Appendix 22

Communications Plan Template

1.  Format for communications. The project manager will distribute guidelines and templates for use in all official project communications, both internal and external.

2.  Media. All official project communications will be distributed in written form, either in the text body of an e-mail or as an e-mail attachment. Copies will be retained in the project repository at Web site (insert URL of Web site). Voice messages will always be supported with e-mails.

3.  Points of control. The project manager or his or her designee will coordinate all communication that involves the entire project team and any external partners. Team leaders will ensure that communication within and between teams follows this Communications Plan.

4.  Kick-off meeting. The project manager will arrange a project kick-off session involving all stakeholders to review in detail the Statement of Work as soon as it has been completed.

5.  Biweekly project team sessions. Every other week, at a time to be determined, the entire project team identified in paragraph 2 of the Statement of Work will meet to review the following items at a minimum:

a.  overall status of individual action plans

b.  completeness of documentation

c.  risk management

d.  outstanding escalations

e.  status of testing and training, as needed or applicable.

6.  Weekly status sessions. Each week, on a day to be determined, the project team leaders will meet at least by phone for 30 minutes to report on the following:

a.  progress of assigned action items currently due, according to the project plan

b.  new risks

c.  new escalations.

7.  Meeting minutes. The project manager (or alternate) will post minutes from all project-level meetings in the Web-based repository identified for this project. See SOW Attachment H, Documentation Protocol. Team leaders will be responsible for posting minutes to meetings that they conduct.

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