Chapter 5. Lisp Files

Up to now, most of the Emacs Lisp we’ve written has been suitable for inclusion in your .emacs file. The alternative is to put Emacs Lisp code into files separated by functionality. This requires a little more effort to set up, but has some benefits over putting everything into .emacs:

  • Code in .emacs is always executed when Emacs starts up, even if it is never needed in a given session. This makes startup time longer and consumes memory. By contrast, a separate file of Lisp code can be loaded only when and if needed.

  • Code in .emacs typically isn’t byte-compiled. Byte-compiling is the process of turning Emacs Lisp into a more efficient form that loads faster, runs faster, and uses less memory (but which, like compiled programs in other languages, contains unreadable codes that are not meant for human eyes). Byte-compiled Lisp files usually have names ending in .elc (“Emacs Lisp, compiled”), while their non-compiled counterparts usually have names ending in .el (“Emacs Lisp”).

  • Putting everything into .emacs can cause that file to balloon over time into an impossible-to-manage jumble.

The previous chapter is a good example of a set of related functions and variables that can be encapsulated in a separate Lisp file that should only be loaded when and if needed, and that calls for byte-compilation for very efficient execution.

Creating a Lisp File

Emacs Lisp files have names ending in .el, so to begin, let’s create timestamp.el and put in it the finished forms of the last chapter’s code, as shown below.

(defvar insert-time-format ...)
(defvar insert-date-format ...)
(defun insert-time () ...)
(defun insert-date () ...)
(defvar writestamp-format ...)
(defvar writestamp-prefix ...)
(defvar writestamp-suffix ...)
(defun update-writestamps () ...)
(defvar last-change-time ...)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'last-change-time)
(defun remember-change-time ...)
(defvar modifystamp-format ...)
(defvar modifystamp-prefix ...)
(defvar modifystamp-suffix ...)
(defun maybe-update-modifystamps () ...)
(defun update-modifystamps (time) ...)

Don’t include the calls to add-hook or make-local-hook yet. We’ll get to those later. For now, observe that Lisp files should be written such that they can be loaded at any time, even multiple times, without unwanted side-effects. One such side-effect would be including (make-local-hook 'after-change-functions) in timestamp.el, then loading timestamp.el while the current buffer is not the one whose after-change-functions you want to make local.

Loading the File

Once the code is in timestamp.el, we must arrange for its definitions to be available when we need them. This is done by loading the file, which causes Emacs to read and execute its contents. There are many ways to load Lisp files in Emacs: interactively, non-interactively, explicitly, implicitly, and with and without path-searching.

Finding Lisp Files

Emacs can load files based on full path names such as /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/foo.el, but it is usually more convenient to use only a file’s base name, foo.el, and let Emacs find it among the directories in the load path. The load path is simply a list of directories that Emacs searches for files to load, very much like the way the UNIX shell uses the environment variable PATH to find programs to execute. Emacs’s load path is stored as a list of strings in the Lisp variable load-path.

When Emacs starts, load-path has an initial setting that looks something like the following example.


Directories in load-path are searched in the order they appear. To add a directory to the beginning of load-path, use

(setq load-path
      (cons "/your/directory/here"

in your .emacs file. To add a directory to the end, use

(setq load-path
      (append load-path

Notice that in the first example, "/your/directory/here" appears as an ordinary string, but in the second example, it appears inside a quoted list. Chapter 6, explains these and other ways to manipulate lists in Lisp.

If you ask Emacs to find a Lisp file in the load path and you omit the suffix of the file for which you’re looking—e.g., you specify foo instead of foo.el—Emacs first looks for foo.elc, the byte-compiled form of foo.el. If that’s not found in the load path, then foo.el is tried, followed by plain foo. It’s usually best to omit the suffix when specifying a file to load. Not only does it get you that useful search behavior, but it helps eval-after-load to work properly (see the section about eval-after-load later in this chapter).

Interactive Loading

Two Emacs commands exist for interactively loading a Lisp file: load-file and load-library. When you type M-x load-file RET, Emacs prompts you for the full pathname of a Lisp file (e.g., /home/bobg/emacs/foo.el) and does not search load-path . It uses the normal filename-prompting mechanisms, so filename completion is available. On the other hand, when you type M-x load-library RET, Emacs prompts you for just the base name of the library (e.g, foo) and attempts to find it in load-path. It does not use filename-prompting and completion is not available.

Programmatic Loading

When loading files from Lisp code, you may choose explicit loading, conditional loading, or autoloading.

Explicit loading

Files are loaded explicitly by calling load (which works like the interactive load-library) or load-file.

(load "lazy-lock")

searches load-path for lazy-lock.elc, lazy-lock.el, or lazy-lock.

(load-file "/home/bobg/emacs/lazy-lock.elc")

doesn’t use load-path.

Explicit loading should be used when you definitely need the file to be loaded immediately, and you either know that the file hasn’t already been loaded or you don’t care. As it turns out, given the alternatives below, it is rarely the case that you need to explicitly load a Lisp file.

Conditional loading

When n different pieces of Lisp code want to load a particular file, two Emacs Lisp functions, require and provide, give a way to make sure it only gets loaded once instead of n times.

A Lisp file usually contains a collection of related functions. The collection can be thought of abstractly as a single feature. Loading the file makes available the feature it contains.

Emacs makes the feature concept explicit. Features are named by Lisp symbols, declared with provide, and requested by require.

Here’s how it works. First, we’ll choose a symbol to stand for the feature provided by the file timestamp.el. Let’s use the obvious one, timestamp. We indicate that timestamp.el provides the feature timestamp by writing

(provide 'timestamp)

in timestamp.el. Normally this appears at the very end of the file, so that the feature isn’t “provided” unless everything preceding it worked correctly. (If something fails, then loading of the file aborts before reaching the call to provide.)

Now suppose that somewhere, there’s some code that needs the timestamp functionality. Using require like this:

(require 'timestamp "timestamp")

means, “if the timestamp feature is not yet present, load timestamp" (using load, which searches load-path). If the timestamp feature has already been provided (presumably because timestamp has already been loaded), nothing happens.

Usually, all the necessary calls to require are collected together at the beginning of a Lisp file—something like the way C programs usually begin with lots of #includes. But some programmers like to place require calls deep in the code that actually depends on the required feature. There may be many such places, and if each such place actually caused the file to load, the program would slow to a crawl, loading Lisp files possibly dozens of times each. Using “features” to make sure files only get loaded once can be a real timesaver!

In the call to require, if the filename is the “string equivalent” of the feature name, then the filename can be omitted and will be inferred from the feature name. The “string equivalent” of a symbol is simply the symbol’s name as a string. The string equivalent of the feature symbol timestamp is "timestamp", so we can write

(require 'timestamp)

instead of (require 'timestamp "timestamp"). (The function symbol-name called on a symbol yields its string equivalent.)

If require causes the associated file to be loaded (because the feature hasn’t yet been provided), that file should provide the requested feature. Otherwise, require reports that loading the requested file failed to provide the desired feature.


With autoloading, you can arrange to defer loading a file until it’s needed—that is, until you call one of its functions. Setting up autoloads is very inexpensive, and therefore is usually done in the .emacs file.

The function autoload connects a function name with the file that defines it. When Emacs tries to invoke a function that is not yet defined, it loads the file that, according to autoload, supposedly defines it. Without an autoload, attempting to invoke an undefined function is an error.

Here’s how it’s used:

(autoload 'insert-time "timestamp")
(autoload 'insert-date "timestamp")
(autoload 'update-writestamps "timestamp")
(autoload 'update-modifystamps "timestamp")

The first time any of the functions insert-time, insert-date, update-writestamps, or update-modifystamps is called, Emacs loads timestamp. Not only will this cause the invoked function to get defined, but it will define the other three as well, so subsequent calls to these functions won’t reload timestamp.

The autoload function has several optional parameters. The first one is a docstring for the not-yet-defined function. Including a docstring allows the user to get help on the function (via describe-function and apropos) even before its definition has been loaded from the file.

(autoload 'insert-time "timestamp"
  "Insert the current time according to insert-time-format.")
(autoload 'insert-date "timestamp"
  "Insert the current date according to insert-date-format.")
(autoload 'update-writestamps "timestamp"
  "Find writestamps and replace them with the current time.")
(autoload 'update-modifystamps "timestamp"
  "Find modifystamps and replace them with the given time.")

The next optional parameter describes whether the function, once loaded, will be an interactive command or a mere function. If omitted or nil, the function is expected to be non-interactive; otherwise it’s expected to be a command. When this information exists prior to loading the actual function definition, it can be used by such functions as command-apropos that need to distinguish interactive from non-interactive functions.

(autoload 'insert-time "timestamp"
  "Insert the current time according to insert-time-format."
(autoload 'insert-date "timestamp"
  "Insert the current date according to insert-date-format."
(autoload 'update-writestamps "timestamp"
  "Find writestamps and replace them with the current time."
(autoload 'update-modifystamps "timestamp"
  "Find modifystamps and replace them with the given time."

If you mistakenly label a non-interactive function interactive or vice versa in the autoload call, it won’t matter once the real definition is loaded. The real definition replaces all information given in the autoload call.

The last optional parameter is one we won’t cover for now. It specifies the type of the autoloadable object, if not a function. As it turns out, keymaps and macros (which we’ll cover in coming chapters) may also be autoloaded.

Compiling the File

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, once we have our Lisp code in a file of its own, we can byte-compile it. Byte-compiling converts Emacs Lisp into a more compact, faster-running format. Like compilation in other programming languages, the result of byte-compilation is essentially unreadable to humans. Unlike other kinds of compilation, the result of byte-compilation is still portable among different hardware platforms and operating systems (but may not be portable to older versions of Emacs).

Byte-compiled Lisp code executes substantially faster than uncompiled Lisp code.

Byte-compiled Emacs Lisp files have names ending in .elc. As mentioned earlier, load and load-library, when given no file suffix, will preferentially load a .elc file over a .el file.

There are several ways to byte-compile files. The most straightforward ways are

From within Emacs: Execute M-x byte-compile-file RET file.el RET.

From the UNIX shell: Run emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile file.el.

You can byte-compile an entire directory full of Lisp files with byte-recompile-directory.

When Emacs loads a .elc file, it compares the date of the file with the date of the corresponding .el file. If the .elc is out of date with respect to the .el, Emacs will still load it but it will issue a warning.


If you’d like to defer the execution of some code until a particular file has been loaded, eval-after-load is the way to do it. For example, suppose you came up with a better definition for dired-sort-toggle than the one that’s in dired (Emacs’s directory-editing module). You couldn’t simply put your version into your .emacs, because the first time you edit a directory, dired will be autoloaded, complete with its definition for dired-sort-toggle, which will wipe out your definition.

What you could do instead is:

 '(defun dired-sort-toggle ()

This will execute the defun immediately after dired is loaded, clobbering dired’s version of dired-sort-toggle instead of the other way around. Note, however, that this will work only if dired is loaded under precisely the name dired. It won’t work if dired is loaded under the name dired.elc or /usr/local/share/emacs/19.34/lisp/dired. The load or autoload or require that causes dired to be loaded must refer to it by exactly the same name used in eval-after-load. This is why, as mentioned earlier, it’s best always to load files by just their base name.

Another use for eval-after-load is when you need to refer to a variable, function, or keymap in a package that’s not loaded yet, and you don’t want to force the package to be loaded:

 '(setq lisp-font-lock-keywords lisp-font-lock-keywords-2))

This refers to the value of lisp-font-lock-keywords-2, a variable defined in font-lock. If you try to refer to lisp-font-lock-keywords-2 before font-lock is loaded, you’ll get a “Symbol’s value as variable is void” error. But there’s no hurry to load font-lock, because this setq only uses lisp-font-lock-keywords-2 in order to set lisp-font-lock-keywords, another font-lock variable that’s not needed until font-lock gets loaded for some other reason. So we use eval-after-load to make sure that the setq doesn’t happen too early and cause an error.

What happens if you call eval-after-load and the named file has already been loaded? Then the given Lisp expression is executed immediately. What if there’s more than one eval-after-load for the same file? They all execute, one after another, when the file is finally loaded.

You may have observed that eval-after-load works very much like hook variables. It’s true, they do, but one important difference is that hooks only execute Lisp functions (frequently in the form of anonymous lambda expressions), whereas eval-after-load can execute any Lisp expression.

Local Variables Lists

What we’ve described in this chapter so far is enough to set up a file of Lisp code and have it loaded on demand. But in the case of timestamp, things are a little different. We’ve already arranged for calling update-writestamps to autoload timestamp, but who or what is going to call update-writestamps and force timestamp to load? Recall that update-writestamps is supposed to get called from local-write-file-hooks. So how does update-writestamps get into local-write-file-hooks? Loading the file mustn’t do that for the reasons mentioned in the section called Creating a Lisp File earlier in this chapter.

What we need is a way to get update-writestamps into local-write-file-hooks in buffers that need it, so that the first invocation of local-write-file-hooks can cause the autoloading of timestamp.

A good way to accomplish this is by using the local variables list that may appear near the end of any file. Whenever Emacs visits a new file, it scans near the end[22] for a block of text that looks like this:

Local variables:
var1: value1
var2: value2

When Emacs finds such a block, it assigns each value to the corresponding var, which is automatically made buffer-local. Emacs can recognize this block even if each line begins with a prefix, as long as they all begin with the same prefix. This is necessary in a file of Lisp code, for example, to comment out the lines so they’re not interpreted as Lisp:

; Local variables:
; var1: value1
; var2: value2
; ...
; End:

The values are treated as if quoted; they are not evaluated before being assigned to their respective vars. So in a file that has

; Local variables:
; foo: (+ 3 5)
; End:

the buffer-local variable foo has the value (+ 3 5), not 8.

Any file that needs update-writestamps in its local-write-file-hooks could therefore specify:

Local variables:
local-write-file-hooks: (update-writestamps)

In fact, a file could set up all of the unique values it needs:

Local variables:
local-write-file-hooks: (update-writestamps)
writestamp-prefix: "Written:"
writestamp-suffix: "."
writestamp-format: "%D"

One problem with setting local-write-file-hooks this way is that it’s preferable to add update-writestamps to whatever value may already be in local-write-file-hooks, rather than replace local-write-file-hooks with a new list as in the example above. Doing so would require evaluating Lisp code, though. Specifically, you’d need to execute the expression

(add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'update-writestamps)

To allow this, Emacs recognizes a “pseudovariable” in the local variables list called eval. When

eval: value

appears in a local variables list, value is evaluated. The result of evaluating it is discarded; it is not stored in a buffer-local variable named eval. So a complete solution is to include:

eval: (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'update-writestamps)

among the local variables.

Actually, the right way to set up local-write-file-hooks for this purpose is to write a minor mode, which is the subject of Chapter 7.

Addendum: Security Consideration

The local variables list is a potential security hole, exposing the user to “Trojan horse” attacks. Imagine a variable setting that causes Emacs to behave in an unexpected way; or an eval that has unexpected side-effects, like deleting files or forging email in your name. All an attacker has to do is entice you to visit a file with such a setting in its local variables list. As soon as you visit the file, the code is executed.

The way to protect yourself is to put

(setq enable-local-variables 'query)

in your .emacs. This causes Emacs to present any local variables list to you for inspection before executing it. There’s also enable-local-eval, specifically controlling the eval pseudovariable.

[22] “Near the end” means: within the final 3000 bytes of the file—yes, it’s arbitrary—and following the last line, if any, that begins with a CONTROL-L.

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