council in Saudi Arabia, 95
  • Alves, Vladimir, 112–115, 119
  • Al-Zahid, Hind, 95
  • America. See United States. Amilowski, Jeanine, 185
  • Anand, Rohini, 46–47
  • Anderson, Kristen, 109
  • Anglo Saxon names, bias towards, 158
  • Apple’s Siri, designing for the Reference Man, 144
  • Arbery, Ahmaud, 164, 190
  • Ardern, Jacinda, 76–77
  • Asian American women, stereotypes, 167–170
  • Asian women in leadership, 175
  • Asian-Latinx crossover, 180
  • Asians in leadership positions, xi
  • Auténtico: The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success, 170
  • authenticity
    • among inclusive leaders, 107
    • covering stigmatized identities, 19
    • definition, 18
    • description, 18–20
    • humility, 19
    • inclusive leaders, 9–10
    • trust, 19
  • available labor force, definition, 243


  • balancing stakeholders
    • at Barilla, 108
    • Ravinia Festival, 135
    • trait of inclusive leaders, 43–48
  • Baltzley, Dennis, 4
  • Banga, Ajaypal, vii
  • Barilla, D&I best practices
    • achieving transformation, 109
    • adaptive mindset, 108
    • age and generation demographics, 105
    • balancing stakeholders, 108
    • building interpersonal trust, 108
    • collaboration, 108
    • commitments to equity, 103
    • designing new workspaces, 109
    • disabilities, 105
    • diversity and inclusion, root causes, 105–106
    • employee resource groups, 105
    • flexible work, 106–107
    • gender balance, 106
    • history of, 101–103
    • inclusion, 106–107
    • increased market share, 107
    • job posting system, 105
    • job transparency, 105
    • leadership commitment to D&I, 106
    • LGBTQ+ inclusion, 103, 105
    • managing conflict, 108
    • metrics and accountability, 106–107
    • multiculturalism, 105
    • new benefits, 105
    • new networks, 104
    • optimizing talent, 108
    • overview, 103
    • religions and beliefs, 105
    • training, 105
    • valuing differences, 108
  • Barilla Lighthouse, key points, 102–103
  • Barnfield, Heather, 48, 73, 78, 90
  • behavioral inclusion, 146–150
  • Bellinger, Patricia, 104
  • Berg, Frode, 33, 39, 46
  • Bertrand, Marianne, 164
  • bias
    • in design. See Reference Man.
    • against ethnic-sounding names, 158, 164–165
    • inquisitiveness, 22
    • in résumé selection, 158
    • towards Anglo Saxon names, 158
    • unconscious. See Reference Man.
    • for whiteness, 162–164
  • Biles, Simone, 21
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 24–25
  • biographies of leaders, 12–13
  • Birk, Laura, 109
  • Blacks. See also African Americans.
    • on boards of Fortune 500 companies, xi
    • colorism among, 163
    • at Marriott, 125
    • need to overachieve, 165–167
  • Blige, Mary J., 139
  • Bohannon, Audra, 166
  • Born a Crime, 193
  • Brand, Christo, 209
  • building interpersonal trust
    • at Barilla, 108
    • description, 10–12
    • John Deere, 118
  • Burns, Donna, 97
  • Busch, William F. III, 165
  • business imperative fit, 159


  • car seats and safety, designing for the Reference Man, 145
  • case studies
    • classical music. See Ravinia Festival.
    • courage, 87–90
    • flexibility, 214–215
    • hotels. See Marriott.
    • optimizing talent, 53–54, 59–60
    • tractor manufacturing. See John Deere.
  • Castro, Arturo, 193
  • Catmull, Ed, 66–67
  • CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, xi
  • CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, 150
  • Chabris, Christopher, 65
  • change agents, inclusive leaders as, 6–7
  • Chavis, Maruiel Perkins-, 128
  • Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO). See Ravinia Festival.
  • classical music events. See Ravinia Festival.
  • climate change, effects on global perspective, 78, 80
  • Close, Chuck, 109
  • collaboration. See also optimizing talent.
    • at Barilla, 108
    • importance of, 65
    • at Pixar, 66
    • pros and cons, 68
    • team characteristics, 66–69
    • women as mind readers, 67
  • collective intelligence, definition, 243
  • colorism
    • bias for whiteness, 162–164
    • in Black communities, 163
    • definition, 162
    • in India, 163
    • in Latinx communities, 163
    • names for skin color gradations, 164
    • non-Whites vs. Whites, 162–165
    • “One White covers three ugliness.,” 163
    • people of color, 59, 162–164
    • within racial or ethnic groups, 162–163
    • skin tone, 162–164
    • skin whiteners, 163
    • Snow White syndrome, 163
    • in South Africa, 163
    • in the United Kingdom, 163
    • in the United States, 163
    • vs. racism, 162
  • Colzani, Claudio, 102, 109–110
  • commitments to equity at Barilla, 103
  • community at Marriott, 123
  • competencies, inclusive leaders, 10–12
  • complementary fit, 159
  • composure, role in emotional resilience, 20–21
  • confidence, 21
  • conflict management. See managing conflict.
  • Cook, Tim, 194
  • Cooper, Anderson, viii
  • correction and praise, preferred style for receiving, 59
  • courage in transformation, 87–90
  • Creativity, Inc., 66
  • CSO (Chicago Symphony Orchestra). See Ravinia Festival.
  • Cuarón, Alfonso, 216–217
  • cultivating innovation, 80–84
  • cultural differences
    • conflict management, 49–50
    • optimizing talent, 59
  • cultural identity
    • determining, 180–183
    • gender diversity, 184–185
    • majority minorities, 183–184
  • Curie, Marie, 21


  • DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 194
  • The Daily Show, 192–193
  • David, case study, 87–90
  • David, Cristina, 82
  • de Klerk, Frederik Willem, 209
  • decision making, Norway vs. Sweden, 74–75
  • default person. See also Reference Man.
    • history of, 152–153
    • vs. Reference Man, 153
  • default person, designing talent systems for
    • access, 154
    • defining equality, 154
    • learning from diversity, 155
    • opportunity, 154
    • rewards, 154
    • solve for one, benefit all, 155
    • support, 154
    • unearthing inequities, 154
  • design biases. See Reference Man.
  • designing new workspaces at Barilla, 109
  • developing talent. See optimizing talent.
  • D&I (Diversity and Inclusion)
    • best practices at Barilla. See Barilla, D&I best practices.
    • John Deere, 112–115
    • metrics supporting, 2–3
    • root causes at Barilla, 105–106
  • Díaz, Franklin Chang, 180
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods, gun sales, 190
  • differences, valuing. See valuing differences.
  • disabilities
    • at Barilla, 105
    • definition, 185
    • diversity, 185–186
    • hidden, optimizing people’s talents, 59
    • at John Deere, 117
    • Walgreens, universal design, 186
  • disciplines of inclusive leaders, summary of, 10–12, 108–109. See also specific disciplines.
  • diverse, misused term, 12
  • diverse perspectives, integrating. See also managing conflict.
    • balancing stakeholders, 43–48
    • definition, 42
    • importance of, 42
    • in inclusive leaders, 10–12
    • John Deere, 118
    • Marriott, 126–127
    • social justice initiatives, 46–47
    • value of, 43
  • diversity. See also D&I (Diversity and Inclusion); inclusive leadership.
    • and better results, 7–8
    • on boards of Fortune 500 companies, xi
    • definition, 1, 12, 243
    • of disabilities, 185–186
    • and financial performance, 2–3
    • learning from, 155
    • link to innovation, 81–82
    • and team performance, 7–8
  • Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
    • best practices at Barilla. See Barilla, D&I best practices.
    • John Deere, 112–115
    • metrics supporting, 2–3
    • root causes at Barilla, 105–106
  • diversity of one, 186–188
  • diversity programs, xi
  • Dolezal, Rachel, 179
  • Donaldson, Melissa, 68–69, 75, 83
  • drag evening, 83
  • driving engagement, optimizing talent, 55–58
  • driving results in transformation, 94–97
  • DuVernay, Ava, 206–207


  • Emerging Leader Program, 124
  • emotional resilience
    • among inclusive leaders, 107–108
    • composure, 20–21
    • definition, 20
    • description, 20–21
    • inclusive leaders, 9–10
    • situational self awareness, 21
  • empathy
    • in an adaptive mindset, 81
    • Alfonso Cuarón on, 216–217
    • role in innovation, 81
  • employee resource groups at Barilla, 105
  • enabling traits. See also disciplines of inclusive leaders.
    • among inclusive leaders, 107–108
    • changing, 24–25
    • summary of, 9–10, 17–18. See also specific traits.
  • equality
    • defining, 154
    • definition, 243
    • structural inclusion, 151–152
  • equitable organization, definition, 243
  • equity
    • definition, 1, 243
    • structural inclusion, 151–152
  • equivocal Latinx communities, 171
  • Erivo, Cynthia, 136
  • ethnic diversity
    • conflict management, 50–51
    • and financial performance, 2–3
  • ethnicity. See race.
  • ethnic-sounding names, bias against, 158, 164–165
  • exclusionary events, responding to, 189–191


  • Faris, Deena Al-, 35
  • female talent in IT space, 61
  • Ferrara, America, 93
  • financial performance, and diversity, 2–3
  • fit. See also hiring for fit.
    • business imperative, 159
    • complementary, 159
    • future, 159
    • hiring for, effects on diversity, 155, 158–160
  • fitness monitors, designing for the Reference Man, 145
  • flexibility
    • adaptability, 24
    • at Barilla, 106–107
    • case study, 214–215
    • definition, 23
    • description, 23–24
    • inclusive leaders, 9–10, 108
    • tolerance for ambiguity, 24
  • Floyd, George, 161, 164, 190
  • Follis, Charles, 88
  • Fortune 500 companies, diversity on boards of, xi
  • Frode Berg, 74
  • Fujimori, Alberto, 181
  • future fit, 159


  • Galarraga, Juan, 29–31
  • Garcia, Charlie, 170
  • Gates, Melinda, 24–25
  • gender balance. See also identity inclusion; women.
    • at Barilla, 106
    • optimizing talent, 56
  • gender diversity, 184–185
  • gender dynamics, women with men, 185
  • generational differences, conflict management, 50–51
  • girls, Title IX access, 169. See also women.
  • glass ceiling, 174
  • global perspective
    • definition, 75–78
    • effects of climate change, 78, 80
    • meta-interconnectivity, 77–78
    • vs. globetrotting, 79
  • Goffman, Erving, 19
  • Gonda, Gabor, 32, 38, 67, 81
  • Grech-Cumbo, Beatrice, 175
  • Green, Al, 173
  • guest diversity at Marriott, 124–125
  • gun control, 77


  • Hashmi, Nada, 65
  • Hazard, Peggy, 43
  • Hazra, Tej Singh, 81, 194
  • head and heart inclusive leaders, 224–225
  • health monitoring systems, designing for the Reference Man, 144
  • Herrmann, Paulo, 113
  • hidden disabilities, optimizing people’s talents, 59
  • hiring for fit, effects on diversity, 155, 158–160
  • Hispanic male, case study on optimizing talent, 59–60
  • Hispanics in executive director roles, xi. See also Latino.
  • Hoerdoman, Bob, 62–63
  • Holland, Heather, 195
  • Holmes, Kat, 153
  • homogeneity in groups, 7
  • Horizontina, 112–114
  • hotels. See Marriott.
  • Huang, Karen, 168
  • Hudson, Jennifer, 133, 136
  • humility, role in authenticity, 19
  • humor as a coping mechanism, 192–193
  • Hussein, Zeid Ra’ad Al, 150
  • Hyter, Michael, 167


  • identifying talent. See optimizing talent.
  • identity inclusion
    • Asian American women as leaders, 167–170
    • Black need to overachieve, 165–167
    • colorism, 162–164
    • dehumanization, 164–165
    • gender, 172–179
    • intersectionality, 179–188
    • Latinx identity pressures, 170–172
    • privilege, 162–164
    • race, 162–164
    • racism, 162–165
    • skin tone, 162–164
    • women, 172–179
  • identity pressures, Latinx communities, 170–172
  • inclusion. See also D&I (Diversity and Inclusion); inclusive leadership.
    • at Barilla, 106–107
    • CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, xi
    • definition, 1, 244
    • predictors of, 23
  • inclusive design
    • structural inclusion, 151–152
    • for talent systems, 244
  • inclusive leaders
    • achieving transformations, 11–12
    • applying adaptive mindsets, 11–12
    • authenticity, 9–10, 107
    • as change agents, 6–7
    • competencies, 10–12
    • definition, 9
    • disciplines of. See disciplines of inclusive leaders.
    • emotional resilience, 9–10, 107–108
    • enabling traits, 107–108
    • flexibility, 9–10, 108
    • head and heart, 224–225
    • impact on organizational goals, 226–228
    • inquisitiveness, 9–10, 108
    • interviews with, 228–229
    • launching, 218–219
    • model of, 11
    • optimizing talent, 10–12
    • patterns of, 224–225
    • positive impact on talent, 226
    • and the Reference Man, 148–149
    • by region, industry, and function, 223–224
    • self-assurance, 9–10
    • Tim Cook, 194–195
    • traits of. See enabling traits.
    • typical profiles, 224–225
    • work analysis methods, 225–226
    • young professionals focus groups, 229
  • inclusive leadership
    • business case for, 5
    • current norms and the future, 4–5
    • self-disruptive leaders, 4
  • inclusive leadership assessment
    • assessment data analysis, 221–222
    • competencies and traits composites, 222–223
    • testing the hypothetical model, 222–223
    • validity, 223
  • inclusive strategies, Ravinia Festival, 131
  • increased market share at Barilla, 107
  • India, colorism, 163
  • inequities, unearthing, 154
  • innovation
    • cultivating, 80–84
    • link to diversity, 81–82
    • role of empathy, 81
  • inquisitiveness
    • among inclusive leaders, 108
    • bias, 22
    • curiosity, 22
    • definition, 22
    • description, 22–23
    • empathy, 22
    • inclusive leaders, 9–10
    • openness to differences, 22
  • instilling trust, 31–35, 108
  • interpersonal trust
    • building. See building interpersonal trust.
    • Marriott, 126
  • interviews with inclusive leaders, 228–229
  • invisible Latinx communities, 171
  • Ismeta, 126–127


  • Jackson, Jesse, vii
  • job posting system at Barilla, 105
  • job transparency at Barilla, 105
  • jobless rate, Saudi Arabia, 85–86
  • John, case study, 87–90
  • John Deere
    • adaptive mindset, 118
    • in the agricultural heartland, 112–115
    • building interpersonal trust, 118
    • D&I (Diversity and Inclusion), 112–115
    • Horizontina, 112–114
    • integrating diverse perspectives, 118
    • optimizing talent, 118
    • overview, 111–112
    • transformation, 118
  • John Deere, impact on
    • the disabled, 117
    • employee age, 117
    • LGBTQ+, 116
    • race, 116–117
    • women, 117
  • jokes in the workplace, 44–45
  • Jonen, Anna, 58, 61


  • Kaepernick, Colin, 190
  • Kaling, Mindy, 193, 210–211
  • Kapor Capital, 156–157
  • Kauffman, Welz, 130–134
  • Kids Lawn, 136
  • Kim, Samuel Arredondo, 180
  • King, Martin Luther Jr., 22
  • Klawe, Maria, 73–74
  • Klein, Freada Kapor, 32, 156
  • Koch, Johannes, 44, 49, 82


  • Lake, Katrina, 169
  • Lampinen, Mervi, 32
  • Latino. See also Hispanics.
    • on boards of Fortune 500 companies, xi
    • in leadership, 175
    • at Marriott, 125
  • Latino communities
    • Auténtico: The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success, 170
    • colorism, 163
    • equivocal, 171
    • identities, 171–172
    • identity pressures, 170–172
    • invisible, 171
    • retro, 171
    • unapologetic, 171
  • Latinx-Asian crossover, 180
  • leadership, overlooked models, 56–57
  • leadership commitment to D&I at Barilla, 106
  • LGBTQ+ community
    • at Barilla, 103, 105
    • drag evening, 83
    • at John Deere, 116
    • at Marriott, 125
    • optimizing talents of, 59
  • #LoveTravels, 124–125, 127–128
  • Luaña, Rita Estevez, 47, 75, 81–82 261


  • majority minorities, 183–184
  • Malone, Thomas, 65
  • managing conflict
    • accusation of theft, 51–52
    • age-related, 52
    • at Barilla, 108
    • cultural differences, 49–50
    • ethnic, 50–51
    • generational, 50–51
    • Marriott, 127
    • overview, 48
    • racial, 50–51
    • slowing down, 50–51
    • social class, 50–51
    • strategies for, 52
  • Mandela, Nelson, 208–209
  • map applications, designing for the Reference Man, 144
  • Mariano, Arthur Nory Oyakawa, 180
  • Marriott
    • adaptive mindset, 127–128
    • Blacks at, 125
    • D&I outcomes, 125–128
    • integrating diverse perspectives, 126–127
    • interpersonal trust, 126
    • #LoveTravels, 127–128
    • managing conflict, 127
    • optimizing talent, 127
    • overview, 121–122
    • praise for Ismeta, 126–127
    • transformation, 128
  • Marriott, commonalities
    • community, 123
    • Emerging Leader Program, 124
    • opportunity, 123–124
    • purpose, 123
    • role of women in, 124
    • Women’s Leadership Development Initiative, 124
  • Marriott, differences
    • Blacks, 125
    • guest diversity, 124–125
    • Latinxs, 125
    • LGBTQ+ community, 125
    • #LoveTravels, 124–125
  • Marriott, J. Willard, 121
  • Mars, Bruno, 180
  • mass shooting in New Zealand, 76–77
  • McDonald, Audra, 136
  • McFerrin, Bobby, 136
  • McKinsey & Company, 2–3
  • men, design biases towards. See Reference Man.
  • metrics and accountability at Barilla, 106–107
  • Microsoft, adaptive mindset, 71–72
  • middle managers and the Reference Man, 148–149
  • The Mindy Project, 211
  • Mink, Patsy, 169
  • The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, 193
  • Mixner, David, 104
  • The Moment of Lift, 24
  • Montero, Gabriela, 136
  • Moser, Martin, 52, 61, 74, 82
  • Mullainathan, Sendhil, 164
  • multiculturalism at Barilla, 105
  • music education for kids, 136–137, 139


  • Nadella, Satya, 71–72, 73–74, 81
  • name bias
    • in design. See Reference Man.
    • against ethnic-sounding names, 158, 164–165
    • in résumé selection, 158, 164–165
    • towards Anglo Saxon names, 158
    • towards White-sounding names, 164–165
    • unconscious. See Reference Man.
  • names for skin color gradations, 164
  • Nancy, case study of optimizing talent, 53–54
  • New Zealand, gun control, 76–77
  • Ni, Jenny, 38, 45–46, 91
  • Nieto, Lou, 33, 60, 63, 80
  • Noah, Trevor, 192–193
  • non-White talent in executive director roles, xi
  • Norwegian decision making, 74–75


  • Obhi, Sukhvinder S., 147, 150
  • one size fits all. See Reference Man.
  • “One White covers three ugliness.,” 163
  • opportunity
    • designing talent systems for, 154
    • at Marriott, 123–124
  • optimism, 21
  • optimizing talent. See also collaboration.
    • African American male, case study, 60
    • at Barilla, 108
    • case study of “Nancy,” 53–54
    • cultural differences, 59
    • developing talent, 58–64
    • driving engagement, 55–58
    • female talent in IT space, 61
    • gender balance, 56
    • Hispanic male, case study, 59–60
    • identifying talent, 61
    • John Deere, 118
    • LGBTQ+ groups, 59
    • Marriott, 127
    • overlooked leadership models, 56–57
    • overview, 10–12
    • people of color, 59
    • people with hidden disabilities, 59
    • sociological realities, 59
    • style of receiving praise and correction, 59
    • underrepresented talent, 60
    • women in male-oriented environments, 59
  • organizational questions, 2
  • Orr, Evelyn, 175
  • outside coming in. See sociopolitical inclusion.
  • overlooked user, definition, 244


  • Pager, Devah, 164–165
  • Pan, Hengliang, 31, 37, 78
  • Patel, Puja, 169
  • patterns of inclusive leaders, 224–225
  • Patton, George S., 82
  • pay parity for women, 150
  • Payare, Rafael, 136
  • Penn, J. B., 112
  • Pentland, Alex, 65
  • people of color. See also race; specific people and colors.
    • colorism among, 162–164
    • optimizing talents of, 59
    • women, 172
  • performance ratings, women, 150
  • persuasion, in transformation, 90–93
  • Phillips, Katherine, 43
  • Pinzón, Cecilia, 112–115
  • Pixar collaboration, 66
  • polarization, 1–2
  • praise and correction, preferred style for receiving, 59
  • Prieto, Carlos Miguel, 136
  • Prime, Jeanine, 23
  • promotion rates for women, 150
  • purpose, at Marriott, 123


  • questions of interest, 2


  • race. See also identity inclusion; people of color; specific races.
    • color discrimination. See colorism.
    • at John Deere, 116–117
  • racial differences, conflict management, 50–51
  • racial diversity and financial performance, 2–3
  • racial or ethnic groups
    • colorism among, 162–163
    • racism, 162–163
  • racism
    • across racial or ethnic groups, 162–163
    • in America, 164
    • definition, 162
    • dehumanization, 164–165
    • vs. colorism, 162
  • Rae, Issa, 193
  • Ramírez, Mónica, 92–93
  • Ramos Erickson, Talita, 104
  • Ravinia Festival
    • adaptive mindset, 131
    • balancing stakeholders, 135
    • classical music events, 135–136
    • diversifying classical musicians, 136
    • inclusive strategies, 131
    • Kids Lawn, 135–136
    • music education for kids, 136–137, 139
    • new audiences through pop concerts, 132–135
    • overview, 129–131
    • power of diversity, 139
    • pricing structure, 136
    • Reach Teach Play, 137
    • role of listening, 132–133
    • salsa dancing, 138
    • Sistema Ravinia, 137
    • social events, 136
    • transformation, 131
  • RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), women in, 96–97
  • Reach Teach Play, 137
  • Reference Man. See also default person.
    • behavioral inclusion, 146–150
    • definition, 244
    • description, 143–144
    • history of, 143–145
    • inclusive leaders, 148–149
    • middle managers, 148–149
    • structural inclusion, 146–150, 150–152
    • talent systems, 150
    • unconscious bias, 146–150
  • Reference Man design, examples
    • Apple’s Siri, 144
    • car seats and safety, 145
    • fitness monitors, 145
    • health monitoring systems, 144
    • map apps, 144
    • talent systems, 146
    • voice recognition devices, 144
  • religions and beliefs at Barilla, 105
  • résumé selection bias, 158, 165
  • retro Latinx communities, 171
  • rewards, designing talent systems for, 154
  • Rickey, Branch, 88–89
  • Rivera, Lauren, 158
  • Robben Island, 208–209
  • Robinson, Jackie, 88–89
  • Rodriguez, David, 122–123, 128
  • Rodriguez, Liboria “Libo,” 216–217
  • Rodriguez, Robert, 170
  • Roma, 216–217
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), women in, 96–97


  • Sachdev, Anil, 33–34, 50, 64, 78
  • Salib, Elizabeth R., 23
  • salsa dancing, 138
  • Sanchez, Julian, 111
  • Sandberg, Sheryl, 174
  • Sarreshtehdari, Sahar, 212–213
  • Saudi Arabia
    • jobless rate, 85–86
    • women’s council in, 95
  • Saunders, J. T., 166
  • Selena (movie), 80
  • self-assurance
    • confidence, 21
    • definition, 21
    • description, 21
    • inclusive leaders, 9–10
    • optimism, 21
  • self-disruptive leaders, 4
  • Silverio, Wellington, 91, 112–114, 118
  • Siri, designing for the Reference Man, 144
  • Sistema Ravinia, 137
  • situational adaptability, 73–75
  • situational self awareness, 21
  • skin tone, colorism, 162–164
  • skin whiteners, 163
  • SMASH, 156–157
  • Snow White syndrome, 163
  • social class, conflict management, 50–51
  • social justice initiatives, 46–47
  • sociological realities, optimizing talent, 59
  • sociopolitical inclusion
    • dealing through humor, 192–193
    • inclusive leaders, 194–195
    • overview, 189–191
    • responding to exclusionary events, 189–191
  • solve for one, benefit all, 155
  • South Africa, colorism, 163
  • stakeholders, balancing, 43–48, 108
  • Stevenson, Jane, 175
  • Stiles, Ryan, 214–215
  • Stone, Steve, 71
  • strategies for conflict management, 52
  • structural inclusion
    • definition, 146–150
    • equality, 151–152
    • equity, 151–152
    • example, 155, 156–160
    • inclusive design, 151–152
    • pillars of, 150–152
    • Reference Man, 146–150, 150–152
  • Sun-LaSovage, Sue, 53–54
  • support, designing talent systems for, 154
  • Swedish decision making, 74–75


  • talent, optimizing. See optimizing talent.
  • talent management disparities, definition, 244
  • talent systems
    • designing for the default person. See default person, designing talent systems for.
    • designing for the Reference Man, 146, 150
  • Target store turnaround, 29–30
  • Taylor, Breonna, 164, 190
  • team performance, and diversity, 7–8
  • theft accusation, conflict management, 51–52
  • Thomas, Charles, 88
  • Thomas, Rachel, 174
  • Time’s Up movement, 92–93
  • tolerance for ambiguity, 24
  • Toole, Doris, 96
  • traditionally underrepresented talent, definition, 244
  • training at Barilla, 105
  • traits of inclusive leaders. See enabling traits.
  • transformation
    • at Barilla, 109
    • courage, 87–90
    • driving results, 94–97
    • John Deere, 118
    • Marriott, 128
    • overview, 85–86
    • persuasion, 90–93
    • Ravinia Festival, 131
    • role of inclusive leaders, 11–12
  • Treviranus, Jutta, 152
  • Trinh, Tram
    • cultivating innovation, 82
    • developing talent, 61–62
    • integrating diverse perspectives, 41–42
    • leveraging differences, 39
    • team collaboration, 68
  • trust, building
    • instilling trust, 31–35, 108
    • overview, 10–12
    • Target store example, 29–31
    • value of storytelling, 34–35
    • valuing differences, 36–39, 108
  • trust, role in authenticity, 19
  • Tunzi, Zozibini, 193
  • Tutu, Desmond, 191
  • Tyson, Jesse, 165


  • unapologetic Latinx communities, 171
  • unconscious bias. See Reference Man.
  • United Kingdom, colorism, 163
  • United States


  • valuing differences, 36–39, 108
  • Vigue, Tim, 159
  • voice recognition devices, designing for the Reference Man, 144


  • Walgreens, universal design for disabilities, 186
  • Warren, Elizabeth, 179
  • When They See Us, 206–207
  • White women in leadership, 175
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 207
  • women. See also Asian American women; gender; girls.
    • asking for pay raises, 73–74
    • of color, 172
    • female talent in IT space, 61
    • gender diversity, 184–185
    • gender dynamics with men, 185
    • John Deere, 117
    • in male-oriented environments, 59
    • at Marriott, 124
    • as mind readers, 67
    • in nonprofits vs. for-profits, xii
    • pay parity, 150
    • performance ratings, 150
    • promotion rates, 150
    • in the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), 96–97
    • White, inclusivity of women of color, 172
  • women in leadership
    • adequate representation, 176–177
    • African American women, 175
    • Asian women, 175
    • available labor force, 177
    • barriers to progress, 174
    • on boards of Fortune 500 companies, xi
    • CEO rates, 172–173
    • CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, 150
    • common success factors, 175, 177–179
    • economic impact, 178–179
    • glass ceiling, 174
    • Latinx, 175
    • starting their own businesses, 175
    • White women, 175
  • women’s council in Saudi Arabia, 95
  • Women’s Leadership Development Initiative, 124
  • Woolley, Anita, 65


  • Yutar, Percy, 209


  • Zanardi, Alessandro, 104
  • Zillman, Claire, 173
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