Chapter 11. The Seg-Bot

The Seg-bot (Figure 11-1) is the first project in this book intended to carry a human. With this in mind, my primary focus for this project was safety. I should forewarn you that any vehicle that has large motors and weighs 50+ pounds can easily injure a person. You must exercise extreme caution when using or testing this bot, both for yourself and those around you. Make sure you understand how the vehicle works before trying to ride it. You should also wear protective padding and a helmet while riding. Aside from the safety risk, this is probably the most fun robot in this book to build.

The Seg-bot is a two-wheeled, balancing, rideable robot that is concerned only with one thing: staying level. You control the speed and direction of this robot by leaning front to back; the more you lean, the faster it moves. Steering the Seg-bot is achieved using a potentiometer monitored by the Arduino to determine the direction that you want to travel.

The powerful motors with large rubber tires and a low center of gravity enable the Seg-bot to traverse the outdoors, driving right over rocks, sticks, and bumps, and up steep hills with ease.

This robot does have limitations, so if you try to make it fall, you might succeed-but with some practice, it is surprisingly easy to ride.

The finished Seg-bot

Figure 11.1. The finished Seg-bot

How the Seg-Bot Works

To keep this bot balanced, the Arduino needs to know the angle of the frame relative to the ground, so it can command the motors with the appropriate speed and direction needed to keep it from falling over. To accurately measure the angle or tilt of the Seg-bot, you need to detect both the speed of rotation and the gravitational force of its X-axis, using an Inertial Measurement Unit or IMU.

Inertial Measurement Unit

The IMU is a small PCB that contains a gyroscope and accelerometer, each measuring a different part of the angle.

With the angle measurement from the IMU, the Arduino can determine how fast and in which direction to turn the two motors. The easiest angle approximation (and Arduino coding) is done using a −90 degree to +90 degree scale, where 0 degrees is considered "level" (see Figure 11-2). If the angle measured from the IMU is 0 degrees, the motors stops; above 0 degrees and the motors go proportionally forward; and below 0 degrees and the motors go proportionally reverse. This behavior keeps the Seg-bot level and enables you to control its speed and direction by leaning front to back.

The IMU board measuring 0 degrees (flat on table)

Figure 11.2. The IMU board measuring 0 degrees (flat on table)

Steering and Gain

To steer this vehicle, a potentiometer mounted on the handlebar is turned from left to right while moving. If the dial is centered, the motors receive equal power and drive straight; if turned left or right, the max speeds of each motor is oppositely affected, causing the Seg-bot to turn.

There is also a gain potentiometer near the handlebar to adjust the responsiveness or sensitivity of the motors. A higher gain yields faster motor response to angle changes making the Seg-bot much more sensitive (a tighter feel, when riding), whereas a lower gain can result in a slower motor response to angle change (a mushy feel when riding, but more forgiving).

Engage Switch

Also installed is a button switch that must be pressed to operate the bot. This switch is a large, red button, handily placed where your left thumb sits so that if you fall off the Seg-bot or for any other reason, let go of the handlebar, it immediately stops the motors. There is also an angle limit in the code that kills the motors if tilted too far in either direction. These failsafes keep the Seg-bot rider relatively safe, as long as the rider understands how to operate the bot.

Now that you know the main features of the Seg-bot, take a look at the parts list.

Parts List for the Seg-Bot

The parts for the Seg-bot are similar to the previous large robots (Chapters 8, "Boat-Bot," and 10, "Lawn-Bot"), using power wheelchair motors, pneumatic tires, and lead-acid batteries. You also use an IMU from, and a home-made IMU shield for the Arduino. The Seg-bot also requires a few potentiometers, a button switch, and some square steel tubing for the frame. Take a look at the parts list in Table 11-1.

Table 11.1. Seg-Bot Parts List




Razor 6 DOF IMU (part# SEN-10010) - Inertial Measurement Unit - +/− 3g accelerometer and gyroscopes.


Sabertooth 2×25 motor controller (or similar) - Dual motor controller, 25amp 24vdc.


Two DC gear-motors with wheels and tires

eBay - I used two salvaged power wheelchair motors with wheels and outdoor tires; electric brake removed.

$130 total

Two 12v, 12AH SLA batteries (part# WKA12-12F2) – Werker brand.

$41.00 each

Two 5k ohm potentiometers

Radio Shack (part# 271-1714) – used for gain adjustment and steering.

$2.99 each

Push-button switch

Radio Shack (part# 275-011) – used as engage switch.


6-foot – ¾-inch square tubing (metal)

Hardware store – used as frame deck to stand on.


6-foot – 1-inch square tubing

Hardware store – used as main handlebar.


Various bolts

Ten M6 (metric 6mm) bolts for motors, three ½" bolts with nuts for frame. All bolts are 2.5″ long.


Plastic Project Box

Radio Shack (part# 270-1806) – 6″L × 4″W × 2″H, with lid.


120v 20amp Toggle switch

Digikey (part# 360-2087) – any high-power DPST toggle switch should work.


12awg wire, 10 feet

For motors and power to the Sabertooth, should be stranded.


Stackable headers 2 × 6-pin and 2 × 8-pin

Sparkfun (part# PRT-09279 and 09280) – Needed for IMU shield, not needed if you buy the Protoshield below

$2 per set

Arduino Protoshield (optional) (part# DEV-07914) – used to make adapter board for IMU.

$16.99 (optional)

The price of the Seg-bot as tested is approximately $500 including the Arduino. You can always substitute similar parts, but you may have to make slight modifications to the steps provided. If you do not want to etch the IMU shield PCB as outlined in this chapter, you can buy an Arduino Protoshield from and build an equivalent circuit manually.

Because I was to be riding the Seg-bot (and I value my face), I chose to take no chances and use a commercial motor controller to command the motors. I have been impressed with the Sabertooth 2×25 motor controller as used on the Lawn-bot 400, so I chose to again use the same motor controller for this project but using a different interface method (Simplified Serial).

With the parts list out of the way, following are the sensors used on the Seg-bot.

Selecting the Right Sensors

After searching around for an accelerometer and gyroscope to use for the Seg-bot, I came across the Razor 6 DOF (Degrees Of Freedom) from (Figure 11-3). This sensor board is small, measuring in at 0.75-inch × 1.5-inch and it is extremely thin (hence the name Razor).

The Sparkfun Razor 6DOF IMU

Figure 11.3. The Sparkfun Razor 6DOF IMU

This IMU is basically a breakout board for the ADXL-335 3-axis (X,Y,Z) accelerometer, the dual-axis (X, Y) LPR530AL gyroscope, and the single-axis (Z) LY530ALH gyroscope. The board includes all needed filtering capacitors and resistors, but there is no voltage regulator on the Razor, so you must provide it with a regulated 3.3v power supply (from Arduino). Each sensor is aligned on the board with respect to each others axes-a 3.3v power supply is all that is needed to start reading from the Analog output pins of the Razor. The Sparkfun Razor 6 DOF IMU specs are listed in Table 11-2.

Table 11.2. Specifications for the Razor 6 DOF IMU from




3-axis Accelerometer (X, Y, Z), +/−3G sensitivity


2-axis Gyroscope (X,Y),+/−300 degrees/second sensitivity


1-axis Gyroscope (Z), +/−300 degrees/second sensitivity

Power input

Requires regulated 3.3v supply from Arduino

Signal output

Analog 0v-3.3v

You can use a different accelerometer and gyroscope if you want; although, you should choose sensors with the same sensitivity range as the Razor 6 DOF if you do not want to alter the code. I chose an IMU with an analog voltage output to create a simple interface with the Arduino. Although the Razor 6 DOF works well for the Seg-bot, you need only accelerometer and gyroscope readings from one the Razor's three measures axes. To save a little money, you might choose a single-axis IMU (X or Y) with the same measurement range as the Razor.

3.3v Power

As component parts get smaller, 3.3v devices are becoming more popular. Luckily, the FTDI USB interface chip on the Arduino has a small 3.3v power supply of around 50mA, and the guys who designed the Arduino provided a breakout pin for us to use this 3.3v source. The Razor 6 DOF needs a clean 3.3v power source, but it consumes only a few milliamps of current, so you can power it from the Arduino 3.3v power supply pin. Because the maximum voltage in the chip is 3.3v, you would be right to assume that the analog output voltage for each sensor is also be between 0–3.3v (rather than the usual 0–5v).

The normal range for the Arduinos 10-bit Analog to Digital Converters (pins A0-A5) is 0–1023, where a 0v input yields a value of 0, and a 5v input yields a value of 1023. If you simply plug a 3.3v sensor into an Arduino analog input, the maximum value that the Arduino can read from the sensor is approximately 675 or so (3.3v / 5v * 1023). To get the full range using a 3.3v device, you must connect the desired reference voltage (3.3v) to the Analog reference (Aref) pin on the Arduino and add a line of code to the end of the setup() function to tell the Arduino to use an EXTERNAL analog reference. (That is, use whatever voltage is connected to the Aref pin.) This changes only the reference voltage of the Analog input pins (A0-A5); it does not change any of the other input or output pins, which still produce 5v signals.

To change the analog reference voltage, you need to introduce a new Arduino command;

analogReference(EXTERNAL); // add this line to the bottom of the setup() function of your
sketch to use an external analog reference voltage.

After you tell the Arduino to look at the Aref pin for the analog voltage reference, don't forget to then connect the 3.3v pin to the Aref pin! For more information about the analogReference() command, visit the following Arduino reference page:

With the board powered and the Arduino reading the proper voltages from the analog inputs, now take a look at the individual sensors that you must interface from the IMU.


The accelerometer measures the gravitational force of the IMU relative to the horizon. The accelerometer on the Razor 6DOF can measure the tilt of the IMU to approximately 90 degrees in either direction. To equal 0 degrees (or "level"), the IMU must be parallel to the horizon (see Figure 11-2). If the IMU board is tilted left or right (see Figures 11-4 and 11-5), the angle measurement yields a proportional value in either direction.

Although the accelerometer is capable of measuring tilt of approximately 90 degrees in either direction, you measure up to approximately only 25–30 degrees in either direction for the Seg-bot. Any more tilt than this would result in a hazardous riding condition, so the code is set to shut down the motors in the event that the IMU measures an angle above the limit.

The IMU rotating along its X-axis at −25 degrees (reverse)

Figure 11.4. The IMU rotating along its X-axis at −25 degrees (reverse)

The IMU rotating along its X-axis at 45 degrees (forward)

Figure 11.5. The IMU rotating along its X-axis at 45 degrees (forward)

Ideally, this sensor can read a steady value proportional to the angle of the board. Using the 10-bit value range of the Analog inputs on the Arduino (0–1023), a "level" IMU can read a center value of 511. If you tilt the IMU board 90-degrees forward (along its X-axis), the value should increase up to 1023, whereas tilting it 90-degrees backward yields a 0 value. The notable feature of the accelerometer is that it can hold its value when tilted; you can test your accelerometer with the code in Listing 11-1.

Example 11.1. Use this code to test the readings from an Analog accelerometer.

// Arduino - Analog 3.3v Accelerometer
// Connect accelerometer output into Arduino analog pin 0
// Upload, then open Serial monitor at 9600bps to see accelerometer value
int angle = 0; // variable used to hold the "rough angle" approximation

void setup(){

  Serial.begin(9600); // start Serial monitor to print values

  analogReference(EXTERNAL); // tell Arduino to use the voltage connected to the Aref pin for
analog reference (3.3v) - remove this command if you are using a 5v sensor.


void loop(){

  angle = analogRead(0);  // read the accelerometer from Analog pin 0

  Serial.print("Accelerometer:  ");  // print the word "Accelerometer: " first
  Serial.println(angle);  // then print the value of the variable "angle"

  delay(50);    // update 20 times per second (1000 mS / 50 mS = 20)


At first glance, it seems like you could use an accelerometer alone to detect the angle of the IMU board. These sensors are used (by themselves) to detect changes in angular movement for cell phones, laptops, gaming consoles, and many other applications. The reason we cannot use an accelerometer only to detect the angle for the Seg-bot is that it's severely affected by gravity. That is, any sudden change in gravity (even vibrations) can affect the output angle of the accelerometer, even if the angle has not changed.

This is most apparent if you hold the accelerometer at a specific angle and gently vibrate your hand up and down. This can drastically change the output readings, so much so that the signal becomes useless without some sort of filtering to weed out the false readings.

Unfortunately, vibrations and bumps are unavoidable when riding the Seg-bot (or any other moving vehicle) and must be dealt with. This is where the gyroscope sensor comes in handy.


The gyroscope measures how fast, or more specifically, how many degrees per second the IMU move at a given moment. This value is also represented as a 0–3.3v analog signal from the IMU, so you must convert the 10-bit analog value into an approximate angle. Unfortunately, the gyroscope is not quite as easy to obtain an angular value from because it can measure only the rate of angle change.

The gyroscope shows a change in voltage while the sensor is moved along its measured axis. Unlike the accelerometer, when you stop moving the gyroscope, the voltage descends back to its center (zero rate) level. To determine how far the gyroscope has rotated knowing only the rate of change, you must also know the time period of the change. To do this, determine the time of each loop cycle and calculate the distance (in degrees) that the gyroscope has rotated given the speed output.

Cycle Time

Much like a speedometer in your car, you cannot determine how far you have traveled by looking at the speed alone; you must also know the time of travel at the given speed to calculate the distance. To determine how far the gyroscope has traveled (in degrees/second), you must know the time interval between each loop cycle.

The loop cycle is typically fast (can be several hundred times per second depending on the code) and the gyroscope output is in degrees per second, so you must multiply the gyroscope rate by the time that it occurred during to get the actual rate per second. Because the update time can change slightly from cycle to cycle, I decided to record a timestamp at the end of each loop cycle to determine how long it has been since the last update.

The millis() value at the end of each loop is recorded into a variable called last_cycle and serves as the previous timestamp for each new loop cycle. With the previous timestamp available at the end of each loop, you can easily calculate how long it has been since the last gyroscope reading by subtracting the most recent time_stamp from the current millis() timer value. This calculation is done just before the end of the loop where last_cycle is updated with the new millis() value to set the timestamp for the next cycle.

Gyro Starting Point

Calculating an angle with the gyroscope is inherently different than with the accelerometer because the gyroscope is measuring only a rotational speed. To obtain a position with the rate of change, you must provide a known starting point and a known time interval between readings. Although the starting point will be assumed to = 0 degrees, the cycle time for each loop is calculated and set to 50 milliseconds.

For example:

Angle_Rate = analogRead(gyro_Pin) * cycle_time;

This snippet of code would calculate the angular rate per second of the gyroscope at a given moment. Although this instantaneous value will be useful to help determine how much the board has moved, it must then be added to previous readings to get an actual current angle. By adding the following line of code after the preceding line, you not only read and calculate the gyro angle change (Angle_Rate), but also add that change to the total angle measurement (Angle).

Angle = Angle + Angle_Rate;

You can test your gyro to see how it reads the angle, but notice that without any solid reference to the actual angle (such as the accelerometer), the gyro suffers from a small deviation in accuracy called drift.

Gyroscope Drift

The drift of a gyroscope refers to its tendency to deviate from its starting point, even when not moving. This means that the device has a small but steady "error" that adds up each time the loop is cycled. This drift keeps the gyroscope from being 100% correct, even if everything else is tuned perfectly. This error makes it difficult to accurately obtain an angle calculation without an accelerometer to use as a reference point for the angle.

Gyroscope Versus Accelerometer Summary

From my testing of these devices individually, I learned that while the accelerometer is excellent for referencing an actual angle by itself without any calculations (except mapping), it is highly prone to erroneous readings in an unstable environment (such as the Seg-bot). When I tried to use the accelerometer only, the test bot would quickly fall over due to spikes in the angular readings causing absurd speed values to be written to the motors.

When trying to use the gyroscope by itself, the angle approximation was much more stable from cycle to cycle with no discernible spikes in the angular value. But this "stable" value would drift away from its resting point such that the bot would stay balanced for a few seconds before slowly falling over. This was because the gyro drift was adding up after each cycle and causing the angle reading to deviate from its actual position. (That is, it thinks it is at 0 degrees, level, when it is actually at 5 degrees and counting...TIMBER!)

To keep the angle calculation from experiencing the negative effects from either sensor, you need to combine the best parts of both signals to create a filtered angle, free from both noise and error.

Filtering the Angle

With both semi-erroneous sensor readings available, you need to combine them to get a stable angle reading. This is commonly done using a Kalman filter, but I found this to be too complicated for my taste-my angle filtering will be done using a type of complementary filter, more commonly referred to as a weighted average. The weighted average is as stable as the gyroscope angle calculation without the drift error and as precise as the accelerometer reading without the spikes from bumps and vibrations.

Weighted Average

The equation to calculate the total angle of the IMU is determined using a weighted average. The average is split between the gyroscope and the accelerometer, each contributing their perspective as to what the angle should be. We get to decide how much each sensor contributes to the total outcome.

Because the accelerometer is highly susceptible to bumps, vibrations, and other sudden changes in gravity, weight it's contribution to the total angle low (2%). The motor speed commands are issued on a cycle-by-cycle basis in the main loop; if the accelerometer sends an erroneous value, the motors would immediately respond (causing jerky movements). To avoid the spikes found in the accelerometer readings, use it only as a reference, making sure the gyroscope doesn't drift too far from the actual angle.

  • Weighted average:

  • Gyroscope = 98%

  • Accelerometer = 2%

The gyroscope reading is far less susceptible to rough terrain so it is weighted heavily at 98%. The drift error of the gyro is corrected with the filter because the small weighted average from the accelerometer draws the filtered angle back toward the actual angular reading each loop cycle. To implement the weighted average in the code, multiply each sensor's reading by the percentage of weight that it contributes to the total angle; the sum of these two percentages should combine to equal 100%, or 1.0 in this case. The following formula sets the angle variable equal to the sum of each weighted average.

Angle = (0.98 * gyro_angle) + (0.02 * accel_angle);

This formula is simply the angle calculations of both sensors, multiplied by the percentage that each should be weighted toward the total angle. The resulting angle calculation filters out both the gyroscope drift and accelerometer vibrations to yield a stable and usable angle approximation.

Now that you know how to combine the angle values from each sensor, make an adapter board to interface the Razor 6 DOF IMU to the Arduino. Use concepts from Chapter 6, "Making PCBs," to design and build a simple IMU shield to plug into the Arduino and provide a 3.3v power source for the IMU, and route each sensor output to an appropriate Arduino analog input pin.

Making the IMU Adapter Board

The Razor 6 DOF IMU has two rows of 8 pins (0.1-inch spacing) that are 0.6-inch apart. To make a secure connection with the Arduino, you can either etch a small PCB to use as a shield or buy an Arduino Protoshield.

I used Eagle to design a simple breakout board shield to mate the Razor 6 DOF securely to the Arduino (see Figure 11.6). The shield taps into the 3.3v power supply from the Arduino to power the Razor IMU and connects the X, Y, and Z outputs directly to the six Arduino analog inputs. I had no plans to use the Z-axis of either the accelerometer or gyro, so I cut the traces on the shield (to analog inputs A2 and A3) and used them for the steering and gain potentiometers on the handlebar.

A home-made Arduino shield for the Sparkfun Razor 6 DOF using Eagle

Figure 11.6. A home-made Arduino shield for the Sparkfun Razor 6 DOF using Eagle

To make this PCB, you need to download the files from the following website and follow the instructions in Chapter 6 for etching a PCB at

You might notice that there are different types of headers used to plug the Razor IMU onto the shield (Figure 11.7). The two Female headers are used to supply the +3.3v and GND connections whereas the remaining male pin headers are used to connect the output pins from the IMU to the IMU shield. (You must use opposite pin headers to solder onto the IMU.) I did this to ensure that you cannot plug the IMU onto the shield incorrectly, causing possible damage to the sensors.

The finished IMU shield, with power LED and resistor

Figure 11.7. The finished IMU shield, with power LED and resistor

You can alternatively make a shield without etching a PCB, using a Sparkfun Arduino Protoshield. The stackable headers should come with the Protoshield kit, so you should need only 16 female pin headers and 16 male pin headers to complete the board. It does not matter which headers you use on which board; although, I soldered the female headers on the IMU and the male headers on the shield board (except for the power pins which are reversed for polarity protection).

With the IMU shield finished, select some motors to use for the Seg-bot.

Selecting the Motors

You an choose from several different DC motor types to choose from when building a balancing scooter. Standard DC motors like those found in electric scooters work and can be found for approximately $25 each, whereas DC gear motors like those salvaged from power wheelchairs are slightly more expensive but might be more forgiving on the Seg-bot (see Figure 11-8). Brushless servo motors are the type used in the commercial Segway models and are probably ideal, but their cost is too great for my testing purposes.

The DC gear motors used for the Seg-bot

Figure 11.8. The DC gear motors used for the Seg-bot

I chose to use two 24v DC gear motors from a power wheelchair to drive my Seg-bot. I decided against using nongeared DC motors because they typically spin at a much higher RPM (1200–4000 RPM) to get the same torque. The geared motors have a standard high-RPM DC motor spinning into a gear box that reduces the speed while proportionally increasing the torque. The result of using the geared motor is a surprisingly smooth ride with powerful angle correction-far more manageable than I had anticipated. Table 11-3 lists the specifications of the specific motors that I used.

Table 11.3. The Specifications for Each DC Gear Motor Obtained from


AMT Schmid GmbH


Gear-motor SRG 04







Max speed

8 mph


$130 per pair (used on

These used power-chair motors were purchased from and had the original wheels still attached. They are also each equipped with a disengage lever, used to mechanically disconnect the motor gear boxes from the wheels; this is useful for safe transportation and testing purposes.

Electric Brake Removal

Many power-chair motors are equipped with electric solenoid brakes that clamp to the rear of the motor shaft and keep it from moving when the power chair is turned off. Although this safety feature helps protect the power-chair operator from rolling down a hill in the event of a low battery, it is not necessary for our Seg-bot and should be removed.

You can usually determine if your motors have an electric brake by the number of wires in the harness (see Figure 11.9). If your motor has a wiring harness with four wires, it probably has an electric brake. The two smaller wires are used to control the brake solenoid, which is not released until the terminals are powered, usually by 12vdc.

The wiring harness connector of a motor with an electric solenoid brake installed

Figure 11.9. The wiring harness connector of a motor with an electric solenoid brake installed

To remove the electric brake, you must first locate it under the dust cap on the rear of the motor housing. Remove the two or three screws that hold the dust cap on to the end of the motor (see Figure 11.10).

The dust cap on the end of the motor

Figure 11.10. The dust cap on the end of the motor

When the brake is visible, you should see 3–5 bolts holding the brake solenoid into the motor housing. These bolts need to be removed, and the wires leading to the solenoid can be snipped (see Figure 11-11). With the brake solenoid removed, the top of the motor assembly should look similar to the top motor in Figure 11-11, whereas the lower motor is pictured with the brake solenoid still installed.

The two motors with dust caps removed-the brake has been removed from the upper motor, while still in place on the lower motor.

Figure 11.11. The two motors with dust caps removed-the brake has been removed from the upper motor, while still in place on the lower motor.

In Figure 11-12, you can again see the difference between the two motors; the brake has been removed from the left motor while still installed on the right motor. After both solenoid brakes are removed, you can reinstall the dust covers onto the end of the motor assemblies. The new (modified) motors should weigh a few pounds less after the mechanical surgery. Now the small center contacts from the harness in Figure 11-9 will no longer be active; you need only the two large outside contacts to operate each motor.

The two motors standing next to each other, the brake has been removed from the left motor, while still in place on the right motor. The dust caps are on the ground next to the motors.

Figure 11.12. The two motors standing next to each other, the brake has been removed from the left motor, while still in place on the right motor. The dust caps are on the ground next to the motors.

Alternatively, you could leave the solenoid brakes in place, but you would need another relay interface used to supply 12v to the solenoid brakes of each motor when you turn the main power on. This of course, would draw an extra 500mA – 1A continuously from the main battery supply just to keep the motor brakes disengaged while using—so I recommend just removing them.

Motor Mounting Position

Although it is ideal to have the weight of the motors perfectly balanced, so the bot will balance by itself, it is not necessary. The mounting holes on my motors would have made it extremely difficult to position the motors vertically (which would have provided better balance), so I mounted them pointing toward the front of the bot. Because you need to hold the Engage button to activate the motors, I found no need to make the bot balance without me being on it. When you stand on the bot, it is easy to keep it balanced because your weight is mostly at the rear of the frame. You can still make the Seg-bot balance by itself if you like, by adding a small counterweight to the rear of the frame until it balances by itself without moving forward or backward.

Now that the motors are prepared for use, select a motor controller to supply them power.

Selecting the Motor Controller

Because the Seg-bot is intended to be a rideable vehicle, I chose to use the Sabertooth 2×25 commercial motor controller (see Figure 11-13). You may recall from Chapter 10, "Lawn-Bot," that the Sabertooth 2×25 can power two brushed DC motors in both directions, at up to 24vdc and 25 amp each, which is plenty for the motors used on this bot.

You can build your own motor controller, but if something goes wrong, it is your face that will likely suffer. As safety is the primary concern here, I would recommend choosing a tested and reliable motor-controller platform.

The Sabertooth 2×25 motor controller

Figure 11.13. The Sabertooth 2×25 motor controller


Another good option for the Seg-bot would be the open source motor controller, though you would need one for each motor and the code would need to be modified for direct H-bridge control.

In the last chapter, we used the Sabertooth 2×25 to decode the servo signals from the R/C receiver, but here we use the Arduino to command the Sabertooth using the simplified Serial mode. To prepare the Sabertooth to communicate with the Arduino, set the jumpers on the Sabertooth to operate in simplified Serial mode at 9600bps, as shown in Figure 11.14.

Using the Sabertooth DIP switch wizard from:

Figure 11.14. Using the Sabertooth DIP switch wizard from:

To transmit a Serial command from the Arduino to the Sabertooth, you simply connect the Arduino serial Tx pin (D1) to the Sabertooth S1 input, and use the Serial.print() command. This however can cause a problem when debugging if you also want to use the Serial.print() command to send values back to the Serial monitor on your PC because these values can also be sent to the Sabertooth. To remedy this, send the values to the Sabertooth using a simulated Serial library for Arduino, which is discussed next.

SoftwareSerial Library

The Arduino SoftwareSerial library enables you to create a separate (virtual) Serial communication line on any Arduino I/O pin. With a max speed of 9600bps, SoftwareSerial is suitable for sending commands from the Arduino to the Sabertooth motor controller. The Sabertooth does not send any information back to the Arduino, so you only need a Serial transmit pin (Tx); although you set up both (Listing 11-2).

Example 11.2. Minimal SoftwareSerial setup.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Tell Arduino to use the SoftwareSerial library

// define the transmit and receive pins to use
#define rxPin 2
#define txPin 3

// set up a new serial port to use pins 2 and 3 above
SoftwareSerial mySerial =  SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);

void setup()  {

  Serial.begin(9600); // start the standard Serial monitor

  // define pin modes for SoftwareSerial tx, rx pins:
  pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);

  // set the data rate for the new SoftwareSerial port

void loop() {

mySerial.print(0, BYTE); // this will print through pin 3 to the Sabertooth
Serial.print("Hello"); // this will print through pin 1 to your computer Serial monitor



For more information regarding the uses and limitations of the SoftwareSerial library, please visit the Arduino reference page at

Now that you have the Arduino talking to the Sabertooth, consider what it needs to say to the Sabertooth to make the motors move.

Sabertooth Simplified Serial

The Sabertooth 2×25 motor controller is programmed to accept a simple Serial protocol that enables forward and reverse speed control of both motors. The Sabertooth looks for a Serial value between 0 and 255 in the Byte value range. Two motors are controlled by the Sabertooth and each has to go two directions, so the 255 number range must be broken up into four parts (2 motor × 2 directions = 4). The byte "0" is a full Stop command and can be used to simultaneously command both motors to the stop position.

Bytes 1–127 are used to control Motor1 and bytes 128–255 are used to control Motor2. These two value ranges are each broken up into forward and reverse, with the center positions (64 and 192) being neutral for each motor (see Figure 11-15). There are 64 speed control steps in either direction for either motor, providing adequate resolution and smooth acceleration.

I made this graph to better illustrate the Simplified Serial input method of the Sabertooth motor controller.

Figure 11.15. I made this graph to better illustrate the Simplified Serial input method of the Sabertooth motor controller.

The code to control the motors focus on converting the angle value into a speed value centered around the stop points for each motor. To do this, use the Arduino map() command, which takes one value range and stretches it across another.

Now select some batteries that have enough power to drive the Seg-bot to the mailbox and back...or maybe to the coffee shop.

The Batteries

To get the optimal power from the motors, they should be powered at the recommended operating voltage, which is 24VDC for most power wheelchair gear motors. If you plan to use LiPoly batteries with the Sabertooth 2×25 motor controller, you should limit the battery pack size to 6 cells in series (22.2v) because any higher would surpass the maximum recommended voltage limit. Having built and rebuilt several motor controllers, I can attest that the voltage limits of mosfet transistors are sensitive, and the closer you work at their limit, the more likely you are to damage them. Do not exceed a 24vdc battery rating with the Sabertooth 2×25!

The weight of the Seg-bot affects the current draw from the motors, which can in turn affect how long the batteries can supply them power. (Higher current draw = less run time from batteries.) Using lead-acid batteries may be cheaper and provide more Amp-Hour capacity per dollar, but it is much heavier at about 20 pounds per set of batteries. Using LiPo (lithium polymer) batteries would be slightly more expensive, but only weigh about 5 pounds for the same capacity—that's 15 lbs less!

Sealed Lead-Acid

Lead-acid batteries are the most efficient for the price where weight is not a primary concern. However, if you plan to make a portable or lightweight scooter, you might consider using NiMH or LiPo batteries (at a higher price). Using two 12v, 12AH SLA batteries (see Figure 11-16), the Seg-bot can drive for an hour or more continuously on flat terrain. Remember that driving on hilly terrain draws more current from the batteries, which can drain them quicker.

These two 12v 12AH Werker brand batteries provide plenty of run time for the Seg-bot.

Figure 11.16. These two 12v 12AH Werker brand batteries provide plenty of run time for the Seg-bot.

I chose to use two 12v SLA batteries rated at 12AH each, wired in series to produce 24v and 12AH. These batteries are readily available online and in battery stores, measuring 6-inch L × 4-inch W × 3.8-inch H and weighing 10lbs each. You can use a higher capacity battery if you like; my original thought was to use 18AH batteries, but they would not fit in my frame design. As long as the batteries fit on your frame and produce 24v, they should work fine.


I charge these batteries with a standard 12v automotive battery charger using the low-power 2-amp charge level. I also disconnect the batteries from their 24v series configuration and use two home-made cables to connect the two batteries in parallel for charging, effectively decreasing the charging rate by doubling the Amp Hour rating from 12AH to 24AH. Charging a 24AH load at 2-amps equals a C/12 charging rate instead of a C/6 rate. I typically charge my batteries at the lowest rate possible to prolong the life of the cells. If you use rapid chargers (that is, high-amperage charge rate) on lead-acid (SLA), NiMH, or NiCad batteries, you notice the total life of the battery decrease significantly.

12v Supply

As you may recall, the Arduino boards voltage input is limited to a recommended maximum of 12v (and an absolute limit of 20v), so to avoid damaging the +5v regulator on the Arduino, you need to power it with 12v. In this two-battery series connection, it is easy to get 12v, by simply tapping into the series wire connecting the two batteries (See Figure 11-17).

Here you can see the basic wiring diagram between the Arduino, Sabertooth, and batteries. The Sabertooth requires a 24v supply whereas the Arduino requires a 12v supply.

Figure 11.17. Here you can see the basic wiring diagram between the Arduino, Sabertooth, and batteries. The Sabertooth requires a 24v supply whereas the Arduino requires a 12v supply.

With the batteries selected, it is time to build the frame. Use the battery dimensions to help determine the required size of the frame base, and after the frame is completed, mount the batteries to the underside of the frame between the motors.

The Frame

As with most of the larger robots, the frame provide2 the strength needed to hold each piece of the Seg-bot securely together, and provides a canvas to mount buttons, knobs, switches, or any other controls needed to operate the Seg-bot. Although an elaborate frame design might be more visually appealing, use a basic design that is sturdy and provides a comfortable base to ride on.

The Seg-bot frame consists of the following four sections of steel square tubing (and flat bar for the battery rack):

  1. A base for the passenger to stand on

  2. A handlebar for the passenger to hold on to

  3. A handlebar riser to connect the base and handlebar

  4. A battery rack to hold the set of SLA batteries beneath the base

I used square tubing instead of angle iron (used in previous chapters) to add strength and provide a flush base to mount onto the motors. I also used two different sizes of square tubing for this project, 1-inch for the handlebar and riser-bar and ¾-inch for the frame base that both connects the motors together and provides a sturdy platform for the passenger to stand on. You can use 1-inch tubing for the whole project but because it is not necessary, I chose the cheaper and lighter ¾-inch tubing for the base. Figure 11-18 shows a diagram of the Seg-bot's frame pieces.

This diagram of the entire frame (without motors or wheels attached shows the various pieces of the Seg-bot.

Figure 11.18. This diagram of the entire frame (without motors or wheels attached shows the various pieces of the Seg-bot.

Frame Design

The upper frame is a 72-inch piece of 1inch square steel tubing, cut into two pieces. The longer, 52inch piece serves as the main handlebar riser assembly and must be semi-cut and bent into a slightly obtuse L shape (see Figure 11-19).

The shorter 20-inch piece is used as the top part of the T handlebar and houses both steering and gain potentiometers, and the Engage button. It is bolted to the top of the frame riser bar using a large bolt.

The base consists of (three) 18-inch pieces of ¾-inch steel square tubing, each bolted to the motors and the upper frame piece (see Figure 11-20). To keep the weight centered between the wheels, the batteries are housed under the frame base using a small cage formed from ½-inch steel flat bar (see Figure 11.21). Though it could be avoided, I chose to use my wire-feed welder to strengthen a few spots and keep from adding extra support braces and bolts.

The battery cage must be larger enough to house the two SLA batteries which measure 6-inch L × 4-inch W × 3.8-inch H each. I made the battery cage large enough to hold both batteries and contain some of the wiring using (three) 20-inch long pieces of ½-inch wide flat steel bar (⅛-inch thick). The flat bars are each bent 90 degrees, 5 inches from each end—it should bend easily using a vise or pliers.

The entire frame assembly connects to each motor gear box using ten 8mm bolts. There are three ½-inch bolts used to connect the frame; one connects the upper T handle together, and the other two bolts connect the base frame to the lower part of the handlebar. You may also need four small bolts to hold the battery cage to the frame base if you do not have access to a welder.

With the basic design out of the way, it is time to get out your metal cutting saw, a drill, and a few other standard hand tools to begin building the frame.

Building the Frame

To build the frame, first cut several pieces from the metal tubing to make the various frame sections. After cutting each piece, drill a few holes where needed and bolt everything together. The following eight steps guide you through the frame building process:

  1. Cut a 72-inch piece of 1-inch steel square tube into two sections: 52 inch and 20 inch.

  2. Cut a V notch into a 52-inch piece of tube, about 10 inches from the end (see Figure 11.19). Make a V cut into the top and sides of the square tube, but do not cut through the bottom of the piece.

    You need to cut a V shape out of the handlebar to bend it.

    Figure 11.19. You need to cut a V shape out of the handlebar to bend it.

  3. Bend the 52-inch piece at notch until cut edges touch each other. Either bolt or weld this joint together to keep it from moving after positioned.

  4. Cut the three 18-inch frame base pieces of ¾-inch steel square tubing.

  5. Bolt the three frame base pieces to the motor gearbox assemblies, drilling holes where necessary to fit your motors (see Figure 11.20).

    The base frame showing the location of needed bolts into the motor gear-boxes

    Figure 11.20. The base frame showing the location of needed bolts into the motor gear-boxes

  6. Mount the frame riser bar to the underside of the frame base pieces, centered between the wheels. I used two bolts to secure the base pieces into the 10-inch section (bottom) of the frame riser. (I did not use a bolt on the center base piece.)

  7. Mount the T-handle bar piece to the top of the frame riser bar using a 2.5-inch bolt, as shown in Figure 11-23.

  8. Make a small cage to hold the batteries beneath the frame base. You either need to bolt or weld this cage together and to the frame base (see Figure 11.21).

The underside of the base frame showing the battery cage

Figure 11.21. The underside of the base frame showing the battery cage

When assembled, the completed frame should look similar to Figure 11-22. I painted my entire frame black to look nice and protect the metal from rust. Painting is not required, but if you do plan to paint your frame, it is easier to do so before anything is mounted to it.

The finished frame after painting black

Figure 11.22. The finished frame after painting black

Your frame should be complete and ready for the motors, batteries, and electronics to be mounted. Start by wiring the frame with some input controls near the handlebar to allow steering and sensitivity (gain) inputs, and an Engage button to make sure there is an operator on board before engaging the motors.


The Seg-bot has several user inputs that enable it to manipulate the data received from the IMU before it is sent to the motors. Currently the Arduino reads three inputs: a steering potentiometer, a gain potentiometer, and an engage switch. The steering potentiometer enables the operator to precisely control the direction of the Seg-bot, while leaning to control the speed. To accommodate for different riding preference and styles, a gain potentiometer adjusts the sensitivity of the motor response to angle changes. Lastly, to ensure that there is an operator on the Seg-bot before activating the motors, I placed a simple (large) button switch on the handlebar of the Seg-bot that must be pressed by the operator at all times. This button is backed with a function in the code that when pressed waits until the Seg-bot is completely level before engaging the motors; this keeps the bot from lunging back to the level position if the Engage button is pressed while the Seg-bot is tilted.


The Arduino code reads the input from the X-axis on the IMU to determine the forward/reverse speed of both motors. Without any further additions, the hardware enables only the Seg-bot to travel either forward or reverse because the two motors are driven at the same speed.

To steer the Seg-bot, the motors need to be sent different speed values. To turn left, the left motor needs a lower speed value than the right motor. For smooth and responsive control, the changes made to each motor should be inversely proportional to each other. That is, as you decrease the left by 1 unit, you also increase the right by 1, causing a total speed difference of 2 units. By creating an imbalance in the values sent to each motor, you can turn the Seg-bot with great precision.

You can implement the steering sensor in several ways, the simplest is with a single 5k potentiometer. The code is set to read the potentiometer value of 0–1023 and convert the value to a range of 10 speed units in either direction. This increases or decreases the normal motor output values by up to a difference of 20 speed units from the left motor to the right, depending on which direction the potentiometer is turned. To drive the Seg-bot straight, the potentiometer must be in the center position.


Depending on the battery voltage, charge of the batteries, and gearing of the motors, the maximum speed of the Seg-bot might need to be adjusted for comfortable riding. To make this easy to do without reprogramming, I added another potentiometer to change the maximum speed value. The 0–1023 value from this potentiometer will be converted (mapped) into the maximum speed value for both motors, ranging from 50% to 100%. This enables the user to change the balancing sensitivity of the Seg-bot while in use.

Engage Switch

The final input for the Seg-bot is the addition of the engage switch, which tells the Seg-bot that you are ready to ride. The engage switch is nothing more than a large Red momentary button-switch mounted to the handlebar and must be pressed for the Seg-bot to move. The Seg-bot stops as soon as the Engage button is released, so you must be sure to keep a good grip on it with your thumb when riding.


I added a small block of code to not only check the status of the Engage button but also the IMU angle. While the Engage button is open (not pressed), the Seg-bot cannot move; when the Engage button is closed (pressed), the code begins to check the IMU angle to make sure it is at 0 degrees before engaging the motors. When the Seg-bot is leveled to 0 degrees, it smoothly engages the motors and again begins processing the motor speed values. This keeps the Seg-bot from jerking quickly to correct its angle, in case you accidentally push the button while it is not level.... Safety first!

To connect each of these inputs to the Arduino, run some wires from the top of the frame where each input is mounted down to the base of the frame where the Arduino and IMU are mounted. I used a 4-conductor intercom wire from Radio Shack (item# 278-858) and a separate GND signal wire to run the input signals through the square tubing frame riser, thus concealing and protecting each wire. First, mount each input control to the handlebar and frame riser.

Mounting the Inputs to the Frame

To mount the input controls to the frame, you need a few drill bits and a power drill. Start by taking a look at the finished handlebar in Figure 11-23, showing the Engage button, steering potentiometer, and gain potentiometer mounted into the 1-inch square tube frame.

The front view of the handlebar with all three input devices visible.

Figure 11.23. The front view of the handlebar with all three input devices visible.

The following six steps guide you through installing the input controls:

  1. To mount the gain potentiometer onto the square tubing, you first need to drill a 5/16-inch hole centered on the tube all the way through, about 6-inch below the top of the T-handle. Now use a 5/8-inch drill bit to go through the front hole only; the rear hole should remain 5/16 -inch. Now you can slide the potentiometer through from the rear of the square tube; use needle-nose pliers to tighten the nut onto the base through the 5/8-inch hole (see Figure 11.24).

    The Gain potentiometer mounted through the steel square tubing. If you look through the 5/8-inch hole, you can see the potentiometer mounting nut tightened down to the backside of the square tubing. Also visible behind the square tubing on the right side is the potentiometer base with three signal leads.

    Figure 11.24. The Gain potentiometer mounted through the steel square tubing. If you look through the 5/8-inch hole, you can see the potentiometer mounting nut tightened down to the backside of the square tubing. Also visible behind the square tubing on the right side is the potentiometer base with three signal leads.

  2. Mount the steering potentiometer in exactly the same way as the gain potentiometer but mount it on the actual T-handle, accessible to your right thumb (when riding the Seg-bot). See Figure 11.25 for a closer look.

    The steering potentiometer (without knob) mounted to the handlebar, just to the left of the handlebar grip

    Figure 11.25. The steering potentiometer (without knob) mounted to the handlebar, just to the left of the handlebar grip

  3. Mount the Engage switch (Red button) almost the same as the potentiometers, except reverse the holes; that is, the 5/8-inch hole should be drilled on the back of the square tube, whereas the 5/16-inch hole is to remain on the front side (see figure 11.26).

    The backside of the Engage button switch, mounted into the square tube frame. There are two wires soldered to the rear terminals of the switch; one connects to GND and the other to Arduino D4.

    Figure 11.26. The backside of the Engage button switch, mounted into the square tube frame. There are two wires soldered to the rear terminals of the switch; one connects to GND and the other to Arduino D4.

  4. Now remove the red plastic button top, remove the mounting nut, and slide the button switch through the larger 5/8-inch hole and again through the smaller mounting hole. Lastly, secure the mounting nut to the switch from the front side of the tubing and reinstall the red button top (see Figure 11.27).

  5. After installing the input devices, wrap the handlebar with electrical tape to give it some padding for a grip.

    The large Red button on the left side of the handlebar is used as the Engage switch.

    Figure 11.27. The large Red button on the left side of the handlebar is used as the Engage switch.

  6. Run signal wires from T-handle to base. To conceal the wires running from the Arduino to the inputs, I decided to run the wire inside of the square tubing of the frame riser, from the base up to the top of the handlebar. To do this, you drill a 5/8-inch hole or cut a hole with a Dremel tool, near the bottom of the handlebar tube, about 3 inches from the base (see Figure 11.28). I used a spool of 4-conductor wire from Radio Shack. There are however three inputs plus GND and +3.3v, so you actually need five wires to connect each control input to the Arduino, which means an extra single wire must also be used. Remember to use a solid core wire (not stranded) if you plan on plugging it into the Arduino.

Here you can see the painted Input wires going into the frame riser bar through a hole that I cut. By routing the wires through the steel tubing, they stay protected from being cut or pinched.

Figure 11.28. Here you can see the painted Input wires going into the frame riser bar through a hole that I cut. By routing the wires through the steel tubing, they stay protected from being cut or pinched.

The Seg-bot should now be ready to install the electronics and make the final connections.

Installing the Electronics

To house the electronics and protect the IMU, I decided to mount everything in a plastic project box (with a lid) from Radio Shack. The 6-inch L × 4-inch W × 2-inch H plastic project enclosure box is the perfect size to house the Arduino, Sabertooth motor controller, and the IMU shield atop the Arduino. Also squeezed into the project box is the high-power Toggle switch used to switch the main power to the Arduino and Sabertooth.

To get the wires through the project box, cut two rectangular pieces out of the plastic box with a Dremel tool and a cutoff wheel. The first piece is cut out to allow easy access to the USB programming port on the Arduino (see Figure 11.29). The second piece is cut to allow the motor and power wires from the Sabertooth to the batteries and motor wiring harnesses (see Figure 11.30).

A rough cut into the project box with the Dremel tool enables easy access to reprogram the Arduino during testing.

Figure 11.29. A rough cut into the project box with the Dremel tool enables easy access to reprogram the Arduino during testing.

The rear of the box also has a cutout for wires to pass through.

Figure 11.30. The rear of the box also has a cutout for wires to pass through.

After test-fitting the Arduino and Sabertooth and cutting access holes in the project box, you need to bolt everything down. You can use #6 bolts and nuts to secure the Sabertooth and the Arduino to the bottom of the plastic project box. To be sure they do not move, you might consider adding a dab of hot glue around the nuts and bolts to keep them from vibrating loose during use.

With the two main boards secured to the box (see Figure 11-31), securing the box to the frame is all that is needed to complete the electronics installation. You can use two #8 bolts to secure the project box to the center base frame bar (one bolt on the left and one on the right). The center bar is then bolted to each motor gear box to keep it securely connected to the frame.

Everything mounted into the project box securely

Figure 11.31. Everything mounted into the project box securely

You can then mount the power toggle-switch onto the side of the project box I wrapped the toggle-switch contacts in electrical tape before installing it above the Sabertooth (see Figure 11-31) because it was only ½ inch from the Sabertooth's metal heat-sink-you don't want any sparks!

Soldering the Inputs

With the inputs installed, you need to solder the wires to the button and potentiometer terminals. You should run common +3.3v and GND power supply signals to the handlebar, and then share them between the Input devices, as shown in Figure 11.32.

The wiring diagram for the steering and gain potentiometers and the Engage button

Figure 11.32. The wiring diagram for the steering and gain potentiometers and the Engage button

Make sure you connect the outer terminals of each potentiometer with the power signals (+3.3v and GND) and the center terminal of each potentiometer to the Arduino input pin. The Engage button switch has only two terminals and should be connected to the Arduino input and GND.

The Seg-bot should now be ready for wiring.

Wiring the Connections

The Seg-bot now needs to have each wire connected before you can upload the code and start testing. There is one wire connection between the Arduino and Sabertooth (other than GND), and three input wires from the engage button and potentiometers (and +3.3v and GND) that need to be connected to the Arduino.

Table 11-3 shows how each connection should be made from the inputs to the Arduino, the Arduino to the Sabertooth, and from the Sabertooth to the motors, where an x = no connection to that device.

Table 11.4. Wiring Connections for Arduino and Sabertooth



Sabertooth 2×25

SoftwareSerial wire

Digital pin 3

Input S1

Gain potentiometer input wire (center tab)

Analog Input pin 2


Steering potentiometer input wire (center tab)

Analog Input pin 3


Engage button wire (either tab)

Digital pin 4


+12v wire from battery

VIN pin


+24v wire from battery



GND wire from battery



Left motor wire A



Left motor wire B



Right motor wire A



Right motor wire B



As always, double-check your connections to make sure everything is wired properly before uploading the code and testing.

Reviewing the Code

This Seg-bot code can get quite long and difficult to read if it is all placed in one chunk. So to make it easier to read, I created a separate function for each step in the loop. The code contained in each function could be inserted into the main loop where the function name is called and the sketch would work the same.

These functions are created in the order that they are called in the loop; see Listing 11-3 for an overview of the main loop (actually this is the main loop):

Example 11.3. An Overview of the Main Loop, with Descriptions of Each Step

void loop(){

  sample_accel(); // gets the accelerometer angle
  sample_gyro(); // gets the gyro angle
  calculate_angle(); // calculates the filtered angle
  read_pots(); // check for steering and gain pot values
  auto_level(); // check to see if button has been de-pressed
  update_motor_speed(); // update the motor speed
  time_stamp(); // set the loop time equal to 50 mS


The following sections go through each function in the main loop and describe what each line of code does. Then, at the very end of the chapter, you can find the code in its full form, ready to upload to the Arduino.

The sample_accel() Function

The Accelerometer is the first thing you need to read to get the approximate angle. Listing 11-4 shows the variables used.

Example 11.4. Variables Used for sample_accel() Function

int accel_pin = 5;
int accel_reading;
int accel_raw;
int accel_offset = 511;
float accel_angle;
float accel_scale = 0.01;

To determine the accel_offset, place the IMU board flat on a table (0 degrees) and read the accelerometer X-axis from an Arduino Analog input pin:

accel_reading = analogRead(accel_pin);

Whatever value displays on the serial monitor when the IMU board is level will be the accel_offset value, which should ideally be 511. his value will be subtracted from each accel_reading to yield the accel_raw variable. The accel_raw variable should read 0 when the IMU board is level:

accel_raw = accel_reading - accel_offset;

The original plan was to turn the IMU board 90 degrees in both directions and record the lowest/highest values displayed on the Serial monitor. I would then use the Arduino map() function to scale this recorded value range to be between −90 and +90.

But after turning the IMU in both directions, the lowest and highest values turned out to be −90 and +90, so there was no need to map() them. I did want to make sure that this value did not get out of range, so I added a line of code to set a minimum and maximum allowable value for the variable, using the constrain() function. See the Arduino reference pages for more information.

???Okay to use map() as a verb? DD

accel_raw = constrain(accel_raw, −90, 90);

Finally, it is easier to convert this value into a float variable (decimal number) so it can later be weighted as an average. I set the accel_scale variable equal to 0.01, effectively dividing the angle by 100 and setting the angle range to be from −0.90 to 0.90 (90 / 100); because it is a float variable, 0 degrees is actually represented as 0.00 degrees.

accel_angle = (float)(accel_raw) * accel_scale;

After multiplying the accel_raw reading by the accel_scale (0.01), the accel_angle variable is ready to be weighted into the filtered angle. Next, calculate the gyro angle.

The sample_gyro() Function

The gyroscope reading filters out unwanted spikes from the accelerometer caused by bumps, vibrations, or sudden changes in gravity that have not affected the angle. Because the gyroscope is measuring only how much the angle has changed since the last reading, you must use the previous filtered angle reading as your reference to measure from. Several more variables are required to read the gyroscope, which are shown in Listing 11-5.

Example 11.5. Variables Used for the Sample _gyro() Function

int gyro_pin = 1;
float angle = 0.00;
int gyro_reading;
int gyro_raw;
int gyro_offset = 391;

float gyro_rate;
float gyro_scale = 0.01;
float gyro_angle;
float loop_time = 0.05;

Using the base angle calculation from the accelerometer to reference the gyroscope angle to, you can use the gyroscope reading on a cycle-by-cycle basis, discarding each previous reading. This is how you eliminate the accumulated "drift" error from your filtered angle.

First, read the angular rate value from the gyroscope on one of the Arduino Analog input pins.

gyro_reading = analogRead(gyro_pin);

As with the accelerometer, calculate the gyro_offset by recording the gyro_reading when the IMU board is at rest. Although this value would instinctively be approximately 511, my IMU reads approximately 391 on the serial monitor for each of the 4x amplified gyro outputs (on a 10-bit scale of 0–1023). I thought this was unusual, but the datasheet for the gyro confirmed that it has a Zero-rate voltage level of 1.23 V, which is less than half of 3.33 V and would yield a value lower than 511 when at rest. If using a Razor 6 DOF IMU, you should leave the gyro_offset = 391.

gyro_raw = gyro_reading - gyro_offset;

This reading is slightly confusing; because the value is centered at 391, it can go up 632 units to 1023, but it can go down only 391 units to 0. To try and round this value out, I decided to constrain the value to +/−391.

gyro_raw = constrain(gyro_raw, −391, 391);

Now calculate the gyro_rate variable, which is the gyro_raw input multiplied by the gyro_scale, multiplied by the loop_time (0.05 seconds).


When I began testing, the gyro reading was reversed from the accelerometer reading and was adding opposite angle changes into the filtered angle, causing it to differ greatly from the accel_angle reading. By adding a negative sign in front of the loop_time variable, the reading was reversed and began adding properly to the filtered angle. You may need to do this.

To make sure the angle readings are in unison, open the serial monitor after loading the code and move the Seg-bot back and forth to verify that the angles are measured properly.

Checking the Angle Readings

With a USB cable connected to the Arduino, serial monitor open, and the main Seg-bot power off, start from 0.00 degrees and tilt the Seg-bot forward a few inches and then stop. You should see both the accel_angle and gyro_angle move in unison on the serial monitor. If not, you may need to adjust the gyro_scale variable.

The gyro_scale is a variable that can be used to tune the sensitivity of the gyro readings. Ideally the angle calculated by the gyro should be close to the accel_angle readings on the serial monitor. By default, the gyro_scale is set to 0.01, just like the accel_scale, but if the gyro_angle is less responsive than the accel_angle after testing, you might try increasing the gyro_scale to 0.02 or so.

gyro_rate = (float)(gyro_raw  * gyro_scale) * -loop_time;

Now to get an angle value for the gyro, add its current rate to the previous angle value:

gyro_angle = angle + gyro_rate;

The resulting gyro_angle value should remain close to the accel_angle value, which are both factored into the filtered angle value. With the angle readings from the IMU recorded, you now need to combine them together to determine the filtered value.

The calculate_angle() Function

With the accel_angle and the gyro_angle calculated, you can now come up with a weighted average of the two, by multiplying each angle calculation by a weighted percentage and then adding them together. The variables used to calculate the filtered angle are shown in Listing 11-6. Because the final angle is calculated as a decimal number, these variables need to be declared as float types instead of integers.

Example 11.6. Variables Used for the calculate_angle() Function

float angle = 0.00;
float gyro_weight = 0.98;
float accel_weight = 0.02;
float gyro_angle;
float accel_angle;

Remember that the accelerometer is greatly affected by vibrations and bumps, so its weight is low in the average, at 2% (0.02). This means that the gyro_angle, which is an updated average loosely based on the previous filtered angle, is weighted heavily at 98% (0.98). This is because the gyro has a much more stable view of the current angle than the accelerometer. The small 2% weight from the accelerometer however is enough to keep the gyro from drifting.

To get the current angle, set the angle variable equal to the sum of the two weighted sensors ((.98)gyro + (.02)accelerometer). You can change the weights of these two variables from 98% gyro and 2% accelerometer to something else; although, going below 95% gyro and 5% accelerometer produced unstable results during my testing.

Following is the formula to calculate the filtered angle:

angle = (float)(gyro_weight * gyro_angle) + (accel_weight * accel_angle);

With the filtered angle value calculated, the Seg-bot should balance itself. To achieve steering on the Seg-bot, you still need to create an imbalance between the outputs of each motor. To do this, read the steering potentiometer with the Arduino and set each motor's maximum output based on the position of the potentiometer.

The read_pots() Function

The read_pots() function is called to read both the steering and gain potentiometers. The steering potentiometer does nothing more than spin one motor faster than the other, which makes the bot turn. If the potentiometer is biased to either the left or right, the Arduino causes the Seg-bot to turn in that direction. The gain potentiometer determines how quickly the motors respond to changes in the filtered angle, by changing the maximum motor output speed (for both motors) from between 50% and 100%, depending on the position of the gain potentiometer. The variables used to read the steering and gain potentiometers are shown in Listing 11-7.

Example 11.7. Variables Used for the Read_pots() Function

int steeringPot = 3;
int steer_reading;
float steer_val;
int steer_range = 7;

int gainPot = 2;
int gain_reading;
int gain_val;

The value of the steering potentiometer is read from the steeringPot analog input (pin A3) and stored in the variable steer_reading.

steer_reading = analogRead(steeringPot);

The steer_reading value is then mapped from 0–1023, to range between −7 and +7. You can change the "steer_range variable if needed-a lower value yields less responsive steering whereas a higher value yields more responsive steering. Values above 15 resulted in far too responsive steering whereas a 0 value would not respond at all.

The steer_range variable needs to be assigned only one number, and the value range will be mapped from −(that number) to +(that number), where zero is straight ahead, (Both motors get equal speed.) If your potentiometer responds opposite as it should, try changing the negative sign of the mapped steer_range variables.

steer_val = map(steer_reading, 0, 1023, steer_range, -steer_range);

The steer_reading can cause the motors to be turned even if the Seg-bot is not tilted forward or backward, so I added an if statement that checks to see if the Seg-bot is at 0 degrees. If so, the gain_reading will also be set to 0, so the bot will not be affected by the steering potentiometer.

if (angle == 0.00){
    gain_reading = 0;

Now read the value of the GAIN potentiometer to determine the top speed of the Seg-bot. The gain changes the maximum top speed from 50% up to 100%. This is useful to fine-tune the responsiveness of the Seg-bot to fit different riding styles.

gain_reading = analogRead(gainPot);

After reading the input, map the value to between 32 and 64. This value is your gain_reading and sets the maximum speed in either direction. If the potentiometer is turned down completely, the max speed is between −32 and 32 (or a max of 50% speed). If the potentiometer is turned up completely, the max speed is increased to a range of −64 to 64, allowing up to a 100% max speed.

Why 64? Remember that the Sabertooth serial interface enables 64 speed steps in either direction, where 64 steps above or below neutral can yield full speed in that direction. By allowing the top speed to be 64, it can go 100%. If you allow it to go up to only 32, it can achieve only 50% of its full speed, therefore making the bot less responsive to small angle changes.

speed_val = map(gain_reading, 0, 1023, 32, 64);

Now that you have processed the input control signals from each potentiometer, check the engage button to see if it is pressed.

The auto_level() Function

The auto_level() function is used to complement the engage_switch, to make sure the Seg-bot is level before engaging the motors. When the engage_switch is released, the Arduino removes power to the motors until the button is pressed again, notifying the Arduino that there is an operator on board.

At first, I just held the bot approximately level (at 0 degrees) and then pressed the button, but if it were not level, it quickly corrected itself to be level. I began to think this could be slightly dangerous when I had the Seg-bot tilted forward and accidentally pressed the button. The handlebar immediately came flying back toward me and almost hit me in the head!

To fix this bug, I decided to add a small bit of code that checks to see if the engage_switch has been released. If so, it makes sure that when it is pressed again, the angle variable must be close to 0 before it re-engages the motors. The motors now engage smoothly and without any sudden movements, as soon as the Seg-bot is level. The variables used for the auto_level() function are shown in Listing 11-8.

Example 11.8. Variables Used for the auto_level() Function

float angle = 0.00;
int engage_switch = 4;
int engage_state;
int engage = false;

First, read the state of the engage_switch and store it in the engage_state variable:

engage_state = digitalRead(engage_switch);

Now check to see if the switch is open or closed. To avoid using pull-down resistors on the engage_switch, I used the built-in Arduino pull-up resistors accessible from the code and connected the engage_switch to GND when closed. This means that when the button is not pressed, the switch reads HIGH or 1 and when the button is pressed, the switch will read LOW or 0. I know this is counter-intuitive, but it makes wiring switches much more simple by connecting the Arduino input wire (D4) to one terminal of the button switch and a GND wire to the other.

Use an if statement to see if the engage_state variable is HIGH. (That is the switch is OPEN.) If so, set the engage variable to be false. (That is, disengage the motors.)

if (engage_state == 1){
  engage = false;

Otherwise (else), if the engage_state is LOW (that is, the button is pressed), use another if statement to check and see if the engage variable is currently set to false. If the button is pressed, but the engage variable is false, this means the switch was OPEN but someone just CLOSED it.

At this point, the Arduino is ready to start commanding the motors, but it must first make sure the bot is level. To do this, use yet another if statement to check the current angle value of the Seg-bot. If the angle is below 0.02 and above −0.02 (that is, it is almost perfectly level), re-engage the motors by setting the engage variable equal to true. Otherwise, if the angle is not close to 0 degrees, keep the motors disengaged until the angle is corrected.

If the engage variable is already true when it enters this else{} function, it remains true until the engage_switch is released.

else {
  if (engage == false){
    if (angle < 0.02 && angle > −0.02)
      engage = true;
    else {
      engage = false;
  else {
    engage = true;

Now update the motors with the new speed values. Before you can send the values to the Sabertooth motor controller, you first need to convert the angle value into a corresponding motor speed value and then send that value to the Sabertooth as a serial byte.

The update_motor_speed() Function

This is by far the longest function in the code, responsible for changing the angle value into a motor speed value, checking that value to make sure it is within range, and then sending it to the Sabertooth motor controller. Listing 11-9 shows the variables used for the update_motor_speed() function.

Example 11.9. Variables Used in the update_motor_speed() Function

int engage;
float angle = 0.00;

int motor_out = 0;
int output;
float steer_val;
int gain_val;

int motor_1_out = 0;
int motor_2_out = 0;
int m1_speed = 0;
int m2_speed = 0;

Before attempting to write a value to the motors, first check to see if the engage variable is set to equal true (that is, if the engage button is pressed). If so, continue to the next if statement. If engage is set to false, skip down to the else statement that stops both motors by setting their outputs equal to 0 (disengage).

if (engage == true){

Next, check the angle variable to make sure it is within tilting limits. I recorded the angle of the Seg-bot when tilting it forward until the motors almost touched the ground; this angle was 0.4 (40 degrees) on my Seg-bot, and I have not yet exceeded it. If the angle while riding exceeds the limits set here, the motor_out variable will be set to 0, which stops both motors.

if (angle < −0.4 || angle > 0.4){
  motor_out = 0;

Otherwise, if the angle is within operating limits, set the output variable equal to the angle * 1000. Multiply the angle (which is a decimal number between −0.9 and 0.9) by 1000 to convert it back to a usable integer from a float type variable that you needed to weight the average.

I wanted the full speed to be achieved when the Seg-bot reached a 25-degree deviation from 0 degrees in either direction, so I mapped the motor_out variable from −250 to 250. The number 250 comes from the angle variable where 25 degrees is represented as 0.25. When I multiplied the angle by 1000 to get the output variable, a 25 degree angle now represented as 250.

We are mapping the motor_out variable from −/+250 to −/+ gain_val, which is read from the gainPot potentiometer and can range from −/+32 to −/+64 depending on its position. In any case, when the Seg-bot is at 0 degrees, it yields a motor_out value equal to 0.

else {
  output = (angle * −1000);
  motor_out = map(output, −250, 250, -gain_val, gain_val);

This ends the first else{} statement in the update_motor_speed() function. Now manipulate the motor_out variable into separate variables for each motor called motor_1_out and motor_2_out respectively.

At this point, add the steering bias into the individual motor speeds. To do this, add the mapped variable steer_val (−7 to +7) to motor1 while subtracting it from motor2. This causes the wheels to move at different speeds depending on the position of the steering potentiometer. When the steer_val goes negative, it will actually be subtracting from motor1 and adding to motor2.

motor_1_out = motor_out + (steer_val);
motor_2_out = motor_out − (steer_val);

With the steer_val added to each motor output value, check motor_1_out and motor_2_out to make sure that neither is above 63 or below −63. If either of these variables were to be higher than 63 (in either direction), it could unintentionally write a command to the wrong motor!

if(motor_1_out > 63){
  motor_1_out = 63;
if(motor_1_out < −63){
  motor_1_out = −63;
if(motor_2_out > 63){
  motor_2_out = 63;
if(motor_2_out < −63){
  motor_2_out = −63;

Now convert these two values into separate Sabertooth simplified serial commands. Remember from the Sabertooth simplified serial chart (Figure 11-15) the neutral command for Motor1 = 64 and the neutral command for Motor2 = 192. Because the motor_1_out and motor_2_out variables are already mapped between a maximum of −64 to +64, you can simply add them to the neutral points of each motor to get the actual BYTE value needed to send to the Sabertooth. If the byte has a negative value, it subtracts from the neutral points to command the motors to reverse.

m1_speed = 64 + motor_1_out;
 m2_speed = 192 + motor_2_out;

This is the end of the first if statement in the motor_speed_update() function [if (engage == true)].

The else statement covers what happens if engage == false when the Engage button is released, which is that the motor speed values are both set to 0, stopping the motors (or disengaging them).

  m1_speed = 0;
  m2_speed = 0;

After all of the if/else statements are completed, use the SoftwareSerial library to write the new BYTE values for each motor to the Sabertooth using Arduino pin 3 (the SoftwareSerial tx pin)—even if the value written is 0 (that is, stop both motors).

mySerial.print(m1_speed, BYTE);
mySerial.print(m2_speed, BYTE);

After the motor values have been written to the Sabertooth, record the timestamp for this loop() cycle to use when calculating the next gyroscope reading.

The time_stamp() Function

This function checks the time of each loop cycle, and add a delay() until the time equals 50 milliseconds. You need each loop cycle to equal 50 milliseconds (or some other known time) so that you correctly calculate the gyroscope rate in degrees per second, rather than degrees per loop cycle (which is not useful). I used 50 millisecond update intervals to provide an angle reading that is updated by the Arduino 20 times each second! This provides seamless angle correction from the Seg-bot.

The while() statement continuously runs until the condition is met. By subtracting the last_cycle variable from the current millis() value, you can get the exact time (in milliseconds) since the last update. Furthermore, if the current millis() value minus the last_cycle timestamp is less than 50 (milliseconds), add a 1 millisecond delay over and over again until the last_cycle variable is greater than or equal to 50 mS. This effectively forces each loop cycle time to equal 50 mS, so you know that every cycle is the same length.

while((millis() - last_cycle) < 50){

When the last_cycle variable is equal to 50, the while() statement is exited, and the last two variables are recorded. First, the actual recorded cycle_time variable is calculated for viewing on the Serial monitor, which should always equal the desired cycle time above (50 in this case):

cycle_time = millis() - last_cycle;

Next, it is time to write the new timestamp value by recording the current millisecond value from the system timer. The timestamp function is now ready to check itself again with the new time value in the next loop cycle.

last_cycle = millis();

Finally, print all the important values to the serial monitor for debugging.

The serial_print_stuff() Function

This is the last function and is used only to print values to the serial monitor. You can edit which variables you want to view on the serial monitor, depending on what part of the system you test.

Be warned, trying to view every variable at once using the Serial.print() function causes the loop to take longer than 50 milliseconds, which means that the timing will be off for the gyro calculation, and the angle calculation will be wrong. To avoid this, try to limit the number of variables that you send to the serial monitor to about 3 or 4.

If you are unsure, try viewing the cycle_time variable on the serial monitor because it shows you the calculated loop cycle time in milliseconds. If this number is above 50, you might need to stop printing a few variables in this function.

I have the four most important variables printing by default; although, you can change them or add more (Listing 11-10).

Example 11.10. The serial_print_stuff() Function

Serial.print("Accel: ");
Serial.print("  ");

Serial.print("Gyro: ");
Serial.print("  ");

Serial.print("Filtered Angle: ");
Serial.print("  ");

Serial.print(" Time: ");
Serial.println("    ");
/*       // from here down are commented out unless testing

Serial.print("o/m: ");
Serial.println("  ");

Serial.print("steer_val: ");
Serial.print("  ");

Serial.print("speed_val: ");
Serial.print("  ");

Serial.print("m1/m2: ");

These values are used only for debugging purposes and can be changed or omitted.

The Full Code

Now that you know how the code works, Listing 11-11 presents it in its full form, ready to upload to the Arduino. When uploaded, remember to carefully test the Seg-bot for proper motor direction and correct steering. To safely test the Seg-bot, the base must be propped up so that the wheels do not touch the ground. Do this before you turn on the main power!

Example 11.11. The Final Code, Shown in Full Form

// Chapter 11: The Seg-bot
// JD Warren 2010 (special thanks to Josh Adams for help during testing and coding)
// Arduino Duemilanove (tested)
// Sparkfun Razor 6 DOF IMU - only using X axis from accelerometer and gyroscope 4x
// Steering potentiometer used to steer bot
// Gain potentiometer used to set max speed (sensitivity)
// Engage switch (button) used to enable motors
// By loading this code, you are taking full responsibility for what you may do it!
// Use at your own risk!!!
// If you are concerned with the safety of this project, it may not be for you.
// Test thoroughly with wheels off the ground before attempting to ride - Wear a helmet!

// use SoftwareSerial library to communicate with the Sabertooth motor controller
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// define pins used for SoftwareSerial communication
#define rxPin 2
#define txPin 3
// set up a new SoftwareSerial port, named "mySerial" or whatever you want to call it.
SoftwareSerial mySerial =  SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);

// Name Analog input pins
int gyro_pin = 1;  // connect the gyro X axis (4x output) to Analog input 1
int accel_pin = 5; // connect the accelerometer X axis to Analog input 5
int steeringPot = 3; // connect the steering potentiometer to Analog input 3
int gainPot = 2; // connect the gain potentiometer to Analog input 2

// Name Digital I/O pins
int engage_switch = 4; // connect engage button to digital pin 4
int ledPin = 13;

// value to hold the final angle
float angle = 0.00;
// the following 2 values should add together to equal 1.0
float gyro_weight = 0.98;
float accel_weight = 0.02;

// accelerometer values
int accel_reading;
int accel_raw;
int accel_offset = 511;
float accel_angle;
float accel_scale = 0.01;

// gyroscope values
int gyro_offset = 391;
int gyro_raw;
int gyro_reading;
float gyro_rate;
float gyro_scale = 0.025; // 0.01 by default
float gyro_angle;
float loop_time = 0.05;

// engage button variables
int engage = false;
int engage_state = 1;

// timer variables
int last_update;
int cycle_time;
long last_cycle = 0;

// motor speed variables
int motor_out = 0;
int motor_1_out = 0;
int motor_2_out = 0;
int m1_speed = 0;
int m2_speed = 0;
int output;

// potentiometer variables
int steer_val;
int steer_range = 7;
int steer_reading;
int gain_reading;
int gain_val;

// end of Variables

void setup(){

  // Start the Serial monitor at 9600bps
  // define pinModes for tx and rx:
  pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port

  // set the engage_switch pin as an Input
  pinMode(engage_switch, INPUT);

  // enable the Arduino internal pull-up resistor on the engage_switch pin.
  digitalWrite(engage_switch, HIGH);
  // Tell Arduino to use the Aref pin for the Analog voltage, don't forget to connect 3.3v to


void loop(){
  // Start the loop by getting a reading from the Accelerometer and converting it to an angle
  // now read the gyroscope to estimate the angle change
  // combine the accel and gyro readings to come up with a "filtered" angle reading
  // read the values of each potentiometer
  // make sure bot is level before activating the motors
  // update the motors with the new values
  // check the loop cycle time and add a delay as necessary
  // Debug with the Serial monitor

void sample_accel(){
// Read and convert accelerometer value

  accel_reading = analogRead(accel_pin);
  accel_raw = accel_reading - accel_offset;
  accel_raw = constrain(accel_raw, −90, 90);
  accel_angle = (float)(accel_raw * accel_scale);

void sample_gyro(){
// Read and convert gyro value

  gyro_reading = analogRead(gyro_pin);
  gyro_raw = gyro_reading - gyro_offset;
  gyro_raw = constrain(gyro_raw, −391, 391);
  gyro_rate = (float)(gyro_raw * gyro_scale) * -loop_time;
  gyro_angle = angle + gyro_rate;

void calculate_angle(){
  angle = (float)(gyro_weight * gyro_angle) + (accel_weight * accel_angle);

void read_pots(){
// Read and convert potentiometer values
// Steering potentiometer
  steer_reading = analogRead(steeringPot); // We want to map this into a range between −1 and
1, and set that to steer_val
  steer_val = map(steer_reading, 0, 1023, steer_range, -steer_range);
  if (angle == 0.00){
    gain_reading = 0;
// Gain potentiometer
  gain_reading = analogRead(gainPot);
  gain_val = map(gain_reading, 0, 1023, 32, 64);

void auto_level(){
 // enable auto-level turn On
  engage_state = digitalRead(engage_switch);

  if (engage_state == 1){
    engage = false;
  else {
    if (engage == false){
      if (angle < 0.02 && angle > −0.02)
        engage = true;
      else {
        engage = false;
    else {
      engage = true;


void update_motor_speed(){
// Update the motors

  if (engage == true){
    if (angle < −0.4 || angle > 0.4){
      motor_out = 0;
    else {
      output = (angle * −1000); // convert float angle back to integer format
      motor_out = map(output, −250, 250, -gain_val, gain_val); // map the angle

    // assign steering bias
    motor_1_out = motor_out + (steer_val);
    motor_2_out = motor_out − (steer_val);

    // test for and correct invalid values
    if(motor_1_out > 64){
      motor_1_out = 64;
    if(motor_1_out < −64){
      motor_1_out = −64;
    if(motor_2_out > 64){
      motor_2_out = 64;
    if(motor_2_out < −64){
      motor_2_out = −64;

    // assign final motor output values
    m1_speed = 64 + motor_1_out;
    m2_speed = 192 + motor_2_out;

    m1_speed = 0;
    m2_speed = 0;

  // write the final output values to the Sabertooth via SoftwareSerial
  mySerial.print(m1_speed, BYTE);
mySerial.print(m2_speed, BYTE);

void time_stamp(){
  // check to make sure it has been exactly 50 milliseconds since the last recorded time-stamp
  while((millis() - last_cycle) < 50){
  // once the loop cycle reaches 50 mS, reset timer value and proceed
  cycle_time = millis() - last_cycle;
  last_cycle = millis();


void serial_print_stuff(){
  // Debug with the Serial monitor

  Serial.print("Accel: ");
  Serial.print(accel_angle);  // print the accelerometer angle
  Serial.print("  ");

  Serial.print("Gyro: ");
  Serial.print(gyro_angle);   // print the gyro angle
  Serial.print("  ");

  Serial.print(  "Filtered: ");
  Serial.print(angle);   // print the filtered angle
  Serial.print("  ");

  Serial.print(" time: ");
  Serial.print(cycle_time); // print the loop cycle time
  Serial.println("    ");

  /*  these values are commented out, unless testing
  Serial.print("o/m: ");
  Serial.println("  ");

  Serial.print("steer_val: ");
  Serial.print("  ");

  Serial.print("steer_reading: ");
  Serial.print("  ");

  Serial.print("m1/m2: ");

//End Code

With the code loaded to the Arduino, it is time to begin testing.


When testing, place Seg-bot on a crate or box so that the wheels are not touching the ground. This makes testing the bot much safer so there will be no danger of it moving. A few values can be reversed and might need adjusting. I loaded the code to the Arduino and tested the IMU before installing it into the Seg-bot to make sure the Arduino read the angle values properly.

After I powered the Seg-bot for the first time, I immediately noticed that one of the wheels was spinning backward when I tilted the Seg-bot forward, so I had to reverse the wires connected to the Sabertooth for that motor. I then tested the steering potentiometer to make sure the wheels turned appropriately when the steering knob was turned. After verifying some of the basics of how the Seg-bot should work, and making sure the motors didn't spin excessively fast when the bot was tilted, I decided to give it a test drive.

Upon boarding the Seg-bot for the first time (cautiously), I felt right at home with the motors responding to my every move, keeping me level. After a few minutes of getting used to the steering control, I was zipping around my basement and garage like I had a new best friend (see Figure 11-33). A quick test drive to the mailbox proved that the Seg-bot would easily climb a steep hill and a curious ride through the backyard surprised me with smooth handling over bumps, holes, and even a few tree limbs!

Me playing on my new Seg-bot...Look Ma, no hands!

Figure 11.33. Me playing on my new Seg-bot...Look Ma, no hands!

Happy balancing!


This chapter used the Arduino to make a balancing Segway-type scooter. Using an accelerometer and a gyroscope to obtain angle measurements, the Arduino can determine what speed and direction to command each motor to stay upright. By adding a few potentiometers and a button switch, you made a small control panel for steering and gain inputs and an Engage button to keep the Seg-bot inactive when not being ridden. Because of the large gear motors and metal frame, this robot can carry several hundred pounds and can traverse both indoor and outdoor terrain. Be careful when riding the Seg-bot, and mind those around you; this is a powerful and dangerous robot and should be handled carefully.

The next chapter builds a high-speed, four-wheel drive robot that bites if you get too close. Keep reading to see why the Battle-bot doesn't play well with others.


You can find several examples online of various DIY balancing scooters and balancing robots. Much of the information is quite technical for the angle calculations; although, a few sources were easy to understand and might better explain some of the complicated concepts in this chapter: paper was written by an MIT undergraduate and is extremely helpful to better understand how to combine the readings from each sensor of the IMU (gyro and accelerometer). It is full of helpful graphs and illustrations. website showcases the projects of Mr. John Dingley and his many self-balancing scooters and skateboards. You an review some insightful angle filtering concepts here as well.

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