Chapter 6 – UEFI Console Services

Never test for an error condition you don’t know how to handle.

—Steinbach’s Guideline for Systems Programming

This chapter describes how UEFI extends the traditional boundaries of console support in the pre-boot phase and provides a series of software layering approaches that are commonly used in UEFI-compliant platforms. Most platforms, at minimum, would have a text-based console for a user to either locally or remotely interact with the system. A variety of mechanisms can accomplish this communication in UEFI. Whether it is through a remote interface, through a local keyboard and monitor, or even a remote network connection, each has a common root that can be thought of as the basic UEFI console support. This support is used to handle input and output of text-based information intended for the system user during the operation of code in the UEFI boot services environment. These console definitions are split into three types of console devices: one for input, and one each for normal output and errors.

These interfaces are specified by function call definitions to allow maximum flexibility in implementation. For example, a compliant system is not required to have a keyboard or screen directly connected to the system. As long as the semantics of the functions are preserved, implementations may direct information using these interfaces in any way that succeeds in passing the information to the system user.

The UEFI console is built out of two primary protocols: UEFI Simple Text Input and UEFI Simple Text Output. These two protocols implement a basic text-based console that allows platform firmware, UEFI applications, and UEFI OS loaders to present information to and receive input from a system administrator. The UEFI console consists of 16-bit Unicode characters, a simple set of input control characters known as scan codes, and a set of output-oriented programmatic interfaces that give functionality equivalent to an intelligent terminal. In the UEFI 2.1 specification, an extension to the Simple Text Input protocol was introduced (now referred to as Simple Text Input Ex), which greatly expanded the supportable keys as well as state information that can be retrieved from the keyboard. This text-based set of interfaces does not inherently support pointing devices on input or bitmaps on output.

To ensure greatest interoperability, the UEFI Simple Text Output protocol is recommended to support at least the printable basic Latin Unicode character set to enable standard terminal emulation software to be used with a UEFI console. The basic Latin Unicode character set implements a superset of ASCII that has been extended to 16-bit characters. This provides the maximum interoperability with external terminal emulations that might otherwise require the conversion of text encoding to be down-converted to a set of ASCII equivalents.

UEFI has a variety of system-wide references to consoles. The UEFI System Table contains six console-related entries:

ConsoleInHandle – The handle for the active console input device. This handle must support the UEFI Simple Text Input protocol and the UEFI Simple Text Input Ex protocol.

ConIn – A pointer to the UEFI Simple Text Input protocol interface that is associated with ConsoleInHandle.

ConsoleOutHandle – The handle for the active console output device. This handle must support the UEFI Simple Text Output protocol.

ConOut – A pointer to the UEFI Simple Text Output protocol interface that is associated with ConsoleOutHandle.

StandardErrorHandle – The handle for the active standard error console device. This handle must support the UEFI Simple Text Output protocol.

StdErr – A pointer to the UEFI Simple Text Output protocol interface that is associated with StandardErrorHandle.

Other system-wide references to consoles in UEFI are contained within the global variable definitions. Some of the pertinent global variable definitions in UEFI are:

ConIn – The UEFI global variable that contains the device path of the default input console.

ConInDev – The UEFI global variable that contains the device path of all possible console input devices.

ConOut – The UEFI global variable that contains the device path of the default output console.

ConOutDev – The UEFI global variable that contains the device path of all possible console output devices.

ErrOut – The UEFI global variable that contains the device path of the default error console.

ErrOutDev – The UEFI global variable that contains the device path of all possible console output devices.

Figure 6.1 illustrates the software layering discussed so far. An UEFI application or driver that wants to communicate through a text interface can use the active console shown in the UEFI System Table to call the interface that supports the appropriate text input or text output protocol. During initialization, the system table is passed to the launched UEFI application or driver, and this component can then immediately start using the console in question.

Figure 6.1: Initial Software Layering

To further describe these interactions, it is necessary to delve a bit deeper into what these text I/O interfaces really look like and what they are effectively responsible for.

Simple Text Input Protocol

The Simple Text Input Protocol defines the minimum input required to support a specific ConIn device. This interface provides two basic functions for the caller:

Reset – This function resets the input device hardware. As part of the initialization process, the firmware/ device makes a quick but reasonable attempt to verify that the device is functioning. This hardware verification process is implementation-specific and is left up to the firmware and/ or UEFI driver to implement.

ReadKeyStroke – This function reads the next keystroke from the input device. If no keystroke is pending, the function returns a UEFI Not Ready error. If a keystroke is pending, a UEFI key is returned. A UEFI key is composed of a scan code as well as a Unicode character. The Unicode character is the actual printable character or is zero if the key is not represented by a printable character, such as the control key or a function key.

When reading a key from the ReadKeyStroke() function, an UEFI Input Key is retrieved. In traditional firmware, all PS/2 keys had a hardware specific scan code, which was the sole item firmware dealt with. In UEFI, things have been changed a bit to facilitate the reasonable transaction of this data both with local and remote users. The data sent back has two primary components:

Unicode Character – The Simple Text Input protocol defines an input stream that contains Unicode characters. This value represents the Unicode-encoded 16-bit value that corresponds to the key that was pressed by the user. A few Unicode characters have special meaning and are thus defined as supported Unicode control characters, as described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: UEFI-supported Unicode Control Characters

Mnemonic Unicode Description
Null U+0000 Null character ignored when received.
BS U+0008 Backspace. Moves cursor left one column. If the cursor is at the left margin, no action is taken.
TAB U+0x0009 Tab.
LF U+000A Linefeed. Moves cursor to the next line.
CR U+000D Carriage Return. Moves cursor to left margin of the current line.

Scan Code - The input stream supports UEFI scan codes in addition to Unicode characters. If the scan code is set to 0x00 then the Unicode character is valid and should be used. If the UEFI scan code is set to a value other than 0x00, it represents a special key as defined in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: UEFI-supported Scan Codes

UEFI Scan Code Description
0x00 Null scan code.
0x01 Move cursor up 1 row.
0x02 Move cursor down 1 row.
0x03 Move cursor right 1 column.
0x04 Move cursor left 1 column.
UEFI Scan Code Description
0x05 Home.
0x06 End.
0x07 Insert.
0x08 Delete.
0x09 Page Up.
0x0a Page Down.
0x0b Function 1.
0x0c Function 2.
0x0d Function 3.
0x0e Function 4.
0x0f Function 5.
0x10 Function 6.
0x11 Function 7.
0x12 Function 8.
0x13 Function 9.
0x14 Function 10.
0x17 Escape.

The ReadKeyStroke function provides the additional capability to signal an UEFI event when a key has been received. To leverage this capability, one must use either the WaitForEvent or CheckEvent services. The event to pass into these services is the following:

WaitForKey – The event to use when calling WaitForEvent() to wait for a key to be available.

The activity being handled by the Simple Text Input protocol is very similar to the INT 16h services that were available in legacy firmware. Some of the primary differences are that the legacy firmware service returned only the ASCII equivalent 8-bit value for the key that was pressed along with the hardware-specific (such as PS/2) scan codes.

Simple Text Input Ex Protocol

The Simple Text Input Ex protocol provides the same functionality that the Simple Text Input protocol produced and adds a series of additional capabilities. This interface provides a few new basic functions for the caller:

ReadKeyStrokeEx – This function reads the next keystroke from the input device. It operates in a fashion similar to the ReadKeyStroke from the Simple Text Input protocol, except it has the ability to extract a series of extended keystrokes that were not previously possible (See Table 6.3 and Table 6.4). This includes both shift state (for example, Left Control key pressed, Right Shift pressed, and so on), and toggle information (for example, Caps Lock is turned on). If no keystroke is pending, the function returns an EFI Not Ready error. If a keystroke is pending, a UEFI key is returned.

Key Registration Capabilities – This set of functions provides for the ability to register and unregister a set of keystrokes so that when a user hits the same keystroke, a notification function is called. This is useful in the case where there is a desire to have a particular hot-key registered and then associated with a particular piece of software. This capability is often associated with the KEY#### UEFI global variable, which associated a key sequence with a particular BOOT#### variable target.

SetState – This function allows the settings of certain state data for a given input device. This data often encompasses information such as whether or not Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock are active.

Table 6.3: Simple Text Input Ex Keyboard Shift States

Key Shift State Mask Value Description
0x80000000 If high bit is on, then the state value is valid. For devices that are not capable of producing shift state values, this value will be off.
0x01 Right Shift key is pressed
0x02 Left Shift key is pressed
0x04 Right Control key is pressed
0x08 Left Control key is pressed
0x10 Right Alt key is pressed
0x20 Left Alt key is pressed
0x40 Right logo key is pressed
0x80 Left logo key is pressed
Key Shift State Mask Value Description
0x100 Menu key is pressed
0x200 System Request (SysReq) key is pressed

Table 6.4: Simple Text Input Ex Keyboard Toggle States

Keyboard ToggleState Mask Value Description
0x80 If high bit is on, then the state value is valid. For devices that are not capable of representing toggle state values, this value will be off.
0x01 Scroll Lock is active
0x02 Num Lock is active
0x04 Caps Lock is active

Simple Text Output Protocol

The Simple Text Output protocol is used to control text-based output devices. It is the minimum required protocol for any handle supplied as the ConOut or StdOut device. In addition, the minimum supported text mode of such devices is at least 80 × 25 characters.

A video device that supports only graphics mode is required to emulate text mode functionality. Output strings themselves are not allowed to contain any control codes other than those defined in Table 6.1. Positional cursor placement is done only via the SetCursorPosition() function. It is highly recommended that text output to the StdErr device be limited to sequential string outputs. That is, it is not recommended to use ClearScreen() or SetCursorPosition() on output messages to StdErr, so that this data can be clearly captured or viewed.

The Simple Text Output protocol also has a pointer to some mode data, as shown in Figure 6.2. This mode data is used to determine what the current text settings are for the given device. Much of this information is used to determine what the current cursor position is as well as the given foreground and background color. In addition, one can stipulate whether a cursor should be visible or not.

Figure 6.2: Mode Structure for UEFI Simple Text Output Protocol

The Simple Text Output protocol also has a variety of text output related functions; however, this chapter focuses on some of the most commonly used ones:

OutputString – Provides the ability to write a NULL-terminated Unicode string to the output device and have it displayed. All output devices must also support some of the basic Unicode drawing characters listed in the UEFI 2.1 Specification. This is the most basic output mechanism on an output device. The string is displayed at the current cursor location on the output device(s) and the cursor is advanced according to the rules listed in Table 6.3.

Table 6.5: Cursor Advancement Rules

Mnemonic Unicode Description
Null U+0000 Ignore the character, and do not move the cursor.
BS U+0008 If the cursor is not at the left edge of the display, then move the cursor left one column.
LF U+000A If the cursor is at the bottom of the display, then scroll the display one row, and do not update the cursor position. Otherwise, move the cursor down one row.
CR U+000D Move the cursor to the beginning of the current row.
Other U+XXXX Print the character at the current cursor position and move the cursor right one column. If this moves the cursor past the right edge of the display, then the line should wrap to the beginning of the next line. This is equivalent to inserting a CR and an LF. Note that if the cursor is at the bottom of the display, and the line wraps, then the display will be scrolled one line.

By providing an abstraction that allows a console device, such as a video driver, to produce a text interface, this can be compared to legacy firmware support for INT 10h. The producer of the Simple Text Output interface is responsible for converting the Unicode text characters into the appropriate glyphs for that device. In the case where an unrecognized Unicode character has been sent to the OutputString() API, the result is typically a warning that indicates that these characters were skipped.

SetAttribute – This function sets the background and foreground colors for both the OutputString() and ClearScreen() functions. A variety of foreground and background colors are defined by the UEFI 2.1 Specification. The color mask can be set even if the device is in an invalid text mode. Devices that support a different number of text colors must emulate the specified colors to the best of the device’s capabilities.

ClearScreen – This function clears the output device(s) display to the currently selected background color. The cursor position is set to (0,0).

SetCursorPosition – This function sets the current coordinates of the cursor position. The upper left corner of the screen is defined as coordinate (0,0).

Remote Console Support

The previous sections of this chapter described some of the text input and output protocols, and used some examples that were generated through local devices. UEFI also supports many types of remote console. This support leverages the pre-existing local interfaces but enables the routing of this data to and from devices outside of the platform being executed.

When a remote console is instantiated, it typically results from UEFI constructing an I/O abstraction that a console driver latches onto. In this case, the discussion initially concerns serial interface consoles. A variety of console transport protocols, such as PC ANSI, VT-100, and so on, describe the format of the data that is sent to and from the machine.

The console driver responsible for producing the Text I/O interfaces acts as a filter for the I/O. For example, when a remote key is pressed, this might require a variety of pieces of data to be constructed and sent from the remote device and upon receipt, the console driver needs to interpret this information and convert it into the corresponding UEFI semantics such as the UEFI scan code and Unicode character. The same is true for any application running on the local machine that prints a message. This message is received by the console driver and translated to the remote terminal type semantics.

Table 6.6 gives examples of how an UEFI scan code can be mapped to ANSI X3.64 terminal, PC-ANSI terminal, or an AT 101/102 keyboard. PC ANSI terminals support an escape sequence that begins with the ASCII character 0x1b and is followed by the ASCII character 0x5B, “[“. ASCII characters that define the control sequence that should be taken follow the escape sequence. The escape sequence does not contain spaces, but spaces are used in Table 6.6 for ease of reading. For additional information on UEFI terminal support, see the latest UEFI Specification.

Table 6.6: Sample Conversion Table for UEFI Scan Codes to other Terminal Formats

Table 6.7 shows some of the PC ANSI and ANSI X3.64 control sequences for adjusting display/ text display attributes for text displays.

Table 6.7: Example Control Sequences that Can Be Used in Console Drivers

PC ANSI Codes ANSI X3.64 Codes Description
ESC [ 2 J CSI 2 J Clear Display Screen.
ESC [ 0 m CSI 0 m Normal Text.
ESC [ 1 m CSI 1 m Bright Text.
ESC [ 7 m CSI 7 m Reversed Text.
ESC [ 30 m CSI 30 m Black foreground, compliant with ISO Standard 6429.
ESC [ 31 m CSI 31 m Red foreground, compliant with ISO Standard 6429.
ESC [ 32 m CSI 32 m Green foreground, compliant with ISO Standard 6429.
ESC [ 33 m CSI 33 m Yellow foreground, compliant with ISO Standard 6429.
ESC [ 34 m CSI 34 m Blue foreground, compliant with ISO Standard 6429.

Figure 6.3 illustrates the software layering for a remote serial interface with Text I/O abstractions. The primary difference between this illustration and one that exhibits the same Text I/O abstractions on local devices is that this one has one additional layer of software drivers. In the former examples, the local device was discovered by an agent, launched, and it in turn would establish a set of Text I/O abstractions. In the remote case, the local device is a serial device, which has a console driver that is layered onto it, and it in turn would establish a set of Text I/O abstractions.

Figure 6.3: Remote Console Software Layering

Console Splitter

The ability to describe a variety of console devices poses interesting new possibilities. In previous generations of firmware, one had a single means by which one could describe what the Text I/O sources and targets were. Now the UEFI variables that specify the active consoles are specified by a device path. In this case, these device paths are multi-instance, meaning that more than one target device could be the active input or output. For instance, if one wanted to be able to have an application print text to the local screen as well as to the screen of a remote terminal, it would be highly impractical for anyone to customize their software to accommodate that particular scenario. In the solution that UEFI provides with its console splitting/ merging capability, an application can simply use the standard text interfaces that UEFI provides and the console splitter routes the text requests to the appropriate target or targets. This works for both input as well as output streams.

This is how it works: when the UEFI-compliant platform initializes, the console splitter installs itself in the UEFI System Table as the primary active console. In doing so, it can then proceed to monitor the platform as other UEFI text interfaces get installed as protocols and the console splitter keeps a running tally of the user selected devices for a given console variable, such as ConOut, ConIn, or ErrOut.

Figure 6.4 illustrates a scenario where an application is calling UEFI text interfaces, which in turn calls the UEFI System Table console interfaces. These interfaces belong to the console splitter, and the console splitter then sends the text I/O requests from the application to the platform-configured consoles.

Figure 6.4: Software Layering Description of the UEFI Console Splitter

Network Consoles

UEFI also provides the ability to establish data connections with remote platforms across a network. Given the appropriate installed drivers, one could also enable an UEFI-compliant platform to support a text I/O set of abstractions. Similar to previously discussed concepts where the hardware interface (for example, serial device, keyboard, video, network interface card) has an abstraction, other components build on top of this hardware abstraction to provide a working software stack.

Some network components that UEFI might include are as follows:

Network Interface Identifier – This is an optional protocol that is produced by the Universal Network Driver Interface (UNDI) and is used to produce the Simple Network Protocol. This protocol is only required if the underlying network interface is a 16-bit UNDI, 32/64-bit software UNDI, or hardware UNDI. It is used to obtain type and revision information about the underlying network interface.

Simple Network Protocol – This protocol provides a packet level interface to a network adapter. It additionally provides services to initialize a network interface, transmit packets, receive packets, and close a network interface.

To illustrate what a common network console might look like, you could describe an initial hardware abstraction that talks directly to the network interface controller (NIC) produced by an UNDI driver. This in turn has a Simple Network Protocol that layers on top of UNDI. It provides basic network abstraction interfaces such as Send and Receive. On top of this, a transport protocol might be installed such as a TCP/IP stack. As with most systems, once an established transport mechanism is provided, one can build all sorts of extensions into the platform such as a Telnet daemon to allow remote users to log into the system through a network connection. Ultimately, this daemon would produce and be responsible for handling the normal Text I/O interfaces already described in this chapter.

Figure 6.5 illustrates an example where a remote machine is able to access the EFI-compliant platform through a network connection. Providing the top layer of the software stack (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_IN and EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUT) as the interoperable surface area that applications talk to allows for all standard UEFI applications to seamlessly leverage the console support in a platform. Couple this with console splitting and merging as inherent capabilities and you have the ability to interact with the platform in a much more robust manner without requiring a lot of specially tuned software to enable it.

Figure 6.5: Example of Network Console Software Layering


In conclusion, UEFI provides a very robust means of describing the various possible input and output console possibilities. It can also support console representations through a gamut of protocols such as terminal emulators (such as ANSI/VT100) as well as remote network consoles leveraging wider variations of the underlying UEFI network stack.

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