Chapter 12 – Boot Flows

Two roads diverged in a wood….

—Robert Frost, “The Road Less Taken”

The restart of a system admits to many possibilities, or paths of execution. The restart of a CPU execution for a given CPU can have many causes and different environment states that impinge upon it. These can include requests to the firmware for an update of the flash store, resumption of a power management event, initial startup of the system, and other possible restarts. This chapter describes some of these possible flows and how the UEFI PI handles the events.

To begin, the normal code flow in the UEFI PI passes through a succession of phases, in the following order:

  1. SEC
  2. PEI
  3. DXE
  4. BDS
  5. Runtime
  6. Afterlife

This chapter describes alternatives to this ordering, which can also be seen in Figure 12.1.

Figure 12.1: Ordering of UEFI PI Execution Phases

The PEI Foundation is unaware of the boot path required by the system. It relies on the PEIMs to determine the boot mode and to take appropriate action depending on the mode. To implement this determination of the boot mode, each PEIM has the ability to manipulate the boot mode using the PEI Service SetBootMode() described in the discussion of PEI in Chapter 13. Note that the PEIM does not change the order in which PEIMs are dispatched depending on the boot mode.

Defined Boot Modes

The list of possible boot modes and their corresponding priorities is shown in the following section. UEFI PI architecture avoids defining an upgrade path specifically, should new boot modes need be defined. This is necessary as the nature of those additional boot modes may work in conjunction with or may conflict with the previously defined boot modes.

Priority of Boot Paths

Within a given PEIM, a priority of the boot modes must be observed, as shown in Figure 12.2. The priority ordering of the sources of boot mode should be as follows (from highest priority to lowest):

Figure 12.2: Priority of the Boot Modes

Table 12.1 lists the assumptions that can and cannot be made about the system for each sleep state.

Table 12.1: Boot Path Assumptions

System State Description Assumptions
R0 Cold Boot Cannot assume that the previously stored configuration data is valid.
R1 Warm Boot May assume that the previously stored configuration data is valid.
S3 ACPI Save to RAM Resume The previously stored configuration data is valid and RAM is valid. RAM configuration must be restored from nonvolatile storage (NVS) before RAM may be used. The firmware may only modify previously reserved RAM. There are two types of reserved memory. One is the equivalent of the BIOS INT15h, E820 type-4 memory and indicates that the RAM is reserved for use by the firmware. The suggestion is to add another type of memory that allows the OS to corrupt the memory during runtime but that may be overwritten during resume.
Save to Disk Resume,
“Soft Off”
S4 and S5 are identical from a PEIM's point of view. The two are distinguished to support follow-on phases. The entire system must be reinitialized but the PEIMs may assume that the previous configuration is still valid.
Boot on Flash Update This boot mode can be either an INIT, S3, or other means by which to restart the machine. If it is an S3, for example, the flash update cause will supersede the S3 restart. It is incumbent upon platform code, such as the Memory Initialization PEIM, to determine the exact cause and perform correct behavior (that is, S3 state restoration versus INIT behavior).

Reset Boot Paths

The following sections describe the boot paths that are followed when a system encounters several different types of reset.

Intel® Itanium® Processor Reset

Intel® Itanium® architecture contains enough hooks to authenticate PAL-A and PAL-B code that is distributed by the processor vendor. The internal microcode on the processor silicon, which starts up on a PowerGood reset, finds the first layer of processor abstraction code (called PAL-A) that is located in the Boot Firmware Volume (BFV) using architecturally defined pointers in the BFV. It is the responsibility of this microcode to authenticate that the PAL-A code layer from the processor vendor has not been tampered with. If the authentication of the PAL-A layer passes, control then passes to the PAL-A layer, which then authenticates the next layer of processor abstraction code (called PAL-B) before passing control to it. In addition to this microarchitecture-specific authentication, the SEC phase of UEFI PI is still responsible for locating the PEI Foundation and verifying its authenticity.

In an Itanium-based system, it is also imperative that the firmware modules in the BFV be organized such that at least the PAL-A is contained in the fault-tolerant regions. This processor-specific PAL-A authenticates the PAL-B code, which is usually contained in the regions of the firmware system that do not support fault-tolerant updates. The PAL-A and PAL-B binary components are always visible to all the processors in a node at the time of power-on; the system fabric should not need to be initialized.

Non-Power-On Resets

Non-power-on resets can occur for many reasons. Some PEI and DXE system services reset and reboot the entire platform, including all processors and devices. It is important to have a standard variant of this boot path for cases such as the following:

Resetting the processor to change frequency settings

Restarting hardware to complete chipset initialization

Responding to an exception from a catastrophic error

This reset is also used for Configuration Values Driven through Reset (CVDR) configuration.

Normal Boot Paths

A traditional BIOS executes POST from a cold boot (G3 to S0 state), on resumes, or in special cases like INIT. UEFI covers all those cases but provides a richer and more standardized operating environment

The basic code flow of the system needs to be changeable due to different circumstances. The boot path variable satisfies this need. The initial value of the boot mode is defined by some early PEIMs, but it can be altered by other, later PEIMs. All systems must support a basic S0 boot path. Typically a system has a richer set of boot paths, including S0 variations, S-state boot paths, and one or more special boot paths.

The architecture for multiple boot paths presented here has several benefits:

The PEI Foundation is not required to be aware of system-specific requirements such as multi-processor capability and various power states. This lack of awareness allows for scalability and headroom for future expansion.

Supporting the various paths only minimally impacts the size of the PEI Foundation.

The PEIMs required to support the paths scale with the complexity of the system.

Note that the Boot Mode Register becomes a variable upon transition to the DXE phase. The DXE phase can have additional modifiers that affect the boot path more than the PEI phase. These additional modifiers can indicate if the system is in manufacturing mode, chassis intrusion, or AC power loss or if silent boot is enabled.

In addition to the boot path types, modifier bits might be present. The recoveryneeded modifier is set if any PEIM detects that it has become corrupted.

Basic G0-to-S0 and S0 Variation Boot Paths

The basic S0 boot path is boot with full configuration. This path setting informs all PEIMs to do a full configuration. The basic S0 boot path must be supported.

The UEFI PI architecture also defines several optional variations to the basic S0 boot path. The variations that are supported depend on the following:

Richness of supported features

If the platform is open or closed

Platform hardware

For example, a closed system or one that has detected a chassis intrusion could support a boot path that assumes no configuration changes from last boot option, thus allowing a very rapid boot time. Unsupported variations default to basic S0 operation. The following are the defined variations to the basic boot path:

Boot with minimal configuration: This path is for configuring the minimal amount of hardware to boot the system.

Boot assuming no configuration changes: This path uses the last configuration data.

Boot with full configuration plus diagnostics: This path also causes any diagnostics to be executed.

Boot with default settings: This path uses a known set of safe values for programming hardware.

S-State Boot Paths

The following optional boot paths allow for different operation for a resume from S3, S4, and S5:

S3 (Save to RAM Resume): Platforms that support S3 resume must take special care to preserve/restore memory and critical hardware.

S4 (Save to Disk): Some platforms may want to perform an abbreviated PEI and DXE phase on a S4 resume.

S5 (Soft Off): Some platforms may want an S5 system state boot to be differentiated from a normal boot—for example, if buttons other than the power button can wake the system.

An S3 resume needs to be explained in more detail because it requires cooperation between a G0-to-S0 boot path and an S3 resume boot path. The G0-to-S0 boot path needs to save hardware programming information that the S3 resume path needs to retrieve. This information is saved in the Hardware Save Table using predefined data structures to perform I/O or memory writes. The data is stored in a UEFI equivalent of the INT15 E820 type 4 (firmware reserved memory) area or a firmware device area that is reserved for use by UEFI. The S3 resume boot path code can access this region after memory has been restored.

Recovery Paths

All of the previously described boot paths can be modified or aborted if the system detects that recovery is needed. Recovery is the process of reconstituting a system’s firmware devices when they have become corrupted. The corruption can be caused by various mechanisms. Most firmware volumes on nonvolatile storage devices (flash, disk) are managed as blocks. If the system loses power while a block, or semantically bound blocks, are being updated, the storage might become invalid. On the other hand, the device might become corrupted by an errant program or by errant hardware. The system designers must determine the level of support for recovery based on their perceptions of the probabilities of these events occurring and their consequences.

The following are some reasons why system designers may choose not to support recovery:

A system’s firmware volume storage media might not support modification after being manufactured. It might be the functional equivalent of ROM.

Most mechanisms of implementing recovery require additional firmware volume space, which might be too expensive for a particular application.

A system may have enough firmware volume space and hardware features that the firmware volume can be made sufficiently fault tolerant to make recovery unnecessary.


Discovering that recovery is required may be done using a PEIM (for example, by checking a “force recovery” jumper) or the PEI Foundation itself. The PEI Foundation might discover that a particular PEIM has not validated correctly or that an entire firmware has become corrupted.

General Recovery Architecture

The concept behind recovery is to preserve enough of the system firmware so that the system can boot to a point where it can do the following:

Read a copy of the data that was lost from chosen peripherals.

Reprogram the firmware volume with that data.

Preserving the recovery firmware is a function of the way the firmware volume store is managed, which is generally beyond the scope of this book. For the purpose of this description, it is expected that the PEIMs and other contents of the firmware volumes required for recovery are marked. The architecture of the firmware volume store must then preserve marked items, either by making them unalterable (possibly with hardware support) or must protect them using a fault-tolerant update process. Note that a PEIM is required to be in a fault-tolerant area if it indicates it is required for recovery or if a PEIM required for recovery depends on it. This architecture also assumes that it is fairly easy to determine that firmware volumes have become corrupted.

The PEI Dispatcher then proceeds as normal. If it encounters PEIMs that have been corrupted (for example, by receiving an incorrect hash value), it itself must change the boot mode to recovery. Once set to recovery, other PEIMs must not change it to one of the other states. After the PEI Dispatcher has discovered that the system is in recovery mode, it will restart itself, dispatching only those PEIMs that are required for recovery. A PEIM can also detect a catastrophic condition or a forced-recovery event and inform the PEI Dispatcher that it needs to proceed with a recovery dispatch. A PEIM can alert the PEI Foundation to start recovery by OR-ing the BOOT_IN_RECOVERY_MODE_MASK bit onto the present boot mode. The PEI Foundation then resets the boot mode to BOOT_IN_RECOVERY_MODE and starts the dispatch from the beginning with BOOT_IN_RECOVERY_MODE as the sole value for the mode.

It is possible that a PEIM could be built to handle the portion of the recovery that would initialize the recovery peripherals (and the buses they reside on) and then to read the new images from the peripherals and update the firmware volumes.

It is considered far more likely that the PEI will transition to DXE because DXE is designed to handle access to peripherals. This transition has the additional benefit that, if DXE then discovers that a device has become corrupted, it may institute recovery without transferring control back to the PEI.

If the PEI Foundation does not have a list of what it is to dispatch, how does it know whether an area of invalid space in a firmware volume should have contained a PEIM or not? It seems that the PEI Foundation may discover most corruption as an incidental result of its search for PEIMs. In this case, if the PEI Foundation completes its dispatch process without discovering enough static system memory to start DXE, then it should go into recovery mode.

Special Boot Path Topics

The remaining sections in this chapter discuss special boot paths that might be available to all processors or specific considerations that apply only for Intel Itanium processors.

Special Boot Paths

The following are special boot paths in the UEFI PI architecture. Some of these paths are optional and others are processor-family specific.

Forced recovery boot: A jumper or an equivalent mechanism indicates a forced recovery.

Intel Itanium architecture boot paths: See the next section.

Capsule update: This boot mode can be an INIT, S3, or some other means by which to restart the machine. If it is an S3, for example, the capsule cause will supersede the S3 restart. It is incumbent upon platform code, such as a memory initialization PEIM, to determine the exact cause and perform the correct behavior—that is, S3 state restoration versus INIT behavior.

Special Intel Itanium® Architecture Boot Paths

The architecture requires the following special boot paths:

Boot after INIT: An INIT has occurred.

Boot after MCA: A Machine Check Architecture (MCA) event has occurred.

Intel Itanium processors possess several unique boot paths that also invoke the dispatcher located at the System Abstraction Layer entry point SALE_ENTRY. The processor INIT and MCA are two asynchronous events that start up the SEC code/dispatcher in an Itanium-based system. The UEFI PI security module is transparent during all the code paths except for the recovery check call that happens during a cold boot. The PEIMs or DXE drivers that handle these events are architecture-aware and do not return the control to the core dispatcher. They call their respective architectural handlers in the OS.

Intel Itanium® Architecture Access to the Boot Firmware Volume

Figure 12.3 shows the reset boot path that an Intel Itanium processor follows. Figure 12.4 shows the boot flow.

Figure 12.3: Intel® Itanium® Architecture Resets
Figure 12.4: Intel® Itanium® Processor Boot Flow (MP versus UP on Other CPUs)

In Intel Itanium architecture, the microcode starts up the first layer of the PAL code, provided by the processor vendor, which resides in the Boot Firmware Volume (BFV). This code minimally initializes the processor and then finds and authenticates the second layer of PAL code (called PAL-B). The location of both PAL-A and PAL-B can be found by consulting either the architected pointers in the ROM near the 4-gigabyte region or by consulting the Firmware Interface Table (FIT) pointer in the ROM. The PAL layer communicates with the OEM boot firmware using a single entry point called SALE_ENTRY.

The Intel Itanium architecture defines the initialization described above. In addition, however, Itanium-based systems that use the UEFI PI architecture must do the following:

A “special” PEIM must be resident in the BFV to provide information about the location of the other firmware volumes.

The PEI Foundation will be located at the SALE_ENTRY point on the BFV. The Intel Itanium architecture PEIMs may reside in the BFV or other firmware volumes, but a special PEIM must be resident in the BFV to provide information about the location of the other firmware volumes.

The BFV of a particular node must be accessible by all the processors running in that node.

All the processors in each node start up and execute the PAL code and subsequently enter the PEI Foundation. The BFV of a particular node must be accessible by all the processors running in that node. This distinction also means that some of the PEIMs in the Intel Itanium architecture boot path will be multi-processor-aware.

Firmware modules in a BFV must be organized such that PAL-A, PAL-B, and FIT binaries are always visible to all the processors in a node at the time of power-on.

These binaries must be visible without any initialization of the system fabric.

Table 12.2 lists the values and descriptions of the boot modes.

Table 12.2: Boot Mode Register

MSBit-0 000000b Boot with full configuration
000001b Boot with minimal configuration
000010b Boot assuming no configuration changes from last boot
000011b Boot with full configuration plus diagnostics
000100b Boot with default settings
000101b Boot on S4 resume
000110b Boot in S5 resume
000111b-001111b Reserved for boot paths that configure memory
010000b Boot on S2 resume
010001b Boot on S3 resume
010010b Boot on flash update restart
010011b-011111b Reserved for boot paths that preserve memory context
100000b Boot in recovery mode
100001b-111111b Reserved for special boots

Architectural Boot Mode PPIs

In the PEI chapter the concept of an PEIM-to-PEIM interface (PPI) is introduced as the unit of interoperability in this phase of execution. PEI modules can ascertain the boot mode via the GetBootMode service once the module is dispatched, but a system designer may not want a PEIM to even run unless in a given boot mode. A possible hierarchy of boot mode PPIs abstracts the various producers of the boot mode. It is a hierarchy in that there should be an order of precedence in which each mode can be set. The PPIs and their respective GUIDs are described in Required Architectural PPIs for

the PEI phase that can be found in the PEI Core Interface Specification and Optional Architectural PPIs. The hierarchy includes the master PPI, which publishes a PPI depended upon by the appropriate PEIMs, and some subsidiary PPI. For PEIMs that require that the boot mode is finally known, the Master Boot Mode PPI can be used as a dependency.

Table 12.3 lists the architectural boot mode PPIs.

Table 12.3: Architectural Boot Mode PPIs

PPI Name Required or Optional? PPI Definition in Section...
Master Boot Mode PPI Required Architectural PPIs: Required Architectural PPIs
Boot in Recovery Mode PPI Optional Architectural PPIs: Optional Architectural PPIs


This section describes platform firmware recovery. Recovery is an option to provide higher RASUM (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Usability, Manageability) in the field. Recovery is the process of reconstituting a system’s firmware devices when they have become corrupted. The corruption can be caused by various mechanisms. Most firmware volumes (FVs) in nonvolatile storage (NVS) devices (flash or disk, for example) are managed as blocks. If the system loses power while a block, or semantically bound blocks, are being updated, the storage might become invalid. On the other hand, an errant program or hardware could corrupt the device. The system designers must determine the level of support for recovery based on their perceptions of the probabilities of these events occurring and the consequences.


Discovering that recovery is required may be done using a PEIM (for example, by checking a “force recovery” jumper) or the PEI Foundation itself. The PEI Foundation might discover that a particular PEIM has not validated correctly or that an entire firmware has become corrupted.

Note At this point a physical reset of the system has not occurred. The PEI Dispatcher has only cleared all state information and restarted itself.

It is possible that a PEIM could be built to handle the portion of the recovery that would initialize the recovery peripherals (and the buses they reside on) and then to read the new images from the peripherals and update the FVs.

It is considered far more likely that the PEI will transition to DXE because DXE is designed to handle access to peripherals. This has the additional benefit that, if DXE then discovers that a device has become corrupted, it may institute recovery without transferring control back to the PEI.

Since the PEI Foundation does not have a list of what to dispatch, how does it know if an area of invalid space in an FV should have contained a PEIM or not? The PEI Foundation should discover most corruption as an incidental result of its search for PEIMs. In this case, if the PEI Foundation completes its dispatch process without discovering enough static system memory to start DXE, then it should go into recovery mode.


This chapter has described the various boot modes that the UEFI PI firmware can support. This concept is important to understand as both a provider of PEI modules and DXE drivers, along with platform integrators. The former constituency needs to design their code to handle the boot modes appropriately, whereas the latter group of engineers needs to understand how to compose a set of modules and drivers for the respective boot paths of a resultant system.

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