
authorgroup — Wrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collaborators


authorgroup ::= (author | editor | othercredit)+


The authorgroup element is a wrapper around multiple authors or other collaborators.

Processing expectations

May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes given very special treatment, especially on title pages or other displayed areas. Sometimes suppressed.

See Also

author, collab, contrib, editor, othercredit, personblurb, personname


<article xmlns=''>
  <title>Example authorgroup</title>

	<shortaffil>Director, M. Behn School of Coop. Eng.</shortaffil>
	<jobtitle>Director of Cooperative Efforts</jobtitle>
	<orgname>The Marguerite Behn International School of
	Cooperative Engineering</orgname>

	<para>Peter's a super hero in his spare time.</para>


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