Appendix 24

Meeting Minutes Template and Sample Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes


Project Name:

Team or Committee Name:

Date and Time of Meeting:

Meeting Location (building, room, etc.):

Team Members Attending:

Team Members Absent:


Anyone who is not on the team but who was invited and could not attend.


This includes anyone who is not on the team but who was invited, plus walk-ins who were not originally invited.


Sample Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Enterprises, Inc.

Transformation Project

Project Core Team

July 6, 2006 at 0930

Conference Room 1

Team Members Attending:

Emmett Walsh, Gary Sensei, Karen Phillips, John Smith, Bob Wang, Mike Zambruski

Team Members Absent:

Stacy Peters


George Escobar


Wendy Jersey

Agenda Item


Action/Follow-up(assignee & due date)

Process flows (“As Is”)

•  Services—weekly meetings are still occurring, progress is steady, 4 service categories are completely mapped in an Excel table; next will be flow diagrams

•  Capital—progress is steady, 40 flows have been mapped, additional 16 pertain to members’ hospital processes

•  Supplies—processes mapping is being completed in time for phase 1 implementation (8/14/06)

•  None

Project teams’ Statements of Work

•  Services and Capital working teams will modify their SOWs to state that current target dates will be delayed due to redeployment of DBMS expertise to DBMS implementation. However, precise amount of delay is not yet certain, since it depends on when DBMS resources are again available to the Capital and Services working teams.

•  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) presented at 7/3/06 Exec. Team Mtg. will be incorporated into SOWs as deliverable metrics to the extent that they apply to the current scope of work. In those cases where applicability of KPI is uncertain for the Program Transformation, or where incorporating them impacts the existing scope of work, guidance from the Exec. Team will be sought.

•  Subteam leaders (John, Karen, Gary, George, Emmett) will modify dates by next meeting (7/13/06).

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