Appendix 15

Issues/Risk Management Plan Template

<<Project Name>>

ATTACHMENT D to the Statement of Work

Issues/Risk Management Plan

1.  Any elements of conflict or uncertainty that can impact project success will be identified and proactively managed for optimal results. The primary mechanism for this process will be the Issues/Risk Log (Attachment E to the standard Statement of Work).

2.  The Issues/Risk Log will provide the following information at a minimum for all OPEN items:

a.  organizational unit(s) affected

b.  unique number assigned to each item in the log

c.  full item description

d.  person identifying the item

e.  date entered into the log

f.  estimated impact on the project scope, schedule, budget, or deliverables

g.  estimated likelihood or probability of occurrence

h.  preliminary action needed, together with person assigned to manage the action

i.  ready status (red/yellow/green)

j.  regularly scheduled summaries of progress to date (e.g., weekly, monthly, etc.)

3.  The Issues/Risk Log will provide the following information at a minimum for all CLOSED items:

a.  organizational unit(s) affected

b.  original number assigned to the item being closed

c.  full item description

d.  person who originally identified the item

e.  date originally entered into the OPEN log

f.  date closed

g.  person closing the item

h.  reason for closure

4.  The entire Issues/Risk Log will be updated at least once per week and will constitute a standing agenda item at all project team meetings, regardless of their frequency.

5.  No-fault escalation to the next higher level of management will occur when any issues or risks remain open for longer than the maximum period allowable for the project, as specified in the Escalation Policy (Attachment F to the standard Statement of Work).

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