10.3  Aggregate Filters

If the coordinate transformation, φ, discussed in the previous section cannot be found, then an aggregate filter for the system (10.1) must be designed. Accordingly, consider the following class of filters:


where L1n1×m,L2n2×mL1Rn1×m,L2Rn2×m are the filter gains, and zz is the new penalty variable. Then the following result can be derived using similar steps as outlined in the previous section.

Theorem 10.3.1 Consider the nonlinear system (10.1) and the NLHIFP for it. Suppose the plant Pasp is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium-point x = 0 and observable for all ε[0,ε)ε[0,ε). Further, suppose for some γ > 0 and ε[0,ε)ε[0,ε), there exists a C1 positive-semidefinite function V:N×ϒ+V:N×ΥR+, locally defined in a neighborhood V:N×ϒX×YV:N×ΥX×Y of the origin (x1,x2,y)=(0,0,0),(x1,x2,y)=(0,0,0),, and matrix functions Li:N×ϒni×mLi:N×ΥRni×m, i = 1, 2, satisfying the HJIE:



together with the side-conditions





Then, the filter Fa3ag with


solves the NLHIFP for the system locally in NN.

Proof: Proof follows along the same lines as Proposition 10.2.1. □

The above result, Theorem 10.3.1, can similarly be specialized to the LSPS Plsp.

To obtain the limiting filter (10.40) as ε ↓ 0, we use Assumption 10.2.1 to obtain a reduced-order model of the system (10.1). If we assume the equation



has k ≥ 1 isolated roots, we can denote any one of these roots by



for some smooth function p : X × W → X. The resulting reduced-order system is given by



and the corresponding reduced-order filter is then given by


where all the variables have their corresponding previous meanings and dimensions, while


and VV satisfies the following HJIE:



with VV' (0, 0) = 0. In the next section, we consider some examples.

10.4  Examples

Consider the following singularly-perturbed nonlinear system


where w ∈ L2[0, ), ε ≥ 0. We construct the aggregate filter Fa3ag presented in the previous section for the above system. It can be checked that the system is locally zero-input observable, and the function V(x)=12(x21+εx22),V'(x)=12(x21+εx22),, solves the inequality form of the HJIE (10.40) corresponding to the system. Subsequently, we calculate the gains of the filter as



where L1(x,y),L2(x,y)L1(x,y),L2(x,y) are set equal to zero if x<εx<ε (small) to avoid the singularity at xx = 0.

10.5  Notes and Bibliography

This chapter is mainly based on [26]. Similar results for the H2H2 filtering problem can be found in [25]. Results for fuzzy TS nonlinear models can be found in [40, 41, 283].

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