Appendix 11

Sample Completed Statement of Work

Statement of Work



1. Project Description

a.  Goal—Organize, coordinate, and control the relocation and resumption of the following services from their current base in the town courthouse to the new facilities provided by the Municipal Expansion capital project:

•  Emergency public safety communications, including radio, wireless telephone, and digital data transfer

•  Medical emergency transportation to four local hospitals and one regional center, including both ground and air routes

(1)  This project will support the strategic goal of providing state-of-the-art public safety and medical response services to the community.

(2)  A significant risk stressed by the senior management team involves the potential disruption to continuous service that could arise during the transition from the old to the new location.

b.  Approach—A distributed management approach will apply, as follows:

(1)  Central coordination will be provided by Michael Zambruski (project management).

(2)  Senior executives from the Municipal Emergency Preparedness Office, local law enforcement jurisdictions, and affected medical institutions will coordinate the following activities within their respective organizations:

•  Comprehensive transition action plans for operations during the pre-move, move, and post-move periods. A template is included in Attachment C. These must be in line with the overall logistics and construction schedules.

•  Coordination with interdisciplinary and support services for both the pre-move and post-move periods. See the project team roster and Task-Team Matrix in section 2 Project Leadership Team in this SOW.

•  Workflow diagrams (for both existing “AS IS” workflows in the current space, as well as planned “TO BE” workflows in the new space).

•  Identification and management of ongoing issues and risks (see Attachment E).

•  Contingency plans for worst-case scenarios.

c.  Tactics

(1)  A Transition Leadership Team will consist of the senior executives referenced in section 2 Project Leadership Team in this SOW.

(2)  An Operations Team will be formed for each area being moved and will consist of key management and staff personnel who will be responsible for coordinating the details of the move.

(3)  Status meetings will be held biweekly to ensure steady, efficient progress. More frequent sessions will occur as deemed appropriate.

(4)  Each area affected by the move will prepare a comprehensive transition action plan to be used as the primary control and tracking device throughout the project. See Attachment C.

(5)  A formal escalation process is included in Attachment F.

(6)  Project documentation will be stored on a shared drive with access limited to team members and their delegates.

(7)  A formal communication plan has been developed and is being managed by the Emergency Preparedness Communications Department.

(8)  Risks and issues will be formally identified and managed by each area being moved.

(9)  Testing will occur via rehearsals using mock facilities.

(10)  Training on new equipment will be coordinated by Municipal Engineering.

d.  Priorities are reflected in the sequence for moving equipment, furnishings, and functionality, as follows (dates are preliminary, and workflows plus contingencies are critical):

(1)  Wednesday, 1/23/08—Emergency Preparedness Administration moves into new space.

(2)  Saturday, 1/26/08 (hourly schedules to be developed)

•  Emergency communications equipment will relocate from the old into the new space.

•  Ambulance service relocation to the new space will be complete.

•  Medical clinic will reopen in new space.

(3)  Sunday, 1/27/08 (hourly schedules to be developed)

•  All new emergency calls will coordinate through the new location, to include local hospital communications (ground and air).

•  New helipad will open.

e.  Milestones—See project plan in Attachment C.

f.  Out of scope—The following activities are outside the scope of this project but will require coordination to ensure overall success:

(1)  Emergency vehicle issues and tasks not related to communications or transport routes.

(2)  Consolidation of ambulance services into new space.

(3)  Completion of medical clinic in new space.

(4)  Readiness of new helipad.

2. Project Leadership Team



3. Success Criteria

a.  Key deliverables—The success of the project will depend on executing detailed transition action plans that are coordinated with interdisciplinary and support departments; preparing workflow diagrams that clearly communicate processes and roles; maintaining risk and issue logs that track challenges to successful completion; preparing contingency plans that account for simultaneous operations and worst-case scenarios; and conducting realistic rehearsals prior to actual moves. The ultimate deliverable for this project is a validated instance of smooth communications during a public safety or medical emergency in the town.

b.  Traceability to Business Requirements Document (BRD)

Business Requirement

User Requirement

Project Deliverable

Provide state-of-the-art public safety and medical response services to the community with minimal disruption to on-going services.

1.  Floor space layout that optimizes staff efficiency.

2.  Preserve or enhance operations in new space.

3.  Successful simultaneous operation of Emergency Communications Office at two locations for no more than one day.

1.  Provide floor plans & detailed space layout for familiarization.

2.  Find or construct process maps for AS IS and TO BE operations.

3.  Plan and rehearse simultaneous operation of Emergency Communications Office in old and new space for up to one day.

c.  Quality metrics—Project team meetings will serve as the primary forum to gauge the quality and progress in each of the above deliverables.

4. Assumptions

a.  The dates currently shown in the Priorities section of this SOW are preliminary as of 10/2006. However, if they move, they will most likely do so in weekly increments.

b.  Participation from all elements of each department will be uniform.

5. Constraints

a.  Communication equipment configurations have been frozen and no further changes are open.

b.  Planning and execution of transition work is in addition to normal municipal operations and will require priority management and labor overtime for success.

6. Change Control Process

Any substantive changes to any part of this project will follow a formal, documented process that includes all stakeholders, to ensure proper participation and consensus. The following change request form will facilitate this process.



<<List any attachments below>>




A.  Business Requirements Document (Project Assessment Form)


B.  Project Budget Details—$1,695,000. See minutes of Town Hall Meeting from June 1, 2006.

C.  Project Plan—Individual project plans provided by each of the three areas that are moving. Following is a project plan template.


D.  Risk Management—All risks will be recorded in the Risk Log, assigned a priority level (red/yellow/green), and managed to completion. Red risks that pass an assigned due date will be subject to escalation in accordance with Attachment F below.

E.  Risk Log—Templates are following. The official log is posted on the shared drive (see Documentation Protocol, Attachment H).



F.  Escalation Policy—Emergency Communications System

Tasks, issues, and decisions that involve negotiable or debatable viewpoints identified as red in the Issues Log must reach resolution within one week, or they must automatically escalate to the next higher level of management for arbitration. Escalations will be documented via e-mail to all involved/affected parties. The final level of escalation will be James Kirkpatrick (Mayor).

G.  Communications Plan—A comprehensive, detailed communications plan is available from The Emergency Preparedness Office.

H.  Documentation Protocol—Emergency Communications System

Shared storage space named Emergency Comm Sys Upgrade has been created on drive TOWNPUBSAFETY01 with access limited to project team members. Folders on the drive include:

•  Project and team organization—to include the Statement of Work, Task-Team Matrix, and other project-level documents

•  Transition plans and schedules—detailed action plans from each department for operations during the premove, move, and post-move periods

•  Meeting agendas and minutes

•  Workflow documents—diagrams for both existing “AS IS” workflows in the current environment as well as planned “TO BE” workflows in the new environment

•  Contingency plans—plans that account for simultaneous operations and for worst-case scenarios

•  Issues and risks—including the project Issues Log

•  Miscellaneous—for documents that do not fit into any other folder categories

•  Archives—Use it to store early/obsolete versions of project files so that we can refer back to them if need be. All of the files in this folder have the prefix “Archive-” appended to the original file name, which makes it easy both to identify them and to keep them distinct from the current version which is posted in one of the other main folders.

I.  Test Strategy—Rehearsals in mock facilities will be available in late-November/early December.

J.  Training Strategy—Training on new equipment will be available and is being coordinated by the Municipal Engineering Department. The completed schedule will be posted as Attachment J in this statement of work.






Cicely Tangery

Director, Municipal Emergency Preparedness

Municipal Coordinator

October 15, 2006

Sgt. Edward Jenkins

Emergency Officer

Coordinator, Precinct No. 1

October 15, 2006

Lt. Emily Harris

Emergency Officer

Coordinator, Precinct No. 1

October 15, 2006

Grayson Edwards

Assistant Administrator

Coordinator, City Memorial

October 15, 2006

Paul Jenkins

VP Operations

Coordinator, County General

October 15, 2006

Dr. Lauren Fields

Medical Director, Emergency Department

Coordinator, University Medical Center

October 15, 2006

Katherine Thompson

Director, Emergency Department

Coordinator, Westside Medical Center

October 15, 2006

Sister Mary Pancratia

Senior Director, Emergency Department

Coordinator, St Mary’s Hoppital

October 15, 2006

Michael Zambruski

Director, Project Management Office


October 15, 2006

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