
appendix — An appendix in a book or article


appendix ::= ((((title & titleabbrev? & subtitle?), | info, ((bibliography | glossary | index | toc)*, (((annotation | bridgehead | remark | revhistory | Indexing inlines | Admonition elements | Formal elements | Graphic elements | Informal elements | List elements | Paragraph elements | Publishing elements | Synopsis elements | Technical elements | Verbatim elements)+, ((section+, simplesect*) | simplesect+ | (sect1+, simplesect*) | refentry+)?) | (section+, simplesect*) | simplesect+ | (sect1+, simplesect*) | refentry+), (bibliography | glossary | index | toc)*))

Attribute synopsis

Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • label

  • status

Additional constraints

  • If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.


Appendixes usually occur at the end of a document.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block. Usually introduces a forced page break and often starts on the next recto page. Sometimes restarts page numbering. Typically, appendixes are lettered rather than numbered, and appear in the table of contents.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes


Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs

See Also

article, book, chapter, colophon, dedication, part, partintro, preface, set


<book xmlns=''>
<title>Example book</title>

<title>Required Chapter</title>

<para>At least one chapter, reference, part, or article is required in
a book.


<title>Demonstration Appendix</title>

<para>This appendix demonstrates an appendix in a book. It has the
same broad content model as a chapter.

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