
citation — An inline bibliographic reference to another published work


citation ::= (text | Bibliography inlines | Error inlines | Graphic inlines | GUI inlines | Indexing inlines | Keyboard inlines | Linking inlines | Markup inlines | Math inlines | Object-oriented programming inlines | Operating system inlines | Product inlines | Programming inlines | Publishing inlines | Technical inlines | Ubiquitous inlines)*


The content of a citation is assumed to be a reference string, perhaps identical to an abbreviation in an entry in a bibliography.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.

See Also

citebiblioid, citerefentry, citetitle


<article xmlns='' version='5.0'>
<title>Example citation</title>

<para>Consult <citation>AhoSethiUllman96</citation> for more details on
abstract syntax tree construction.



      <firstname>Alfred V.</firstname><surname>Aho</surname>
      <firstname>Jeffrey D.</firstname><surname>Ullman</surname>
             <holder>Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.</holder></copyright>
      <firstname>James T.</firstname><surname>DeWolf</surname>
  <biblioid class="isbn">0-201-10088-6</biblioid>
    <publishername>Addison-Wesley Publishing Company</publishername>
  <citetitle>Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools</citetitle>

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